Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
Sections: Correlations,
Clinical Trials, and HPO
Navigate: Clinical Trials and HPO
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug3135 | Single Dose of Hydroxychloroquine Wiki | 0.63 |
drug3945 | lopinavir/ritonavir group Wiki | 0.45 |
drug109 | ASC09/ritonavir group Wiki | 0.45 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug1683 | Interferon Beta-1A Wiki | 0.45 |
drug3265 | Standards of Care Wiki | 0.45 |
drug3580 | Umifenovir Wiki | 0.45 |
drug4 | - Synthetic anti-malarial drugs Wiki | 0.45 |
drug1691 | Interferon-β 1a Wiki | 0.45 |
drug2273 | Nutrition support Wiki | 0.45 |
drug1684 | Interferon Beta-1B Wiki | 0.26 |
drug1520 | Hydroxychloroquine Wiki | 0.13 |
drug1296 | Favipiravir Wiki | 0.10 |
drug908 | Convalescent plasma Wiki | 0.10 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D003141 | Communicable Diseases NIH | 0.07 |
D007239 | Infection NIH | 0.07 |
D016638 | Critical Illness NIH | 0.06 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation |
Navigate: Correlations HPO
There are 5 clinical trials
The present study is a randomized clinical trial, with the approval of the ethics committee will be conducted on patients who have a positive test confirming COVID-19 in Loghman Hakim Medical Education Center in Tehran. Patients will be randomly assigned to the three arms of the study and after completing the course of treatment and collecting and analyzing the necessary information from each patient, the results of the study will be published both on this site and in the form of an article in a reputable international journal.
Description: Improvement of two points on a seven-category ordinal scale (recommended by the World Health Organization: Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) R&D. Geneva: World Health Organization) or discharge from the hospital, whichever came first.
Measure: Time to clinical improvement Time: From date of randomization until 14 days later.Description: If the patient dies, we have reached an outcome.
Measure: Mortality Time: From date of randomization until 14 days later.Description: Pulse-oxymetry
Measure: SpO2 Improvement Time: Days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 14.Description: Incidence of new mechanical ventilation use
Measure: Incidence of new mechanical ventilation use Time: From date of randomization until 14 days later.Description: Duration of hospitalization (days)
Measure: Duration of hospitalization Time: From date of randomization until the date of hospital discharge or date of death from any cause, whichever came first, assessed up to 14 days.The present study is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial, with the approval of the ethics committee will be conducted on patients who have a positive test confirming COVID-19 in Loghman Hakim Medical Education Center in Tehran. Patients will be randomly assigned to the two arms of the study and after completing the course of treatment and collecting and analyzing the necessary information from each patient, the results of the study will be published both on this site and in the form of an article in a reputable international journal.
Description: Improvement of two points on a seven-category ordinal scale (recommended by the World Health Organization: Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) R&D. Geneva: World Health Organization) or discharge from the hospital, whichever came first.
Measure: Time to clinical improvement Time: From date of randomization until 14 days later.Description: If the patient dies, we have reached an outcome.
Measure: Mortality Time: From date of randomization until 14 days later.Description: Pulse-oxymetry
Measure: SpO2 Improvement Time: Days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 14Description: Incidence of new mechanical ventilation use
Measure: Incidence of new mechanical ventilation use Time: From date of randomization until 14 days laterDescription: Duration of hospitalization (days)
Measure: Duration of hospitalization Time: From date of randomization until the date of hospital discharge or date of death from any cause, whichever came first, assessed up to 14 days.Description: With incidence of any serious adverse effects, the outcome has happened.
Measure: Cumulative incidence of serious adverse events Time: Days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 14.The present study is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial, with the approval of the ethics committee will be conducted on patients who have a positive test confirming COVID-19 in Loghman Hakim Medical Education Center in Tehran. Patients will be randomly assigned to the two arms of the study and after completing the course of treatment and collecting and analyzing the necessary information from each patient, the results of the study will be published both on this site and in the form of an article in a reputable international journal.
Description: Improvement of two points on a seven-category ordinal scale (recommended by the World Health Organization: Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) R&D. Geneva: World Health Organization) or discharge from the hospital, whichever came first.
Measure: Time to clinical improvement Time: From date of randomization until 14 days later.Description: If the patient dies, we have reached an outcome.
Measure: Mortality Time: From date of randomization until 14 days later.Description: Pulse-oxymetry
Measure: SpO2 Improvement Time: Days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 14.Description: Incidence of new mechanical ventilation use
Measure: Incidence of new mechanical ventilation use Time: From date of randomization until 14 days later.Description: Duration of hospitalization (days)
Measure: Duration of hospitalization Time: From date of randomization until the date of hospital discharge or date of death from any cause, whichever came first, assessed up to 14 days.Description: With incidence of any serious adverse effects, the outcome has happened.
Measure: Cumulative incidence of serious adverse events Time: Days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 14.This is an open-label, non-randomized clinical trial study. The number of 40 COVID-19 patients with moderate severity will be admitted in progressive care units (PCUs) and intensive care units (ICUs) enrolled in the study. The sampling will be purposive and based on the same independent variables, including age, gender, past medical histories, and the situation of the patient at the admission day, and ventilator support. The patients will be allocated into two groups with different regimens. Group "A" (regimen A)will be defined as Favipiravir 1600 mg a first dose and 600 mg in 3 divided doses daily plus 400 mg in 2 divided doses of Hydroxychloroquine every day. The group "B" (regimen B) will be contained 400 mg of Lopinavir/Ritonavirin 2 divided doses plus the first dose (400 mg) of Hydroxychloroquine. Hydroxychloroquine will not be used for adverse drug reactions. The regimen remained at least 7 up to 10 days. Data will be analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 18 (SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL, USA) for windows. The variables will be compared using independent and paired T-test for normally distributed variables and Wilcoxon, Chi-square for non-normal distributed variables. The Kaplan Meier test will be used for survival analysis and the one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the evaluation of distributions.
Description: In-hospital mortality
Measure: Mortality Time: Up to 28 daysDescription: long of hospitalization
Measure: long of hospitalization Time: Up to 28 daysDescription: Laboratory Treatment Response; return of blood cell count to normal
Measure: Laboratory Treatment Response (Blood cell count) Time: Up to 28 daysDescription: Laboratory Treatment Response; return of CRP values to normal
Measure: Laboratory Treatment Response (CRP ) Time: Up to 28 daysDescription: shortness of breath based on symptoms of Dyspnea and questioning the patient
Measure: Dyspnea Time: Up to 28 daysDescription: Oxygen saturation without supplemental oxygen. Measurement will be done after discontinuation of oxygen therapy for 5 minutes.
Measure: Oxygen saturation without supplemental oxygen. Time: Up to 28 daysDescription: Oxygen therapy maximum flow during the day (lit/min)
Measure: Oxygen therapy Time: Up to 28 daysAn International Multi-Centre Randomised Clinical Trial to Assess the Clinical, Virological and Immunological Outcomes in Patients Diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19).
Description: Morbidity
Measure: Proportion of participants alive and not having required new intensive respiratory support (invasive or non-invasive ventilation) or vasopressors/inotropic support in the 28 days after randomisation. Time: 28 daysDescription: Not hospitalized, no limitations on activities Not hospitalized, limitation on activities; Hospitalized, not requiring supplemental oxygen; Hospitalized, requiring supplemental oxygen; Hospitalized, on non-invasive ventilation or high flow oxygen devices; Hospitalized, on invasive mechanical ventilation or ECMO; Death.
Measure: World Health Organization (WHO) 7-point outcome scale (clinician assessed) Time: 28 daysDescription: All cause mortality
Measure: Mortality Time: 7, 15, 28, and 90 daysDescription: Number of days
Measure: Time to death Time: 90 daysDescription: Number of days
Measure: Length of hospital stay Time: 90 daysDescription: Yes/No
Measure: Receipt of invasive or non-invasive ventilation Time: 28 daysDescription: Number of days
Measure: Length of receipt of invasive or non-invasive ventilation Time: 28 daysDescription: Number of days
Measure: Length of intensive care unit (ICU) stay Time: 90 daysDescription: Yes/No
Measure: Presence of chest infiltrates on chest x-ray (CXR) or CT Time: 3 and 7 daysDescription: Number of days
Measure: Time to defervescence from randomisation Time: 28 daysDescription: C-reactive protein (CRP) and Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and D-dimer
Measure: Biomarker levels Time: 28 daysDescription: number of days of use in first 10 days
Measure: Antibiotic use Time: 10 daysDescription: Recording of the following adverse events: Diarrhoea, Nausea, Vomiting, Pancreatitis, QTc prolongation (>500ms) 24 hours, serious allergic reaction or anaphylaxis, transfusion-related acute lung injury, transfusion-associated circulatory overload
Measure: Adverse Events Time: 10 daysDescription: Yes/No
Measure: Serious ventricular arrhythmia (including ventricular fibrillation) or sudden unexpected death in hospital Time: 28 daysDescription: Yes/No - based on the modified Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria; serum creatinine increase by≥ 26.5mol/L within 48 hours OR to ≥1.5 times baseline, known or presumed to have occurred within the prior 7 days
Measure: Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Time: 28 daysDescription: Confirmed deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, ischemic cerebrovascular event, acute myocardial infarction or other thrombotic event during index hospitalisation.
Measure: Thrombotic events Time: 28 daysDescription: Proportion of patients with negative SARS-CoV-2 real time - polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) at day 3 and day 7 from upper or lower respiratory tract samples.
Measure: Viral clearance Time: 3 and 7 daysAlphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports