Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
Sections: Correlations,
Clinical Trials, and HPO
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There is one clinical trial.
The purpose of this study is to learn how to better support fathers and their families after incarceration. It will test an intervention that promotes healthy development for children of previously incarcerated fathers and the caregivers of their children for empirical promise through a pilot feasibility trial. The aims of the pilot are to demonstrate: a) client acceptance of the treatment (e.g., retention), b) ability to recruit sufficient numbers of participants, and c) feasibility of delivery with the clients and therapists in the designated treatment settings. About 15 families (15 fathers, 15 caregivers, and 15-20 children, totaling 45-50 participants) will be in the study.
Description: The feasibility of this approach will in part be measured by successful recruitment of participants from this population. This is measured by the proportion of eligible fathers and caregivers who consent to study participation and enrollment.
Measure: Proportion of eligible fathers and caregivers who consent Time: baselineDescription: The feasibility of this approach will in part be measured by the retention of participants in this intervention. This is measured by the proportion of enrolled fathers and caregivers who participate in the first intervention class (after baseline) and complete entire intervention.
Measure: Proportion of enrolled fathers and caregivers who complete entire intervention Time: up to 9 weeksDescription: Adherence is measured using the Parenting Inside Out (PIO) Group Observation Feedback Form to assess program integrity and fidelity to the model. This is a 35-item survey that assesses 5 domains: curriculum delivery and fidelity; facilitation skills, behavior support and group management; interpersonal skills, and PIO specific items. Each item is scored on a scale of 1-5 where 1 is remediation needed, 2 is growth area, 3 is developing, 4 is effective, and 5 is highly effective. Average scores from each domain are reported for a total possible range of scores 5-35, higher scores indicate better adherence.
Measure: Provider Adherence Measured by the Parenting Inside Out Group Observation Feedback Form Score Time: up to 9 weeksDescription: Acceptability is assessed by interventionists using an overall rating of the content delivered to participants each week. The overall score is rated on a scale of 1=poor to 10=excellent, with higher scores indicating greater acceptability.
Measure: Acceptability of intervention assessed by providers Time: up to 9 weeksDescription: Acceptability and usefulness of the intervention is assessed in part by a series of questions that ascertain perceived helpfulness of program for the participant. How helpful was the parenting program for you? 1= Not at all helpful, 2=A little helpful, 3=Somewhat helpful, 4=Quite helpful, 5=Very helpful
Measure: Self-Perceived Helpfulness of the Program for the Participant Time: up to 21 weeksDescription: Acceptability and usefulness of the intervention is assessed in part by a series of questions that ascertain perceived helpfulness of program for the participant. After your release, how helpful will what you learned in the program be for your child? 1= Not at all helpful, 2=A little helpful, 3=Somewhat helpful, 4=Quite helpful, 5=Very helpful
Measure: Participant-Perceived Helpfulness of the Program for the Participant's Child Time: up to 21 weeksDescription: Acceptability and usefulness of the intervention is assessed in part by a series of questions that ascertain whether participants would recommend the program to other people. Would you recommend this program to other parents? 1=Strongly recommend, 2=Recommend, 3=Neutral, 4=Not recommend, 5=Strongly not recommend
Measure: Acceptability of intervention assessed by Participant Recommendation Time: up to 21 weeksDescription: Acceptability and usefulness is assessed by a series of questions that ascertain parent satisfaction. Q: How happy and satisfied you are with being a parent to your child? 1=none, 2=A little, 3=Some, 4=A lot, 5=Very much
Measure: Acceptability of intervention assessed by Parent Satisfaction Time: up to 21 weeksDescription: Family interactions & relationships will be assessed with the 38-item Inventory of Family Feelings to assess fathers' and caregivers' perceptions of their relationship with another and with their children. Scores range from 0-38, with higher scores indicating more positive affect toward family members and lower scores reflecting conflicted relationships.
Measure: Change in Inventory of Family Feelings Score Time: Baseline, 9 weeks, 21 weeks (3 months post-intervention)Description: Coparenting relationship will be assessed with the 11-item Coparenting Relationship Scale. Items are scored on a scale of 1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree. Change in mean score will be reported (between 1-5) with higher scores indicative of a stronger coparenting relationship.
Measure: Change in Coparenting Relationship Scale Score Time: Baseline, 9 weeks, 21 weeks (3 months post-intervention)Description: Parenting Satisfaction will be assessed with a 3-item scale, Kansas Parenting Satisfaction Scale. Items are scored on a scale of 1=extremely dissatisfied to 7=extremely satisfied. Change in mean score will be reported (between 1-7) with higher scores indicative of higher levels of parenting satisfaction.
Measure: Change in Kansas Parenting Satisfaction Scale Score Time: Baseline, 9 weeks, 21 weeks (3 months post-intervention)Description: Parenting competence assessed with the 8-item efficacy subscale of the Parenting Sense of Competence Scale. Items are scored on a scale of 1=strongly disagree 6=strongly agree. Change in mean score will be reported (between 1-6) with higher scores indicative of a stronger sense of parenting efficacy.
Measure: Change in Parenting Sense of Competence Scale Score Time: Baseline, 9 weeks, 21 weeks (3 months post-intervention)Description: Parenting alliance is assessed with the 20-items self-report Parenting Alliance Measure. Items are scored on a 5-point rating scale ranging from 1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree. Change in mean score will be reported (between 1-5), with higher scores reflecting stronger coparenting alliances between people.
Measure: Change in Alliance Measure Score Time: Baseline, 9 weeks, 21 weeks (3 months post-intervention)Description: Assessed with the 15-item Child-Parent Relationship Scale-Short Form to assess perceptions of participants' relationship with their children. Items are scored on a scale of 1=definitely does not apply to 5=definitely applies. Change in mean scores (between 1 and 5) for each subscale over time will be reported, higher scores on each subscale (closeness, conflict) indicative of higher levels of each dimension.
Measure: Change in Child-Parent Relationship Scale (CPRS) Score Time: Baseline, 9 weeks, 21 weeks (3 months post-intervention)Description: Stress will be assessed with the 10-item Cohen Perceived Stress Scale. Items are scored on a scale of 0=never to 4=very often. Change in mean score (between 0-4) will be reported, with higher scores reflecting higher levels of stress experienced by the participant.
Measure: Change in Cohen Perceived Stress Scale Score Time: Baseline, 9 weeks, 21 weeks (3 months post-intervention)Description: Depression will be assessed with the CESD Depression Scale. Items are scored on a scale of 0=rarely or none of the time (or less than 1 day) to 3=most or all of the time (5-7 days). Change in mean score (between 0-3) will be reported, with higher scores indicating the presence of more depression symptomology.
Measure: Change in Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CESD) Depression Scale Score Time: Baseline, 9 weeks, 21 weeks (3 months post-intervention)Alphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports