There is one clinical trial.
The study hypothesis is the involvement of the couple CX3CR1/CX3CL1 in occurrence of endothelial injury in preeclampsia. According to this hypothesis, Carriers of the I249 allele who express less CX3CR1 shoud be protected against this risk. The main objective of the study is the search of an association between CX3CR1 V249I polymorphism and preeclampsia. The secondary aims are the search of an association with the most severe forms of preeclampsia and endothelial injury.
ECLAXIR:Search for an Association Between CX3CR1 V249I Polymorphism, Preeclampsia and Endothelial Injury The study hypothesis is the involvement of the couple CX3CR1/CX3CL1 in occurrence of endothelial injury in preeclampsia. --- V249I ---
The main objective of the study is the search of an association between CX3CR1 V249I polymorphism and preeclampsia. --- V249I ---
The frequency of the V249I polymorphism in african black population will be determined by studying 200 subjects (100 cases and 100 controls). --- V249I ---
The V249I polymorphism will be identified by PCR followed by enzyme digestion. --- V249I ---