Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
Sections: Correlations,
Clinical Trials, and HPO
Navigate: Clinical Trials and HPO
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug2591 | Point-of-care test for SARS-CoV-2 Wiki | 0.58 |
drug3878 | evaluation of skin microvascular flow and reactivity Wiki | 0.58 |
drug507 | Blood and derivatives. Wiki | 0.58 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D000073436 | Microvascular Rarefaction NIH | 0.58 |
D001008 | Anxiety Disorders NIH | 0.09 |
D045169 | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome NIH | 0.05 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation |
Navigate: Correlations HPO
There are 3 clinical trials
Study description: The preset study seeks to investigate factors associated with of hygiene-related behaviors and adherence to viral mitigation protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, factors associated with of adherence to WHO-advised hygiene-related behaviors and adherence to governmental mitigation protocols are investigations. The aim of the project is to: - Inform the policymakers, the general public, scientists, and health practitioners about the cognitive, behavioral, emotional, motivational, and trait components underlying hygiene-related behaviors and adherence. - Help policymakers better understand adherence and the factors it is associated with, providing empirical grounds to advance societies battle against the COVID-19-virus from an epidemiological perspective by promoting factors that increase adherence. Hypothesis/Research questions Hypothesis 1: Risk perception, altruism and governmental trust will significantly be associated with both adherence and hygiene-related behavior, with increased risk perception, altruism, and governmental trust associated with higher rates of adherence and hygiene-related behavior. The personality traits conscientiousness and agreeableness will significantly be associated with both adherence and hygiene related behavior, with increased conscientiousness, and agreeableness associated with higher rates of adherence and hygiene-related behavior. Furthermore, beliefs about pandemic protocol efficacy and beliefs about collective mitigation behavior (i.e., "it is only useful to follow transmission protocols if everyone else does") will be associated with adherence to viral mitigation protocols and hygiene-related behaviors. Research Question 1: Is there a difference between the use of various platforms to obtain information about COVID with regards to adherence to viral mitigation protocols and hygiene-related behaviors? Research Question 2: To what extend are different sources of obtaining information associated with adherence to hygiene-related behavior and adherence to viral mitigation protocols? Research Question 3: To what extent are different personality traits (measured with the Short Big Five Inventory-10 (BFI-10)) associated with adherence to viral mitigation protocols and hygiene-related behaviors?
Description: Adherence to WHO-advised hygiene related behavior is measured with 7 items querying about hygiene-related behavior as recommended by the WHO, measured with on a 5-point likert scale, measuring the frequency of these behaviors for the past month (0 = not at all to 4 = Every day)
Measure: Adherence to WHO-advised hygiene-related Time: Data is set to be collected starting from 22nd of June until enough data has been collected. The data collection period will last no longer than three weeks.Description: o Adherence to viral mitigation protocols is measured with 5 items querying about adherence to mitigation protocols initiated by the Norwegian government, measured with on a 5-point likert scale, measuring the frequency of adherence to these protocols for the past month (0 = not at all to 4 = Every day).
Measure: Adherence to viral mitigation protocols Time: Data is set to be collected starting from 22nd of June until enough data has been collected. The data collection period will last no longer than three weeks.Study description: The present study seeks to investigate the impact of various sources of information on psychopathology, and specifically health anxiety, depression, and general anxiety, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study will investigate the divergent impact of various information sources on these psychopathological symptoms during the pandemic. Hypotheses and research questions: Hypothesis 1: Media consumption across all information sources will significantly be associated with depression and anxiety symptoms, with increased media consumption in general associated with higher levels of health anxiety, depression, and general anxiety. Hypothesis 2: Using social media and online interactive platforms to obtain news about the pandemic in comparison to using traditional media (e.g., TV, radio, and newspapers) will be associated with higher levels of health anxiety, depression, and general anxiety. Actively staying away from information will further significantly be associated with higher levels of higher levels of health anxiety, depression, and general anxiety. Research Question 1: Is there a differential effect among different information sources on health anxiety, depression and general anxiety? To what extend and how are different information sources related to symptoms of health anxiety, depression, and general anxiety. Exploratory: Additionally, we will exploratory investigate to what extent the amount of use of different information sources impact health anxiety, depression, and general anxiety. We will also examine effect sizes with part correlations, to investigate information sources with the most and least detrimental impact on health anxiety, depression, and general anxiety. Furthermore, we will report which information platforms participants reported as most useful with regards to information concerning how to best deal with the pandemic.
Description: The Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9; Kroenke, Spitzer & Williams, 2001) is used to measure symptoms of depression in accordance with the diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder. The questionnaire consists of nine items where each is scored on a four-point Likert scale (0-3), with the range of scores from 0 to 27. Higher scores indicate greater depression severity, and scores above 10 are considered as the cut-off that indicating that the patient is within the depressive area.
Measure: Patient Health Questionnaire 9 Time: Data is set to be collected starting from 22nd of June until enough data has been collected. The data collection period will last no longer than three weeks.Description: The Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 (GAD-7; Spitzer, Kroenke, Williams & Löwe, 2006) is a questionnaire consisting of seven items measuring symptoms of anxiety and worry. The items are scored on a four-point Likert scale (0-3), with the scores ranging from 0 to 21. Specific cut-off for Norwegian samples have been found yielding a cut-off of 8 and above for high sensitivity and specificity (Johnson, Ulvenes, Øktedalen & Hoffart, 2019).
Measure: Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 Time: Data is set to be collected starting from 22nd of June until enough data has been collected. The data collection period will last no longer than three weeks.Study description: The present study seeks to investigate factors associated with well-being in the general population during the COVID-19 pandemic, three months following the introduction of the strict social distancing interventions in Norway. Hypotheses and research questions: Research Question 1: What is the level of mental well-being following three months of strict mitigation strategies (i.e., physical distancing) in the general adult population during the COVID-19 pandemic? The mean level of mental well-being will be benchmarked against the mean level of mental well-being in similar pre-pandemic samples. Hypothesis 1: Physical activity, being employed, positive metacognitions, negative metacognitions, and unhelpful coping strategies at T1 will significantly predict well-being (T2). Being employed and increased reports of physical activity at T2 will predict higher levels of mental well-being at the measurement period (T2) and serve as protective factors. Increased positive metacognitions, negative metacognitions and unhelpful coping strategies measured with CAS-1 at T2 will predict lower levels of well-being (T2). Additionally, we will examine whether the obtained predictive relationships hold when depressive symptoms (PHQ-9) and anxiety symptoms (GAD-7) at T2 will be controlled for. Exploratory: Do the predictors physical activity, positive metacognitions, negative metacognitions, unhelpful coping strategies, all at baseline (T1), predict mental well-being at T2, beyond and above these same aforementioned predictors at T2 and age, gender, and education? In all predictive analyses, age, gender, and education will be controlled for. Exploratory: We will exploratory investigate the differences in levels of mental well-being across different demographic subgroups in the sample.
Description: • The Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (SWEMWBS) (Tennant et al., 2007) is a measure consisting of items related entirely to positive aspects of mental health and is covering subjective well-being and psychological functioning. The scale consists of 7 items scored on a five-point Likert scale ranging from 'none of the time' to 'all of the time'.
Measure: The Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (SWEMWBS) Time: Data is set to be collected starting from 22nd of June until enough data has been collected. The data collection period will last no longer than three weeksAlphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports