SNPMiner Trials by Shray Alag

SNPMiner SNPMiner Trials (Home Page)

Report for SNP rs10246939

Developed by Shray Alag, 2020.
SNP Clinical Trial Gene

There is one clinical trial.

Clinical Trials

1 Vegetables Intake and Polymorphism TAS2R38 Gene by Healthy Adults

The main goal of the project is to test whether the TAS2R38 polymorphism affects the effectiveness of dietary intervention aimed at increasing the consumption of vegetables and citrus fruits.

NCT04145453 Healthy Lifestyle Taste Disorders Diet Habit Behavioral: Intervention
MeSH:Taste Disorders

genotyping of polymorphism TAS2R38 gene (rsr713598, rs1726866, and rs10246939).

Primary Outcomes

Description: Change in frequency of vegatables intake within the group and between the groups; Block vegetables intake screener

Measure: Vegetables intake

Time: Baseline, 8 weeks

Description: genotyping of polymorphism TAS2R38 gene (rsr713598, rs1726866, and rs10246939)

Measure: TAS2R38 polymorphism

Time: baseline

Secondary Outcomes

Description: change in body mass (kg) within the group and between the groups

Measure: Body Mass (BM)

Time: Baseline, 8 weeks

Description: change in FFM (kg) within the group and between the groups

Measure: Fat free mass (FFM)

Time: Baseline, 8 weeks

Description: change in Fat Mass % within the group and between the groups

Measure: Fat Mass (FM) %

Time: Baseline, 8 weeks

Description: Change in WC (cm) within the group and between the groups

Measure: Waist circumference (WC)

Time: Baseline, 8 weeks

Description: Changes in TChol (mg/dl) within the group and between the groups

Measure: Total Cholesterol (TChol)

Time: Baseline, 8 weeks

Description: Changes in LDL-Chol (mg/dl) within the group and between the groups

Measure: LDL Cholesterol(LDL-Chol)

Time: Baseline, 8 weeks

Description: Changes in HDL-Chol (mg/dl) within the group and between the groups

Measure: HDL Cholesterol (HDL-Chol)

Time: Baseline, 8 weeks

Description: Changes in TG (mg/dl) within groups and between groups

Measure: Triglycerides (TG)

Time: Baseline, 8 week

Description: Changes in GLU (mg/dl) within the group and between the groups

Measure: Glucose (GLU)

Time: Baseline, 8 weeks

Description: Changes in INS (ulU/ml) within the group and between the groups

Measure: Insulin (INS)

Time: Baseline, 8 weeks

Description: Changes in ALAT (U/l) within the group and between the groups

Measure: Alanine transaminase (ALAT)

Time: Baseline, 8 weeks

Description: Changes in ASPAT (U/l) within the group and between the groups

Measure: aspartate aminotransferase (ASPAT)

Time: Baseline, 8 weeks

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