Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
Sections: Correlations,
Clinical Trials, and HPO
Navigate: Clinical Trials and HPO
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug3215 | RAPID-3 Wiki | 0.32 |
drug767 | COVID-19 diagnostic test Wiki | 0.32 |
drug1130 | DASS-21 instrument (depression and anxiety) Wiki | 0.32 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug2920 | Placebo (PB0) Wiki | 0.32 |
drug1907 | Immunosuppressive Agents Wiki | 0.32 |
drug771 | COVID-19 infection Wiki | 0.32 |
drug1308 | ELISA Wiki | 0.32 |
drug1849 | IER-R (posttraumatic stress) Wiki | 0.32 |
drug4720 | self-administered structured questionnaire Wiki | 0.32 |
drug778 | COVID-19 survey Wiki | 0.32 |
drug1246 | Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) Wiki | 0.32 |
drug640 | Breath sample Wiki | 0.32 |
drug4275 | WHOQOL-BREF Wiki | 0.32 |
drug635 | Breath Biopsy Wiki | 0.32 |
drug1272 | Drug: Isotretinoin(Aerosolized 13 cis retinoic acid) Wiki | 0.32 |
drug1309 | ELISA and Rapid test to detect antibodies against COVID-19 Wiki | 0.32 |
drug1273 | Drug: Isotretinoin(Aerosolized 13 cis retinoic acid) plus Aerosolized Itraconazole Wiki | 0.32 |
drug768 | COVID-19 e-package: Psychological wellbeing for healthcare workers Wiki | 0.32 |
drug4689 | questionnaire assesment Wiki | 0.28 |
drug1290 | Duvelisib Wiki | 0.22 |
drug2868 | Peripheral blood draw Wiki | 0.22 |
drug3243 | RT-PCR Wiki | 0.18 |
drug1306 | EIDD-2801 Wiki | 0.18 |
drug3192 | Questionnaire Wiki | 0.06 |
drug2916 | Placebo Wiki | 0.01 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D003095 | Collagen Diseases NIH | 0.89 |
D012213 | Rheumatic Fever NIH | 0.55 |
D001327 | Autoimmune Diseases NIH | 0.28 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D001167 | Arteritis NIH | 0.22 |
D011111 | Polymyalgia Rheumatica NIH | 0.18 |
D013700 | Giant Cell Arteritis NIH | 0.18 |
D015535 | Arthritis, Psoriatic NIH | 0.16 |
D001168 | Arthritis NIH | 0.15 |
D008180 | Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic NIH | 0.13 |
D059350 | Chronic Pain NIH | 0.09 |
D001172 | Arthritis, Rheumatoid NIH | 0.08 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
HP:0002960 | Autoimmunity HPO | 0.28 |
HP:0012089 | Arteritis HPO | 0.22 |
HP:0001369 | Arthritis HPO | 0.15 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
HP:0002725 | Systemic lupus erythematosus HPO | 0.13 |
HP:0012532 | Chronic pain HPO | 0.09 |
HP:0001370 | Rheumatoid arthritis HPO | 0.08 |
Navigate: Correlations HPO
There are 10 clinical trials
The trial is a prospective, observational study aiming to identify risk factors for serious COVID-19 infection by evaluating clinical measures and biomarkers of inflammation in patients with inflammatory rheumatic disease hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with control groups.
Description: The objective is to examine whether increased disease activity leads to increased risk of hospitalization due to COVID-19 in patients with inflammatory rheumatic disease
Measure: Disease activity Time: Last registration of disease activity in the medical journal before admission/inclusionDescription: Examine whether immune modulating treatments protect or leads to increased risk of hospitalization due to COVID-19 in patients with inflammatory rheumatic disease.
Measure: Immune modulating treatments Time: Current immune modulating treatments at admission/inclusionDescription: Identify prognostic biomarkers by comparing serology of patients with inflammatory rheumatic disease hospitalized with COVID-19 and comparing them with the two control groups
Measure: Biomarkers Time: Blood sample 1 is taken 0-3 days after inclusion and blood sample 2 is taken 2-6 weeks after blood sample 1Clinical data about psychological impact of quarantine are well studied in transient event or more prolonged situation like jail incarceration. In recent metaanalysis, psychological impact of quarantine was well documented in a specific population during first SARS epidemy. Even after the end of quarantine several patients were still with symptom of avoiding mainly agoraphobia, frequent hand washing and a carefull return to normal life COVID-19 infection is already associated with psychological symptom like anxiety, depression, sleep disorders and symptoms of acute stress However psychological impact of quarantine is on none in chronic painful inflammatory rheumatism in France. The prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis is 0.5% of the population with frequent comorbidity such as anxiety and depression. During the quarantine secondary to COVID-19 pandemic it's possible to evaluated the psychological impact of adult RA patients. The present study is an "emergency" being realize before the end of the quarantine.
Description: Self reported questionnaire with questions to assess the characteristic,intensity of pain on quality of life, and consumption of analgesic.
Measure: self-reported questionnaire for painful Time: maximum 1 week from baseline onSince December 2019, an international outbreak of respiratory illnesses caused by SARS-CoV-2 called covid-19 has become a global challenge. In France, while the first cases were reported in January, more than 20 000 cases were confirmed at end of March. Early estimations from epidemiological data seem to show that 18-20% of patients with confirmed covid-19 are admitted in an intensive care unit (ICU). Patients with chronic inflammatory rheumatism, auto-immune or auto-inflammatory rare and non-rare diseases are susceptible to severe covid-19 (i.e ICU) due to the specific therapeutic management of their illness (corticosteroid, immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory drugs,..). No data are available for this particular population in France. This retrospective multicentre observational study aims to evaluate the frequency of severe forms of covid-19 and risk factors associated with specific outcomes in covid-19 in patients with chronic inflammatory rheumatism, auto-immune or auto-inflammatory rare and non-rare diseases.
A study to assess the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on the attitude, behaviour and mental health of rheumatic patients and to compare them with healthy individuals.
Description: 7. Six questions for mental health assessment for patients and controls: Mental health was measured by the five-item Brief Symptom Rating Scale (BSRS-5) which was derived from the 50-item BSRS
Measure: Score of five-item Brief Symptom Rating Scale (BSRS-5) Time: 3 weeksA retrospective monocentric study with large active files of patients monitored for rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus with as main endpoint the morbimortality of Covid-19 in these patients (number of patients hospitalized in conventional units and/or in intensive care and/or deceased). The results will be compared with those of the general population based on the epidemiological data of Covid-19.
Description: the number of patients with severe Covid-19 who were admitted to a conventional unit and/or an ICU and/or deceased, during the Covid-19 epidemic wave (from March to August 2020) among patients with IRC under IS. The diagnosis of Covid-19 is either confirmed by diagnostic test (RT-PCR), or by a physician, or by serology. The results will be compared with those of the general population based on Covid-19 epidemiological data.
Measure: analysis of Covid-19-related morbidity and mortality in patients with IRC under IS. Time: At 6 monthsDescription: Diagnosis of Covid-19 either confirmed by diagnostic test (RT-PCR), or by a physician, or by serology.
Measure: To evaluate the frequency of Covid-19 in patients with IRC under IS. Time: At 6 monthsDescription: The number of patients admitted to conventional unit and/or ICU and/or deceased among patients with IRC under IS between the Covid-19 epidemic wave (March to August 2020) and the six-month period preceding it (September to February 2020).
Measure: To compare the morbidity and mortality of patients with IRC under IS during the Covid-19 epidemic wave (March to August 2020) with the six months prior to this wave (September 2019 to February 2020). Time: At 6 monthsDescription: The number of patients who maintained, modified, or discontinued their treatment. Treatment modification will be assessed by the number of weeks of treatment not taken, the number of injections not given, the number of delayed or missed infusions. Among those who have modified or stopped their treatment, the impact on their diseases will be evaluated by the loss of remission, the patient's opinion on the notion of relapse, the increase or initiation of corticosteroid therapy and the substantive change in treatment.
Measure: Patients' conduct in relation to their treatment during the epidemic wave (maintenance, modification or discontinuation) and the impact on their disease (loss of remission, flare, corticosteroids requirement and need for switch of DMARD therapy) Time: At 6 monthsthis observational, cross-sectional, national, comparative study, including RMD patients followed in hospital centres of the FAI²R Rare Diseases Healthcare Pathway network and specialist private practitioners caring for patients suffering from inflammatory rheumatism, systemic autoimmune diseases and auto-inflammatory diseases. The objective of the study is to compare RMD patients with COVID 19 infection (cases) to RMD patients who have not had COVID 19 infection (controls) on their mental health.
The COVID-19 pandemic represents a threat to rheumatology patients. National advice for patients to 'shield' is based on risk stratification of therapies and other risk factors. While the epidemiology of COVID-19 in the rheumatological population is largely unknown large case registries are beginning to show potential drug treatment interactions. Strict self-isolation (shielding) has been recommended for those deemed 'high risk' although its impact on the likelihood of COVID-19 infection and health related quality of life (HRQoL) is unclear. The study aims to explore how this unprecedented situation has impacted the Trust patients primarily evaluating prevalence of the infection, effect of stringent social distancing (shielding) and Quality of Life (QOL). This will be done via a voluntary questionnaire, sent via text messaging at 6 and 12 months.
Description: percentage of cases
Measure: Prevalence of COVID 19 Time: 1 yearDescription: number of deaths per 1000 individuals
Measure: Mortality rates from COVID 19 Time: 1 yearDescription: mental and physical component scores through patient reported outcomes. Normative score set at 50 with minimum score being 0 and maximum score being 100. Scores >50 indicate better mental or physical health than the mean. Scores <50 indicate worse mental or physical health than the mean
Measure: Health related quality of life - Short Form 12 Time: 1 yearThe National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition is a national reference center for rheumatic diseases that belongs to The National Institutes of Health, and has Federal founding. More than 8,000 patients with a wide variety of rheumatologic diagnosis receive medical care. On March 2020, the WHO announced COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. The first case was registered in Mexico on February 2020. In March 2020, the Mexican Government requested that our Institution should restrict health care to exclusively COVID-19 patients; accordingly, outpatient consultations were, and up to August 2020 still, hold on. Meanwhile, when possible, the Department of Immunology and Rheumatology has implemented an "on-demand", non-organized patient´s health care, through email and phone contact; nonetheless, and due to the middle-low socioeconomic status of most of our patients and limited technical resources available at our Institution, the attempt has been challenging.
Description: To determinate the proportion of the rheumatic disease patients affected in their usual medical care during the COVID-19 pandemic in our Institution with the COVID-19 survey (locally development)
Measure: Change in the pattern of the usual medical care among the rheumatic disease patients Time: At study inclusion (The first medical consultation posterior to open the external outpatient's service, post COVID-19 pandemic)Description: Change in the activity disease measured as RAPID-3 of the Rheumatic disease patients in a 6 months follow-up. The results will express with a scale 0 to 30 a > number > disease activity
Measure: Change in the patient's activity disease Time: In the first medical consultation posterior to open the external outpatient's service (post COVID-19 pandemic) to 6 months follow-upDescription: Change in the activity disease measured by their rheumatologist (4 questions) of the rheumatic disease patients in a 6 months follow-up. The results will express with 3 categories (without activity, low activity, moderate activity, high activity)
Measure: Change in the patient's activity disease measures by their rheumatologist Time: In the first medical consultation posterior to open the external outpatient's service (post COVID-19 pandemic) to 6 months follow-upDescription: Change in the quality of life measured as WHOQOL-BREF of the Rheumatic disease patients in a 6 months follow-up. The results will express with a scale 0 to 100 a > number > quality of life
Measure: Change in patient´s quality of life Time: In the first medical consultation posterior to open the external outpatient's service (post COVID-19 pandemic) to 6 months follow-upDescription: Change in the psychopathology measured as DASS-21 instrument (depression and anxiety) of the Rheumatic disease patients in a 6 months follow-up. The results will express with a scale 0 to 8 a cut of point > 8 suggests depression and stress presence, and > 5 suggests anxiety presence
Measure: Change in patient´s depression and anxiety Time: In the first medical consultation posterior to open the external outpatient's service (post COVID-19 pandemic) to 6 months follow-upDescription: Change in the psychopathology measured as IER-R (posttraumatic stress) of the Rheumatic disease patients in a 6 months follow-up. The results will express with a scale 0 to 88 a cut of point > 24 would be significant
Measure: Change in patient´s posttraumatic stress Time: In the first medical consultation posterior to open the external outpatient's service (post COVID-19 pandemic) to 6 months follow-upWe seek to study the behaviour of Coronavirus infection in patients with rheumatological and/or autoimmune comorbidities, understood as a particular pathophysiological universe with its own risks and eventual benefits, until now fully hypothetical to be confirmed by means of real and recent evidence. On March 12, 2020, an initiative called the Global Alliance for COVID-19 in Rheumatology (The COVID-19 Rheumatology Alliance) arises, as a rapid response of international coordination whose ultimate goal is to serve as help or guideline for all those doctors who seek be faced with receiving, evaluating, understanding and caring for a patient with rheumatological and / or autoimmune diseases in relation to the imminent risk of COVID-19.
Description: It will be considered as 1. Severe, if it meets at least one of the following characteristics (based on what is registered in the main center's database): If you were hospitalized: What was the highest level of care you required during the illness? → o Required invasive mechanical ventilation or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation If the symptoms did not resolve and the patient was hospitalized: What is the highest level of care that has been required in the course of the present illness so far? o Required mechanical ventilation or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Measure: Clinical behavior of the disease // COVID-19 Time: 1-12 weeksDescription: It will be considered as 1. Yes, if it meets at least one of the following characteristics (based on what is registered in the main center's database): • Has the patient died? o Yes, he passed away
Measure: Mortality Time: 1-12 weeksSAR-COVID is a national, multicenter, prospective, observational longitudinal registry of consecutive patients with diagnosis of rheumatic diseases treated or not with immunomodulatory and/or immunosuppressive drugs and SARS-CoV-2 infection (asymptomatic or COVID-19). Hypothesis: Patients with rheumatic diseases who are under chronic treatment with immunomodulatory and/or immunosuppressive drugs more frequently have an asymptomatic infection, a milder COVID-19 and lower mortality than patients with rheumatic diseases without immunomodulatory and/or immunosuppressive treatments.
Description: Death caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection
Measure: Mortality Time: 2 monthDescription: Hospitalization because of SARS-CoV-2 infection
Measure: Hospitalization Time: 2 monthDescription: To describe clinical presentation of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with rheumatic diseases
Measure: SARS-CoV-2 infection presentation Time: 1 monthDescription: Proportion of patients admitted at the intensive care unit
Measure: Admission at the intensive care unit Time: 2 monthDescription: Proportion of patients who required invasive mechanical ventilation
Measure: Invasive mechanical ventilation Time: 2 monthDescription: Proportion of patients who had complications associated with COVID-19 infection and describe them
Measure: COVID-19 Complications Time: 2 monthDescription: Proportion of patients fully or partially recovered after COVID-19 infection.
Measure: Recovery rate Time: 2 monthAlphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports