Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
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Clinical Trials, and HPO
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Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug306 | Aspirin Wiki | 0.41 |
drug1566 | Hydroxychloroquine, Doxycycline Wiki | 0.35 |
drug1262 | Extra blood sample Wiki | 0.35 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug2976 | SARS-CoV2 Autoantibody detection Wiki | 0.35 |
drug1272 | FAVICOVIR 200 mg Film Tablet Wiki | 0.35 |
drug1009 | Decidual Stromal Cells (DSC) Wiki | 0.35 |
drug1562 | Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin Wiki | 0.35 |
drug1274 | FAVIRA 200 MG Film Tablet Wiki | 0.35 |
drug3416 | Temporarily holding the RAAS inhibitor [intervention] Wiki | 0.35 |
drug129 | AVIGAN 200 mg Film Tablets Wiki | 0.35 |
drug1688 | Interferon-Alpha2B Wiki | 0.35 |
drug1565 | Hydroxychloroquine, Clindamycin, Primaquine - low dose. Wiki | 0.35 |
drug1689 | Interferon-Beta Wiki | 0.35 |
drug127 | AVIGAN 200 MG Film Tablets Wiki | 0.35 |
drug1563 | Hydroxychloroquine, Clindamycin Wiki | 0.35 |
drug905 | Convalescent Serum Wiki | 0.35 |
drug1564 | Hydroxychloroquine, Clindamycin, Primaquine - high dose. Wiki | 0.35 |
drug2760 | RAAS inhibitor [continued standard of care] Wiki | 0.35 |
drug3944 | lopinavir/ritonavir Wiki | 0.35 |
drug3133 | Simvastatin Wiki | 0.25 |
drug2912 | Rivaroxaban Wiki | 0.16 |
drug3046 | Sarilumab Wiki | 0.16 |
drug829 | Colchicine Wiki | 0.11 |
drug2037 | Methylprednisolone Wiki | 0.09 |
drug2572 | Placebos Wiki | 0.09 |
drug2855 | Remdesivir Wiki | 0.08 |
drug1745 | Ivermectin Wiki | 0.08 |
drug3485 | Tocilizumab Wiki | 0.06 |
drug2505 | Placebo Wiki | 0.05 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D045169 | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome NIH | 0.10 |
D012127 | Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn NIH | 0.09 |
D055371 | Acute Lung Injury NIH | 0.09 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
HP:0001626 | Abnormality of the cardiovascular system HPO | 0.07 |
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There are 8 clinical trials
This is a multi-center, double-blinded study of COVID-19 infected patients randomized 1:1 to daily losartan or placebo for 10 days or treatment failure (hospital admission).
Description: Outcome reported as the number of participants per arm admitted to inpatient hospital care due to COVID-19-related disease within 15 days of randomization. Currently, there is a pre-planned pooled analysis with a national trial network under development.
Measure: Hospital Admission Time: 15 daysDescription: The PROMIS Dyspnea (shortness of breath) item banks and pools assess self-reported Functional Limitations, Severity, Activity Motivation, Activity Requirements, Airborne Exposure, Assistant Devices Resources, Characteristics, Emotional Response, Task Avoidance and Time Extension as they related to dyspnea. In the 33-item Functional Limitations bank, 33 daily activities are rated in terms of degree of difficulty while engaging in the activity over the past 7 days (0 = no difficulty, 1 = a little difficulty, 2 = some difficulty, 3 = much difficulty). Total scores range from 0 to 99, with higher scores reflecting greater functional limitations.
Measure: Change in PROMIS Dyspnea Functional Limitations Time: baseline, 10 daysDescription: The PROMIS Dyspnea (shortness of breath) item banks and pools assess self-reported Functional Limitations, Severity, Activity Motivation, Activity Requirements, Airborne Exposure, Assistant Devices Resources, Characteristics, Emotional Response, Task Avoidance and Time Extension as they related to dyspnea. The 33-item Severity bank assesses the severity of difficulty breathing during various specific activities (the same 33 activities assessed in Dyspnea Functional Limitations). Each activity is rated in terms of degree of dyspnea (0 = no shortness of breath, 1 = mildly short of breath, 2 = moderately short of breath, 3 = severely short of breath) while engaging in the activity over the past 7 days. Total scores range from 0 to 99 with higher scores reflecting greater levels of dyspnea during daily activity.
Measure: Change in PROMIS Dyspnea Severity Time: baseline, 10 daysDescription: Participants will report their maximum daily oral temperature to the study team. Outcome is reported as the mean maximum daily body temperature (in degrees Celsius) over 10 days.
Measure: Daily Maximum Temperature Time: 10 daysDescription: Outcome is reported as the mean number of emergency department and clinic presentations combined per participant in each arm.
Measure: Emergency Department/Clinic Presentations Time: 28 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the number of participants in each arm who fall into each of 7 categories. Lower scores indicate greater condition severity. The ordinal scale is an assessment of the clinical status at the first assessment of a given study day. The scale is as follows: 1) Death; 2) Hospitalized, on invasive mechanical ventilation or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO); 3) Hospitalized, on non-invasive ventilation or high flow oxygen devices; 4) Hospitalized, requiring supplemental oxygen; 5) Hospitalized, not requiring supplemental oxygen; 6) Not hospitalized, limitation on activities; 7) Not hospitalized, no limitations on activities.
Measure: Disease Severity Rating Day 7 Time: 7 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the number of participants in each arm who fall into each of 7 categories. Lower scores indicate greater condition severity. The ordinal scale is an assessment of the clinical status at the first assessment of a given study day. The scale is as follows: 1) Death; 2) Hospitalized, on invasive mechanical ventilation or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO); 3) Hospitalized, on non-invasive ventilation or high flow oxygen devices; 4) Hospitalized, requiring supplemental oxygen; 5) Hospitalized, not requiring supplemental oxygen; 6) Not hospitalized, limitation on activities; 7) Not hospitalized, no limitations on activities.
Measure: Disease Severity Rating Day 15 Time: 15 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the number of participants in each arm who fall into each of 7 categories. Lower scores indicate greater condition severity. The ordinal scale is an assessment of the clinical status at the first assessment of a given study day. The scale is as follows: 1) Death; 2) Hospitalized, on invasive mechanical ventilation or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO); 3) Hospitalized, on non-invasive ventilation or high flow oxygen devices; 4) Hospitalized, requiring supplemental oxygen; 5) Hospitalized, not requiring supplemental oxygen; 6) Not hospitalized, limitation on activities; 7) Not hospitalized, no limitations on activities.
Measure: Disease Severity Rating Day 28 Time: 28 daysDescription: Participants will collect oropharyngeal swabs every third day for the duration of study participation. Viral load is measured as number of viral genetic copies per mL.
Measure: Viral Load by Oropharyngeal Swab Day 9 Time: 9 daysDescription: Participants will collect oropharyngeal swabs every third day for the duration of study participation. Viral load is measured as number of viral genetic copies per mL.
Measure: Viral Load by Oropharyngeal Swab Day 15 Time: 15 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the mean number of days participants in each arm did not require ventilator use.
Measure: Ventilator-Free Days Time: 28 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the mean number of days participants in each arm did not require therapeutic oxygen use.
Measure: Therapeutic Oxygen-Free Days Time: 28 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the percent of participants in each arm who require hospital admission by day 15 following randomization.
Measure: Need for Hospital Admission at 15 Days Time: 15 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the percent of participants in each arm who require oxygen therapy by day 15 following randomization.
Measure: Need for Oxygen Therapy at 15 Days Time: 15 daysThis is a multi-center, double-blinded study of COVID-19 infected patients requiring inpatient hospital admission randomized 1:1 to daily Losartan or placebo for 7 days or hospital discharge.
Description: Outcome calculated from the partial pressure of oxygen or peripheral saturation of oxygen by pulse oximetry divided by the fraction of inspired oxygen (PaO2 or SaO2 : FiO2 ratio). PaO2 is preferentially used if available. A correction is applied for endotracheal intubation and/or positive end-expiratory pressure. Patients discharged prior to day 7 will have a home pulse oximeter send home for measurement of the day 7 value, and will be adjusted for home O2 use, if applicable. Patients who died will be applied a penalty with a P/F ratio of 0.
Measure: Difference in Estimated (PEEP adjusted) P/F Ratio at 7 days Time: 7 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the mean number of daily hypotensive episodes (MAP < 65 mmHg) prompting intervention (indicated by a fluid bolus >=500 mL) per participant in each arm.
Measure: Daily Hypotensive Episodes Time: 10 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the number of participants in each arm requiring the use of vasopressors for hypotension.
Measure: Hypotension Requiring Vasopressors Time: 10 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the number of participants in each arm who experience acute kidney injury as defined by the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guidelines: Increase in serum creatinine by 0.3mg/dL or more within 48 hours OR Increase in serum creatinine to 1.5 times baseline or more within the last 7 days OR Urine output less than 0.5 mL/kg/h for 6 hours.
Measure: Acute Kidney Injury Time: 10 daysDescription: The SOFA assessment is used to track a person's risk status during stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The score is based on six different scores, one each for the respiratory, cardiovascular, hepatic, coagulation, renal, and neurological systems. Each organ system is assigned a point value from 0 (normal) to 4 (high degree of dysfunction/failure). Total score is calculated by entering patient data into a SOFA calculator, a widely-available software. Total scores range from 0-24, with higher scores indicating greater chance of mortality.
Measure: Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) Total Score Time: 10 daysDescription: Oxygen saturation (percent) is measured by pulse oximeter. Fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) (unitless) is the volumetric fraction of oxygen to other gases in respiratory support. The F/S ratio is unitless.
Measure: Oxygen Saturation / Fractional Inhaled Oxygen (F/S) Time: 10 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the number of participants who have expired at 28 days post enrollment.
Measure: 28-Day Mortality Time: 28 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the number of participants who have expired at 90 days post enrollment.
Measure: 90-Day Mortality Time: 90 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the number of participants in each arm who require admission to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
Measure: ICU Admission Time: 10 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the mean number of days participants in each arm did not require mechanical ventilation during an in-patient hospital admission.
Measure: Number of Ventilator-Free Days Time: 10 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the mean number of days participants in each arm did not require therapeutic oxygen usage during an in-patient hospital admission.
Measure: Number of Therapeutic Oxygen-Free Days Time: 10 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the mean number of days participants in each arm did not require vasopressor usage during an in-patient hospital admission.
Measure: Number of Vasopressor-Free Days Time: 10 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the mean length of stay (in days) in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for participants in each arm.
Measure: Length of ICU Stay Time: 10 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the mean length of in-patient hospital stay (in days) for participants in each arm.
Measure: Length of Hospital Stay Time: 10 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the number of participants requiring BiPAP OR high flow nasal cannula OR mechanical ventilation OR extracorporeal membranous oxygenation (ECMO) utilization during in-patient hospital care in each arm.
Measure: Incidence of Respiratory Failure Time: 10 daysDescription: The PROMIS Dyspnea (shortness of breath) item banks and pools assess self-reported Functional Limitations, Severity, Activity Motivation, Activity Requirements, Airborne Exposure, Assistant Devices Resources, Characteristics, Emotional Response, Task Avoidance and Time Extension as they related to dyspnea. In the 33-item Functional Limitations bank, 33 daily activities are rated in terms of degree of difficulty while engaging in the activity over the past 7 days (0 = no difficulty, 1 = a little difficulty, 2 = some difficulty, 3 = much difficulty). Total scores range from 0 to 99, with higher scores reflecting greater functional limitations.
Measure: Change in PROMIS Dyspnea Functional Limitations Time: 10 daysDescription: The PROMIS Dyspnea (shortness of breath) item banks and pools assess self-reported Functional Limitations, Severity, Activity Motivation, Activity Requirements, Airborne Exposure, Assistant Devices Resources, Characteristics, Emotional Response, Task Avoidance and Time Extension as they related to dyspnea. The 33-item Severity bank assesses the severity of difficulty breathing during various specific activities (the same 33 activities assessed in Dyspnea Functional Limitations). Each activity is rated in terms of degree of dyspnea (0 = no shortness of breath, 1 = mildly short of breath, 2 = moderately short of breath, 3 = severely short of breath) while engaging in the activity over the past 7 days. Total scores range from 0 to 99 with higher scores reflecting greater levels of dyspnea during daily activity.
Measure: Change in PROMIS Dyspnea Severity Time: 10 daysDescription: Outcome reported as the number of participants in each arm who fall into each of 7 categories. Lower scores indicate greater condition severity. The ordinal scale is an assessment of the clinical status at the first assessment of a given study day. The scale is as follows: 1) Death; 2) Hospitalized, on invasive mechanical ventilation or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO); 3) Hospitalized, on non-invasive ventilation or high flow oxygen devices; 4) Hospitalized, requiring supplemental oxygen; 5) Hospitalized, not requiring supplemental oxygen; 6) Not hospitalized, limitation on activities; 7) Not hospitalized, no limitations on activities.
Measure: Disease Severity Rating Time: 10 daysDescription: Nasopharyngeal swabs will be collected every third day for the duration of study participation. Viral load is measured as number of viral genetic copies per mL.
Measure: Viral Load by Nasopharyngeal Swab Day 9 Time: 9 daysDescription: Nasopharyngeal swabs will be collected every third day for the duration of study participation. Viral load is measured as number of viral genetic copies per mL.
Measure: Viral Load by Nasopharyngeal Swab Day 15 Time: 15 daysDescription: Blood will be collected every third day for viral load assessment for the duration of study participation. Viral load is measured as number of viral genetic copies per mL.
Measure: Viral Load by Blood Day 9 Time: 9 daysDescription: Blood will be collected every third day for viral load assessment for the duration of study participation. Viral load is measured as number of viral genetic copies per mL.
Measure: Viral Load by Blood Day 15 Time: 15 daysAlthough a number of therapeutics are being utilized by clinicians to treat patients with COVID-19, none have been systematically evaluated in clinical trials. Lopinavir/ritonavir, an antiretroviral medication, showed equivocal but possibly positive efficacy and safety in a RCT conducted in China and published in NEJM in March of 2020. Losartan, an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB), has theoretical benefit as SARSCoV-2 appears to bind to lung tissue via Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE-2) receptors which might be inhibited by ARBs. This pragmatic adaptive trial compares outcome in COVID-19 patients treated with lopinavir/ritonavir, losartan, and placebo.
Description: difference in NCOSS scores between the different treatment groups
Measure: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases COVID-19 Ordinal Severity Scale (NCOSS) Time: 60 daysDescription: difference in the total inpatient LOS between the three treatment groups
Measure: Hospital length of stay (LOS) Time: 60 daysDescription: difference in the total ICU level care LOS between the three treatment groups
Measure: Intensive care unit level LOS Time: 60 daysDescription: difference in length of use of mechanical ventilation between the three treatment groups
Measure: Mechanical ventilation Time: 60 daysDescription: difference in all cause mortality between the four treatment groups
Measure: survival Time: 60 daysThis is an open label, phase 1 clinical trial to evaluate the safety of losartan in respiratory failure due to COVID-19. Briefly, 50 patients with COVID-19 and respiratory failure who meet eligibility criteria and agree to participation in the study will be placed on losartan 25 mg daily on study day 0. If parameters are met the dose of losartan will be increased to 50 mg once daily on study day 3. Participants will continue losartan until they experience resolution of respiratory failure (normal oxygen levels on room air), are discharged from the hospital, meet stoppage criteria (detailed below) or complete 14 days of therapy. Patients and/or surrogate decision maker who do not give consent to treatment will be asked to allow collection of data from their medical record for use as a control group. We will also collect medical information relating to safety criteria on historical controls treated at the University of Kansas Hospital in the 30 days prior to the study start date (3/25/2020) and during the study period.
Description: Safety will be reported based on Protocol defined AEs. For the purpose of this protocol, an AE will be defined as as any untoward medical occurrence in a subject during the study listed under DMSB - Anticipated Adverse Events and Grading Scale section of this protocol as well as safety monitoring data listed on protocol table 1 as well as stoppage criteria for losartan. The event does not necessarily have a causal relationship with the treatment. AEs will be collected for both study groups, treatment and control from the time the ICF is signed until the subject completes study participation.
Measure: Number of participants with treatment-related adverse events as assessed by protocol definition of AE Time: 14 days of losartan treatmentDescription: Number of days on supplemental oxygen in respiratory failure due to COVID-19
Measure: Number of days on supplemental oxygen in respiratory failure due to COVID-19 Time: 14 days of losartan treatmentDescription: Incidence of mechanical ventilation use
Measure: Incidence of mechanical ventilation use Time: 14 days of losartan treatmentDescription: Days on mechanical ventilation
Measure: Days on mechanical ventilation Time: 14 days of losartan treatmentDescription: Incidence of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation or heated high flow nasal cannula use
Measure: Incidence of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation or heated high flow nasal cannula use Time: 14 days of losartan treatmentDescription: Days on non-invasive positive pressure ventilation or high flow nasal cannula
Measure: Days on non-invasive positive pressure ventilation or high flow nasal cannula Time: 14 days of losartan treatmentDescription: Incidence of transfer to ICU from non-ICU hospital bed
Measure: Incidence of transfer to ICU from non-ICU hospital bed Time: 14 days of losartan treatmentDescription: ICU length of stay (days)
Measure: ICU length of stay (days) Time: 14 days of losartan treatmentDescription: 30-day mortality rate
Measure: 30-day mortality rate Time: 30 days after diagnosis of COVID-19Description: Hospital length of stay (days)
Measure: Hospital length of stay (days) Time: 14 days of losartan treatmentDescription: Cumulative incidence of severe adverse events
Measure: Cumulative incidence of severe adverse events Time: 14 days of losartan treatmentDescription: Cumulative incidence of adverse events
Measure: Cumulative incidence of adverse events Time: 14 days of losartan treatmentDescription: Change from baseline in oxygenation
Measure: Change from baseline in oxygenation Time: 14 days of losartan treatmentDescription: Incidence of medications with possible antiviral activity (hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir, ribavirin or remdesivir) or adjunctive therapy use (e.g., tocilizumab)
Measure: Incidence of medications with possible antiviral activity (hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir, ribavirin or remdesivir) or adjunctive therapy use (e.g., tocilizumab) Time: 14 days of losartan treatmentDescription: Incidence (and length in days) of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation use
Measure: Incidence (and length in days) of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation use Time: 14 days of losartan treatmentDescription: Incidence (and length in days) of renal replacement therapy use
Measure: Incidence (and length in days) of renal replacement therapy use Time: 14 days of losartan treatmentDescription: Intolerance of high dose (50mg) losartan after tolerating 25mg
Measure: Intolerance of high dose (50mg) losartan after tolerating 25mg Time: 14 days of losartan treatmentThe purpose of this research is to identify whether or not Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARB) can halt the progression to respiratory failure requiring transfer into the intensive care unit (ICU), as well as halt mechanical ventilation in subjects with mild to moderate hypoxia due to the corona virus that causes COVID-19. Based on previous animal studies, the researchers hypothesize that the addition of an ARB is beneficial in abating acute lung injury in subjects in early stages of SARS-CoV-2 viral induced hypoxia.
Description: Number of subjects requiring transfer into ICU for mechanical ventilation due to respiratory failure
Measure: Mechanical ventilation Time: from date of patient admission to date of patient discharge or date of death, whichever came first, assessed up to 45 daysDescription: Number of subjects transferred from non-ICU bed to an ICU bed
Measure: ICU transfer Time: from date of patient admission to date of patient discharge or date of death, whichever came first, assessed up to 45 daysDescription: Number of days requiring oxygen therapy
Measure: Oxygen therapy Time: from date of patient admission to date of patient discharge or date of death, whichever came first, assessed up to 45 daysThe CRASH-19 trial is a multinational, open-label, factorial, randomised trial in adults hospitalised with suspected or confirmed acute COVID-19 infection.
Description: Cause of death will be described
Measure: Death Time: up to 28 days of randomisationDiagnostic determination of disease and treatment responses has been limited to qualitative imaging, measurement of serum markers of disease, and sampling of tissue. In each of these instances, there is a built in error either due to sensitivity and specificity issues, clinician interpretation of results, or acceptance of the use of an indirect marker (blood test) of what is happening elsewhere in the body - at the tissue level. The Fleming Method for Tissue and Vascular Differentiation and Metabolism (FMTVDM) using same state single or sequential quantification comparisons [1] provides the first and only patented test (#9566037) - along with the associated submitted patent applications ruled to be covered under #9566037 - that quantitatively measures changes in tissue resulting from inter alia a disease process. This includes inter alia coronary artery disease (CAD), cancer and infectious/inflammatory processes including CoVid-19 pneumonia (CVP) resulting from the metabolic and regional blood flow differences (RBFDs) caused by these diseases. The purpose of this paper is to make clinicians and researchers aware of this proposed method for investigating the prevalence and severity of CVP - in addition to providing rapid determination of treatment response in each patient, directing treatment decisions; thereby reducing the loss of time, money, resources and patient lives.
Description: Measured improvement in tissue as measured using FMTVDM
Measure: Improvement in FMTVDM Measurement with nuclear imaging. Time: 72 hoursDescription: Extubation
Measure: Ventilator status Time: 7 daysDescription: Self explanatory
Measure: Survival status Time: 30 daysIvermectin plus losartan as prophilaxy to severe events in patients with cancer with recent diagnosis of COVID-19
Description: Incidence of severe complications due COVID-19 infection defined as need for ICU admission, need for mechanical ventilation, or death
Measure: Incidence of severe complications due COVID-19 infection Time: 28 daysDescription: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome defined as oxygen saturation less than 93%
Measure: Incidence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Time: 28 daysDescription: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome defined as respiratory rate higher than 24 incursion per minute
Measure: Incidence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Time: 28 daysDescription: Incidence of hepatic toxicity (elevation of ALT, AST above the upper limit of normal, measured by U/L)
Measure: Adverse events Time: 28 daysDescription: Incidence of hepatic toxicity (elevation of bilirubin above the upper limit of normal, measured by mg/dL)
Measure: Adverse events Time: 28 daysDescription: Incidence of renal toxicity (elevation of serum creatinine levels above the upper limit of normal, measured by mg/dL)
Measure: Adverse events Time: 28 daysDescription: Incidence of symptomatic postural hypotension, diagnosed by clinical assessment of reduction of > 20 mmHG of arterial systolic pressure after measurement in prone position and orthostatic position.
Measure: Adverse events Time: 28 daysDescription: Death of any cause since protocol enrollment
Measure: Overall survival Time: 28 daysAlphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports