Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
Sections: Correlations,
Clinical Trials, and HPO
Navigate: Clinical Trials and HPO
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug3083 | Sensitivity and Couples' Intervention Wiki | 0.32 |
drug344 | Auricular neuromodulation Wiki | 0.32 |
drug2277 | Nutritional support system (NSS) Wiki | 0.32 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug1425 | Growth Mindset Wiki | 0.32 |
drug1381 | Gait Retraining Wiki | 0.32 |
drug3373 | Talabostat Mesylate plus Pembrolizumab Wiki | 0.32 |
drug2114 | N-803 Wiki | 0.32 |
drug3082 | Sensitivity Intervention Wiki | 0.32 |
drug3571 | Ultra Brief Online Mindfulness-based Intervention Wiki | 0.32 |
drug659 | COVID-19 experience surveys Wiki | 0.32 |
drug660 | COVID-19 exposure Wiki | 0.32 |
drug1402 | Global Longitudinal Strain Wiki | 0.32 |
drug1653 | Individualized-Chinese herbal medicine Wiki | 0.32 |
drug930 | Couples' Intervention Wiki | 0.32 |
drug2431 | Passed infection of SARS-CoV-2 Wiki | 0.32 |
drug3045 | Sargramostim Wiki | 0.18 |
drug2650 | Probiotic Wiki | 0.18 |
drug3674 | Vitamin C Wiki | 0.18 |
drug3022 | Saline Wiki | 0.11 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D009202 | Cardiomyopathies NIH | 0.55 |
D018288 | Carcinoma, Small Cell NIH | 0.32 |
D018376 | Cardiovascular Abnormalities NIH | 0.32 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D055752 | Small Cell Lung Carcinoma NIH | 0.22 |
D006330 | Heart Defects, Congenital NIH | 0.22 |
D020370 | Osteoarthritis, Knee NIH | 0.18 |
D018358 | Neuroendocrine Tumors NIH | 0.18 |
D011471 | Prostatic Neoplasms NIH | 0.14 |
D009205 | Myocarditis NIH | 0.11 |
D006973 | Hypertension NIH | 0.07 |
D002318 | Cardiovascular Diseases NIH | 0.06 |
D018352 | Coronavirus Infections NIH | 0.04 |
D045169 | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome NIH | 0.01 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
HP:0001638 | Cardiomyopathy HPO | 0.55 |
HP:0030357 | Small cell lung carcinoma HPO | 0.32 |
HP:0001627 | Abnormal heart morphology HPO | 0.22 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
HP:0100634 | Neuroendocrine neoplasm HPO | 0.18 |
HP:0005086 | Knee osteoarthritis HPO | 0.18 |
HP:0012125 | Prostate cancer HPO | 0.16 |
HP:0001626 | Abnormality of the cardiovascular system HPO | 0.12 |
HP:0012819 | Myocarditis HPO | 0.11 |
HP:0000822 | Hypertension HPO | 0.08 |
Navigate: Correlations HPO
There are 10 clinical trials
The proposed research is relevant to public health because of the critical importance of infant attachment and early experiences to the lifetime trajectory of mental health and socio-emotional functioning. This Randomized Clinical Trial addresses major gaps in available family-wide programs that can promote healthy development that best serve infants, mothers, fathers, and inter-parental relationships in cost-effective ways. This study also systematically tests for which families the interventions are most effective and rigorously tests the theoretical processes that link changes in mother-infant, father-infant, and mother-father interactions with infant and parent outcomes.
Description: Observational measure of parent sensitivity during infant-parent interactions
Measure: Change in Parental Sensitivity Time: 12-monthsDescription: Parent-report questionnaire assessing degree of involvement with infants at home, reflecting percent time engaging in each activity. Subscales include: Direct Care, Indirect Care, Play Activities, and Total score all ranging from 0 - 100. Higher values mean higher percentage of time spent in that caretaking activity. Scores are averaged to create the subscales and total score.
Measure: Change in Child Care Activities Scale Time: 12-monthsDescription: Parent-report questionnaire assessing degree of stress about roles as a parent. Subscales include: Parental Distress (scale range from 5 - 60; 33 and higher = 85th percentile); Parent-Child Dysfunctional Interaction (scale range 5 - 60; 26 and higher = 85th percentile); Difficult Child (scale range 5 - 60; 33 and higher = 85th percentile); Total Score (scale range 15 - 180; 86 and higher = 85th percentile). Higher values mean greater levels of parenting stress. Scores are summed to create subscales and the total score.
Measure: Change in Parenting Stress Index - Short Form Version III Time: 12 monthsDescription: Parent-report measure of self-efficacy in their role as a parent. Subscales include Satisfaction (cale range 9 - 54); Efficacy (scale range 8 - 48). Total Score (scale range 17 - 102). Higher values indicate a greater satisfaction, efficacy, and total sense of competence. Scores are summed to create the subscales and total score.
Measure: Change in Parenting Sense of Competence Scale Time: 12-monthsDescription: Parent report questionnaire assessing parents' security in their relationships with each other. Subscales include Preoccupied Attachment (scale range 1 - 7); Fearful Attachment (scale range 1 - 7); Secure Attachment (scale range 1 - 7). Higher values mean greater levels of that type of attachment to spouse. Scores are averages of item sets.
Measure: Change in Spousal Attachment Questionnaire Time: 12-monthsDescription: Parent report questionnaire assessing conflict strategies in spousal relationship. Subscales include Cooperation (scale range 0 - 36); Avoidance and Capitulation (scale range 0 - 60); Stonewalling (scale range 0 - 42); Verbal Aggression (scale range 0 - 48); Physical Aggression (scale range 0 - 42); Child Involvement (scale range 0 - 30); Conflict Resolution (scale range 0 - 39). Higher scores indicate greater levels of use of conflict strategies or greater resolution. Item sets are summed to create subscale scores.
Measure: Change in Conflict and Problem Solving Scale Time: 12-monthsDescription: Parent report questionnaire assessing children's exposure to marital conflict. There is a total score (scale range 0 - 36). Higher values indicate more conflict. Items are summed to create the total score.
Measure: Change in O'Leary Porter Scale Time: 12-monthsDescription: Parent questionnaire evaluating children's behavior problems and competence. Subscales include Problems (scale range 0 - 66); Competencies (scale range 0 - 22); Externalizing problems (scale range 0 - 12); Internalizing (scale range 0 - 16); Dysregulation (scale range 0 - 16); Autism Spectrum Disorder (scale range 0 - 17). Higher scores indicate higher levels of each construct or higher screening value for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Scores are summed.
Measure: Change in Brief Infant Toddler Emotional Assessment Time: 12-monthsDescription: Observational ratings of infant attachment security with mothers from the Strange Situation; with COVID-19, we no longer do in-person assessments so we now use a modified version of the Attachment Q-Sort which is an interview with mothers over zoom.
Measure: Mother-Infant Attachment Time: 12 monthsDescription: Observational ratings of infant attachment security with fathers from the Strange Situation; with COVID-19, we no longer do in-person assessments so we now use a modified version of the Attachment Q-Sort which is an interview with fathers over zoom.
Measure: Father-Infant Attachment Time: 10 monthsDescription: Observational measure of parents' conflict styles during discussions
Measure: Change in Couples' communication styles Time: 12-monthsDescription: Observational measure of infants' affective and regulatory behaviors during parent-child interactions and during couples' discussions
Measure: Change in Infant Affect Regulation Time: 12-monthsLOVIT is a multicentre concealed-allocation parallel-group blinded randomized controlled trial to ascertain the effect of high-dose intravenous vitamin C compared to placebo on mortality or persistent organ dysfunction at 28 days in septic intensive care unit patients. Patients with COVID-19 are considered eligible for this study.
Description: Defined as death or dependency on mechanical ventilation, renal replacement, or vasopressors
Measure: Number of deceased participants or with persistent organ dysfunction Time: Both assessed at 28 daysDescription: Persistent organ dysfunction-free days in intensive care unit
Measure: Number of participants with persistent organ dysfunction-free days in intensive care unit Time: Up to day 28Description: Mortality at 6 months
Measure: Number of participants deceased at 6 months Time: 6 monthsDescription: Assessed by the questionnaire EuroQol-5D (EQ-5D-5L). The EQ-5D-5L essentially consists of 2 pages: the EQ-5D descriptive system and the EQ visual analogue scale (EQ VAS). The descriptive system comprises five dimensions: mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression. Each dimension has 5 levels: no problems, slight problems, moderate problems, severe problems and extreme problems. The patient is asked to indicate his/her health state by ticking the box next to the most appropriate statement in each of the five dimensions. This decision results in a 1-digit number that expresses the level selected for that dimension. The digits for the five dimensions can be combined into a 5-digit number that describes the patient's health state. The EQ VAS records the patient's self-rated health on a vertical visual analogue scale, where the endpoints are labelled 'The best health you can imagine' and 'The worst health you can imagine'.
Measure: Score of health related quality of life in 6-month survivors Time: 6 monthsDescription: Assessed by serum lactate concentration
Measure: Global tissue dysoxia Time: Days 1, 3, 7Description: Assessed by the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score. Used to track a person's status during the stay in an intensive care unit to determine the extent of a person's organ function or rate of failure. The score is based on 6 different sub-scores, one each for the respiratory (PaO2/FiO2 mmHg), cardiovascular (mean arterial pressure OR administration of vasopressors required), hepatic (liver bilirubin (mg/dl) [μmol/L]), coagulation (platelets×103/µl), renal (kidneys creatinine (mg/dl) [μmol/L] (or urine output)) and neurological (Glasgow coma scale). The sub-score of eah system ranges from 0 (best) to +4 (worst).
Measure: Organ function (including renal function) Time: Days 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 14, 28Description: Assessed by interleukin-1 beta (IL-1ß), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), C-reactive protein (CRP)
Measure: Rate of inflammation Time: Days 1, 3, 7Description: Assessed by procalcitonin (PCT)
Measure: Rate of infection Time: Days 1, 3, 7Description: Assessed by thrombomodulin (TM) and angiopoietin-2 (ANG-2)
Measure: Rate of endothelial injury Time: Days 1, 3, 7Description: Assessed by KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) criteria
Measure: Occurrence of stage 3 acute kidney injury Time: Up to day 28Description: clinician judgment of hemolysis, as recorded in the chart, OR hemoglobin drop of at least 25 g/L within 24 hours of a dose of investigational product PLUS 2 of the following: reticulocyte count >2 times upper limit of normal at clinical site lab; haptoglobin < lower limit of normal at clinical site lab; indirect (unconjugated) bilirubin >2 times upper limit of normal at clinical site lab; Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) >2 times upper limit of normal at clinical site lab. Severe hemolysis: - hemoglobin < 75 g/L AND at least 2 of the above criteria AND requires 2 units of packed red blood cells
Measure: Acute hemolysis Time: Up to day 28Description: Core lab-validated glucose level of less than 3.8 mmol/L
Measure: Hypoglycemia Time: During the time participants receive the 16 doses of the investigational product and the 7 days following the last doseDescription: Assessed by chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Measure: Vitamin C volume of distribution Time: 6th dose of vitamin C (second dose on day 2) at time 0 (immediately prior to the dose) and then after administration at times 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours and 6 hours (Pharmacokynetic substudy)Description: Assessed by chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Measure: Vitamin C clearance Time: 6th dose of vitamin C (second dose on day 2) at time 0 (immediately prior to the dose) and then after administration at times 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours and 6 hours (Pharmacokynetic substudy)Description: Assessed by chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Measure: Vitamin C plasma concentration Time: 6th dose of vitamin C (second dose on day 2) at time 0 (immediately prior to the dose) and then after administration at times 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours and 6 hours (Pharmacokynetic substudy)The guiding scientific premise for this research is that a growth emotion mindset will promote more adaptive emotion processing than a fixed emotion mindset. Because emotional sensitivity is particularly salient in adolescent girls, we will focus on this group. Using an experimental design, adolescent girls will be randomly assigned to either a mindset manipulation or a control group (brain education). Each group will complete a 25-minute computer-based lesson followed by a social stressor and a functional magnetic resonance imaging session. Two specific aims will be addressed: (1) to determine whether a growth mindset induction, relative to a control condition, predicts more adaptive emotion processing at the neural, behavioral, and psychological levels of processing; and (2) to determine whether neural processing of emotion accounts for the effect of a growth emotion mindset manipulation on behavioral and psychological processing of emotion. This study builds on a strong empirical database establishing the effect of mindsets on multiple domains of functioning but will be the first to examine the implications of a growth vs. fixed mindset about emotion for emotion processing in adolescent girls, thereby elucidating one specific youth attribute that can support or disrupt emotional development.
Description: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control) Minimum=1 Maximum=6 High=worse outcome
Measure: Mean Change from Pre to Post Mindset Manipulation on Emotion Mindset Scale (measures beliefs about whether emotions are fixed or malleable) Time: Pre vs. Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control) Minimum=1 Maximum=5 High=better outcome
Measure: Mean Change from Pre to Post Mindset Manipulation on Emotional Self-efficacy Scale (measure beliefs about ability to control emotions) Time: Pre vs. Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control) Minimum=1 Maximum=5 High=better outcome
Measure: Mean Change from Pre to Post Mindset Manipulation on Emotional Self-efficacy Vignettes (measure beliefs about ability to control emotions in specific situations) Time: Pre vs. Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean performance as reflected in reaction time and accuracy across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Difference in Performance on Go/nogo Task Time: Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean levels of self-reported emotion regulation strategies across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Difference in Emotion Regulation Strategies Time: Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean levels of amygdala activation during relevant trials of the Social Evaluation Task and Go/no go Task across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Difference in Amygdala Activation Time: Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean levels of frontal parietal network-amygdala connectivity during relevant trials of the Social Evaluation Task and Go/no go Task across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Difference in Frontal Parietal Network-Amygdala Connectivity Time: Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change on Self-Reported State Negative Affect Time: Pre-Trier vs. Post-Trier: baselineDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Emotion Mindset Scores at 2 Months Time: At baseline and in approximately 2 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Emotion Mindset Scores at 4 Months Time: At baseline and in approximately 4 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control) Minimum=1 Maximum=5 High=better outcome
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Emotional Self-efficacy Scale Scores at 2 Months (measure beliefs about ability to control emotions) Time: At baseline and in approximately 2 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control) Minimum=1 Maximum=5 High=better outcome
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Emotional Self-efficacy Scale Scores at 4 Months (measure beliefs about ability to control emotions) Time: At baseline and in approximately 4 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Emotional Self-efficacy Vignettes Scores at 2 months Time: At baseline and in approximately 2 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Emotional Self-efficacy Vignettes Scores at 4 months Time: At baseline and in approximately 4 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Self-Reported Emotion Regulation Strategies Scores at 2 months Time: At baseline and in approximately 2 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Self-Reported Emotion Regulation Strategies Scores at 4 months Time: At baseline and in approximately 4 monthsDescription: Will compare mean scores during relevant trials of the Social Evaluation Task across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Difference on Self-Reported State Negative Affect Time: Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean levels of cingulo-opercular network activation during resting state and relevant trials of the Social Evaluation Task and Go/no go Task across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Difference in Cingulo-Opercular Network Activation Time: Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean levels of cingulo-opercular network-amygdala connectivity during resting state and relevant trials of the Social Evaluation Task and Go/no go Task across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Difference in Cingulo-Opercular Network-Amygdala Connectivity Time: Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will conduct exploratory whole-brain analyses comparing activation patterns during resting state and relevant trials of the Social Evaluation Task and Go/no go Task across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Group Differences for Whole-Brain Analyses Time: Post Mindset Manipulation: baselineDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Depressive Symptoms Scores at 2 months Time: At baseline and in approximately 2 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Depressive Symptoms Scores at 4 months Time: At baseline and in approximately 4 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Anxiety Symptoms Scores at 2 months Time: At baseline and in approximately 2 monthsDescription: Will compare mean change scores across the two conditions (mindset and control)
Measure: Mean Change from Baseline in Anxiety Symptoms Scores at 4 months Time: At baseline and in approximately 4 monthsThis study investigates the feasibility of a gait-retraining program for older adults with knee osteoarthritis. The study will enroll 40 participants, with 20 receiving a gait retraining intervention and 20 receiving a graded walking program without gait retraining.
Description: # of participants screened per month
Measure: Recruitment rate Time: through study completion, an average of 2 yearsDescription: # of participants enrolled per month
Measure: Enrollment rate Time: through study completion, an average of 2 yearsDescription: % participants that complete all study visits
Measure: Retention Time: through study completion, an average of 2 yearsDescription: Proportion of participants who withdraw or terminated by investigators and reasons why
Measure: Withdrawals/Terminated Time: through study completion, an average of 2 yearsDescription: Proportion of participants with AE/UP
Measure: Adverse events (AE)/Unanticipated problems (UP) Time: through study completion, an average of 2 yearsDescription: Slope of the most linear portion of the vertical ground reaction force curve, during early stance.
Measure: Vertical average loading rate Time: Change from baseline to conclusion of intervention, an average of 1-monthDescription: Maximum slope of the most vertical portion of the vertical ground reaction force curve between successive data points, during early stance.
Measure: Vertical instantaneous loading rate Time: Change from baseline to conclusion of intervention, an average of 1-monthDescription: WOMAC questionnaire, pain sub scale 0-20
Measure: Knee Pain with Activities Time: Change from baseline to conclusion of intervention, an average of 1-monthDescription: Visual analog scale, 0-100
Measure: Knee Pain Severity Time: Change from baseline to conclusion of intervention, an average of 1-monthDescription: Assessed using hand held algometer
Measure: Pressure pain threshold Time: Change from baseline to conclusion of intervention, an average of 1-monthPhase IV study to evaluate the effectiveness of additional inhaled sargramostim (GM-CSF) versus standard of care on blood oxygenation in patients with COVID-19 coronavirus infection and acute hypoxic respiratory failure.
Description: by mean change in PaO2/FiO2 (PaO2=Partial pressure of oxygen; FiO2= Fraction of inspired oxygen)
Measure: Improvement in oxygenation at a dose of 250 mcg daily during 5 days improves oxygenation in COVID-19 patients with acute hypoxic respiratory failure Time: at end of 5 day treatment periodDescription: demonstrated by bacterial or fungal culture
Measure: incidence of severe or life-threatening bacterial, invasive fungal or opportunistic infection Time: during hospital admission (up to 28 days)Description: defined by HS (Hemophagocytic Syndrome) score
Measure: number of patients developing features of secondary haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis Time: at enrolment, end of 5 day treatment period, 10 day period, 10-20 weeksThe COVID-19 pandemic has already overwhelmed the sanitary capacity. Additional therapeutic arsenals, albeit untested in the given context but previously proven to be efficacious in a related clinical context, that could reduce the morbidity rate are urgently needed. A decrease of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a validated bad prognosis marker in sepsis and acute respiratory distress syndrome. In contrast, auricular vagus nerve stimulation was proven not only to increase HRV values in healthy Humans, but also to reduce sepsis and increase survival, both significantly, in experimental models. Moreover, the heavy viral infection within the brainstem of deceased patients suggests that the neuroinvasive potential of SARS-CoV2 is likely to be partially responsible for COVID-19 acute respiratory failure and may bear relevance in tailoring future treatment modalities. Interestingly, the vagus nerve (or tenth cranial nerve) connects bidirectionally the brainstem to various internal organs including the lung and to one external organ, namely, the outer ear. Hence, the impact of auricular vagus nerve stimulation through semi-permanent needles will be studied, mostly used so far for pain alleviation, on the outcome of COVID-19 inpatients within 15 days.
Description: Inpatients are considered as clinically improved if they have gained at least 2 points on the following clinical evaluation scale, or if they went back home Clinical evaluation scale :1. Outpatient back to normal activities / 2. Outpatient without normal activities / 3. Inpatient without oxygen therapy / 4. Inpatient with oxygen therapy/ 5. Inpatient requiring either nasal high-flow oxygen therapy or non-invasive respirator or both / 6. Inpatient, requiring either ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) or invasive artificial respirator, or both / 7. Deceased.
Measure: Comparison of the percentage of clinically improved inpatients between D0 and D14 Time: 14 day after interventionThe aim of the present study is to evaluate the effects of Lactobacillus coryniformis K8 consumption on the incidence and severity of Covid-19 in health workers exposed to the virus. This is a preventive study
Description: The incidence of SARS CoV-2 infection will be confirmed by PCR or antigen test
Measure: Incidence of SARS CoV-2 infection in healthcare workers Time: 8 weeksDescription: In the healthcare workers that confirm the SARS Cov-2 infection (primary variable), it will be evaluated how many of them will required hospital admission because of Covid-19
Measure: Incidence of hospital admissions caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection Time: 8 weeksDescription: In the healthcare workers that confirm the SARS Cov-2 infection (primary variable), it will be evaluated how many of them will required ICU admission because of Covid-19
Measure: Incidence of ICU admissions caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection Time: 8 weeksDescription: In the healthcare workers that confirm the SARS Cov-2 infection (primary variable), it will be evaluated how many of them will develop pneumonia because of Covid-19
Measure: Incidence of pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection Time: 8 weeksDescription: In the healthcare workers that confirm the SARS Cov-2 infection (primary variable), it will be evaluated how many of them will require oxygen support because of Covid-19
Measure: Incidence of oxygen support requirement caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection Time: 8 weeksDescription: In the healthcare workers that confirm the SARS Cov-2 infection (primary variable), it will be evaluated how many of them will develop gastrointestinal symptoms because of Covid-19
Measure: Incidence of gastrointestinal symptoms caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection Time: 8 weeksDescription: In the healthcare workers that confirm the SARS Cov-2 infection (primary variable), number of days with body's temperature > 37.5 ºC during the course of the disease
Measure: Days with body's temperature > 37.5 ºC Time: 8 weeksDescription: In the healthcare workers that confirm the SARS Cov-2 infection (primary variable), number of days with cough during the course of the disease
Measure: Days with cough Time: 8 weeksDescription: In the healthcare workers that confirm the SARS Cov-2 infection (primary variable), number of days with fatigue during the course of the disease
Measure: Days with fatigue Time: 8 weeksDescription: Use of drugs (dosis and duration of the treatment) for Covid-19 treatment
Measure: Medical treatment Time: 8 weeksLOVIT-COVID is a multicentre concealed-allocation parallel-group blinded randomized controlled trial to ascertain the effect of high-dose intravenous vitamin C compared to placebo on mortality or persistent organ dysfunction at 28 days in hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
Description: Number of deceased participants or with persistant organ dysfunction (dependency on mechanical ventilation, new renal replacement therapy, or vasopressors).
Measure: Death or persistent organ dysfunction Time: Both assessed at 28 daysDescription: Number of whole and part study days for which the patient is alive and not admitted to an intensive care unit
Measure: Number of intensive care unit-free days Time: Assessed at 21 daysDescription: Number of study days in ICU without persistant organ dysfunction
Measure: Persistent organ dysfunction-free days in ICU Time: Assessed at 28 daysDescription: Mortality at 6 months
Measure: Number of patients deceased at 6 months Time: 6 monthsDescription: Assessed by the EQ-5D-5L EuroQol questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L). The EQ-5D-5L essentially consists of 2 pages: the EQ-5D descriptive system and the EQ-5D visual analog scale (EQ VAS). The descriptive system comprises 5 dimensions: mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression. Each dimension has 5 levels: no problems, slight problems, moderate problems, severe problems, and extreme problems. The patient is asked to indicate her/his health state by ticking the box next to the most appropriate statement in each of the 5 dimension. This decision results in a 1-digit number that expresses the level selected for that dimension. The digits for the 5 dimensions can be combined into a 5-digit number that describes the patient's health state. The EQ-VAS records the patient's self-rated health on a vertical visual analog scale, where the endpoints are labelled 'The best health you can imagine' and 'The worst health you can imagine'.
Measure: Health related quality of life in 6-month survivors Time: 6 monthsDescription: Assessed by the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score. Used to track a person's status during the stay in an intensive care unit to determine the extent of a person's organ function or rate of failure. The score is based on six different sub-scores, one each for the respiratory (PaO2/fraction of inspired oxygen FiO2) mmHg), cardiovascular (mean arterial pressure OR administration of vasopressors required), hepatic (liver bilirubin mg/dl [µmol/L]), coagulation (platelets x 103/µl), renal (kidneys creatinine (mg/dl) [µmol/L] (or urine output)), and neurological (Glasgow coma scale). The sub-score of each system ranges from 0 (best) to +4 (worst).
Measure: Organ function Time: Days 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 14, 28Description: Assessed by serum lactate concentration
Measure: Global tissue dysoxia Time: Days 1, 3, 7Description: Assessed by interleukin-1 beta (IL-1ß), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), C-reactive protein (CRP).
Measure: Rate of inflammation Time: Days 1, 3, 7Description: Assessed by procalcitonin (PCT).
Measure: Rate of infection Time: Days 1, 3, 7Description: Assessed by thrombomodulin (TM) and angiopoietin-2 (ANG-2).
Measure: Rate of endothelial injury Time: Days 1, 3, 7Description: Assessed by Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria
Measure: Occurrence of stage 3 acute kidney injury Time: Up to day 28Description: clinician judgment of hemolysis, as recorded in the chart, OR
hemoglobin drop of at least 25 g/L within 24 hours of a dose of investigational product plus 2 of the following:
reticulocyte count >2 times upper limit of normal at clinical site lab;
Description: Core lab-validated glucose level <3.8 mmol/L
Measure: Hypoglycemia Time: During the time participants receive the 16 doses of the investigational product and the 7 days following the last dose.The disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, has derived a pandemic in which its evolution and complications depend on the immune capacity of the host. The virus has been characterized by presenting an inflammatory cascade, increased by the overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines, the decrease in metalloenzymes and also the rapid spread of the virus. There are several lines of treatment, however, nutritional treatment only considered a caloric intake. For this reason, this study will evaluate the evolution of patients with COVID-19 assisted by nutritional support based on supplements such as omega 3, zinc, selenium, vitamin D, glutamine, prebiotics, and foods such as spirulina and the effect of this therapy in reducing complications and comorbidities. Research question: Will the nutritional support system reduce complications in stage III positive COVID-19 patients with comorbidities (type 2 DM, SAH, overweight / obesity with BMI <35), with a better benefit than that achieved with the conventional nutritional treatment ?. Hypothesis: The nutritional support system will reduce the complications of patients with COVID-19 in stage III with comorbidities. General Objective: To determine the effect of the use of a nutritional support system on complications in patients with COVID-19 in stage III with comorbidities. Methodology: A controlled, blinded, randomized clinical trial will be conducted in patients with COVID-19, hospitalized at the ISSEMYM Toluca Arturo Montiel Rojas Medical Center, who meet the inclusion criteria. The evolution of the group of patients receiving the nutritional support system (NSS) and the normal diet implemented by the hospital will be evaluated against the group of patients receiving only the diet, using laboratory and cabinet tests during their hospital stay. Statistical analysis: for independent groups with normal distribution, Student's T will be applied. If the distribution does not meet normality criteria, a Mann Whitney U will be performed; Two-way ANOVA will be applied to monitor the groups over time with normal distribution. If the distribution does not meet normality criteria, a Friedman test will be performed, in both cases post hoc tests will be performed. The results will be analyzed using version 8 of the Graphpad Prism software.
Description: Fraction of oxygen-saturated hemoglobin relative to the patient's total blood hemoglobin, represented as a percentage. Measurement using the pulse oximeter of the multi-parameter vital signs monitor. Measurement units % SpO2.
Measure: Oxygen saturation Time: 1 minuteDescription: Balance between the production of heat by the body and its loss. Measurement using an infrared thermometer. Units of measure degrees centigrade.
Measure: Body temperature Time: 30 secondsDescription: Force exerted by the blood against the walls of the vessels (arteries) as it is pumped by the heart. Measurement using the multi-parameter vital signs monitor. Units of measurement in mmHg. Obtain systolic and diastolic pressure.
Measure: Blood pressure Time: 2 minutesDescription: Number of times the heart beats for a certain period of time, measured by the multi-parameter vital signs monitor. Units of measure beats per minute.
Measure: Heart rate Time: 1 minuteDescription: Number of breaths that a living being takes during a certain period of time, Count daily with the patient at rest the number of breaths for one minute each time the chest rises. Measured in breaths per minute.
Measure: Breathing frequency Time: 1 minuteDescription: Disruption of the organic functions of any living being. The existence of the death certificate will be reviewed daily. Categories: dead or alive.
Measure: Death Time: 10 secondsDescription: Simultaneous knowledge, in the unity of time, of oneself (subject) and of the surrounding world (object), is the reflection of reality. It will be evaluated daily with the glasgow scale. Categories: 1.13-15 points. 2. 9-12 points. 3. 3-8 points.
Measure: Awareness Time: 2 minutesDescription: Number of days that the patient remains hospitalized. It is reviewed daily if the patient has been discharged. Categories: 1.Hopitalized. 2. Released.
Measure: Hospital stay Time: 10 secondsDescription: Rapid sequential evaluation of organic failures. Evaluate daily the qSOFA items and get your score. Measure in points.
Measure: qSOFA score Time: 1 minuteDescription: Clinically and study-based acquired need to open the airway in order to supply him with oxygen. Check daily if a cannula or tube was placed in the windpipe. Categories: 1.Progress to ventilation. 2. Does not progress to ventilation.
Measure: Progression to ventilation Time: 10 secondsDescription: Need for a multidisciplinary team, for presenting an acute critical state, with the support of technological resources for monitoring, diagnosis and treatment. It is reviewed daily if the patient is directed to ICU. Categories: 1.Enter ICU. 2. You do not enter ICU.
Measure: Progression to Intensive Care Unit Time: 10 secondsDescription: Any localized painful discomfort in the head. Evaluate and ask for pain by numbering it from 1-10, where 0 is the absence and 10 is the greatest intensity (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days).
Measure: Cephalea Time: 10 secondsDescription: Physical actions that you can take without pain or discomfort. Evaluate what movements and activities he tolerates (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Categories: 1.Walk. 2.He can stand 3.Sit. 4.Postrate.
Measure: Activity level Time: 10 secondsDescription: Body postures that are used to facilitate the examination of the patient, his treatment, the prevention of injuries due to immobility, and his comfort when he is bedridden. Observe the anatomical position in which he is found (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Categories: 1. In the prone position. 2.In the supine position. 3.Fowler. 4.Semifowler. 5.Other
Measure: Anatomic position Time: 10 secondsDescription: Evaluate the level of hydration of the hair (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1.Hydrated, shiny. 2.Opaque. 3.Very dull and dry.
Measure: Hair hydration Time: 19 secondsDescription: Evaluate hair loss with the "pull sign" by pulling the hair without the intention of plucking, daily in the morning (Daily, morning, 21 days).Categories 1. <5 hairs on hand. 2. 5-10 hairs. 3.> 10 hairs.
Measure: Hair loss Time: 20 secondsDescription: Targeted search for one or more asymptomatic sudden onset decalvary patches throughout the hair territory (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1. Without decalvary plates. 2. With regional decalvary plates. 3. Generalized alopecia areata.
Measure: Decalvary patches Time: 10 secondsDescription: Inspect the scalp for lesions (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1.No injuries. 2. Flaking. 3.Erythema. 4.Infection. 5. Bleeding.
Measure: Scalp lesions Time: 15 secondsDescription: Ask about itching of the scalp (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1.Without itching. 2.Itching.
Measure: Itching scalp Time: 10 secondsDescription: Evaluate the absence or loss of eyelashes, daily in the morning. Categories: 1.Without alterations. 2.White spaces. 3. Fall when exploring.
Measure: Loss of eyelashes Time: 15 secondsDescription: Evaluate the absence or drooping of eyebrows (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1. Without alterations. 2.White spaces. 3. Fall when exploring.
Measure: Drooping of eyebrows Time: 10 secondsDescription: Evaluate eyelid edema (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1. Without edema. 2. With edema
Measure: Eyelid edema Time: 5 secondsDescription: Check the vascularity of the sclera (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1.White sclera. 2.Small blood vessels. 3. Large blood vessels. 4.Hemorrhage.
Measure: Vascularity of the sclera Time: 10 secondsDescription: Assess ocular hydration (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1.Hydrated. 2.Dry mucus. 3.Absence of tears. 4 sunken eyes
Measure: Ocular hydration Time: 15 secondsDescription: Evaluate sclera color, daily in the morning. Categories: 1.White. 2. Localized yellow. 3.General yellow. 4.Other colors.
Measure: Sclera color Time: 10 secondsDescription: Evaluation of smell, presenting non-irritating odors and ask if it distinguishes them (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1.Normal. 2. Hyposmia. 3.Anosmia.
Measure: Sense of smell Time: 30 secondsDescription: Evaluate the presence of irritation in the nostrils (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1.No irritation. 2.With irritation.
Measure: Irritation in the nostrils Time: 10 secondsDescription: Assess nasal secretions (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1. Absence. 2.Transparent. 3.Of other colors. 4.With blood.
Measure: Nasal secretions Time: 10 secondsDescription: Evaluate the presence of cheilitis (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1.Without cheilitis. 2.Unilateral. 3.Bilateral. 4.With ulcers.
Measure: Cheilitis Time: 5 secondsDescription: Assess taste buds (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1. Normal. 2. Inflamed. 3. Painful. 4. Bleeding.
Measure: Taste buds Time: 10 secondsDescription: Evaluate the presence of the saw edge of the tongue (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories 1.Normal. 2.Flat 3.With serrated edge.
Measure: Saw edge of the tongue Time: 10 secondsDescription: Look for changes in the body of the tongue (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1.No alterations. 2.Geographic. 3.Fissured.
Measure: Changes in the body of the tongue Time: 10 secondsDescription: Look for changes in the thickness of the tongue (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1. Normal thickness. 2. Abnormal thickness, swollen.
Measure: Thickness of the tongue Time: 5 secondsDescription: Assess the presence of salivation (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1.Normal. 2.Excessive salivation. 3 absent.
Measure: Salivation Time: 10 secondsDescription: Evaluate the taste presenting food from their tray and ask if you distinguish the flavors (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1.Conserved. 2. Hypogeusia. 3.Ageusia.
Measure: Taste Time: 30 secondsDescription: Evaluation of the gums (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1.Normal. 2.Hypersensitive 3.Inflamed. 4. Bleeding.
Measure: Gums Time: 10 secondsDescription: Evaluation of skin sensitivity (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1.Normal. 3.Altered sensitivity. 3.Painful.
Measure: Skin sensitivity Time: 30 secondsDescription: Assess the presence of lesions (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1. No lesions. 2.Dermatitis. 3. Open lesions.
Measure: Skin lesions Time: 10 secondsDescription: Assess skin hydration (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1.Normal. 2.Fat. 3.Dry.
Measure: Skin hydration Time: 10 secondsDescription: Evaluate skin texture (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1.Lisa. 2.Rugose. 3.Descamative
Measure: Skin texture Time: 10 secondsDescription: Check for loss or absence of body hair (Daily, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1.Present. 2.Fall. 3.Absence.
Measure: Absence of body hair Time: 10 secondsDescription: Evaluate by finger pressure the 7th cervical hypersensitivity (Every 2 days, morning, 21 days). Categories: 1. It does not cause pain. 2. It causes pain.
Measure: Cervical pain points Time: 5 secondsDescription: Search for hypersensitivity on the inside of the forearm (Every 2 days, morning, 21 days)
Measure: Forearm pain points Time: 5 secondsDescription: Ask if he presents odynophagia (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Categories: 1.Absent. 2. Present.
Measure: Odynophagia Time: 5 secondsDescription: Evaluation of the presence of cough (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Categories: 1.Absent. 2.Productive. 3.Dry
Measure: Cough Time: 5 seconds.Description: Evaluation of the presence of sneezing (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Categories: 1. Absent. 2. Present.
Measure: Sneezing Time: 5 secondsDescription: Respiration rhythm evaluation (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Categories: 1. Normal. 2.Altered.
Measure: Respiration rhythm Time: 1 minuteDescription: Assessment of abdominal breathing (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Categories: 1.Absent. 2. Present.
Measure: Abdominal breathing Time: 20 secondsDescription: Evaluation of the use of accessory muscles when breathing (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Categories: 1.Absent. 2. Present.
Measure: Use of accessory muscles when breathing Time: 10 secondsDescription: Evaluate the presence of xiphoid retraction when breathing (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Categories: 1. Absent. 2. Present.
Measure: Xiphoid retraction when breathing Time: 10 secondsDescription: Assess the presence and degree of dyspnea (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Categories: 1.Without difficulty. 2.When standing. 3.When sitting. 2.When speaking, 3.Lying down.
Measure: Dyspnea Time: 10 secondsDescription: Evaluate the abdomino-cutaneous reflexes (Diary, verpertino, 21 days). Categories: 1. Present. 2. Absent
Measure: Abdomino-cutaneous reflexes Time: 20 secondsDescription: Assess rebound sensitivity (Daily, verpertino, 21 days). Categories: 1. Without sensitivity. 2. With sensitivity.
Measure: Rebound sensitivity Time: 15 secondsDescription: Evaluate the presence of pain in the right hypochondrium. (Daily, evening, 21 days) Categories: 1. No pain. 2. With pain.
Measure: Right hypochondrium Time: 5 secondsDescription: Evaluate the presence of pain in the epigastrium. (Daily, evening, 21 days) Categories: 1. No pain. 2. With pain.
Measure: Epigastrium Time: 5 secondsDescription: Evaluate the presence of pain in the left hypochondrium. (Daily, evening, 21 days) Categories: 1. No pain. 2. With pain.
Measure: Left hypochondrium Time: 5 secondsDescription: Assess the presence of pain in the right flank. (Daily, evening, 21 days) Categories: 1. No pain. 2. With pain.
Measure: Right flank Time: 5 secondsDescription: Assess the presence of pain in the mesogastrium (Daily, evening, 21 days) Categories: 1. No pain. 2. With pain.
Measure: Mesogastrium Time: 5 secondsDescription: Evaluate the presence of pain in the left flank. (Daily, evening, 21 days) Categories: 1. No pain. 2. With pain.
Measure: Left flank Time: 5 secondsDescription: Evaluate the presence of pain in the right iliac fossa. (Daily, evening, 21 days) Categories: 1. No pain. 2. With pain.
Measure: Right iliac fossa. Time: 5 secondsDescription: Evaluate the presence of pain in the hypogastrium. (Daily, evening, 21 days) Categories: 1. No pain. 2. With pain.
Measure: Hypogastrium Time: 5 secondsDescription: Assess the presence of pain in the left iliac fossa. (Daily, evening, 21 days) Categories: 1. No pain. 2. With pain.
Measure: Left iliac fossa. Time: 5 secondsDescription: Ask for the presence of vomiting in 24 hours (Daily, evening, 21 days). Categories: 1. Absent. 2. Present.
Measure: Vomiting Time: 5 secondsDescription: Ask about the presence of appetite (Daily, evening, 21 days). Categories: 1. Increased appetite. 2.Normal 3.Hypoexia. 4.Anorexia.
Measure: Appetite Time: 5 secondsDescription: Ask about the presence of reflux (Daily, evening 21 days). Categories: 1. Absent. 2. After eating (specify food). 3. At bedtime. 4. Sudden
Measure: Reflux Time: 5 secondsDescription: Ask about the presence of more common burps than normal (Daily, evening, 21 days). Categories: 1.Normales 2. Augmented.
Measure: Burps Time: 5 secondsDescription: Evaluation of defecation by means of bowel movements with the Bristol scale (Daily, evening, 21 days). Categories: 1.Normal (T3, T4) 2.Constipation (T1, T2). 3. Diarrhea (T5, T6, T7).
Measure: Bristol scale Time: 10 secondsDescription: Evaluation of hair loss on legs (Every 2 days, evening, 21 days) Categories: 1. Without alterations. 2.White spaces. 3. Fall when exploring.
Measure: Hair loss on legs Time: 10 secondsDescription: Evaluation of the sensitivity of the tibial tract (Every 2 days, evening, 21 days) Categories: 1. No pain. 2.Painful.
Measure: Sensitivity of the tibial tract Time: 10 secondsDescription: Assessment of nail strength (Every 2 days, evening, 21 days). Categories: 1. Strong. 2. Brittle. 3.Not assessable.
Measure: Nail strength Time: 10 secondsDescription: Check the presence of fungus in the nails of the hands (Every 2 days, evening, 21 days). Categories: 1. Absent. 2. Present. 3.Not assessable.
Measure: Fungus in the nails of the hands Time: 10 secondsDescription: Look for the presence of white stripes on the nails (Every 2 days, evening, 21 days). Categories: 1. Absent. 2. Present. 3.Not assessable.
Measure: White stripes on the nails Time: 5 secondsDescription: Look for the presence of white spots on the nails (Every 2 days, evening, 21 days). Categories: 1. Absent. 2. Present. 3.Not assessable.
Measure: White spots on the nails Time: 5 secondsDescription: Look for the presence of ridges on the nails (Every 2 days, evening, 21 days). Categories: 1.Lisas. 2.With ridges. 3.Not assessable.
Measure: Ridges on the nails Time: 5 secondsDescription: Taking the height (at the beginning of the protocol). Measure in cm.
Measure: Height Time: 1 minuteDescription: Weight taking (Every 2 days, 2 hours after breakfast, for 21 days). Measured in kg.
Measure: Weight Time: 1 minuteDescription: Calculation of BMI (Every 2 days, morning, for 21 days). Measured in kg / m2.
Measure: BMI Time: 30 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of erythrocytes (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured at 10 ^ 6 / uL.
Measure: Erythrocytes Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of hemoglobin (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in g / dL.
Measure: Hemoglobin Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of hematocrit (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measurement in %.
Measure: Hematocrit Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of mean corpuscular volume (MCV) (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in fL.
Measure: Mean corpuscular volume Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of mean hemoglobin concentration (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measurement in pg.
Measure: Mean hemoglobin concentration Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement every 3 days by blood sample of mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in g / dL
Measure: Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration Time: 20 secondsDescription: Erythrocyte distribution width measurement by blood sample (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in%.
Measure: Erythrocyte distribution width Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of the hemoglobin distribution index (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in g / dL.
Measure: Hemoglobin distribution index Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of leukocytes (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in 10 ^ 3 / μL
Measure: Leukocytes Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of neutrophils (%) (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measurement in%
Measure: Neutrophils (%) Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of neutrophils (#) (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in 10 ^ 3 / μL
Measure: Neutrophils (#) Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of lymphocytes (%) (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measurement in%
Measure: Lymphocytes (%) Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of lymphocytes (#) (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in 10 ^ 3 / μL
Measure: Lymphocytes (#) Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of monocytes (%) (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measurement in%
Measure: Monocytes (%) Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of monocytes (#) (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in 10 ^ 3 / μL
Measure: Monocytes (#) Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of eosinophils (%) (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measurement in%
Measure: Eosinophils (%) Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of eosinophils (#) (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in 10 ^ 3 / μL
Measure: Eosinophils (#) Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of basophils (%) (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measurement in%
Measure: Basophils (%) Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of basophils (#) (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in 10 ^ 3 / μL
Measure: Basophils (#) Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement of prothrombin time (PT) by blood sample (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measure in seconds
Measure: Prothrombin time Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of INR (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measure in units
Measure: INR Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by control blood sample (100-50) (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measure in seconds
Measure: Control blood sample (100-50) 1 Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of partial thromboplastin time (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measure in seconds
Measure: Partial thromboplastin time Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by control blood sample (100-50) (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measure in seconds
Measure: Control blood sample (100-50) 2 Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of platelets. Measured in 10 ^ 3 / μL
Measure: Platelets Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of mean platelet volume (MPV) (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in fL.
Measure: Mean platelet volume Time: 20 secondsDescription: Initial screening test to diagnose patients with signs or symptoms suggestive of venous thromboembolism, it is a marker of endogenous fibrinolysis. Measurement by blood sample of dimer D (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in ng / mL
Measure: D-dimer Time: 20 secondsDescription: Sulfur amino acid that originates in the metabolism of methionine, and is very aggressive for the arterial endothelium. Measurement by blood sample of homocysteine levels (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in µmol / l.
Measure: Homocysteine Time: 20 secondsDescription: Fat-soluble vitamin involved in calcium homeostasis and bone metabolism, regulation of genes involved in the regulation of cell proliferation, cell differentiation and apoptosis. It has been suggested that it exerts immunomodulatory and antiproliferative effects. Measurement by blood sample of levels of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in nmol / L
Measure: Vitamin D Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of calcium (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mg / dL.
Measure: Calcium Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of phosphorus (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mg / dL.
Measure: Phosphorus Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of magnesium (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mg / dL.
Measure: Magnesium Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of sodium (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mmol / L.
Measure: Sodium Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of potassium (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mmol / L.
Measure: Potassium Time: 20 secondsDescription: Measurement by blood sample of chlorine (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mmol / L.
Measure: Chlorine Time: 20 secondsDescription: A measure of the concentration of free glucose in the blood, serum or blood plasma. Measured in mg / dL.
Measure: Blood glucose Time: 20 secondsDescription: Taking a blood sample of total cholesterol (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mg / dL.
Measure: Total cholesterol Time: 20 secondsDescription: Taking a blood sample of triglycerides (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mg / dL.
Measure: Triglycerides Time: 20 secondsDescription: Taking a blood sample of LDL cholesterol (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mg / dL.
Measure: LDL cholesterol Time: 20 secondsDescription: Taking a blood sample for HDL cholesterol (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mg / dL.
Measure: HDL cholesterol Time: 20 secondsDescription: Taking a blood sample to evaluate the level of aspartate aminotransferase (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in U / L.
Measure: Aspartate aminotransferase Time: 20 secondsDescription: Taking a blood sample to evaluate the level of alanine aminotransferase (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in U / L.
Measure: Alanine aminotransferase Time: 20 secondsDescription: Taking a blood sample to evaluate the total bilirubin level (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mg / dL.
Measure: Total bilirubin Time: 20 secondsDescription: Taking a blood sample to evaluate the level of direct bilirubin (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mg / dL.
Measure: Direct bilirubin Time: 20 secondsDescription: Taking a blood sample to evaluate the level of indirect bilirubin (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mg / dL.
Measure: Indirect bilirubin Time: 20 secondsDescription: Taking a blood sample to evaluate the level of alkaline phosphatase (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in U / L.
Measure: Alkaline phosphatase Time: 20 secondsDescription: Taking a blood sample to evaluate the level of total proteins (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in g / dL.
Measure: Total proteins Time: 20 secondsDescription: Taking a blood sample to evaluate the albumin level (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in g / dL.
Measure: Albumin level Time: 20 secondsDescription: Taking a blood sample to evaluate the globulin level (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in g / dL.
Measure: Globulin level Time: 20 secondsDescription: Taking a blood sample to evaluate the A / G ratio (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in g / dL.
Measure: A / G ratio Time: 20 secondsDescription: ake a blood sample to evaluate the levels of urea nitrogen (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mg / dL.
Measure: Urea nitrogen Time: 20 secondsDescription: Take a blood sample to evaluate urea levels (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mg / dL.
Measure: Urea Time: 20 secondsDescription: Take a blood sample to evaluate creatitine levels (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mg / dL.
Measure: Creatitine Time: 20 secondsDescription: Take a blood sample to evaluate uric acid levels (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mg / dL.
Measure: Uric acid Time: 20 secondsDescription: Take a blood sample to evaluate ferritin levels (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in ng/mL.
Measure: Ferritin Time: 20 secondsDescription: Take a blood sample to evaluate fibrinogen levels (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mg / dL.
Measure: Fibrinogen Time: 20 secondsDescription: Take a blood sample to evaluate the levels of C-reactive protein (Every 3 days, for 21 days). Measured in mg/L.
Measure: C-reactive protein Time: 20 secondsDescription: Use of the appropriate procedures established in the NSS indications (Specific supplementation scheme, based on 1 sachet, intramuscular B vitamins and probiotics). Quantification of empty supplement envelopes (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Categories: 1.On empty. 2. About half. 3.Full.
Measure: Adherence to the Nutritional Support System (NSS) Time: 5 secondsDescription: Quantification of the time from when the envelope is added in water, until everything is consumed (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Categories: 1. Less than 15 minutes. 2. More than 15 minutes.
Measure: Intake time Time: 15 minutesDescription: Quantification of the amount of prepared "NSS" he drink (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Categories: 1.All the preparation. 2.Half. 3.Nothing.
Measure: Amount of prepared "NSS" he drink Time: 15 minutesDescription: In-person verification of the taking of the floratil pill and observe that they do not vomit it (Daily, 2 shifts, first 6 days). Categories: 1. The pill is taken. 2.The pill is not taken.
Measure: Taking of the "floratil" pill Time: 20 secondsDescription: Corroborate in person the correct application of the neurobion injection (Daily, evening, first 5 days). Categories: 1. It applies. 2.Not applicable.
Measure: Neurobion injection Time: 1 minuteDescription: Unit of thermal energy, which is equal to the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. Unit of measurement of the energy content of food that consists of the number of calories that a given weight of food can develop in the tissues, or in the physical work equivalent to them. Calculate the grams that the food has of each macronutrient and multiply it by the energy intake. Based on the Mexican Equivalent Food System. Number in Kcal.
Measure: Diet calories Time: 15 minutesDescription: Evaluate the amount of trans fat in the diet. (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Based on the Mexican Equivalent Food System. Number in g.
Measure: Trans fat in the diet Time: 2 minutesDescription: Evaluate the amount of saturated fat in the diet. (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Based on the Mexican Equivalent Food System. Number in g.
Measure: Saturated fat in the diet. Time: 2 minutesDescription: Evaluate the amount of monounsaturated fats in the diet. (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Based on the Mexican Equivalent Food System. Number in g.
Measure: Monounsaturated fats in the diet Time: 2 minutesDescription: Evaluate the amount of polyunsaturated fat in the diet. (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Based on the Mexican Equivalent Food System. Number in g.
Measure: Polyunsaturated fat in the diet Time: 2 minutesDescription: Evaluate the amount of protein of animal origin in the diet. (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Based on the Mexican Equivalent Food System. Number in g.
Measure: Protein of animal origin in the diet Time: 2 minutesDescription: Evaluate the amount of plant-based protein in the diet. (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Based on the Mexican Equivalent Food System. Number in g.
Measure: Plant-based protein in the diet Time: 2 minutesDescription: Accurate record of the amount of fluids administered. Evaluate the income of 24 hrs. (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Number in ml.
Measure: Fluid balance (income) Time: 5 minutesDescription: Accurate record of the amount of liquids eliminated by any means. Evaluate the expenses of 24 hrs. (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Number in ml.
Measure: Fluid balance (outcome) Time: 5 minutesDescription: Need or desire to eat. Observe the percentage of the tray with food that was ingested (Daily, 2 shifts, 21 days). Categories: 1. 100% ingested. 2.75%. 3.50%. 4.25%.
Measure: Hungry Time: 15 secondsDescription: Cardiovascular disease risk indicator. Measure with a tape measure with the patient standing, feet together, arms at the sides and the abdomen relaxed, encircling the abdomen at the level of the navel at the midpoint between the last rib and the iliac crest and without pressing, taking an inspiration deep, taking the measurement at the moment of expelling the air.
Measure: Abdominal circumference Time: 1 minuteDescription: It is used to know the nutritional status of the patient. It is obtained by measuring the middle part of the arm with a tape measure, taking as a reference the length between the point of the shoulder (acromion) and the head of the radius (olecranon). Take the circumference of the arm using a tape measure (every 2 days, 2 hours after breakfast, in the morning, for 21 days). Measure in mm.
Measure: Arm circumference. Time: 3 minutesDescription: It is measured on the midline of the back of the arm (triceps) at 1 cm from the height of the midpoint of the arm. Taking triceps fold measuring tape and caliper (every 2 days, 2 hours after breakfast, morning, for 21 days)). Measure in mm.
Measure: Tricipital fold Time: 3 minutesDescription: Calculation from arm circumference and triceps fold. Calculate it according to the formula proposed by Frisancho. (every 2 days, 2 hours after breakfast, morning, for 21 days). Measure in mm2.
Measure: Arm area Time: 1 minuteDescription: Set of peculiarities that characterize the individuals of a species, dividing them into male and female, and make possible a reproduction characterized by genetic diversification. Based on an official ID. Categories: 1. Male 2. Female
Measure: Biological sex Time: 30 secondsDescription: Time elapsed from the birth of a living being to the moment the calculation is made. Based on an official ID. Number between 30 and 75.
Measure: Age Time: 30 secondsDescription: Sugars attached to the surface of red blood cells, and according to their composition. Evaluate by blood sample. Categories: 1.A, 2. B, 3.AB 4.O.
Measure: AB0 system Time: 2 minutesDescription: Protein in red blood cells or erythrocytes. Obtaining by blood sample. Categories: 1.Rh (+) 2.Rh (-).
Measure: Rh factor Time: 2 minutesDescription: Record the use of proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, pantoprazole) (daily, evening, for 21 days). Categories: 1.Not prescribed. 2.Prescribed.
Measure: Use of proton pump inhibitors Time: 5 secondsDescription: Record the use of obesity medications (orlistat, acarbose, bile acid sequestrants, etc.) (daily, evening, for 21 days). Categories: 1.Not prescribed. 2.Prescribed.
Measure: Obesity medications Time: 5 secondsDescription: Record the use of antiepileptic drugs (daily, evening, for 21 days). Categories: 1.Not prescribed. 2.Prescribed.
Measure: Use of antiepileptic drugs Time: 5 secondsDescription: Record the use of oral contraceptives (daily, evening, for 21 days). Categories: 1.Not prescribed. 2.Prescribed.
Measure: Use of oral contraceptives Time: 5 secondsDescription: Record the use of antimitotics (colchicine) (daily, evening, for 21 days). Categories: 1.Not prescribed. 2.Prescribed.
Measure: Use of antimitotics Time: 5 secondsDescription: Chemical substance that kills or prevents the growth of certain classes of sensitive microorganisms. Record the antibiotics that are being administered. (daily, evening, for 21 days) Categories: 1.Not used. 2.Use of antibiotics (specify which)
Measure: Antibiotics Time: 5 secondsDescription: Medicines whose main pharmacological effect is to relieve pain. Record the analgesics that are being administered (daily, evening, for 21 days). Categories: 1.Not used. 2.Use of analgesics (specify which)
Measure: Analgesics Time: 5 secondsDescription: Drugs with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effect. Record the corticosteroids that are being administered (daily, evening, for 21 days). Categories: 1.Not used. 2.Use of corticosteroids (specify which).
Measure: Corticosteroids Time: 5 secondsDescription: Substance that causes the elimination of water and electrolytes from the body through urine. Record the diuretics that are being administered (daily, evening, for 21 days). Categories: 1.Not used. 2.Use of diuretics (specify which)
Measure: Diuretics Time: 5 secondsDescription: Drugs used to lower blood pressure. Record the antihypertensive drugs that are being administered (daily, evening, for 21 days). Categories: 1.Not used. 2.Use of antihypertensives (specify which)
Measure: Antihypertensive Time: 5 secondsDescription: Endogenous or exogenous substance that interferes with or inhibits blood clotting, creating an antithrombotic or prohemorrhagic state. Record the anticoagulants that are being administered (daily, evening, for 21 days). Categories: 1.Not used. 2.Use of anticoagulants (specify which)
Measure: Anticoagulants Time: 5 secondsDescription: Medications that attend to a basic pathology and have not been considered in the previous variables. Record the medications that are being administered and have not been named before (daily, evening, for 21 days). Write the medications.
Measure: Other medications Time: 5 secondsDescription: Disturbance of the normal state of the level of absorption acutely due to a pathological alteration. Record the acute alterations that affect the absorption of nutrients (daily, evening, for 21 days). Categories: 1.None. 2.Intolerance. 3. Allergies 4. Diarrhea 5. Infection or inflammation in any organ of the digestive system.
Measure: Acute alterations in the absorption of nutrients. Time: 5 secondsDescription: Any alteration in the response to the action of the drug due to the concomitant reaction of another chemical substance. Side effects reported through the clinic and laboratory (daily, evening, for 21 days). Categories: 1.None. 2.Rash. 3.Head or dizziness. 4.Gastrointestinal pain. 5.Other (specify).
Measure: Drug interactions and adverse effects Time: 5 secondsDescription: Artificial supply of oxygen (O2) in the inspired air; its main objective is tissue oxygenation. Check the quantity of liters that you have pre-written for 24 hours (daily, evening, for 21 days). Number of liters.
Measure: Oxygen therapy Time: 5 secondsDescription: Attitude or disposition in emotional life. It is not a transitory emotional situation. It is a state, a way of staying, of being, whose duration is prolonged and fades over the rest of the psychic world. Assess the patient's state of mind (daily, evening, for 21 days). Categories: 1.Happy. 2.Relaxed. 3. Alert. 4. Annoying 5. Sad. 6.Tense. 7.Tired. 8.Depressed
Measure: Mood Time: 5 secondsThe federal government of Malaysia implemented a nationwide Movement Control Order (MCO) to control the COVID-19 outbreak. The MCO, however, has been found to have a negative impact on people's mental wellbeing. Interventions that can improve mental health under restricted movement condition is urgently. The present study investigated the impact of a brief, online mindfulness-based intervention on mental health using two-arm randomized controlled trial design. A total of 161 participants self-reported their feeling, anxiety, psychological insecurity, and well-being at baseline (T1) and post-test (T2), while 61 of them answered the same set of measures and the fear of COVID-19 scale in a follow-up study two weeks later (T3).
Description: This is being measured with the Subject Unit of Distress Scale.
Measure: Changes of Subjective Unit of Distress Time: It was measured at pre-intervention, post-intervention (through intervention completion, on average 10 minutes), and 2-week follow up.Description: This is being measured with the GAD-7 questionnaire.
Measure: Changes of Anxiety Scores Time: It was being It was measured at pre-intervention, post-intervention (through intervention completion, on average 10 minutes), and 2-week follow up.Description: This is being measured with the Psychological Insecurity Scale.
Measure: Changes of Psychological Insecurity Time: It was being It was measured at pre-intervention, post-intervention (through intervention completion, on average 10 minutes), and 2-week follow up.Description: This is being measured with the WHO-5 Well-being Index questionnaire.
Measure: Changes of General Well-being Time: It was being It was measured at pre-intervention, post-intervention (through intervention completion, on average 10 minutes), and 2-week follow up.Description: This is being measured with the Fear of COVID-19 Scale.
Measure: Fear of COVID-19 Time: It was being measured at 2-week follow up.Alphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports