Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
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Clinical Trials, and HPO
Navigate: Clinical Trials and HPO
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug4165 | venous ultrasound Wiki | 0.50 |
drug2589 | Point of care ultrasound Wiki | 0.35 |
drug1585 | ICU Recovery + Physical Therapy Wiki | 0.35 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D013923 | Thromboembolism NIH | 0.19 |
D018450 | Disease Progression NIH | 0.17 |
D016638 | Critical Illness NIH | 0.13 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
HP:0001907 | Thromboembolism HPO | 0.17 |
HP:0002090 | Pneumonia HPO | 0.02 |
Navigate: Correlations HPO
There are 8 clinical trials
The epidemic due to the Sars-CoV2 virus is spreading in France, without knowning precisely since when the virus has actually circulated on the territory. Data from China but also systematic samples taken from the passengers of the Diamond Princess boat also report almost 50% of asymptomatic forms of Covid-19. The medical and paramedical staff of the front-line services for the care of patients infected with Covid-19 are in fact potentially exposed to the risk of occupational contamination due to the large number of patients treated, including in the pre-epidemic phase. Therefore, and despite the application of standard protective measures, it is possible that a certain number of these personnel already have or will contract Covid-19 disease, including in its asymptomatic form.
Description: Sars-CoV2 seroconversion is defined by a T0 sample with no specific antibody (negative) and M3 sample with the presence of specific IgG.
Measure: Quantify the proportion of patients with documented Sars-CoV2 infection among medical and paramedical staff Time: 3 monthsDescription: "Age, gender, type of staff, medical staff: resident, Clinic Chief or University Hospital Assistant (CCA / AHU), Associate Practitioner (PA), Contractual Hospital Practitioner (PHC), Hospital Practitioner (PH), Lecturer-Hospital Practitioner (MCU-PH) , University Professor-Hospital Practitioner (PUPH) non-medical staff: nursing assistants (AS), nurses (IDE), physiotherapist, managers, others, Seniority in the profession (number of years) Service tenure (years), Night, day, day or mixed work, Type of service: emergency department, infectious disease service, ICU), Type of hospital (firstline reference hospital or not), Documented contact with a confirmed patient."
Measure: Identification of risk factors for seroconversion Time: 3 monthsDescription: "Seroconversion without clinical manifestation (fever, body aches, headache, sweating, chills + respiratory symptoms (cough dyspnea, sputum) or digestive (nausea / vomiting diarrhea abdominal pain) reported via the weekly self-monitoring booklet. The asymptomatic characteristics will be determined by an adjudication committee, in the light of the weekly self-monitoring notebooks, without knowing the results of the serologies."
Measure: Quantify the proportion of asymptomatic infections among staff who have seroconverted Time: 3 monthsDescription: "Description of symptomatic infections Clinical manifestations associated with seroconversion. On the intermediate sample if necessary, performed within 10 days of the start of a clinical picture compatible with an acute Sars-CoV2 infection (fever, body aches, headache, sweating, chills + respiratory picture (cough dyspnea, sputum, ) or digestive (nausea / vomiting diarrhea abdominal pain) "
Measure: " Describe symptomatic infections for personnel developing acute clinical (respiratory or digestive) viral syndrome " Time: 3 monthsSARV-CoV-2 infection was considered pandemic on March 11, 2020. The SARV-CoV-2 epidemic affected France from the beginning of March, spreading in particular from a 4-day large evangelical meeting of 2500 people on February 17 in the city of Mulhouse (North East of France). The Montpellier University Hospital has set up a clinical pathway for people suspected of being infected with SARV-CoV-2 because of signs compatible with pneumonia (screening criteria in France during the study period). This includes an emergency department, an infectious disease department dedicated to the surveillance of infected people requiring hospital treatment, and an intensive care unit for the most severe cases. The diagnosis of infection with SARV-CoV-2 was confirmed in approximately 20% of people initially referred in this special care system. The main objective of this cohorte is the collection of clinical data and biological samples from care for non-interventional research on the patients with a possible or confirmed SARS-CoV -2 infection, from diagnosis to long-term follow-up.
Description: Number of confirmed COVID-19
Measure: Number of confirmed COVID-19 Time: 1 dayDescription: Number of severe COVID-19
Measure: Number of severe COVID-19 Time: 1 dayDescription: CORO-TRI substudy
Measure: Identification and validation of predictive biomarkers of a poorer respiratory evolution associated with positive testing for SARS-CoV-2 infection Time: 1 dayDescription: COVID-CHD substudy
Measure: Evaluate the morbidity and mortality and these risk factors linked to Covid-19 in the congenital heart disease population in France Time: 1 dayDescription: Physio-Covid substudy
Measure: Identify the characteristics of physiotherapy care for patients with COVID-19 in intensive care Time: 1 dayDescription: Covida substudy
Measure: To assess the accuracy and prognostic performance of clinical and biological parameters measured on admission to the emergency department to stratify patients suspected of COVID-19 Time: 1 dayDescription: Olfa-covid substudy
Measure: Evaluate diagnostic tests for olfactory function in relation to the RT-PCR procedure Time: 1 dayDescription: PiCCOVID substudy
Measure: Assessment of Extra Vascular Lung Water and Pulmonary Permeability by transpulmonary thermodilution in critically ill patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 pneumonia under invasive mechanical ventilation Time: 1 dayDescription: TRANSPULMONARY-COVID19 substudy
Measure: Description of trans pulmonary motor pressure in COVID 19+ patients in severe stage in intensive care Time: 1 dayDescription: CytoCOVID substudy
Measure: Immuno-monitoring of COVID-19 positive patients Time: 1 dayDescription: ProteoCOVID substudy
Measure: Characterization in clinical proteomics of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein Time: 1 dayDescription: Dyhor-19 substudy
Measure: Diagnosis of endocrine dysfunctions in Covid-19 Time: 1 dayDescription: Lupus substudy
Measure: describe the occurrence of Covid19 infection in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus treated with hydroxychloroquine over the long term Time: 1 dayDescription: Vasculopathy substudy
Measure: Acral cutaneous thrombotic vasculopathy and Covid-19 infection : search for acquired thrombophilia and interferon-alpha signature Time: 1 dayDescription: COVID-Scan study
Measure: Evaluation of a COVID-19 screening strategy combining chest low dose CT and RT-PCR test for patients admitted for surgical or interventional procedures during the COVID 19 outbreak Time: 1 dayThe understanding of haemostasis and inflammation cross-talk has gained considerable knowledge during the past decade in the field of arterial and venous thrombosis. Complex and delicately balanced interaction between coagulation and inflammation involve all cellular and humoral components. Elements of the coagulation system such as activated thrombin, fibrinogen or factor Xa may increase inflammation by promoting the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, growth factors and adhesion molecules that lead to a procoagulant state amplifying the pathological process. Recent evidence supports inflammation as a common pathogenic contributor to both arterial and venous thrombosis, giving rise to the concept of inflammation-induced thrombosis. Patients with infection of COVID-19 and severe pneumoniae seem to have higher risk of thromboembolism. Very few data are available regarding the biological disorders of coagulation in these patients. Th purpose of this project is to analyze hemostasis and coagulation of patients with infection of COVID-19 and severe pneumonia.
Description: The reference range for the thrombin time is usually less than 20 seconds (ie, 15-19 seconds)
Measure: Variation of thrombin time (in secondes) in Covid-19 patients with pneumonia admitted in ICU. Time: up to 6 weeksDescription: Variation of factor V concentration (U/dL) in Covid-19 patients with pneumonia admitted in ICU.
Measure: Variation of factor V concentration (U/dL) in Covid-19 patients with pneumonia admitted in ICU. Time: up to 6 weeksDescription: Variation of factor II concentration (U/dL) in Covid-19 patients with pneumonia admitted in ICU.
Measure: Variation of factor II concentration (U/dL) in Covid-19 patients with pneumonia admitted in ICU. Time: up to 6 weeksDescription: Variation of concentration of fibrin and fibrinogen degradation products (≥ 10 µgm/mL) in Covid-19 patients with pneumonia admitted in ICU.
Measure: Variation of concentration of fibrin and fibrinogen degradation products (≥ 10 µgm/mL) in Covid-19 patients with pneumonia admitted in ICU. Time: up to 6 weeksSARS-CoV-2 induces over-production of inflammatory cytokines, and especially interleukin-6 (IL-6). The apparently strong association between blood levels of inflammaory cytokines and SARS-CoV-2 disease severity has led clinicians to evaluate the administration of steroids or anti-IL-6 antagonists in severely ill patients. As of this day, biomarkers capable of predicting clinical disease progression in Covid-19 patients with mild-to-moderate symptoms have not yet been formally identified. Identifying such markers and evaluating their predictive value may be exploited to guide patient care management, and as such forms the core objective of this proposal. Because of strong inter-individual variations in the ability of innate immune cells to produce cytokines, the hypothesis formulate and intend to test is that innate IL-6 responsiveness varies between recently infected Covid-19 patients and could predict disease outcome. To test this hypothesis, the investigator propose to follow recently infected kidney transplant patients with moderate Covid-19 symptoms. These patients stand a higher risk to progress to severe disease. The staff plan to collect a blood sample in these patients using a system whereby ex vivo cytokine production is initiated in the very same blood collection tube without prior separation and centrifugation, thus reducing labour and operator bias. After incubation with or without known innate immune stimuli, the cell-free phase from each collection-culture tube will be assayed for IL-6 content. Associations between IL-6 content and disease outcome (encephalopathy, transfer to acute care or death) will be determined in 115 Covid-19 kidney transplant patients with moderate symptoms followed in 9 centers.
Description: quantity of IL-6 in of whole blood samples after ex vivo co-stimulation with LPS and ATP in Covid-19 kidney transplant patients.
Measure: Predictive value of IL-6 contents of whole blood samples after ex vivo stimulation Time: 10 monthsSARS-CoV-2 induces over-production of inflammatory cytokines, and especially interleukin-6 (IL-6). The apparently strong association between blood levels of inflammaory cytokines and SARS-CoV-2 disease severity has led clinicians to evaluate the administration of steroids or anti-IL-6 antagonists in severely ill patients. As of this day, biomarkers capable of predicting clinical disease progression in Covid-19 patients with mild-to-moderate symptoms have not yet been formally identified. Identifying such markers and evaluating their predictive value may be exploited to guide patient care management, and as such forms the core objective of this proposal. Because of strong inter-individual variations in the ability of innate immune cells to produce cytokines, the hypothesis the investigators formulate and intend to test is that innate IL-6 responsiveness varies between recently infected Covid-19 patients and could predict disease outcome. To test this hypothesis, the investigators propose to follow recently infected chronic haemodialysis patients with moderate Covid-19 symptoms. These patients stand a higher risk to progress to severe disease. The investigators plan to collect a blood sample in these patients using a system whereby ex vivo cytokine production is initiated in the very same blood collection tube without prior separation and centrifugation, thus reducing labour and operator bias. After incubation with or without known innate immune stimuli, the cell-free phase from each collection-culture tube will be assayed for IL-6 content. Associations between IL-6 content and disease outcome (encephalopathy, transfer to acute care or death) will be determined in 115 Covid-19 chronic haemodialysis patients with moderate symptoms followed in 9 centers.
Description: Quantity of IL-6 in of whole blood samples after ex vivo co-stimulation with LPS and ATP in Covid-19 patients.
Measure: Predictive value of IL-6 contents of whole blood samples after ex vivo stimulation Time: 10 monthsThe understanding of haemostasis and inflammation cross-talk has gained considerable knowledge during the past decade in the field of arterial and venous thrombosis. Complex and delicately balanced interaction between coagulation and inflammation involve all cellular and humoral components. Elements of the coagulation system such as activated thrombin, fibrinogen or factor Xa may increase inflammation by promoting the production of proinflammatory cytokines, chemokines, growth factors and adhesion molecules that lead to a procoagulant state amplifying the pathological process. Recent evidence supports inflammation as a common pathogenic contributor to both arterial and venous thrombosis, giving rise to the concept of inflammation induced thrombosis. Patients with infection of COVID-19 and severe pneumoniae seem to have higher risk of thromboembolism. The purpose of this project is to analyze hemostasis and coagulation of every hospitalized patient with infection of COVID-19. Blood sample for coagulation and hemostasis analysis will be collected on every patient hospitalized in Amiens hospital for COVID-19 infection. Thrombin time, factors V and II, fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products, antithrombin will be assessed every week. Anticardiolipin, anti-beta2 glycoprotein I and anti-annexin A2 antibodies IgG and IgM at day of admission and at fourth week after admission will be assessed. SARS-CoV2 viral load and serodiagnosis will be performed at the same time. At the same time venous ultrasound to diagnose thrombosis will be performed.
Description: Variation of thrombin time (in secondes) in Hospitalized Covid-19 patients. The reference range for the thrombin time is usually less than 20 seconds (ie, 15-19 seconds)
Measure: Variation of thrombin time (in secondes) in Hospitalized Covid-19 patients Time: up to 6 weeksDescription: Variation of factor V concentration (U/dL) in Hospitalized Covid-19 patients.
Measure: Variation of factor V concentration (U/dL) in Hospitalized Covid-19 patients. Time: up to 6 weeksDescription: Variation of factor II concentration (U/dL) in Hospitalized Covid-19 patients
Measure: Variation of factor II concentration (U/dL) in Hospitalized Covid-19 patients Time: up to 6 weeksDescription: Variation of concentration of fibrin and fibrinogen degradation products (≥ 10 µgm/mL) in Hospitalized Covid-19 patients.
Measure: Variation of concentration of fibrin and fibrinogen degradation products (≥ 10 µgm/mL) in Hospitalized Covid-19 patients. Time: up to 6 weeksSince March 2020, France has been confronted with the SARS-COV-2 pandemic. Analysis of the data of its spread would indicate that close contact between individuals is necessary and containment would be the best way to contain this virus. France has therefore been contained since March 17, 2020 until 11 May 2020. In order to assess the impact of the measures taken (containment) to protect patients and salaried staff of a french anti-cancer center on the spread of the virus, this observational study assesses the specific seroprevalence of SARS-COV-2 in all caregivers and non-carers of this hospital and in patients treated in consultation, day hospitalization, full hospitalization at the end of the containment period. The objective for the staff cohort is to describe the seroprevalence and the link between the seroprevalence and sociological / demographic factors relating to the category of profession, to the contacts with the patients, to the presence in the hospital during the period of containment, to the conditions of home containment. The objective for the patient cohort is to describe the seroprevalence and the link between the seroprevalence and factors relating to the type of cancer treated, the type of treatment and their possible modification during the period of containment, to the conditions of home containment.
Description: rate of specific SARC-Cov-2 IgM and IgG
Measure: seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Time: inclusionThis study aims to determine how long COVID-19 neutralizing antibodies can be detected in an elderly institutionalized population presenting fragility factors. This study also aims to stratify seroconversion by immunological profiles of the elderly patients residing in the EHPAD. This stratification requires the measurement of immunological marker levels already described in immunosenescence and also involved in the development of certain chronic infectious diseases more common in the elderly population. This analysis will enable the investigators to describe an immunological, clinical and biological profile representing a patient who has developed an immunity against COVID 19. It will also help the investigators to understand the different mechanisms leading to a reduced immune response after a potential administration of a vaccine. Finally, it will help describe the immune profiles of elderly residents who presented with non-severe forms of COVID-19.
Alphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports