Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
Sections: Correlations,
Clinical Trials, and HPO
Navigate: Clinical Trials and HPO
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug660 | COVID-19 exposure Wiki | 1.00 |
drug881 | Control Wiki | 0.32 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D009202 | Cardiomyopathies NIH | 0.58 |
D002318 | Cardiovascular Diseases NIH | 0.19 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
HP:0001638 | Cardiomyopathy HPO | 0.58 |
HP:0001626 | Abnormality of the cardiovascular system HPO | 0.19 |
Navigate: Correlations HPO
There is one clinical trial.
The guiding scientific premise for this research is that a growth emotion mindset will promote more adaptive emotion processing than a fixed emotion mindset. Because emotional sensitivity is particularly salient in adolescent girls, we will focus on this group. Using an experimental design, adolescent girls will be randomly assigned to either a mindset manipulation or a control group (brain education). Each group will complete a 25-minute computer-based lesson followed by a social stressor and a functional magnetic resonance imaging session. Two specific aims will be addressed: (1) to determine whether a growth mindset induction, relative to a control condition, predicts more adaptive emotion processing at the neural, behavioral, and psychological levels of processing; and (2) to determine whether neural processing of emotion accounts for the effect of a growth emotion mindset manipulation on behavioral and psychological processing of emotion. This study builds on a strong empirical database establishing the effect of mindsets on multiple domains of functioning but will be the first to examine the implications of a growth vs. fixed mindset about emotion for emotion processing in adolescent girls, thereby elucidating one specific youth attribute that can support or disrupt emotional development.
Description: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control) Minimum=1 Maximum=6 High=worse outcome
Measure: Mean Change from Pre to Post Mindset Manipulation on Emotion Mindset Scale (measures beliefs about whether emotions are fixed or malleable) Time: Pre vs. Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control) Minimum=1 Maximum=5 High=better outcome
Measure: Mean Change from Pre to Post Mindset Manipulation on Emotional Self-efficacy Scale (measure beliefs about ability to control emotions) Time: Pre vs. Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control) Minimum=1 Maximum=5 High=better outcome
Measure: Mean Change from Pre to Post Mindset Manipulation on Emotional Self-efficacy Vignettes (measure beliefs about ability to control emotions in specific situations) Time: Pre vs. Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean performance as reflected in reaction time and accuracy across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Difference in Performance on Go/nogo Task Time: Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean levels of self-reported emotion regulation strategies across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Difference in Emotion Regulation Strategies Time: Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean levels of amygdala activation during relevant trials of the Social Evaluation Task and Go/no go Task across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Difference in Amygdala Activation Time: Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean levels of frontal parietal network-amygdala connectivity during relevant trials of the Social Evaluation Task and Go/no go Task across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Difference in Frontal Parietal Network-Amygdala Connectivity Time: Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change on Self-Reported State Negative Affect Time: Pre-Trier vs. Post-Trier: baselineDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Emotion Mindset Scores at 2 Months Time: At baseline and in approximately 2 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Emotion Mindset Scores at 4 Months Time: At baseline and in approximately 4 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control) Minimum=1 Maximum=5 High=better outcome
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Emotional Self-efficacy Scale Scores at 2 Months (measure beliefs about ability to control emotions) Time: At baseline and in approximately 2 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control) Minimum=1 Maximum=5 High=better outcome
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Emotional Self-efficacy Scale Scores at 4 Months (measure beliefs about ability to control emotions) Time: At baseline and in approximately 4 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Emotional Self-efficacy Vignettes Scores at 2 months Time: At baseline and in approximately 2 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Emotional Self-efficacy Vignettes Scores at 4 months Time: At baseline and in approximately 4 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Self-Reported Emotion Regulation Strategies Scores at 2 months Time: At baseline and in approximately 2 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Self-Reported Emotion Regulation Strategies Scores at 4 months Time: At baseline and in approximately 4 monthsDescription: Will compare mean scores during relevant trials of the Social Evaluation Task across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Difference on Self-Reported State Negative Affect Time: Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean levels of cingulo-opercular network activation during resting state and relevant trials of the Social Evaluation Task and Go/no go Task across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Difference in Cingulo-Opercular Network Activation Time: Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean levels of cingulo-opercular network-amygdala connectivity during resting state and relevant trials of the Social Evaluation Task and Go/no go Task across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Difference in Cingulo-Opercular Network-Amygdala Connectivity Time: Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will conduct exploratory whole-brain analyses comparing activation patterns during resting state and relevant trials of the Social Evaluation Task and Go/no go Task across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Group Differences for Whole-Brain Analyses Time: Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Depressive Symptoms Scores at 2 months Time: At baseline and in approximately 2 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Depressive Symptoms Scores at 4 months Time: At baseline and in approximately 4 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Anxiety Symptoms Scores at 2 months Time: At baseline and in approximately 2 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Anxiety Symptoms Scores at 4 months Time: At baseline and in approximately 4 monthsAlphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports