CovidResearchTrials by Shray Alag

CovidResearchTrials Covid 19 Research using Clinical Trials (Home Page)

Experimental: Questionnaire without precaution informationWiki

Developed by Shray Alag
Clinical Trial MeSH HPO Drug Gene SNP Protein Mutation

Correlated Drug Terms (2)

Name (Synonyms) Correlation
drug2679 Wait list time Wiki 1.00
drug1985 Questionnaire with precaution information Wiki 1.00

Correlated MeSH Terms (1)

Name (Synonyms) Correlation
D015179 Colorectal Neoplasms NIH 1.00

Correlated HPO Terms (1)

Name (Synonyms) Correlation
HP:0100834 Neoplasm of the large intestine HPO 1.00

There is one clinical trial.

Clinical Trials

1 Blood Donor Recruitment During Epidemic of COVID-19 in Guangzhou, China

In December 2019, an unknown pneumonia rapidly spread in Wuhan, China, a new coronavirus, 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), aroused the attention of the entire world. On January 31, 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) announced the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in China as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. The number of volunteer non-remunerated blood donors decreased because of quarantine, caring for relatives, and fear of exposure to COVID-19. Due to the blood shortage, patient blood management and cessation of elective surgery are contributing to decreased demand, but sepsis may increase requirements and significant reductions will not be possible in areas such as trauma, cancer patients, hereditary haemolytic anaemias and childbirth. Therefore, recruiting enough blood donors during the epidemic is vital for public health in China, and also worldwide. In order to assess the effects of a questionnaire on blood donor recruitment, the investigators designed two kinds of self-administered, standardized and structured questionnaires. In addition of the basic socio-demographic characteristics, one questionnaire includes the information of precautions of blood donation during epidemic, and the other dose not. The questionnaires were randomly sent to ever blood donors, and the same number of ever blood donors are coded as control.

NCT04306055 Blood Donation Other: Questionnaire with precaution information Other: Experimental: Questionnaire without precaution information

Primary Outcomes

Description: Compare participants' intention of blood donation after they read different information in the questionnaire.

Measure: Differences of attitude about blood donation towards different questionnaires

Time: 1 day

Secondary Outcomes

Description: Blood donation rate of 3 groups will be followed

Measure: Rates of blood donation during 3 weeks

Time: 3 weeks

No related HPO nodes (Using clinical trials)