Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
Sections: Correlations,
Clinical Trials, and HPO
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There is one clinical trial.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the Unisabana-Herons invasive mechanical ventilator designed to provide the basic ventilatory support necessary to preserve the life of patients with respiratory failure and indication of mechanical ventilation, especially for those who suffer from acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) when conventional commercial invasive ventilators are not available in the context of the health emergency due to the COVID-19 epidemic. The Unisabana-Herons ventilator allows to precisely configure the respiratory rate, tidal volume (or inspired air volume), inspiratory time, the inspiration: expiration ratio, the positive pressure at the end of expiration (PEEP), the inspired fraction of oxygen and inspiratory air flow, parameters that allow managing the respiratory failure associated with COVID-19. The ventilator also monitors peak inspiratory pressures (PIP), mean, PEEP, plateau, and graphs in real time the pressure-time, volume-time, flow-time curves, which allows detecting when one of these is at levels dangerous to induce ventilator trauma (barotrauma and volutrauma) and thus ensure effective and safe ventilation, so as to avoid ventilator-induced lung injury.
Description: Maintenance: less than 20% drop in PaO2 with respect to the baseline measurements made in the 30 minutes before connecting the Unisabana-Herons ventilator.
Measure: Improvement or maintenance of the oxygenation level measured by PaO2 Time: 24 hoursDescription: Maintenance: less than 20% drop in SatO2 levels with respect to the baseline measurements made in the 30 minutes before connecting the Unisabana-Herons ventilator.
Measure: Improvement or maintenance of the oxygenation level measured by O2 Saturation Time: 24 hoursDescription: Maintenance is defined as a change of less than 20% in the levels of this variable with respect to the baseline measurements made in the 30 minutes before connecting the Unisabana-Herons ventilator.
Measure: Improvement or maintenance of adequate levels of carbon dioxide measured by PaCO2 Time: 24 hoursDescription: Maintenance is defined as a change of less than 20% in the levels of this variable with respect to the baseline measurements made in the 30 minutes before connecting the Unisabana-Herons ventilator.
Measure: Improvement or maintenance of adequate levels of HCO3 Time: 24 hoursDescription: Maintenance is defined as a change of less than 20% in the levels of this variable with respect to the baseline measurements made in the 30 minutes before connecting the Unisabana-Herons ventilator.
Measure: Improvement or maintenance of adequate levels of excess base. Time: 24 hoursDescription: Maintenance is defined as a change of less than 20% in the levels of this variable with respect to the baseline measurements made in the 30 minutes before connecting the Unisabana-Herons ventilator.
Measure: Improvement or maintenance of adequate levels of blood pH Time: 24 hoursDescription: Stability is defined as a decrease of less than 20% in this variable with respect to the baseline measurements made in the 30 minutes before connecting the Unisabana-Herons ventilator.
Measure: Improvement or maintenance of PaO2/FiO2 Time: 24 hoursDescription: Stability is defined as a decrease of less than 20% in this variable with respect to the baseline measurements made in the 30 minutes before connecting the Unisabana-Herons ventilator.
Measure: Improvement or maintenance of SatO2/FiO2 Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: Uninterrupted and faultless operation in the period of use of the ventilator Time: 24 hoursDescription: Peak pressure >35 CM H20.
Measure: Inspiratory peak pressure> 35 cm H2O that does not have a clinical explanation other than the ventilator (such as a mucus plug) Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: Plateau airway pressure> 30 cm H2O that does not have a clinical explanation other than the ventilator Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: VT> 8 cc / kg of ideal weight that does not have a clinical explanation other than the ventilator Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: Decrease or increase in respiratory rate, tidal volume, PEEP, peak inspiratory pressure, FiO2, not due to a clinician order (changes not ordered by the clinical team but due to the ventilator variability) Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: Pneumothorax (not having an explanation other than ventilatory support, such as the insertion of a central catheter) Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: Pneumomediastinum (not having an explanation other than ventilatory support, such as the insertion of a central catheter) Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: Subcutaneous emphysema (not having an explanation other than ventilatory support, such as the insertion of a central catheter) Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: Hemodynamic deterioration in the hour following the start of the Unisabana-Herons ventilator that requires a 100% increase in the dose of vasopressors and that does not have a clinical explanation other than the ventilator Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: Cardiac arrest without a clinical explanation other than the ventilator Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: Death without a clinical explanation other than the ventilator Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: Elevation of creatinine that does not have a clinical explanation other than the ventilator Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: Elevation of BUN that does not have a clinical explanation other than the ventilator Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: Digestive bleeding without a clinical explanation other than ventilator Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: Stress ulcers (upper gastrointestinal tract) without a clinical explanation other than ventilator Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: Pneumonia associated with ventilator. Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: Tracheobronchitis associated with ventilator. Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: Critical care polyneuropathy that does not have a different explanation for the use of the ventilator and / or muscle relaxants necessary for mechanical ventilation Time: 24 hoursDescription: Present or absent outcome
Measure: Critical care myopathy that does not have a different explanation for the use of the ventilator and / or muscle relaxants necessary for mechanical ventilation Time: 24 hoursAlphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports