Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
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Clinical Trials, and HPO
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Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug2098 | Multi Modal Balance Training Wiki | 0.58 |
drug2430 | Partner-assisted intervention Wiki | 0.58 |
drug3697 | WW Wiki | 0.58 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation |
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There are 3 clinical trials
Obesity is a major risk factor for mobility problems in older adults and many older adults use a walking aid to help with their mobility. The use of a walking aid changes normal walking patterns and makes walking harder, leading people to have more functional problems. The purpose of this study is to test the effects of 12 months of a multi-modal balance intervention (MMBI) with supervised weight loss compared to MMBI only on fitness, functional performance, balance, and economy of gait. Participants will be one of 120 participants in the VAMHCS. Participation in this study is voluntary. The research will be conducted at the VAMHCS. The entire study will take approximately 4 years to complete. Subjects' participation in the study will last 24 months.
Description: Distance walked during the 6 minute walking test
Measure: Change in 6 minute walk distance Time: baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 24 monthsDescription: VO2peak measured during graded exercise treadmill test to volitional fatigue
Measure: Change in VO2peak Time: baseline, 6 months, 12 months, 24 monthsDescription: 6 minute walk with submaximal assessment of oxygen uptake.
Measure: Change in 6 minute walk with VO2 measurement Time: baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 24 monthsDescription: DXA scan
Measure: Change in Muscle mass/body composition as assessed by DXA scan Time: baseline, 6 months, 12 months, 24 monthsDescription: LLDFI Questionnaires
Measure: Change in Quality of Life, LLDFI Time: baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 24 monthsDescription: Gait biomechanics as assessed by walking mechanics on the GAITmat
Measure: Change in gait biomechanics Time: baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 24 monthsDescription: Component scores of the standing balance battery, usual gait speed, and repeated chair stands (which make up the short physical performance battery test); as well as overall short physical performance battery score
Measure: Change in short physical performance battery Time: baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 24 monthsDescription: Dynamic test of balance involving change in stepping direction.
Measure: Change in four square step test Time: baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 24 monthsDescription: Time to get up from a chair and walk around a cone 8 feet away and sit back down, representing agility.
Measure: Change in 8 foot up and go Time: baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 24 monthsDescription: CT scan
Measure: Change in Muscle mass/body composition as assessed by CT scan Time: baseline, 6 months, 12 months, 24 monthsDescription: Self-reported ability to complete activities of daily living and independent activities of daily living.
Measure: Change in ADL/IADL questionnaire Time: baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 24 monthsDescription: Self-reported physical activities questionnaire.
Measure: Change in CHAMPS questionnaire Time: baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 24 monthsDescription: Questionnaire assessing global cognitive function
Measure: Change in MoCA Time: baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 24 monthsThis study involves an evaluation of the role of domestic partner support in a comprehensive weight loss initiation and maintenance program.
Description: Measured on a calibrated, digital scale to the nearest 0.1 kg, assessed every 6 months with 24 months as primary endpoint
Measure: Body weight (kg) Time: 24 monthsDescription: average estimated daily intake from ASA24 Dietary Assessment Tool, assessed every 6 months with 24 months as primary endpoint
Measure: Caloric intake (kcal) Time: 24 monthsDescription: average daily minutes of moderate activity over past 7 days from Fitbit, assessed every 6 months with 24 months as primary endpoint
Measure: Physical activity Time: 24 monthsDescription: Score based on 12-item Unidimensional Relationship Closeness Scale (1-7, strongly disagree to strongly agree) and single-item Inclusion of Other in Self scale (7 Venn diagrams)
Measure: Transformation of motivation for diet Time: 3 monthsDescription: 5 items assessed on 11-point scale ranging from 0 (not at all effective) to 10 (very effective)
Measure: Outcome efficacy for diet Time: 3 monthsDescription: 5 items assessed on 11-point scale ranging from 0 (not at all confident) to 10 (very confident)
Measure: Couple efficacy for diet Time: 3 monthsDescription: 9 items assessed on 5-point scale (never, rarely, sometimes, often, almost always)
Measure: Social support for diet Time: 3 monthsDescription: 5 items assessed on 5-point frequency scale (never, sometimes, frequently, often, very often)
Measure: Use of communal coping strategies for diet Time: 3 monthsDescription: Score based on 12-item Unidimensional Relationship Closeness Scale (1-7, strongly disagree to strongly agree) and single-item Inclusion of Other in Self scale (7 Venn diagrams)
Measure: Transformation of motivation for physical activity Time: 3 monthsDescription: 5 items assessed on 11-point scale ranging from 0 (not at all effective) to 10 (very effective)
Measure: Outcome efficacy for physical activity Time: 3 monthsDescription: 5 items assessed on 11-point scale ranging from 0 (not at all confident) to 10 (very confident)
Measure: Couple efficacy for physical activity Time: 3 monthsDescription: 9 items assessed on 5-point scale (never, rarely, sometimes, often, almost always)
Measure: Social support for physical activity Time: 3 monthsDescription: 5 items assessed on 5-point frequency scale (never, sometimes, frequently, often, very often)
Measure: Use of communal coping strategies for physical activity Time: 3 monthsThis study will compare a new weight loss program that focuses on a healthy eating pattern, with WW™ (formally Weight Watchers), an effective and widely available weight loss program. Study researchers have developed an adapted version of the Mediterranean eating pattern to be more acceptable and realistic for southerners; this adapted version is known as "Med-South." Those who take part in the study will be randomly assigned to either the Med-South weight loss program or WW™. Both programs will last for 2 years with measurement visits at the start of the study and at 4-, 12- and 24-month follow-up. While the primary outcome measured by the trial will be weight loss at 24 months, researchers will collect other data which may show additional health benefits of the Med-South diet. The study team will measure blood markers of inflammation, which are known to improve with better diet quality. Researchers will also measure participants' skin carotenoid levels, which increase with greater fruit and vegetable consumption. The study will be conducted within 2 regional catchment areas (n=360 participants) representing a diverse spectrum of patients and settings. Patients with a BMI ≥ 30 kg/m^2 will be enrolled and randomized to intervention or augmented usual care. To assure adequate subgroup representation, ≥ 40% of the sample will have diabetes, ≥ 40% will be male, and ≥ 40% will be African American. The intervention will be delivered in 3 phases over 24 months by research staff: Phase I (4 months) focuses on adopting a Med-style dietary pattern; Phase II (8 months) on weight loss; and Phase III (12 months) on weight loss maintenance. Outcomes will be assessed at 4, 12, and 24 months. The primary outcome is weight loss at 24 months. Secondary outcomes include change in physiologic, behavioral, and psychosocial measures. Researchers will also assess implementation cost and the incremental cost-effectiveness of the intervention relative to the augmented usual care group.
Description: Weight will be collected by study staff who are masked to treatment using scales tested monthly for accuracy up to 350 pounds.
Measure: Mean Weight Change from Baseline to Month 24 Time: Baseline, Month 24Description: Weight will be collected by study staff who are masked to treatment using scales tested monthly for accuracy up to 350 pounds.
Measure: Mean Weight Change from Baseline to Months 4 and 12 Time: Baseline, Months 4 and 12Description: Weight will be collected by study staff who are masked to treatment using scales tested monthly for accuracy up to 350 pounds. Change in weight will be assessed across 3 pre-specified subgroups: 1) with vs. without diabetes; 2) females vs. males; and 3) whites vs. African Americans.
Measure: Mean Weight Change from Baseline through Follow-Up by Sub-Groups Time: Baseline, Months 4, 12, and 24Description: Weight will be collected by study staff who are masked to treatment using scales tested monthly for accuracy up to 350 pounds. Assess difference between study groups in percentage losing ≥ 5% body weight for all participants and across 3 pre-specified subgroups: 1) participants with vs. without diabetes; 2) females vs. males; and 3) Whites vs. African Americans.
Measure: Percentage Weight from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Months 4, 12, and 24Description: Blood pressure assessed by Omron-907xl, average of 3 readings.
Measure: Mean Change in Systolic Blood Pressure from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Months 4, 12, and 24Description: Blood pressure assessed by Omron-907xl, average of 3 readings.
Measure: Mean Change in Diastolic Blood Pressure from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Months 4, 12, and 24Description: Total cholesterol assessed by commercial lab (LabCorp).
Measure: Mean Change in Total Cholesterol from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Month 4, 12, and 24Description: HDL-Cholesterol assessed by commercial lab (LabCorp).
Measure: Mean Change in HDL-Cholesterol from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Month 4, 12, and 24Description: Triglycerides as assessed by commercial lab (LabCorp).
Measure: Mean Change in Triglycerides from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Month 4, 12, and 24Description: Calculated from above lipid assessments by commercial lab (LabCorp).
Measure: Mean Change LDL-cholesterol from Baseline through Follow-up Time: Baseline, Month 4, 12, and 24Description: A1c assessed by commercial lab (LabCorp).
Measure: Mean Change in A1c from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Month 4, 12, and 24Description: CRP assessed by commercial lab (LabCorp).
Measure: Mean Change in CRP from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Month 4, 12, and 24Description: Assessed by independent lab blinded to participant arm.
Measure: Mean Change in IL-6 from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Month 4, 12, and 24Description: Assessed by independent lab blinded to participant arm.
Measure: Mean Change in TNF-alpha from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Month 4, 12, and 24Description: Evaluated as the sum of 3 measures assessed by veggie-meter by Longevity Link Corporation.
Measure: Mean Change in Skin Carotenoids from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Month 4, 12, and 24Description: The Euro Quality of Life five Dimensions Questionnaire EQ-5D-5L scale measures patients' quality of healthy living. It has 5 items (Mobility, Self-care, Usual activities, Pain/discomfort, Depression/anxiety). Each item contains 5 levels: 1= no difficulty, 2= slight difficulty, 3= moderate difficulty, 4= serious difficulty, 5= extremely serious difficulty. The higher the score has the worse the health. Then, the score calculation of the European Five-Dimensional Health Scale is based on the calculation formula published by the EuroQol Group. Based on 5 combinations of different severity levels, a score of 0 to 1 is obtained. 0 is the least healthy and 1 is the most healthy.
Measure: Mean Change in Quality of Life Scale from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Month 4, 12, and 24Description: The AHEI-2010 is calculated from items on the Willett Food Frequency Questionnaire. It addresses intake of foods and nutrients consistently associated with lower risk for chronic diseases in the literature. The AHEI-2010 score is comprised of 11 sub-scales, each scored from 0 to 10, yielding a total score with a range of 0-110. A higher score indicates a more healthful dietary pattern.
Measure: Mean Change in Alternate Healthy Eating Index (AHEI)-2010 from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Month 4, 12, and 24Description: The GPAQ was developed by the WHO for physical activity surveillance. It collects information on physical activity participation in three settings (or domains) as well as sedentary behavior. The domains are: activity at work, travel to and from places, and recreational activities. The summary measure will be the sum of all activity per day with a higher score indication more physical activity.
Measure: Mean Change in Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Month 4, 12, and 24Description: The Weight Efficacy Lifestyle Questionnaire Short-Form (WEL-SF1) is a short version of the original Weight-Efficacy Lifestyle Questionnaire and includes 8 questions and 1 situational component representing "confidence in ability to resist eating." Three of the questions are related to emotional eating situations, two to availability, one to social pressure, one to positive activities, and one to physical discomfort. Scoring: The instrument range scores on a Likert-scale from 0 (not at all confident) to 10 (very confident), with sum scores between 0 and 80. High scores are associated with high eating self-efficacy.
Measure: Mean Change in Weight Loss Self-Efficacy from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Month 4, 12, and 24Description: Treatment Self-regulation Questionnaire (TSRQ) measures the quality of motivation for a particular health goal. Motivation is psychological energy directed at a particular goal such as weight loss. This measure assesses three types of motivation: autonomous self-regulation, controlled self-regulation, and a-motivation or lack of motivation. This 15-item scale will focus on the reasons why people would either start eating a healthier diet or continue to do so. Scoring: Participants rate each statement on a 7-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (not at all true) to 7 (very true). It assesses the degree to which a person's motivation for eating a healthy diet is autonomous or self-determined. The three sub-scale scores can be used separately or a Relative Autonomous Motivation score can be calculated. A higher score indicates greater motivation.
Measure: Mean Change in Dietary Self-Regulation from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Month 4, 12, and 24Description: The Three Factor Eating Questionnaire (18 item revised version) measures eating attitudes with scales representing three dimensions of eating behavior: cognitive restraint (control over food intake in order to influence body weight / body shape), uncontrolled eating (loss of control over eating), and emotional eating (eating in response to positive and negative emotions). Scoring: Each scale (dimension) is scored separately. Six of the eighteen items measure cognitive restraint, nine measure uncontrolled eating, and three measure emotional eating. Higher scores indicate greater cognitive restraint.
Measure: Mean Change in Eating Attitudes from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Month 4, 12, and 24Description: Perceived self-efficacy is regarded as a suitable predictor of behavioral intentions and reported health behaviors. This 5-item scale of perceived self-efficacy measuring action self-efficacy and coping self-efficacy related to healthful eating behaviors. Responses are on a 4-point scale of 'very uncertain' to 'very certain.' Scoring: Higher scores indicate higher perceived self-efficacy. Validation: Evidence for the validity of the scales has been published in several articles. Cronbach's alpha for the nutrition self-efficacy measure ranges from 0.79 to 0.85.
Measure: Mean Change in Diet Self-Efficacy from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Month 4, 12, and 24Description: EARLY Self-Weighing Questionnaire: This is a 2-item screener measures frequency of self-weighing and access to a bathroom scale. It was adapted from the Pound of Prevention Health Habits Questionnaire, Year 2. Validity of construct confirmed in Linde et al, 2005, as reports of higher weighing frequency was associated with greater 24-month weight loss or less weight gain. Scoring: Higher scores indicate higher frequency of self-weighing and access to a bathroom scale.
Measure: Mean Change in Self-Weighing Behaviors from Baseline through Follow-Up Time: Baseline, Month 4, 12, and 24Description: Computed as the incremental cost per kilogram of weight loss relative to control. The budgetary assessment will quantify the total and per participant costs of intervention delivery from the health system perspective using an Activity Based Costing (ABC) approach and cost tracking forms that the health economist (Finkelstein) has developed and refined in past behavioral trials. Using this approach, all relevant labor, materials and supplies, contracted services, and other relevant costs required to deliver the interventions will be captured by key activities
Measure: Economic Outcome--Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Time: Month 24Description: The numerator for this analysis will be the incremental program delivery costs of the intervention relative to control, minus any cost offsets based on differences in health services and medication use across arms. The denominator will be the incremental QALYs based on average differences in Euro Quality of Life five Dimensions Questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L) scores across arms collected at each assessment point. These scores can be used to quantify net QALY differences during the intervention period. EQ-5D-5L scale measures patients' quality of healthy living. It has 5 items (Mobility, Self-care, Usual activities, Pain/discomfort, Depression/anxiety). The score calculation of the European Five-Dimensional Health Scale is based on the calculation formula published by the EuroQol Group. Based on 5 combinations of different severity levels, a score of 0 to 1 is obtained. 0 is the least healthy and 1 is the most healthy.
Measure: Economic Outcome--Incremental Cost per Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY) gained Time: Month 24Alphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports