Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
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Clinical Trials, and HPO
Navigate: Clinical Trials and HPO
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug1222 | Ethanol with Asprin Wiki | 0.29 |
drug573 | Buspirone + PAP therapy Wiki | 0.29 |
drug2639 | Prescription Opioid Management App Wiki | 0.29 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug1774 | KELEA Excellerated Water Wiki | 0.29 |
drug1997 | Meditation Therapy Wiki | 0.29 |
drug2406 | PSG Wiki | 0.29 |
drug3703 | Water Without an Elevated Level of KELEA Wiki | 0.29 |
drug1989 | Media Intervention Wiki | 0.29 |
drug1678 | Inspiratory Muscle Training Wiki | 0.29 |
drug2856 | Remdesivir (RDV) Wiki | 0.29 |
drug3759 | Zolpidem + PAP therapy Wiki | 0.29 |
drug2203 | Nitric Oxide delivered via LungFit™ system Wiki | 0.29 |
drug3925 | inhaled hydroxychloroquine Wiki | 0.29 |
drug2008 | Melphalan Wiki | 0.29 |
drug162 | Acetazolamide + supplemental oxygen + PAP therapy Wiki | 0.29 |
drug2852 | Relaxation Breathing Wiki | 0.29 |
drug2414 | PUL-042 Inhalation Solution Wiki | 0.20 |
drug3743 | Yoga Wiki | 0.14 |
drug2731 | Quality-of-Life Assessment Wiki | 0.14 |
drug2200 | Nitric Oxide Wiki | 0.14 |
drug2742 | Questionnaire Administration Wiki | 0.11 |
drug3231 | Standard of care Wiki | 0.06 |
drug2505 | Placebo Wiki | 0.03 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D020182 | Sleep Apnea, Central NIH | 0.29 |
D012891 | Sleep Apnea, NIH | 0.14 |
D012120 | Respiration Disorders NIH | 0.07 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
HP:0002871 | Central apnea HPO | 0.29 |
HP:0010535 | Sleep apnea HPO | 0.14 |
HP:0002090 | Pneumonia HPO | 0.03 |
Navigate: Correlations HPO
There are 12 clinical trials
Central sleep apnea (CSA) is common in patients with heart failure and those using opioid analgesics. Unfortunately, effective treatment of central apnea remains elusive, pressure therapy given the modest efficiency of positive airway pressure therapy. The focus of this proposal is to identify mechanistic pathways to guide future therapeutic interventions for central sleep apnea based on the strong premise that multi-modality therapy will normalize respiration and hence mitigate adverse long-term consequences of CSA. The investigators' proposed studies will test combination therapies, including positive airway pressure (PAP) plus a pharmacological agent who have heart failure or are using opioid analgesics. The investigators anticipate that findings will inform future clinical trials to improve care and quality of life among Veterans suffering from central sleep apnea, which remains difficult to treat using existing approaches.
Description: CO2 reserve is the requisite change to induce central apnea is referred to as the CO2 reserve, which can be positive or negative.
Measure: CO2 reserve Time: 120 daysDescription: Central apnea indices is used to indicate the severity of central sleep apnea
Measure: Central apnea indices Time: 120 daysDescription: Controller gain is a ventilatory response to changes in end-tidal PCO2
Measure: Controller gain Time: 120 daysDescription: Plant gain is blood gas response to a change in ventilation. This measure represents the effectiveness of the "plant" in eliminating CO2.
Measure: Plant gain Time: 120 daysDescription: This measure represents the activity of the carotid bodies. It is measured by the decrease in ventilation in response to a single breath of 100% oxygen.
Measure: Carotid body function Time: 120 daysDescription: Peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity is measured either via brief hypoxia or a single breath of CO2.
Measure: Peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity Time: 120 daysDescription: The nadir pressure in the upper airway (supra-glottic pressure) prior to the occurrence of an arousal.
Measure: Respiratory arousal threshold Time: 120 daysDescription: To assess breathing stability, the investigators will measure % stable breathing using minute ventilation (VE) and tidal volume (VT) coefficient of variation as indices of breathing instability.
Measure: % stable breathing Time: 120 daysAdults who have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection and who do not require supplemental oxygen will receive PUL-042 Inhalation Solution or placebo 3 times over a one week period in addition to their normal care. Subjects will be be followed and assessed for their clinical status over 28 days to see if PUL-042 Inhalation Solution improves the clinical outcome
Description: To determine the efficacy of PUL-042 Inhalation Solution in decreasing the severity of COVID-19 in subjects: 1) who have documented SARS-CoV-2 infection and, 2) who do not require supplemental oxygen (Ordinal Scale for Clinical Improvement 3 or less) at the time of enrollment. The primary endpoint is the difference in the proportion of patients with clinically meaningful worsening of COVID-19 within 28 days from the start of experimental therapy, as indicated by an increase of at least 2 points on the Ordinal Scale for Clinical Improvement. The Ordinal Scale for Clinical Improvement is a nine point scale (0-8) with 0 being no clinical or virological evidence of infection and 8 being death.
Measure: Severity of COVID-19 Time: 28 daysDescription: SARS-Co-V-2 positivity up to 28 days from the start of experimental therapy
Measure: SARS-CoV-2 infection Time: 28 daysDescription: To determine the difference in the proportion of COVID-19 patients with clinically meaningful worsening of COVID-19 within 14 days from the start of experimental therapy, as indicated by an increase of at least 2 points on the Ordinal Scale for Clinical Improvement. The Ordinal Scale for Clinical Improvement is a nine point scale (0-8) with 0 being no clinical or virological evidence of infection and 8 being death.
Measure: Severity of COVID-19 over 14 days Time: 14 daysDescription: To assess the progression of COVID-19 severity during the study as measured by the SARS-CoV-2 Symptom Score. The SARS-CoV-2 Symptom Score measures 3 elements on a 0-3 scale (cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, and muscle aches or fatigue) ranging from 0 for none to 3 for severe. The fourth element is fever and it is rated on a 0-4 scale with 0 being no fever and 4 being life-threatening.
Measure: Severity of COVID-19 symptoms Time: 28 daysDescription: The requirement for ICU admission within 28 days from the start of the experimental therapy.
Measure: ICU admission Time: 28 daysDescription: The requirement for mechanical ventilation within 28 days from the start of the experimental therapy.
Measure: Mechanical Ventilation Time: 28 daysDescription: All cause mortality at 28 days from the start of experimental therapy
Measure: Mortality Time: 28 daysMost patients in intensive care units (ICUs) experience severe sleep disruption. Sleep disruption and sleep alteration may have an influence on the ability to breathe spontaneously. But, the cause of altered sleep remains unknown. Previous studies have shown that decreasing nocturnal respiratory muscle activity through mechanical ventilation might improve sleep quality. Nocturnal respiratory muscle activity may be one of the potential factor which contribute to alter sleep in the ICU. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse the presence of NIM activation during the night and it's consequence in an ICU population with the same pathology (COVID 19 ARDS).
Description: Comparison between patients with NIM activation during the night and patients without NIM activation during the night, in patients COVID 19 ARDS with altered spleep. A Polysomnography (PSG) will be performed the night before extubation.
Measure: Proportion of patients with altered spleep Time: At day 10 after inclusionDescription: Thanks to a PSG the night befor discharge, the seep architecture will be estimated.
Measure: Sleep architecture at hospital discharge Time: At day 28 after inclusionDescription: Thanks to actimetry measure during hospitalization in the post ICU ward.
Measure: Sleep monitoring during hospital stay after ICU discharge Time: At day 18 after ICU dischargeDescription: Sleep quality will be evaluate by the Pittsburgh sleep quality index. The 7 components of the score add up for give an overall score ranging from 0 to 21 points, 0 meaning that there is no difficulty, and 21 indicating on the contrary major difficulties.
Measure: Sleep quality Time: 3 months after hospiotal dischargeDescription: Thanks to a PSG at 3 months, the seep architecture will be estimated.
Measure: Sleep architecture at month-3 Time: 3 months after hospital dischargeDescription: all cost will be estimated during ICU hospitalization.
Measure: Cost of ICU hospitalization Time: From inclusion to ICU discharge, up to 10 days after inclusionThis single-center, prospective, open-label, comparator study, blind for central accessor evaluates the efficacy, safety of inhalations of low-doses of melphalan in patients with pneumonia with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. All patients will receive 0,1 mg of melphalan in 7-10 daily inhalations 1 time per day.
Description: The number of patients with the clinical improvement is defined as an improvement of two points (from the status at baseline) on an ordinal scale of clinical improvement on day 28 or discharge from hospital ( whatever occurs earlier) Death Hospitalized with Invasive mechanical ventilation plus additional organ support - ECMO / pressors / RRT Hospitalized with intubation and mechanical ventilation Hospitalized on non-invasive ventilation or high flow oxygen. Hospitalized on a mask or nasal prongs. Hospitalized no oxygen therapy. Ambulatory, with limitation of activities. Ambulatory, no limitation of activities. I. No clinical or virological evidence of infection.
Measure: The changes of COVID Ordinal Outcomes Scale Time: baseline vs Day 14, day 28Description: Percentage of the patients with clinical recovery which is defined as a normalisation of fever, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation, and improvement of cough, sustained for at least 72 hours, or live hospital discharge, whichever comes first. Normalization and improvement criteria: Fever - <37°C, Respiratory rate - ≤24/minute on room air, Oxygen saturation - >94% on room air, Cough - mild or absent on a patient reported scale of severe, moderate, mild, absent.
Measure: Percentage of the patients with Clinical Recovery Time: baseline vs day 7, day 14, day 28Description: The evaluation of changes in modified Borg dyspnea scale. From 0 to 10 units.A lower score means a better clinical result (0 is the absence of dyspnea, and 10 - is maximal dyspnea). Minimal clinically important difference is 1 unit.
Measure: The changes of the Borg's scale Time: Baseline vs day 7, day 14, day 28Description: Change in C-reactive protein (CRP) level from baseline in mg/ml. A lower level of CRP means a better clinical result.
Measure: CRP level Time: baseline, day 7, Day 14, Day 28Description: Change in blood absolute lymphocyte count from baseline. A higher number of lymphocytes means a better clinical result.
Measure: Lymphocyte count Time: baseline, day 7, Day 14, Day 28Description: Change in blood D-dimer level from baseline. A lower level of D-dimer means a better clinical result.
Measure: D-dimer Time: baseline, day 7, Day 14, Day 28Description: Change in peripheral blood IL-6 level from baseline. A lower level of IL-6 means a better clinical result.
Measure: IL-6 Time: baseline, day 7, Day 14, Day 28Description: Percentage of patients without artificial lung ventilation during the study. A lower percentage of patients means a better clinical result.
Measure: Percentage of patients without artificial lung ventilation Time: baseline, day 7, Day 14, Day 28This is a pilot randomized-controlled (2:1) open label investigation of inhaled NO to prevent progression to more advanced disease in 42 hospitalized patients with COVID-19, at risk for worsening, based on baseline systemic oxygenation and 2 or more of the major risk factors of age > 60 years, type II DM, hypertension, and obesity.
Description: Prevention of progressive systemic de-oxygenation, with escalation to higher levels of oxygen and ventilatory support or death, assessed using a 7-point severity scale (See statistical methods). Between-group differences in the average maximum disease severity assessed through 28 days, through the following severity scores: a) increased liter oxygen flow, through a high flow nasal cannula; b) non-invasive ventilation; c) intubation or institution of ECMO; or d) death.
Measure: Prevention of progressive systemic de-oxygenation, with escalation to higher levels of oxygen and ventilatory support or death, assessed using a 7-point severity scale. Time: 28 daysThe purpose of this open label, randomized, study is to obtain information on the safety and efficacy of 80 ppm Nitric Oxide given in addition to the standard of care of patients with COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2.
Description: Time to deterioration measured by need for NIV, HFNC or intubation
Measure: Time to deterioration Time: 14 DaysDescription: Time to non-invasive ventilation
Measure: Time to NIV Time: 14 DaysDescription: Time to high flow nasal cannula
Measure: Time to HFNC Time: 14 DaysDescription: Time to intubation
Measure: Time to intubation Time: 14 daysDescription: Time to patient having stable oxygen saturation (SpO2) of greater than or equal to 93%
Measure: Time to patient having stable oxygen saturation (SpO2) of greater than or equal to 93% Time: 14 daysDescription: Need for supplemental oxygen
Measure: Need for supplemental oxygen Time: 14 daysDescription: Change in viral load
Measure: Change in viral load Time: 30 daysDescription: Duration of the Hospital Length of Stay (LOS)
Measure: Duration of the Hospital Length of Stay (LOS) Time: 14 daysDescription: Mortality rate at Day 30
Measure: Mortality rate at Day 30 Time: 30 daysIn light of the corona virus pandemic (COVID-19), there is critical need to conserve scarce mechanical ventilation (MV) resources. This study evaluates an intervention in non-infected cardiac patients as a means to assist with minimizing MV and ICU length of stay (LOS). Pre-op inspiratory muscle training (IMT) has been shown to decrease pulmonary complications, MV dependence, and ICU LOS following thoracic surgery. The investigators aim to determine the mechanism of remodeling in diaphragms of adults who undergo pre-op IMT.
Description: Maximal inspiratory pressure will be quantified in cm of water pressure.
Measure: Maximal inspiratory pressure Time: Post breathing exercise sessions (up to 4 weeks)Description: Histology will be used to determine fiber type and cross-sectional area using primary antibodies for laminin and type-specific myosin heavy chain, followed by a triple immunofluorescence-conjugated secondary antibody labeling technique.
Measure: Muscle fiber cross-sectional area and fiber type proportion. Time: Intra-operativelyDescription: Spirometry will be used to measure peak expiratory flow during a voluntary cough maneuver. It will be quantified in liters per second.
Measure: Peak expiratory flow Time: Post breathing exercise sessions (up to 4 weeks)Description: Time to extubation will be measured as hours of post-operative mechanical ventilation.
Measure: Time to extubation Time: Up to discharge from ICUDescription: Length of ICU stay will be measured as hours spent in ICU after surgery.
Measure: Length of ICU stay Time: Up to 1 monthDescription: Length of hospital stay will be measured as hours spent in hospital after surgery.
Measure: Length of hospital stay Time: Up to 1 monthDescription: Histology will be used to assess neuromuscular junction number and morphology using immunofluorescent-labeled antibodies for synaptophysin and alpha bungarotoxin. Neuromuscular junction image stacks will be visualized with confocal microscopy and morphology classified according to endplate area and area fractions of fragmented junctions, acetylcholine receptor-occupied endplate area, synaptophysin-occupied endplates, and abandoned endplates.
Measure: Neuromuscular junction morphology Time: Intra-operativelyDescription: RNA isolation will be performed using Tri Reagent and chloroform based manual method. RNA will be quantified and RNA-Seq will be used to assess gene expression.
Measure: Muscle differential gene expression Time: Intra-operativelyDescription: Physical function will be assessed with the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Physical Function questionnaire. Each answer corresponds to a number between 1 and 5.
Measure: Physical Function Time: Post breathing exercise sessions (up to 4 weeks)Description: Dyspnoea will be assessed with the Dyspnoea 12 Questionnaire. Responses range from None to Severe.
Measure: Dyspnoea Time: Post breathing exercise sessions (up to 4 weeks)This phase I trial investigates breathing techniques and meditation for health care workers during COVID-19 pandemic. Breathing techniques and medication may help manage stress and improve lung health. The goal of this trial is to learn if breathing techniques and meditation may help to reduce stress and improve lung health in health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Description: Feasibility will be defined as recruitment of 50 participants to the study within 2 months.
Measure: Study recruitment Time: Within 2 monthsDescription: Defined as more than 50% of participants perceive the intervention as useful.
Measure: Acceptability of study Time: Up to 2 yearsDescription: Will determine the adherence to the practice assessed as at least 50% of participants implement the intervention for 3 or more times in a week by the end of week 1/day 7 (+ 3 days).
Measure: Adherence to the practice Time: Up to 28 daysDescription: Measured by the Brief Resilient Coping Scale among health care workers questionnaire.
Measure: Change in resilience Time: Day 0 to 28Description: Measured by the Perceived Stress Scale and COVID-19 Stress among health care workers questionnaire.
Measure: Perceive stress and psychological impact Time: Day 0 to 28Description: Will determine the differences in breath holding time between those who are adherent and those who are not adherent to the practice.
Measure: Breath holding time Time: Up to 28 daysPreliminary reports have been received from several sources that the periodic inhaling of water with a heightened level of kinetic activity has lessened the severity of symptoms in Covid-19 infected patients. On at least several occasions, a repeat PCR test performed two days after inhaling a particular water-based product was negative. There are no perceived advese effects from inhaling the water using a nebulizer or humidifier. It is important, however, to validate these preliminary findings and to include other similar products in the testing
Description: Proportion of the Covid-19 PCR or Antigen Positive Participants Who Subsequently Test Negative Using the Same Assay Procedure
Measure: Inhalation of KELEA Excellerated Water in Covid-19 Infected Individuals Time: Two days of inhalation prior to the repeat Covid-19testingDescription: Proportion of the Symptomatic Participants Who Become Asymptomatic
Measure: Inhalation of KELEA Excellerated Water in Covid-19 Infected Individuals Time: Symptoms prior to and after two days of inhalationRationale: This protocol describes a study on the local tolerability of dry powder hydroxychloroquine using the Cyclops in healthy volunteers. Objective: - Primary objective is to assess the local tolerability of dry powder hydroxychloroquine sulphate via the Cyclops at different dosages. - Secondary objective is to investigate systemic pharmacokinetic parameters of dry powder hydroxychloroquine sulphate via the Cyclops at different dosages. Study design: single center, ascending dose study Study population: twelve healthy volunteers Main study parameters/endpoints: The local tolerability of the inhalation of dry powder hydroxychloroquine sulphate (5, 10 and 20 mg) defined by a lung function deterioration (a drop of forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) of >15%), cough, or any other reported adverse event. Pharmacokinetic parameters will be derived from calculated actual inhaled dose (dose minus remainder in inhaler after inhalation) and in blood samples drawn pre-dose, at 0.5 and 2 and 3.5 hrs after inhalation. The inspiratory parameters during the inhalation maneuver are critical to explore predictors for drug exposure. The following parameters will be measured/calculated: dPmax (maximum pressure drop), Vi (inhaled volume), Ti (total inhalation time), PIF (peak inspiratory flow rate), MIF (mean inspiratory flow rate) and the FIR (average flow increase rate between 20% and 80% of PIF). Nature and extent of the burden and risks associated with participation, benefit and group relatedness: The participants included are healthy volunteers. They will receive three different doses of hydroxychloroquine sulphate using the dry powder inhaler (DPI) with (at least) seven days in between doses. Before using the dry powder inhaler (DPI), they will receive instructions and their inspiratory flow will be tested. To investigate local tolerability, lung function tests will be performed, and the occurrence of adverse events will be scored. Furthermore, before each test dose an indwelling cannula will be inserted and blood samples will be taken before and after each test dose. Four blood samples will be collected with each inhaled dose. Finally, five ECGs will be obtained to monitor for QT prolongation, one at the screenings visit, one at base-line and one after each inhalation.
Description: Number of patients with a lung function deterioration (a drop of forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) of >15%.
Measure: Local tolerability Time: 35 minutes after inhalationDescription: Number of patients with a lung function deterioration (a drop of forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) of >15%.
Measure: Local tolerability Time: 95 minutes after inhalationDescription: Number of patients that report cough, or any other adverse event after inhalation.
Measure: Local tolerability Time: 5 hoursDescription: Calculated actual inhaled dose
Measure: Pharmacokinetic parameter Time: 0,5 hourDescription: Cmax
Measure: Pharmacokinetic parameter Time: 3,5 hoursDescription: Tmax
Measure: Pharmacokinetic parameter Time: 3,5 hoursThe primary objective of this study is to characterize the impact of inhaled remdesivir (RDV) on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) viral load in participants with early stage coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Description: Time-weighted Average Change in SARS-CoV-2 viral load is defined as area under the concentration versus time curve (AUC) of viral load change divided by time between baseline through Day 7
Measure: Time-weighted Average Change From Baseline in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Viral Load Through Day 7 Time: Baseline, Day 7Description: AUC0-24h is defined as the concentration of drug over time between time 0 to time 24 hours. Time Frame for PK samples: Sparse PK (all participants): Day 1 (end of nebulization, and optional 2-hour post nebulization), and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK (Up to 6 participants/group in Part A & Part B): Day 1 and an additional sample at Day 3 or Day 5 at the following time points: 0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization.
Measure: Pharmacokinetic (PK) Parameter: AUC0-24h of Remdesivir (RDV) and its Metabolites (GS-441524 and GS-704277) Time: Sparse PK: Day 1 (end of nebulization) and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK: Day 1 and Day 3 or Day 5 (0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization); Nebulization duration: 17-34 minutes.Description: AUClast is defined as the concentration of drug from time zero to the last observable concentration. Time Frame for PK samples: Sparse PK (all participants): Day 1 (end of nebulization, and optional 2-hour post nebulization), and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK (Up to 6 participants/group in Part A & Part B): Day 1 and an additional sample at Day 3 or Day 5 at the following time points: 0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization.
Measure: PK Parameter: AUClast of RDV and its Metabolites (GS-441524 and GS-704277) Time: Sparse PK: Day 1 (end of nebulization) and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK: Day 1 and Day 3 or Day 5 (0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization); Nebulization duration: 17-34 minutes.Description: CLss/F is defined as apparent oral clearance at steady state after administration of the drug. CLss/F = Dose/AUCtau, where "Dose" is the dose of the drug Time Frame for PK samples: Sparse PK (all participants): Day 1 (end of nebulization, and optional 2-hour post nebulization), and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK (Up to 6 participants/group in Part A & Part B): Day 1 and an additional sample at Day 3 or Day 5 at the following time points: 0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization.
Measure: PK Parameter: CLss/F of RDV and its Metabolites (GS-441524 and GS-704277) Time: Sparse PK: Day 1 (end of nebulization) and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK: Day 1 and Day 3 or Day 5 (0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization); Nebulization duration: 17-34 minutes.Description: t1/2 is defined as the estimate of the terminal elimination half-life of the drug. Time Frame for PK samples: Sparse PK (all participants): Day 1 (end of nebulization, and optional 2-hour post nebulization), and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK (Up to 6 participants/group in Part A & Part B): Day 1 and an additional sample at Day 3 or Day 5 at the following time points: 0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization.
Measure: PK Parameter: t1/2 of RDV and its Metabolites (GS-441524 and GS-704277) Time: Sparse PK: Day 1 (end of nebulization) and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK: Day 1 and Day 3 or Day 5 (0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization); Nebulization duration: 17-34 minutes.Description: Vz/F is defined as the apparent volume of distribution of the drug. Time Frame for PK samples: Sparse PK (all participants): Day 1 (end of nebulization, and optional 2-hour post nebulization), and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK (Up to 6 participants/group in Part A & Part B): Day 1 and an additional sample at Day 3 or Day 5 at the following time points: 0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization.
Measure: PK Parameter: Vz/F of RDV and its Metabolites (GS-441524 and GS-704277) Time: Sparse PK: Day 1 (end of nebulization) and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK: Day 1 and Day 3 or Day 5 (0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization); Nebulization duration: 17-34 minutes.Description: Cmax is defined as the maximum observed concentration of drug. Time Frame for PK samples: Sparse PK (all participants): Day 1 (end of nebulization, and optional 2-hour post nebulization), and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK (Up to 6 participants/group in Part A & Part B): Day 1 and an additional sample at Day 3 or Day 5 at the following time points: 0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization.
Measure: PK Parameter: Cmax of RDV and its Metabolites (GS-441524 and GS-704277) Time: Sparse PK: Day 1 (end of nebulization) and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK: Day 1 and Day 3 or Day 5 (0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization); Nebulization duration: 17-34 minutes.Description: Tmax is defined as the time (observed time point) of Cmax. Time Frame for PK samples: Sparse PK (all participants): Day 1 (end of nebulization, and optional 2-hour post nebulization), and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK (Up to 6 participants/group in Part A & Part B): Day 1 and an additional sample at Day 3 or Day 5 at the following time points: 0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization.
Measure: PK Parameter: Tmax of RDV and its Metabolites (GS-441524 and GS-704277) Time: Sparse PK: Day 1 (end of nebulization) and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK: Day 1 and Day 3 or Day 5 (0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization); Nebulization duration: 17-34 minutes.Description: Clast is defined as the last observable concentration of drug. Time Frame for PK samples: Sparse PK (all participants): Day 1 (end of nebulization, and optional 2-hour post nebulization), and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK (Up to 6 participants/group in Part A & Part B): Day 1 and an additional sample at Day 3 or Day 5 at the following time points: 0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization.
Measure: PK Parameter: Clast of RDV and its Metabolites (GS-441524 and GS-704277) Time: Sparse PK: Day 1 (end of nebulization) and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK: Day 1 and Day 3 or Day 5 (0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization); Nebulization duration: 17-34 minutes.Description: Tlast is defined as the time (observed time point) of Clast. Time Frame for PK samples: Sparse PK (all participants): Day 1 (end of nebulization, and optional 2-hour post nebulization), and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK (Up to 6 participants/group in Part A & Part B): Day 1 and an additional sample at Day 3 or Day 5 at the following time points: 0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization.
Measure: PK Parameter: Tlast of RDV and its Metabolites (GS-441524 and GS-704277) Time: Sparse PK: Day 1 (end of nebulization) and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK: Day 1 and Day 3 or Day 5 (0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization); Nebulization duration: 17-34 minutes.Description: AUCtau is defined as concentration of drug over time (the area under the concentration verses time curve over the dosing interval). Time Frame for PK samples: Sparse PK (all participants): Day 1 (end of nebulization, and optional 2-hour post nebulization), and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK (Up to 6 participants/group in Part A & Part B): Day 1 and an additional sample at Day 3 or Day 5 at the following time points: 0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization.
Measure: PK Parameter: AUCtau of RDV and its Metabolites (GS-441524 and GS-704277) Time: Sparse PK: Day 1 (end of nebulization) and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK: Day 1 and Day 3 or Day 5 (0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization); Nebulization duration: 17-34 minutes.Description: λz is defined as the terminal elimination rate constant, estimated by linear regression of the terminal elimination phase of the log plasma concentration of drug versus time curve of the drug. Time Frame for PK samples: Sparse PK (all participants): Day 1 (end of nebulization, and optional 2-hour post nebulization), and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK (Up to 6 participants/group in Part A & Part B): Day 1 and an additional sample at Day 3 or Day 5 at the following time points: 0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization.
Measure: PK Parameter: λz of RDV and its Metabolites (GS-441524 and GS-704277) Time: Sparse PK: Day 1 (end of nebulization) and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK: Day 1 and Day 3 or Day 5 (0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization); Nebulization duration: 17-34 minutes.Description: Ctau is defined as the observed drug concentration at the end of the dosing interval. Time Frame for PK samples: Sparse PK (all participants): Day 1 (end of nebulization, and optional 2-hour post nebulization), and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK (Up to 6 participants/group in Part A & Part B): Day 1 and an additional sample at Day 3 or Day 5 at the following time points: 0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization.
Measure: PK Parameter: Ctau of RDV and its Metabolites (GS-441524 and GS-704277) Time: Sparse PK: Day 1 (end of nebulization) and Day 3 (predose and end of nebulization); Intensive PK: Day 1 and Day 3 or Day 5 (0 (predose), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 24 hours post end of nebulization); Nebulization duration: 17-34 minutes.Since ARDS is a major complication of COVID - 19 with subsequent formation of non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema , worsening the oxygenation of the patients and foamy and even bloody sputum formation, so the idea is to use alcohol inhalation as it reduce surface tension on the alveoli and markedly decrease sputum formation with improvement on oxygenation beside its cytolethal effect on virus lipid bilayer. A lot of researches and publications proved the role of alcohol inhalation in treatment of pulmonary edema. Alcohol inhalation may has inflammatory effect and dangerous effect on patients but this can be controlled by the actual concentration used and the way we use it according to general condition of the patient and with the help of anti - inflammatory action of Asprin .
Description: Destruction of COVID-19 in human respiratory tract and treatment of the patients with COVID 19 and Negative PCR test .
Measure: Disinfection of COVID-19 in human respiratory tract . Time: Negative PCR test within 7 days from starting the protocol .Description: Decrease mortality rate of mechanically ventilated patients with COVID-19 . Protection of health care workers . Negative PCR test .
Measure: Improvement of general condition of mechanically ventilated patients confirmed COVID-19 positive .. Time: Negative PCR test within 10 days from starting the protocol .Alphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports