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  • HP:0002578: Gastroparesis
  • Pneumonia (359) Respiratory tract infection (38) Neoplasm (36) Abnormality of the cardiovascular system (34) Diabetes mellitus (33) Depressivity (29) Acute kidney injury (27) Hypoxemia (26) Hypertension (24) Abnormal lung morphology (24) Thromboembolism (22) Anosmia (20) Myocardial infarction (20) Arthritis (19) Type II diabetes mellitus (18) Stroke (16) Pulmonary embolism (16) Mental deterioration (15) Abnormality of coagulation (15) Pulmonary fibrosis (15) Chronic pulmonary obstruction (15) Abnormality of the kidney (14) Autistic behavior (14) Rheumatoid arthritis (14) Leukemia (14) Interstitial pneumonitis (14) Pulmonary obstruction (14) Asthma (13) Chronic pain (13) Congestive heart failure (12) Deep venous thrombosis (12) Neoplasm of the lung (12) Autism (11) Obesity (11) Respiratory distress (11) Colitis (11) Ulcerative colitis (11) Crohn's disease (11) Type I diabetes mellitus (10) Abnormality of the liver (9) Coronary artery atherosclerosis (9) Inflammation of the large intestine (9) Pulmonary insufficiency (9) Chronic kidney disease (9) Myocarditis (9) Behavioral abnormality (8) Psychosis (8) Dementia (8) Alzheimer disease (8) Carcinoma (8) Low levels of vitamin D (8) Sepsis (8) Infertility (7) Peripheral arterial stenosis (7) Renal insufficiency (6) Lymphopenia (6) Dysphagia (6) Lymphoma (6) Systemic lupus erythematosus (6) Osteoarthritis (6) Breast carcinoma (6) Psoriasiform dermatitis (6) Abnormality of the gastrointestinal tract (6) Fatigue (6) Encephalopathy (5) Premature birth (5) Bronchiectasis (5) Difficulty walking (5) Gastroparesis (5) Immunodeficiency (5) Obstructive sleep apnea (5) Autoimmunity (5) Knee osteoarthritis (5) Sleep apnea (5) Prostate cancer (5) Allergy (5) Non-small cell lung carcinoma (5) Schizophrenia (5) Neoplasm of the large intestine (5) Seizure (4) Hepatic fibrosis (4) Cardiac arrest (4) Weight loss (4) Migraine (4) Pulmonary arterial hypertension (4) Abnormal intestine morphology (4) Neoplasm of the pancreas (4) Colon cancer (4) Malnutrition (4) Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (4) Disseminated intravascular coagulation (4) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (4) Inflammatory abnormality of the skin (4) Neoplasm of head and neck (4) Endometriosis (4) Addictive behavior (4) Hypercoagulability (4) Insomnia (4) Obsessive-compulsive behavior (3) Eczema (3) Atopic dermatitis (3) Spastic diplegia (3) Abnormal heart morphology (3) Cardiomyopathy (3) Fever (3) Hypothermia (3) Headache (3) Celiac disease (3) Reduced factor VIII activity (3) Lymphoid leukemia (3) Renal cell carcinoma (3) Abnormal anterior horn cell morphology (3) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (3) Cystoid macular edema (3) Arrhythmia (3) Cutaneous melanoma (3) Pulmonary edema (3) Ovarian neoplasm (3) Neuroendocrine neoplasm (3) Hypogeusia (2) Hearing impairment (2) Abnormality of the eye (2) Visual impairment (2) Conjunctivitis (2) Cataract (2) Uveitis (2) Agoraphobia (2) Abnormality of the endocrine system (2) Abnormality of the skin (2) Jaundice (2) Lymphedema (2) Spasticity (2) Meningitis (2) Abnormal joint morphology (2) Hepatic steatosis (2) Hepatic failure (2) Tachycardia (2) Angina pectoris (2) Pancreatitis (2) Abnormality of blood and blood-forming tissues (2) Thrombocytopenia (2) Autoimmune thrombocytopenia (2) Gout (2) Diarrhea (2) Gastroesophageal reflux (2) Apnea (2) Neurodegeneration (2) Alopecia of scalp (2) Mutism (2) Transient ischemic attack (2) Hyperkinetic movements (2) Polyphagia (2) Hypotension (2) Atherosclerosis (2) Hypoventilation (2) Squamous cell carcinoma (2) Myelodysplasia (2) Back pain (2) Low back pain (2) Muscular dystrophy (2) Stillbirth (2) Acute myeloid leukemia (2) Lymphoproliferative disorder (2) Myeloproliferative disorder (2) Multiple myeloma (2) Intervertebral disc degeneration (2) Stridor (2) Postprandial hyperglycemia (2) Hemeralopia (2) Arteritis (2) Hepatitis (2) Glioblastoma multiforme (2) Cervix cancer (2) Small cell lung carcinoma (2) Endocarditis (2) Toxemia of pregnancy (2) Myositis (2) Mania (2) Urinary retention (1) Urinary incontinence (1) Nephritis (1) Menorrhagia (1) Xerostomia (1) Otitis media (1) Conductive hearing impairment (1) Amblyopia (1) Periodontitis (1) IgA deposition in the glomerulus (1) Enuresis (1) Hypoparathyroidism (1) Adrenal insufficiency (1) Hyperaldosteronism (1) Osteopenia (1) Urticaria (1) Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum (1) Cholecystitis (1) Keratoconjunctivitis (1) Intellectual disability (1) Hemiparesis (1) Polyneuropathy (1) Syncope (1) Cerebral hemorrhage (1) Hepatocellular carcinoma (1) Intrauterine growth retardation (1) Hoarse voice (1) Dysphonia (1) Weak voice (1) Sudden cardiac death (1) Aortic valve stenosis (1) Bradycardia (1) Torsade de pointes (1) Atrioventricular block (1) Premature rupture of membranes (1) Dehydration (1) Constipation (1) Anorexia (1) Esophageal varix (1) Chorea (1) Status epilepticus (1) Subarachnoid hemorrhage (1) Abnormality of the spinal cord (1) Memory impairment (1) Encephalitis (1) Spina bifida (1) Language impairment (1) Waddling gait (1) Increased intracranial pressure (1) Biliary cirrhosis (1) Dilatation (1) Osteomyelitis (1) Central apnea (1) Hypokalemia (1) Hyponatremia (1) Hyperphosphatemia (1) Skeletal muscle atrophy (1) Male infertility (1) Spondylolisthesis (1) Myalgia (1) Bruxism (1) Neonatal death (1) Increased body weight (1) Intermittent claudication (1) Thrombophlebitis (1) Chronic bronchitis (1) Ventricular tachycardia (1) Acute myelomonocytic leukemia (1) Dilatation of the cerebral artery (1) Coronary artery stenosis (1) Venous insufficiency (1) Chronic lymphatic leukemia (1) Abnormality of bone marrow cell morphology (1) Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (1) Intraalveolar phospholipid accumulation (1) Neoplasm of the genitourinary tract (1) Neoplasm of the skin (1) Female infertility (1) Benign prostatic hyperplasia (1) Hip osteoarthritis (1) Bladder neoplasm (1) Stomatitis (1) Uterine neoplasm (1) Intestinal atresia (1) Placental abruption (1) Sinus tachycardia (1) Bronchiolitis (1) Erythroid hypoplasia (1) Asterixis (1) Hodgkin lymphoma (1) B-cell lymphoma (1) Ciliary dyskinesia (1) Myeloid leukemia (1) Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (1) Morphea (1) Bronchitis (1) Hypercapnia (1) Pain (1) Retinal vein occlusion (1) Vasovagal syncope (1) Heart block (1) Cough (1) Neonatal asphyxia (1) Dyspareunia (1) Heart murmur (1) Cardiogenic shock (1) Cholangitis (1) Cholangiocarcinoma (1) Vulvar neoplasm (1) Neonatal sepsis (1) Glue ear (1) Abnormality of movement (1) Subdural hemorrhage (1) Biliary tract neoplasm (1) Nasal polyposis (1) Eclampsia (1) Esophagitis (1) Vaginal neoplasm (1) Cellulitis (1) Angioedema (1) Self-injurious behavior (1) Gastrointestinal stroma tumor (1) Bulimia (1) Neoplasm of the rectum (1) Chest pain (1) Atelectasis (1) Lymphocytosis (1) Polymenorrhea (1)

    HP:0002578: Gastroparesis

    Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
    Sections: Correlations, Clinical Trials, and HPO

    Correlations computed by analyzing all clinical trials.

    Navigate: Clinical Trials and HPO

    Correlated Drug Terms (5)

    Name (Synonyms) Correlation
    drug3312 Relamorelin Wiki 0.77
    drug3865 TAK-906 Maleate Placebo Wiki 0.45
    drug3313 Relamorelin 10 μg Wiki 0.45
    Name (Synonyms) Correlation
    drug3864 TAK-906 Maleate Wiki 0.45
    drug2916 Placebo Wiki 0.06

    Correlated MeSH Terms (1)

    Name (Synonyms) Correlation
    D018589 Gastroparesis NIH 1.00

    Correlated HPO Terms (0)

    Name (Synonyms) Correlation

    Clinical Trials

    Navigate: Correlations   HPO

    There are 5 clinical trials

    1 A 12-week, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Phase 3 Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Relamorelin in Patients With Diabetic Gastroparesis

    This study will evaluate the safety and efficacy of Relamorelin compared to placebo in patients with diabetic gastroparesis. Patients will report daily severity scores of their diabetic gastroparesis symptoms.

    1. Gastroparesis
    2. Diabetes Mellitus
    1. Drug: Relamorelin
    2. Drug: Placebo

    Primary Outcomes

    Description: Patients will assess severity of diabetic gastroparesis symptoms daily using an 11-point ordinal scale with 0 being least and 10 being the worst possible score. Patients will enter the score using an electronic diary.

    Measure: To compare the efficacy of relamorelin with placebo in participants with respect to their diabetic gastroparesis symptoms during the 12 weeks of treatment

    Time: Baseline, 12 Weeks

    Description: Vomiting episodes will be patient-recorded daily using an electronic diary.

    Measure: Percentage of patients meeting the vomiting symptom responder criterion in each of the last 6 of the 12 weeks of treatment

    Time: 12 Weeks

    Secondary Outcomes

    Description: A Nausea Responder is defined as an improvement of at least 2-points in the weekly symptom scores for nausea at each of the last 6 weeks of the 12-week Treatment Period. Nausea is assessed on an 11-point ordinal scale from 0 to 10, with 0 meaning no nausea, and 10 meaning the worst possible nausea.

    Measure: Percentage of Patients Meeting the Nausea Responder Criterion

    Time: Baseline to Week 12

    Description: An Abdominal Pain Responder is defined as an improvement of at least 2-points in the weekly symptom scores for Abdominal Pain at each of the last 6 weeks of the 12-week Treatment Period. Abdominal Pain is assessed on an 11-point ordinal scale from 0 to 10, with 0 meaning no abdominal Pain, and 10 meaning the worst possible abdominal pain.

    Measure: Percentage of Patients Meeting the Abdominal Pain Responder Criterion

    Time: Baseline to Week 12

    Description: A Bloating Responder is defined as an improvement of at least 2-points in the weekly symptom scores for bloating at each of the last 6 weeks of the 12-week Treatment Period. Bloating is assessed on an 11-point ordinal scale from 0 to 10, with 0 meaning no bloating, and 10 meaning the worst possible bloating.

    Measure: Percentage of Patients Meeting the Bloating Responder Criterion

    Time: Baseline to Week 12

    Description: A Postprandial Fullness Responder is defined as an improvement of at least 2-points in the weekly symptom scores for Postprandial Fullness at each of the last 6 weeks of the 12-week Treatment Period. Postprandial Fullness is assessed on an 11-point ordinal scale from 0 to 10, with 0 meaning no feeling of fullness until finishing a meal, and 10 meaning felling full after only a few bites

    Measure: Percentage of Patients Meeting the Postprandial Fullness Responder Criterion

    Time: Baseline to Week 12

    Description: The number of patients who experienced one or more TEAE during the 12 week treatment period.

    Measure: Number of Patients who experienced one or more Treatment Emergent Adverse Event (TEAE)

    Time: Baseline to Week 12
    2 A 52-week, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Phase 3 Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Relamorelin in Patients With Diabetic Gastroparesis

    A 52-week study to compare the efficacy of relamorelin with that of placebo in participants with diabetic gastroparesis (DG) with respect to the core signs and symptoms of diabetic gastroparesis.

    1. Gastroparesis
    2. Diabetes Mellitus
    1. Drug: Relamorelin
    2. Drug: Placebo

    Primary Outcomes

    Description: Participants will assess severity of diabetic gastroparesis symptoms daily using an 11-point ordinal scale with 0 being least and 10 being the worst possible score using an electronic diary

    Measure: Change from Baseline to Week 12 in the weekly Diabetic Gastroparesis Symptom Severity Score (DGSSS)

    Time: Baseline to Week 12

    Description: Participants will assess severity of diabetic gastroparesis symptoms daily using an 11-point ordinal scale with 0 being least and 10 being the worst possible score using an electronic diary

    Measure: Change from Baseline to Week 52 in weekly average DGSSS

    Time: Baseline to Week 52

    Description: Incidence of AEs

    Measure: Number of participants with adverse events (AEs)

    Time: Baseline to Week 52

    Description: The number of participants who experienced CS clinical laboratory values during the 52 week treatment period

    Measure: Number of clinically significant (CS) clinical laboratory values

    Time: Baseline to Week 52

    Description: The number of participants who experienced CS vital sign values during the 52 week treatment period

    Measure: Vital sign values (heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and temperature)

    Time: Baseline to Week 52

    Description: The number of participants who experienced CS ECG values during the 52 week treatment period

    Measure: Electrocardiogram (ECG) Heart Rate

    Time: Baseline to Week 52

    Description: The number of participants who experienced CS ECG values during the 52 week treatment period

    Measure: ECG PR Interval

    Time: Baseline to Week 52

    Description: The number of participants who experienced CS ECG values during the 52 week treatment period

    Measure: ECG QRS Interval

    Time: Baseline to Week 52

    Description: The number of participants who experienced CS ECG values during the 52 week treatment period

    Measure: ECG QT Interval

    Time: Baseline to Week 52

    Description: The number of participants who experienced CS ECG values during the 52 week treatment period

    Measure: ECG QTc Interval

    Time: Baseline to Week 52

    Description: The number of participants who experienced CS HbA1c levels during the 52 week treatment period

    Measure: Change from Baseline in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels

    Time: Baseline to Week 52

    Description: The number of participants who experienced anti-relamorelin antibodies during the 52 week treatment period

    Measure: Change from Baseline in anti-relamorelin antibodies

    Time: Baseline to Week 52
    3 A 12-week, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Phase 3 Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Relamorelin in Patients With Diabetic Gastroparesis

    This study will evaluate the safety and efficacy of Relamorelin compared to placebo in patients with diabetic gastroparesis. Patients will report daily severity scores of their diabetic gastroparesis symptoms.

    1. Gastroparesis
    2. Diabetes Mellitus
    1. Drug: Relamorelin
    2. Drug: Placebo

    Primary Outcomes

    Description: Patients will assess severity of diabetic gastroparesis symptoms daily using an 11-point ordinal scale with 0 being least and 10 being the worst possible score. Patients will enter the score using an electronic diary.

    Measure: To compare the efficacy of relamorelin with placebo in participants with respect to their diabetic gastroparesis symptoms during the 12 weeks of treatment

    Time: Baseline to Week 12

    Description: Vomiting episodes will be patient-recorded daily using an electronic diary.

    Measure: Percentage of patients meeting the vomiting symptom responder criterion in each of the last 6 of the 12 weeks of treatment

    Time: Baseline to Week 12

    Secondary Outcomes

    Description: A Nausea Responder is defined as an improvement of at least 2-points in the weekly symptom scores for nausea at each of the last 6 weeks of the 12-week Treatment Period. Nausea is assessed on an 11-point ordinal scale from 0 to 10, with 0 meaning no nausea, and 10 meaning the worst possible nausea.

    Measure: Percentage of Patients Meeting the Nausea Responder Criterion

    Time: Baseline to Week 12

    Description: An Abdominal Pain Responder is defined as an improvement of at least 2-points in the weekly symptom scores for Abdominal Pain at each of the last 6 weeks of the 12-week Treatment Period. Abdominal Pain is assessed on an 11-point ordinal scale from 0 to 10, with 0 meaning no abdominal pain, and 10 meaning the worst possible abdominal pain.

    Measure: Percentage of Patients Meeting the Abdominal Pain Responder Criterion

    Time: Baseline to Week 12

    Description: A Bloating Responder is defined as an improvement of at least 2-points in the weekly symptom scores for bloating at each of the last 6 weeks of the 12-week Treatment Period. Bloating is assessed on an 11-point ordinal scale from 0 to 10, with 0 meaning no bloating, and 10 meaning the worst possible bloating.

    Measure: Percentage of Patients Meeting the Bloating Responder Criterion

    Time: Baseline to Week 12

    Description: A Postprandial Fullness Responder is defined as an improvement of at least 2-points in the weekly symptom scores for Postprandial Fullness at each of the last 6 weeks of the 12-week Treatment Period. Postprandial Fullness is assessed on an 11-point ordinal scale from 0 to 10, with 0 meaning no feeling of fullness until finishing a meal, and 10 meaning felling full after only a few bites.

    Measure: Percentage of Patients Meeting the Postprandial Fullness Responder Criterion

    Time: Baseline to Week 12

    Description: The number of patients who experienced one or more TEAE during the 12 week treatment period.

    Measure: Number of Patients who experienced one or more Treatment Emergent Adverse Event (TEAE)

    Time: Baseline to Week 12
    4 A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group, Phase 2b Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Twice-Daily Oral Administration of a Peripherally Acting Dopamine Receptor D2/D3 Antagonist, TAK-906 for the Treatment of Adult Subjects With Symptomatic Idiopathic or Diabetic Gastroparesis

    The purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy and safety of treatment with 2 dose levels of TAK-906 in adult participants with gastroparesis compared with placebo during 12 weeks of treatment.

    1. Diabetic Gastroparesis
    2. Idiopathic Gastroparesis
    1. Drug: TAK-906 Maleate
    2. Drug: TAK-906 Maleate Placebo

    Primary Outcomes

    Description: The ANMS GCSI-DD composite score includes score of nausea, early satiety, upper abdominal pain and postprandial fullness. The severity scores of these symptoms range from 0 ( none) to 4 (very severe).

    Measure: Change From Baseline in American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society Gastroparesis Cardinal Symptom Index-Daily Diary (ANMS GCSI-DD) Composite Score at Week 12

    Time: Baseline and Week 12

    Secondary Outcomes

    Description: The ANMS GCSI-DD composite score includes score of nausea, early satiety, upper abdominal pain, and postprandial fullness. The severity scores of these symptoms range from 0 ( none) to 4 (very severe).

    Measure: Percentage of Participants with At Least 50% Reduction From Baseline in ANMS GCSI-DD Composite Score at Week 12

    Time: Baseline and Week 12

    Description: The ANMS GCSI-DD nausea symptom score ranges from 0-none to 4-very severe. High scores reflect greater symptom severity.

    Measure: Change from Baseline in the ANMS GCSI-DD Nausea Symptom Score at Week 12

    Time: Baseline and Week 12

    Description: The ANMS GCSI-DD early satiety symptom score ranges from 0-none to 4-very severe. High scores reflect greater symptom severity.

    Measure: Change from Baseline in the ANMS GCSI-DD Early Satiety Symptom Score at Week 12

    Time: Baseline and Week 12

    Description: The ANMS GCSI-DD postprandial fullness symptom score ranges from 0-none to 4-very severe. High scores reflect greater symptom severity.

    Measure: Change from Baseline in the ANMS GCSI-DD Postprandial Fullness Symptom Score at Week 12

    Time: Baseline and Week 12

    Description: The ANMS GCSI-DD upper abdominal pain symptom score ranges from 0-none to 4-very severe. High scores reflect greater symptom severity.

    Measure: Change from Baseline in the ANMS GCSI-DD Upper Abdominal Pain Symptom Score at Week 12

    Time: Baseline and Week 12

    Description: The vomiting score assesses the number of vomiting episodes during the day.

    Measure: Change from Baseline in the ANMS GCSI-DD Recorded Vomiting Frequency at Week 12

    Time: Baseline and Week 12

    Description: The ANMS GCSI-DD gastroparesis symptoms score ranges from 0-none to 4-very severe. High scores reflect greater symptom severity.

    Measure: Change from Baseline in the ANMS GCSI-DD Overall Severity of Gastroparesis Symptoms Score at Week 12

    Time: Baseline and Week 12

    Description: The ANMS GCSI-DD bloating severity scale score ranges from 0-none to 4-very severe. High scores reflect greater symptom severity.

    Measure: Change from Baseline in the ANMS GCSI-DD Bloating Severity Scale Score at Week 12

    Time: Baseline and Week 12

    Description: The ANMS GCSI-DD total score quantifies the incidence and severity of symptoms, specifically nausea, early satiety, postprandial fullness, upper abdominal pain, bloating, and vomiting.

    Measure: Change from Baseline in the ANMS GCSI-DD Total Score at Week 12

    Time: Baseline and Week 12

    Description: Symptomatic weeks are weeks with average composite symptom score assessed as >mild [ANMS GCSI-DD score ≥2] during 12 weeks of treatment.

    Measure: Percentage of Symptomatic Weeks

    Time: Up to 12 weeks

    Description: PAGI-SYM is a 20-item self-reported questionnaire that measures symptom severity of upper gastrointestinal disorders across six subscales (nausea/vomiting, fullness/early satiety, bloating, upper abdominal pain, lower abdominal pain, heartburn/regurgitation). Higher scores indicate higher symptom severity.

    Measure: Change from Baseline in the Patient Assessment of Upper Gastrointestinal Disorders-Symptom Severity Index (PAGI-SYM) Total Score at Week 12

    Time: Baseline and Week 12
    5 Open-label Extension Study of Relamorelin for the Treatment of Diabetic Gastroparesis

    This open-label study is to assess the safety of continued treatment with Relamorelin for participants who previously completed the RLM-MD-03 or RLM-MD-04 study and to provide treatment for these participants until Relamorelin becomes commercially available or the Sponsor terminates development.

    1. Gastroparesis
    1. Drug: Relamorelin 10 μg

    Primary Outcomes

    Measure: Proportion of adverse events in participants

    Time: Through study completion: up to 5 years

    Measure: Proportion of abnormal clinical laboratory values

    Time: Baseline and every 3 months for up to 5 years

    Measure: Proportion of abnormal vital signs

    Time: Baseline and every 3 months for up to 5 years

    Measure: Propotion of abnormal electrocardiograms

    Time: Baseline and final visit: up to 5 years

    HPO Nodes


    Data processed on September 26, 2020.

    An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.

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