Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
Sections: Correlations,
Clinical Trials, and HPO
Navigate: Clinical Trials and HPO
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug2367 | Ozanimod Wiki | 0.71 |
drug4044 | plasma therapy using convalescent plasma with antibody against SARS-CoV-2 Wiki | 0.71 |
drug2927 | Routine care for COVID-19 patients Wiki | 0.50 |
Navigate: Correlations HPO
There are 2 clinical trials
This phase I/II trial studies low-dose radiation therapy as a focal anti-inflammatory treatment for patients with pneumonia or SARS associated with COVID-19 infection.
Description: The rate will be reported, along with a two-sided 95% exact binomial confidence interval, using the Clopper-Pearson method. The observed extubation rate will be compared to the null rate of 20% using a two-sided binomial test. Statistical significance is assessed at the 0.05 level.
Measure: Rate of extubation (for intubated patients) Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Temperature in degrees (F)
Measure: Clinical outcome - Temperature Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Heart rate in beats per minutes
Measure: Clinical outcome - Heart Rate Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Systolic blood pressure in mm Hg
Measure: Clinical outcome - Systolic blood pressure Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Oxygen saturation in percentage
Measure: Clinical outcome - Oxygenation Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Respiratory rate in breaths per minute
Measure: Clinical outcome - Respirations Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: FI02 in percentage
Measure: Clinical outcome - FiO2 Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) in cm H20
Measure: Clinical outcome - PEEP Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Tidal volume in mL
Measure: Clinical outcome - Tidal volume Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Extubation/intubation events in percentage
Measure: Clinical outcome - Intubation/Extubation events Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Survival in percentage
Measure: Clinical outcome - Overall survival Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Serial chest x-rays categorized using published scale into ordinal ranks 1-5 for SARS.
Measure: Radiographic outcome - Chest xray Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: CT scans with volume of consolidation measured in cubic centimeters.
Measure: Radiographic outcome - CT can Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: White blood cell count in cell count x 10^3/mcL
Measure: Serologic outcome - WBC Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Hemoglobin in gm/dL
Measure: Serologic outcome - Hgb Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Procalcitonin in ng/mL
Measure: Serologic outcome - Procalcitonin Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Absolute neutrophil count in cell count x 10^3/mcL
Measure: Serologic outcome - ANC Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Creatine kinase in units/L
Measure: Serologic outcome - Creatine kinase Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Myoglobin in ng/mL
Measure: Serologic outcome - Myoglobin Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Albumin in gm/dL
Measure: Serologic outcome - Albumin Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Coagulation pathway time in seconds
Measure: Serologic outcome - PT/PTT Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: D-Dimer in ng/mL
Measure: Serologic outcome - D-Dimer Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Gamma-glutamyl transferase in units/L
Measure: Serologic outcome - GGT Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Trygliciericdes in mg/dL
Measure: Serologic outcome -Triglycerides Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Ferritin in ng/mL
Measure: Serologic outcome -Ferritin Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Fibrinogen in mg/dL
Measure: Serologic outcome -Fibrinogen Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Immune marker flow cytometry (refractive index)
Measure: Serologic Immune markers flow cytometry Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Bilirubin in mg/dL
Measure: Serologic outcome -Bilirubin Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Lactate Dehydrogenase in units/L
Measure: Serologic outcome - LDH Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Creatinine in mg/dL
Measure: Serologic outcome - Creatinine Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate in mL/min/m2
Measure: Serologic outcome - EGFR Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: C-Reactive Protein in mg/L
Measure: Serologic outcome - CRP Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Alanine Aminotransferase in units/L
Measure: Serologic outcome - ALT Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Asparatate Aminotransferase in units/L
Measure: Serologic outcome - AST Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Troponin-I in ng/mL
Measure: Serologic outcome - Troponin-I Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: B-Natriuretic Peptid in pg/mL
Measure: Serologic outcome - BNP Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: pH (no unit)
Measure: Serologic outcome - Blood Gases pH Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: pressure of O2 in mm Hg
Measure: Serologic outcome - Blood Gases pO2 Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: pressure of CO2 in mm Hg
Measure: Serologic outcome - Blood Gases pCO2 Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Lactic Acid in mmol/L
Measure: Serologic outcome - Lactic Acid Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Interleukin-6 in pg/mL
Measure: Serologic outcome - IL-6 Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyDescription: Potassium in mmol/L
Measure: Serologic outcome - Potassium Time: Screening up to 28 days after radiation therapyThis phase III trial compares low dose whole lung radiation therapy to best supportive care plus physicians choice in treating patients with COVID-19 infection. Low dose whole lung radiation therapy may work better than the current best supportive care and physician's choice in improving patients' clinical status, the radiographic appearance of their lungs, or their laboratory blood tests.
Description: Will be measured by improvements on oxygenation need prior to intervention compared with after intervention and/or hospital discharge.
Measure: Time to clinical recovery Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: The rates from both cohort will be reported.
Measure: Freedom from ICU admission Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study start; This may be extended up to 28 days after preplanned interim analysis.Description: Temperature in degrees (F)
Measure: Temperature Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Heart rate in beats per minutes
Measure: Heart rate Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Systolic blood pressure in mm Hg
Measure: Systolic Blood pressure Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Oxygen saturation in percentage
Measure: Oxygen saturation Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Oxygen saturation in percentage
Measure: Supplemental oxygenation need Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Respiratory rate in breaths per minute.
Measure: Respiratory rate Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Pre and post intervention; Minimum of 3 (poor) to best (15)
Measure: Glasgow Comma Scale from minimum of 3 to maximum of 15. Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Easter Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance Status Scale from 0-5; 0 being best; 5 being dead;
Measure: Performance status Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Survival in percentage
Measure: Survival Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study start; This may be extended to 28 days after preplanned interim analysis.Description: Serial chest x-rays categorized using published scale into ordinal ranks 1-5 for SARS.
Measure: Serial chest x-rays severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) scoring Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study start;Description: CT scans with volume of consolidation measured in cubic centimeters.
Measure: Changes on computed tomography (CT) scans pre and post RT Time: Baseline up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: C-Reactive Protein in mg/L
Measure: CRP Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Will be summarized descriptively.
Measure: Serum chemistry + complete blood cell (CBC) with differential Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: pH (no unit)
Measure: Blood gases pH(when available) Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Albumin in gm/dL
Measure: Albumin Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Procalcitonin in ng/mL
Measure: Procalcitonin Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Asparatate Aminotransferase in units/L
Measure: Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Creatinine in mg/dL
Measure: Creatine kinase Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Coagulation pathway time in seconds
Measure: Prothrombin time (PT)/partial thromboplastin time (PTT) Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Troponin-I in ng/mL
Measure: Troponin Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Lactic Acid in mmol/L
Measure: Lactate Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: B-Natriuretic Peptid in pg/mL
Measure: NT-pBNP (cardiac injury) Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Gamma-glutamyl transferase in units/L
Measure: Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Trygliciericdes in mg/dL
Measure: Triglycerides Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Fibrinogen in mg/dL
Measure: Fibrinogen Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Will be summarized descriptively.
Measure: Changes in CD8 T cells Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Will be summarized descriptively.
Measure: Changes in CD4 T cells Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Will be summarized descriptively.
Measure: Changes in serum antibodies against COVID-19 epitope Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Lactate Dehydrogenase in units/L
Measure: LDH Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: D-Dimer in ng/mL
Measure: D-Dimer Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Interleukin-6 in pg/mL
Measure: IL-6 Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Myoglobin in ng/mL
Measure: Myoglobin Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Potassium in mmol/L
Measure: Potassium Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Ferritin in ng/mL
Measure: Ferritin Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startDescription: Alanine Aminotransferase in units/L
Measure: ALT Time: Up to follow-up day 14 after study startAlphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports