Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
Sections: Correlations,
Clinical Trials, and HPO
Navigate: Clinical Trials and HPO
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug2504 | Nasal Swab Wiki | 0.41 |
drug1051 | Convalescent Plasma 2 Units Wiki | 0.41 |
drug4680 | pulse oximeter Wiki | 0.41 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug495 | BNT162c2 Wiki | 0.41 |
drug491 | BNT162a1 Wiki | 0.41 |
drug4023 | To assess for development of IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV2 Wiki | 0.41 |
drug1537 | Fingerstick Wiki | 0.41 |
drug1050 | Convalescent Plasma 1 Unit Wiki | 0.41 |
drug816 | CYNK-001 Wiki | 0.41 |
drug3331 | Remote controlled exercise Wiki | 0.41 |
drug1547 | Flotetuzumab Wiki | 0.41 |
drug1517 | Favipiravir + Standard of Care Wiki | 0.41 |
drug3519 | Saliva specimen Wiki | 0.41 |
drug733 | COVID Watch Wiki | 0.41 |
drug1746 | Home exercise Wiki | 0.29 |
drug4006 | Throat swab Wiki | 0.29 |
drug493 | BNT162b2 Wiki | 0.24 |
drug3243 | RT-PCR Wiki | 0.24 |
drug492 | BNT162b1 Wiki | 0.24 |
drug2512 | Nasopharyngeal swab Wiki | 0.14 |
drug1193 | Dexamethasone Wiki | 0.14 |
drug3728 | Standard of Care Wiki | 0.13 |
drug4025 | Tocilizumab Wiki | 0.07 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D030341 | Nidovirales Infections NIH | 0.58 |
D003333 | Coronaviridae Infections NIH | 0.55 |
D058070 | Asymptomatic Diseases NIH | 0.24 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D014777 | Virus Diseases NIH | 0.22 |
D012141 | Respiratory Tract Infections NIH | 0.20 |
D007154 | Immune System Diseases NIH | 0.17 |
D012140 | Respiratory Tract Diseases NIH | 0.16 |
D003141 | Communicable Diseases NIH | 0.15 |
D007239 | Infection NIH | 0.10 |
D008171 | Lung Diseases, NIH | 0.08 |
D045169 | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome NIH | 0.07 |
D018352 | Coronavirus Infections NIH | 0.06 |
D011024 | Pneumonia, Viral NIH | 0.05 |
D011014 | Pneumonia NIH | 0.02 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
HP:0011947 | Respiratory tract infection HPO | 0.20 |
HP:0002088 | Abnormal lung morphology HPO | 0.08 |
HP:0002090 | Pneumonia HPO | 0.02 |
Navigate: Correlations HPO
There are 6 clinical trials
This study is a Phase 1 / 2 trial to determine the safety and efficacy of CYNK-001, an immunotherapy containing Natural Killer (NK) cells derived from human placental CD34+ cells and culture-expanded, in patients with moderate COVID-19 disease.
Description: Number and severity of adverse events
Measure: Phase 1: Frequency and Severity of Adverse Events (AE) Time: Up to 6 monthsDescription: Proportion of subjects with "negative" measurement of COVID-19 by rRT-PCR
Measure: Phase 1: Rate of clearance of SARS-CoV-2 Time: Up to 6 monthsDescription: Proportion of subjects who improved clinical symptoms related to lower respiratory tract infection, as measured by National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2) score.
Measure: Phase 1: Rate of clinical improvement Time: Up to 6 monthsDescription: Time from the date of randomization to the clearance of SARS-CoV-2 by rRT-PCR. Negative results will need to be confirmed by a second negative result in the same sample type at least 24 hours after the first negative result.
Measure: Phase 2: Time to Clearance of SARS-CoV-2 Time: Up to 28 daysDescription: Time from the date of randomization to the first date of improved clinical symptoms related to lower respiratory tract infection. Improvement as measured by National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2) Score.
Measure: Phase 2: Time to Clinical Improvement by NEWS2 Score Time: Up to 28 daysDescription: Proportion of subjects with "negative" measurement of COVID-19 by rRT-PCR
Measure: Rate of Clearance of SARS-CoV-2 Time: Up to 6 monthsDescription: Number and severity of adverse events
Measure: Phase 2: Frequency and Severity of Adverse Events (AE) Time: up to 6 monthsDescription: Time to medical discharge as an assessment of overall clinical benefit
Measure: Overall Clinical Benefit by time to medical discharge Time: up to 6 monthsDescription: Hospital utilization will be measured as an assessment of overall clinical benefit
Measure: Overall Clinical Benefit by hospital utilization Time: up to 6 monthsDescription: Mortality rate will be measured as an assessment of overall clinical benefit
Measure: Overall Clinical Benefit by measuring mortality rate Time: up to 6 monthsDescription: Assess the impact of CYNK-001 on changes in sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score.
Measure: Impact of CYNK-001 on sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score Time: Up to 28 daysDescription: Time from randomization to the date of disappearance of virus from lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) specimen where it has previously been found (induced sputum, endotracheal aspirate).
Measure: Time to Pulmonary Clearance Time: Up to 28 daysDescription: For ventilatory support subjects, the days with supplemental oxygen-free.
Measure: Supplemental oxygen-free days Time: Up to 28 daysDescription: Proportion of subjects who need invasive or non-invasive ventilation
Measure: Proportion of subjects requiring ventilation Time: Up to 28 daysPurpose: To determine the number of asymptomatic individuals who have antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19
Description: Presence or absence of IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV2
Measure: Percentage of Asymptomatic patients with an IgG response from SARS-CoV-2 infection. Time: at enrollmentDescription: swab for presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus
Measure: Percentage of Asymptomatic patients with viral presence of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Time: at enrollmentThis is a prospective study, involving contacting potential plasma donors and the use of their plasma to help fight off infections of those suffering from COVID19 in accordance to collection guidelines for plasma and FDA IND requirement. This study will include up to 240 participants potentially receiving convalescent plasma and up to 1000 potential donors. There are 3 basic arms to the study: mild, moderate and severe/critical severity. All 3 severity groups are eligible for enrollment, but mild severity will not be given plasma unless there is progression. Moderate severity will given up to 1 unit of plasma and severe/critical severity up to 2 units. There is no placebo group, however given the excepted issues of shortages of plasma, intention to treat will be used for analysis.
Description: Time it takes to identify eligible donors whom are willing to donate
Measure: Plasma Donor Time: Measured in days for 365 daysDescription: Time it takes the plasma collection center to contact willing donors whom are allowed to donate plasma
Measure: Plasma Donor Time: Measured in days for 365 daysDescription: Time from consent to infusion
Measure: Plasma Recipient Time: Measured evey 24 hours up to 30 daysDescription: Survival
Measure: Plasma Recipient Time: Measured in days with 30 day from discharge follow-upDescription: Time until plasma is donated
Measure: Plasma Donor Time: Measured every 24 hours up to 1 yearDescription: Incident of treatment-Emergent Adverse Events [Safety and Tolerability]
Measure: Plasma Recipient Time: Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 30 dayDescription: Morbidity reduction
Measure: Plasma Recipient Time: Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 30 dayDescription: Reduced Length of Stay in hospital
Measure: Plasma Recipient Time: Measured every 24 hours until patient discharged from hospital up to 1 yearDescription: Reduced Length of Stay on Advance Respiratory Support
Measure: Plasma Recipient Time: Measured every 24 hours until Off Advanced Respiratory Support up to 1 yearThe trial has two parts: Part A is for dose ranging with dose escalation and de-escalation plus the evaluation of interim dose levels. It also includes dose ranging in older subjects. Part B is dedicated to recruit expansion cohorts with dose levels which are selected from data generated in Part A. The vaccines BNT162a1, BNT162b1, BNT162b2, and BNT162c2 will be administered using a Prime/Boost (P/B) regimen. The vaccine BNT162c2 will also be administered using a Single dose (SD) regimen.
Description: For BNT162a1, BNT162b1, BNT162b2, and BNT162c2 (P/B): occurring up to 21±2 days after the prime immunization.
Measure: The proportion of subjects with at least 1 unsolicited treatment emergent adverse event (TEAE): Time: 21 days following dose administrationDescription: For BNT162a1, BNT162b1, BNT162b2, and BNT162c2 (P/B): occurring up to 28±4 days after the boost immunization. For BNT162c2 (SD): The proportion of subjects with at least 1 unsolicited TEAE occurring up to 28±4 days after the immunization.
Measure: The proportion of subjects with at least 1 unsolicited treatment emergent adverse event (TEAE): Time: 28 days following dose administrationDescription: Functional antibody responses at 7±1 days and 21±2 days after primary immunization and at 21±2 days, 28±4 days, 63±5 days, and 162±7 days after the boost immunization.
Measure: For BNT162a1, BNT162b1, BNT162b2, and BNT162c2 (P/B): Time: up to 162 days following dose administrationDescription: Fold increase in functional antibody titers 7±1 days and 21±2 days after primary immunization and at 21±2 days, 28±4 days, 63±5 days, and 162±7 days after the boost immunization.
Measure: For BNT162a1, BNT162b1, BNT162b2, and BNT162c2 (P/B): Time: up to 162 days following dose administrationDescription: Number of subjects with seroconversion defined as a minimum of 4-fold increase of functional antibody titers as compared to baseline at 7±1 days and 21±2 days after primary immunization and at 21±2 days, 28±4 days, 63±5 days, and 162±7 days after the boost immunization.
Measure: For BNT162a1, BNT162b1, BNT162b2, and BNT162c2 (P/B): Time: up to 162 days following dose administrationDescription: Functional antibody responses at 7±1 days, 21±2 days, 29±3 days, 42±3 days, 84±5 days, and 183±7 days after the primary immunization.
Measure: For BNT162c2 (SD): Time: up to 183 days following dose administrationDescription: Fold increase in functional antibody titers at 7±1 days, 21±2 days, 29±3 days, 42±3 days, 84±5 days, and 183±7 days after the primary immunization.
Measure: For BNT162c2 (SD): Time: up to 183 days following dose administrationDescription: Number of subjects with seroconversion defined as a minimum of 4-fold increase of functional antibody titers as compared to baseline at 7±1 days, 21±2 days, 29±3 days, 42±3 days, 84±5 days, and 183±7 days after the primary immunization.
Measure: For BNT162c2 (SD): Time: up to 183 days following dose administrationThe overall objective of the study is to determine the therapeutic effect and tolerance of Tocilizumab combined with Dexamethasone in patients with moderate, severe pneumonia or critical pneumonia associated with Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Tocilizumab (TCZ) is an anti-human IL-6 receptor monoclonal antibody that inhibits signal transduction by binding sIL-6R and mIL-6R. The study has a cohort multiple Randomized Controlled Trials (cmRCT) design. Randomization will occur prior to offering Dexamethasone alone or Dexamethasone +Tocilizumab administration to patients enrolled in the CORIMUNO-19 cohort. Tocilizumab will be administered to consenting adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19 either diagnosed with moderate or severe pneumonia requiring no mechanical ventilation or critical pneumonia requiring mechanical ventilation. Patients who will chose not to receive Tocilizumab will receive standard of cares. Outcomes of Tocilizumab-treated patients will be compared with outcomes of standard of care (including Dexamethasone) treated patients
Description: Survival without needs of ventilator utilization (including non invasive ventilation and high flow) at day 14. Thus, events considered are needing ventilator utilization (including Non Invasive Ventilation, NIV or high flow), or death.
Measure: Survival without needs of ventilator utilization at day 14 Time: day 14Description: WHO progression scale: Uninfected; non viral RNA detected: 0 Asymptomatic; viral RNA detected: 1 Symptomatic; Independent: 2 Symptomatic; Assistance needed: 3 Hospitalized; No oxygen therapy: 4 Hospitalized; oxygen by mask or nasal prongs: 5 Hospitalized; oxygen by NIV or High flow: 6 Intubation and Mechanical ventilation, pO2/FIO2>=150 OR SpO2/FIO2>=200: 7 Mechanical ventilation, (pO2/FIO2<150 OR SpO2/FIO2<200) OR vasopressors (norepinephrine >0.3 microg/kg/min): 8 Mechanical ventilation, pO2/FIO2<150 AND vasopressors (norepinephrine >0.3 microg/kg/min), OR Dialysis OR ECMO: 9 Dead: 10
Measure: WHO progression scale at day 7 and 14 Time: day 7 and day 14Description: Overall survival
Measure: Overall survival at 14, 28, 60 and 90 days Time: 14, 28, 60 and 90 daysDescription: Cumulative incidence of discharge alive
Measure: Cumulative incidence of discharge alive at 14 and 28 days Time: 14 and 28 daysDescription: Survival without needs of mechanical ventilation at day 1. New DNR order (if given after the inclusion of the patient) will be considered as an event at the date of the DNR.
Measure: Survival without needs of mechanical ventilation at day 1 Time: day 1Description: Cumulative incidence of oxygen supply independency
Measure: Cumulative incidence of oxygen supply independency at 14 and 28 days Time: 14 and 28 daysThis study aims to validate the use of human saliva as a substrate for an assay to detect SARS-CoV-2 and define accuracy, analytical sensitivity and specificity of the TaqPath RT-PCR test.
Description: TaqPath RT-PCR assay performed on saliva compared to TaqPath RT-PCR performed on nasopharyngeal samples for assay accuracy, concordance, reproducibility/precision, analytical sensitivity and analytical specificity.
Measure: Detection of COVID-19 SARs-CoV-2 in saliva samples versus nasopharyngeal samples Time: up to 7 daysDescription: Participants may be recruited from individuals presenting for various indications for testing including; followup testing after previous positive result, at risk healthcare worker, exposure to known positive or symptomatic, public facing worker or workplace hazards, employee based screening.
Measure: Reason for testing Time: BaselineDescription: Participant is symptomatic or asymptomatic
Measure: Current symptom status Time: BaselineDescription: Participant reports one or more of the following symptoms at baseline. Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, any nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
Measure: Current symptoms Time: BaselineDescription: Participant reports one or more of the following symptoms at baseline. Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, any nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
Measure: Prior symptoms Time: BaselineDescription: Participant reports date of first symptom or number of days since first symptom.
Measure: Date of first symptom or number of days since first symptom. Time: BaselineDescription: Participant reported result (positive, negative, inconclusive) of previous test for COVID-19 and date of test .
Measure: Previous test for COVID-19 and date of test. Time: BaselineAlphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports