Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
Sections: Correlations,
Clinical Trials, and HPO
Navigate: Clinical Trials and HPO
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug1417 | Group CBT Wiki | 0.50 |
drug4014 | olfactory device Wiki | 0.50 |
drug1997 | Meditation Therapy Wiki | 0.50 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D053120 | Respiratory Aspiration NIH | 0.14 |
D003863 | Depression, NIH | 0.13 |
D016638 | Critical Illness NIH | 0.06 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation |
Navigate: Correlations HPO
There are 4 clinical trials
Phase 3 is a randomized clinical trial of yoga vs group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for adolescents with depression.
Description: Acceptability assessed with Qualitative interview
Measure: Qualitative interview Time: post intervention (month 3)Description: Credibility assessed with Credibility Expectancy Questionnaire (CEQ), credibility subscale. The credibility subscale of the CEQ, is a 3 item subscale of the 6 item CEQ. The 3 items are measured on a 1-9 scale (not at all - very), Higher scores indicate greater credibility.
Measure: Credibility Expectancy Questionnaire (CEQ) - Credibility Subscale Time: Week 1Description: Patient expectations assessed with the Credibility Expectancy Questionnaire (CEQ), expectancy subscale. The expectancy subscale is a 3 item subscale of the 6 item CEQ. One of the 3 items are measured on a 1-9 scale (not at all - very), 2 are on a 0-10 scale (0-100%). Higher scores indicate greater expectations.
Measure: Credibility Expectancy Questionnaire (CEQ) - Expectancy Subscale Time: Week 1Description: Satisfaction with treatment assessed with The Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ-8). The CSQ-8 is an 8-item measure with each item measured on a 1-4 scale. Higher scores indicate greater client satisfaction.
Measure: The Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ-8) Time: Post intervention (month 3)Description: Yoga home practice assessed with a Home practice questionnaire. Duration, frequency, and type of formal and informal home yoga practice between class sessions.
Measure: Home practice questionnaire Time: Post intervention (month 3)Description: Participant safety/adverse events will be measured using the SAFTEE. Participants will also be asked weekly if they experienced any injuries as a result of yoga.
Measure: Systematic assessment of treatment-emergent events-general inquiry (SAFTEE) Time: Post intervention (month 3)Description: Change in depression symptom severity will be assessed via blind evaluator using the the QIDS. The QIDS is a 17 item measure with scores ranging from 0-30. Higher scores indicate greater depressive symptoms.
Measure: Quick Inventory of Depression - Adolescent Version - Clinician Rating (QIDS-A-CR) Time: Baseline to post intervention (month 3); Baseline to 6 months; Baseline to 9 monthsThe study evaluates the effectiveness of yoga practices on reducing stress, negative emotion, anxiety, and depression and on increasing positive emotion, wellbeing and resilience. The study uses randomized wait-list control. All U.S. undergraduate students in 4-year universities and colleges age 18 or older are eligible to participate.
Description: 10-item Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), score 0-40, higher the score, higher stress
Measure: Stress Time: Change from baseline stress at 1-MonthDescription: 10-item Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), score 0-40, higher the score, higher stress
Measure: Stress Time: Change from baseline stress at 2-MonthDescription: 10-item Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), score 0-40, higher the score, higher stress
Measure: Stress Time: Change from baseline stress in 3-MonthDescription: 14-item Warwick-Edinburgh Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS), score14-70, higher score higher wellbeing
Measure: Wellbeing Time: Change from baseline wellbeing in 2-weekDescription: 14-item Warwick-Edinburgh Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS), score14-70, higher score higher wellbeing
Measure: Wellbeing Time: Change from baseline wellbeing in 4-weekDescription: 14-item Warwick-Edinburgh Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS), score14-70, higher score higher wellbeing
Measure: Wellbeing Time: Change from baseline wellbeing in 6-weekDescription: 14-item Warwick-Edinburgh Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS), score14-70, higher score higher wellbeing
Measure: Wellbeing Time: Change from baseline wellbeing in 8-weekDescription: 14-item Warwick-Edinburgh Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS), score14-70, higher score higher wellbeing
Measure: Wellbeing Time: Change from baseline wellbeing in 10-weekDescription: 14-item Warwick-Edinburgh Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS), score14-70, higher score higher wellbeing
Measure: Wellbeing Time: Change from baseline wellbeing in 12-weekDescription: 2-item PHQ-4, score 2-8, higher score higher anxiety
Measure: Anxiety Time: Change from baseline anxiety in 2-weekDescription: 2-item PHQ-4, score 2-8, higher score higher anxiety
Measure: Anxiety Time: Change from baseline anxiety in 4-weekDescription: 2-item PHQ-4, score 2-8, higher score higher anxiety
Measure: Anxiety Time: Change from baseline anxiety in 6-weekDescription: 2-item PHQ-4, score 2-8, higher score higher anxiety
Measure: Anxiety Time: Change from baseline anxiety in 8-weekDescription: 2-item PHQ-4, score 2-8, higher score higher anxiety
Measure: Anxiety Time: Change from baseline anxiety in 10-weekDescription: 2-item PHQ-4, score 2-8, higher score higher anxiety
Measure: Anxiety Time: Change from baseline anxiety in 12-weekDescription: 2-item PHQ-4, score 2-8, higher score higher depression
Measure: Depression Time: Change from baseline depression in 2-weekDescription: 2-item PHQ-4, score 2-8, higher score higher depression
Measure: Depression Time: Change from baseline depression in 4-weekDescription: 2-item PHQ-4, score 2-8, higher score higher depression
Measure: Depression Time: Change from baseline depression in 6-weekDescription: 2-item PHQ-4, score 2-8, higher score higher depression
Measure: Depression Time: Change from baseline depression in 8-weekDescription: 2-item PHQ-4, score 2-8, higher score higher depression
Measure: Depression Time: Change from baseline depression in 10-weekDescription: 2-item PHQ-4, score 2-8, higher score higher depression
Measure: Depression Time: Change from baseline depression in 12-weekDescription: 6-item Brief Resilience Scale (BRS), score 6-30, higher score higher resilience
Measure: Resilience Time: Change from baseline resilience in 1-monthDescription: 6-item Brief Resilience Scale (BRS), score 6-30, higher score higher resilience
Measure: Resilience Time: Change from baseline resilience in 2-monthDescription: 6-item Brief Resilience Scale (BRS), score 6-30, higher score higher resilience
Measure: Resilience Time: Change from baseline resilience in 3-monthDescription: 10-item Positive Affect Scale, score - 10 to 50, higher score more positive affect
Measure: Positive Affect Time: Change from baseline positive affect in 2-weekDescription: 10-item Positive Affect Scale, score - 10 to 50, higher score more positive affect
Measure: Positive Affect Time: Change from baseline positive affect in 4-weekDescription: 10-item Positive Affect Scale, score - 10 to 50, higher score more positive affect
Measure: Positive Affect Time: Change from baseline positive affect in 6-weekDescription: 10-item Positive Affect Scale, score - 10 to 50, higher score more positive affect
Measure: Positive Affect Time: Change from baseline positive affect in 8-weekDescription: 10-item Positive Affect Scale, score - 10 to 50, higher score more positive affect
Measure: Positive Affect Time: Change from baseline positive affect in 10-weekDescription: 10-item Positive Affect Scale, score - 10 to 50, higher score higher positive affect
Measure: Positive Affect Time: Change from baseline positive affect in 12-weekDescription: 10-item Negative Affect Scale, score - 10 to 50, higher score higher negative affect
Measure: Negative Affect Time: Change from baseline negative affect in 2-weekDescription: 10-item Negative Affect Scale, score - 10 to 50, higher score higher negative affect
Measure: Negative Affect Time: Change from baseline negative affect in 4-weekDescription: 10-item Negative Affect Scale, score - 10 to 50, higher score higher negative affect
Measure: Negative Affect Time: Change from baseline negative affect in 6-weekDescription: 10-item Negative Affect Scale, score - 10 to 50, higher score higher negative affect
Measure: Negative Affect Time: Change from baseline negative affect in 8-weekDescription: 10-item Negative Affect Scale, score - 10 to 50, higher score higher negative affect
Measure: Negative Affect Time: Change from baseline negative affect in 10-weekDescription: 10-item Negative Affect Scale, score - 10 to 50, higher score higher negative affect
Measure: Negative Affect Time: Change from baseline negative affect in 12-weekRecent reports have highlighted Covid-19 related increase in levels of depression and stress related disorders in the health care professionals. Pranayama (ancient yogic breathing techniques) helps harmonizing breathing by regular voluntary control of breath. Yoga has been shown to modulate autonomic nervous functions of the brain. Sudarshan kriya Yoga (SKY) is a unique form of pranayama taught by ''Art of Living UK'' a non-profit organization -for over two decades. SKY involves simple rhythmic breathing technique (easy to practice) that aims at harmonizing body, mind and emotions. Sudarshan kriya yoga (SKY) has been shown to be beneficial in reducing levels of stress, anxiety and depression. This breathing based meditation technique has previously been shown to be beneficial in post-traumatic stress disorder. In this pilot study the aim is to assess the feasibility and effect of SKY in NHS health care workers with possible Covid-19 related stress and anxiety disorder.
Description: (1) To assess feasibility and efficacy of regularly supervised SKY in the NHS health care workers with possible Covid-19 related stress and anxiety disorder in the short term (6 weeks) by using Generalised Anxiety Disorder questionnaire score ranging from 0-21, higher score associated with worse outcome
Measure: Alleviated stress 1 - short term Time: 6 weeksDescription: (2) To assess feasibility and efficacy of regularly supervised SKY in the NHS health care workers with possible Covid-19 related stress and anxiety disorder in the short term (6 weeks) by using Medical Outcomes Study Questionnaire Short Form 36 Health Survey questionnaire score ranging from 36-149, higher score associated with worse outcome
Measure: Alleviated stress 2 - short term Time: 6 weeksDescription: (3) To assess feasibility and efficacy of regularly supervised SKY in the NHS health care workers with possible Covid-19 related stress and anxiety disorder in the short term (6 weeks) by using Patient Health Questionnaire questionnaire score ranging from 0-27, higher score associated with worse outcome
Measure: Alleviated stress 3 - short term Time: 6 weeksDescription: (1) To assess feasibility and efficacy of regularly supervised SKY in the NHS health care workers with possible Covid-19 related stress and anxiety disorder in the short term (6 weeks) by using Generalised Anxiety Disorder questionnaire score ranging from 0-21, higher score associated with worse outcome
Measure: Alleviated stress 1 - medium term Time: 3-6 monthsDescription: (2) To assess feasibility and efficacy of regularly supervised SKY in the NHS health care workers with possible Covid-19 related stress and anxiety disorder in the short term (6 weeks) by using Medical Outcomes Study Questionnaire Short Form 36 Health Survey questionnaire score ranging from 36-149, higher score associated with worse outcome
Measure: Alleviated stress 2 - medium term Time: 3-6 monthsDescription: (3) To assess feasibility and efficacy of regularly supervised SKY in the NHS health care workers with possible Covid-19 related stress and anxiety disorder in the short term (6 weeks) by using Patient Health Questionnaire questionnaire score ranging from 0-27, higher score associated with worse outcome
Measure: Alleviated stress 3 - medium term Time: 3-6 monthsThis phase I trial investigates breathing techniques and meditation for health care workers during COVID-19 pandemic. Breathing techniques and medication may help manage stress and improve lung health. The goal of this trial is to learn if breathing techniques and meditation may help to reduce stress and improve lung health in health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Description: Feasibility will be defined as recruitment of 50 participants to the study within 2 months.
Measure: Study recruitment Time: Within 2 monthsDescription: Defined as more than 50% of participants perceive the intervention as useful.
Measure: Acceptability of study Time: Up to 2 yearsDescription: Will determine the adherence to the practice assessed as at least 50% of participants implement the intervention for 3 or more times in a week by the end of week 1/day 7 (+ 3 days).
Measure: Adherence to the practice Time: Up to 28 daysDescription: Measured by the Brief Resilient Coping Scale among health care workers questionnaire.
Measure: Change in resilience Time: Day 0 to 28Description: Measured by the Perceived Stress Scale and COVID-19 Stress among health care workers questionnaire.
Measure: Perceive stress and psychological impact Time: Day 0 to 28Description: Will determine the differences in breath holding time between those who are adherent and those who are not adherent to the practice.
Measure: Breath holding time Time: Up to 28 daysAlphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports