Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
Sections: Correlations,
Clinical Trials, and HPO
Navigate: Clinical Trials and HPO
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug199 | Actigraph Wiki | 0.71 |
drug651 | Brief Skills for Safer Living Wiki | 0.71 |
drug4687 | questionnaire Wiki | 0.27 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D013405 | Suicide NIH | 0.50 |
D003863 | Depression, NIH | 0.08 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation |
Navigate: Correlations HPO
There are 2 clinical trials
This is a research project looking at whether measuring movements or responses to certain questions can help predict suicidal thoughts or actions. This project has two parts: The first part will occur while the participant is receiving hospitalized at the Bedford VA Hospital. It involves wearing a watch-like device on his/her wrist and answering questions or doing tasks to measure mood and other mental health symptoms, and suicidal thoughts. In the second phase, the investigators will call the participant around 12 months after s/he has left the hospital. The investigators will discuss how s/he is doing and if s/he has had suicidal thoughts or made suicidal acts.
Description: The investigators will call some participants who are not undergoing alcohol detoxification and administer the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale to determine occurrence of all suicidal behavior (actual, interrupted, aborted, and preparatory), ask them to also self-report rehospitalization with suicidal ideation (SI), and use VA chart data as another source of information about suicidal behavior and rehospitalization. For those patients who we reach by phone we will use both their self-report and the information from chart review to inform this outcome, and from those patients not undergoing analysis who we don't reach, or those who are in participant groups not receiving phone calls (the participants undergoing alcohol detoxification). The data will then be reconciled and combined into a measure of Suicidal Behavior or rehospitalization with suicidal ideation over the 12 months since discharge.
Measure: POST DISCHARGE FOLLOW-UP (COMPOSITE): CSSRS Suicidal Behaviors (self-report), Rehospitalization with Suicidal Ideation (self-report), combined with chart data re Suicidal Behavior and Rehospitalization with Suicidal Ideation Time: 12 months since discharge from index hospitalizationDescription: Association of Actigraph measurements with Sheehan STS Scale
Measure: INPATIENT: Sheehan STS scale Time: Last 24 hours up to assessmentDescription: Participants rank the Severity and Duration of their suicidal thinking on 0-10 scales each day, This outcome will look at the distribution of the interaction between the scores (e.g., multiplicative/multiplication of scores) and determine whether that simple interaction/combination will be used, log or otherwise transformed, and/or more weighting given to duration than severity, etc. This determination will be made on the spread of this data, not any information about how it correlates with actigraphy or other data gathered. This is being designated a secondary outcome simply because how the measure will be determined is not yet specified, but it is expected that this composite measure will likely have a stronger association with actigraphy and other RFs (risk factors)/predictors than simply the severity of suicidal ideation, one of the co-primary outcomes.
Measure: INPATIENT: Self-report response to Suicidal thinking diary questions re Combined Severity and Duration of suicidal thinking [Main Secondary Analysis] Time: Duration of Inpatient Stay (Daily Measures, up to 365 days)Description: The investigators will use the data gathered from the CSSRS from phone interviews and chart review to determine the occurrence of Actual Suicidal Behavior in the 12 months since discharge. We will use both sources of information to assess those patients who are reached by phone and the chart review alone for those who cannot or are in the groups undergoing alcohol detoxification (who are not in the group who receive phone calls).
Measure: POST DISCHARGE FOLLOW-UP: Actual Suicidal Behavior (self-report and chart informed) [Main Secondary] Time: 12 months (12 months since discharge from index hospitalization)Description: The investigators will call patients and administer CSSRS to determine, and ask about rehospitalization with SI, as well as determine information from the chart about the occurrence of these outcomes, both for patients who are reached by phone and those who cannot or are in the groups undergoing alcohol detoxification (who are not in the group who receive phone calls).
Measure: POST-DISCHARGE FOLLOW-UP: All Suicidal Behavior plus Rehospitalization plus Severity of Worst Suicidal Ideation (Some Intent or Some Intent or Plan) [Main Secondary] Time: 12 months since DischargeDescription: Daily rankings of Severity of Suicidal Ideation, from the Suicidal Thinking Diary, on a scale of 0-10.
Measure: INPATIENT: Severity of Suicidal Ideation Time: Duration of Inpatient Stay (Daily Measures, up to 365 days [It is anticipated most subjects will provide from 2-7 days of data)Description: Daily rankings of Duration of Suicidal Ideation, from the Suicidal Thinking Diary, on a scale of 0-10.
Measure: INPATIENT: Duration of Suicidal Ideation (Thinking Diary) Time: Duration of Inpatient Stay (Daily Measures, up to 365 days)Description: Daily rankings of Duration of Suicidal Ideation, from the Sheehan Tracking Scale, in hours and minutes.
Measure: INPATIENT: Duration of Suicidal Ideation (Hours/minutes) Time: Duration of Inpatient Stay (Daily Measures, up to 365 days)Description: Maximum Level of Suicidal Ideation per CSSRS 5 Level scale (ranging from Wish to be Dead to Active Ideation with Intent and Plan).
Measure: INPATIENT: Maximum Level of Suicidal Ideation per CSSRS each day Time: Duration of Inpatient Stay (Daily Measures, up to 365 days)Description: Daily rankings of Wish to be Dead, from the Thinking Diary, on a 0-10 scale. [This was the outcome used in the previous actigraphy study].
Measure: INPATIENT: Wish to be Dead Time: Duration of Inpatient Stay (Daily Measures, up to 365 days)Description: Maximum Level of Suicidal Ideation per CSSRS 5 Level scale (ranging from Wish to be Dead to Active Ideation with Intent and Plan) combined with the items/scores in the 2nd half of the suicidal ideation assessment (frequency, controllability). Investigators will use chart and interview information for patients who can be reached by phone and interview information for those who cannot or are in the groups undergoing alcohol detoxification (who are not in the group who receive phone calls). Exact procedure for combining (e.g. simple addition) to be determined, possibly in consultation with Columbia scale staff.
Measure: INPATIENT: Combination of Maximum Level of Suicidal Ideation per CSSRS each day plus Frequency, Controllability, etc. items Time: Duration of Inpatient Stay (Daily Measures, up to 365 days)Description: We have created our own 0-10 scale of the highest intensity of suicidal thinking a participant experienced in the 12 months post-discharge. This will be used for some of the secondary analyses of outcomes 12 months after discharge. While it is not validated, it has the advantage that, as opposed to any Yes/No events (rehospitalization, experiencing of a certain severity of suicidal thinking), that every study participant will have a value on this particular scale.
Measure: Maximum severity of suicidal ideation in 12 months post-discharge (self-report, 0-10 scale) Time: 12 months post-dischargeDescription: The investigators will call patients and administer CSSRS to determine as well as determine events from the chart, both for patients who can be reached by phone and those who cannot or are in the groups undergoing alcohol detoxification (who are not in the group who receive phone calls).
Measure: POST-DISCHARGE FOLLOW-UP: All Suicidal Behaviors (without Rehospitalization) Time: 12 months post DischargeDescription: The investigators will call patients and administer CSSRS to determine, and ask about rehospitalization with SI, as well as determine this information from the chart, both for patients who can be reached by phone and those who cannot or are in the groups undergoing alcohol detoxification (who are not in the group who receive phone calls).
Measure: POST-DISCHARGE FOLLOW-UP: All Suicidal Behaviors, Rehospitalization with SI, and Severity of Worst Ideation involves Plan and Intent Time: 12 months post dischargeDescription: The investigators will call patients and administer CSSRS to determine, and ask about rehospitalization with SI, as well as determine the occurrence of these outcomes from the chart, both for patients who can be reached by phone and those who cannot or are in the groups undergoing alcohol detoxification (who are not in the group who receive phone calls).
Measure: POST-DISCHARGE FOLLOW-UP: All Suicidal Behaviors, Rehospitalization with SI, and Severity of Worst Ideation includes Method, Intent, or Plan Time: 12 months post dischargeDescription: 11 items concerning psychiatric symptoms and movement/activity, on a 0-10 scale. Each will be examined individually.
Measure: INPATIENT: Nonsuicide Symptom Diary Items Time: Duration of Inpatient Stay (Daily Measures, up to 365 days)Description: Association of the SIAT with Sheehan STS scale score for past 24 hours at baseline
Measure: INPATIENT:Sheehan STS score Time: 24 hours before enrollment (baseline)Description: The investigators will use Sheehan scale as an index, either: A) Weighting reach response on questions 2-6, and 8 with each question being worth 5X the previous question, and responses worth 0-4 points, depending on frequency (this will result in a scale from 0 - 4096), and/or B) a simple unweighted version which gives a score from 0 - 24 based on how frequently client endorses highest numbered item, based on specific thresholds ( a little, moderately, etc.) .
Measure: INPATIENT: Combination of Sheehan Measures Time: Duration of Inpatient Stay (Daily Measures, up to 365 days)Description: The investigators will examine the association of each Sheehan item, questions 2-6 and 8 with the actigraph and other predictors.
Measure: INPATIENT: Individual Sheehan Items Time: Duration of Inpatient Stay (Daily Measures, up to 365 days)Description: Suicidal Ideation Item on CSSRS.
Measure: INPATIENT: CSSRS Duration Item Time: Duration of Inpatient Stay (Daily Measures, up to 365 days)Description: Association of the SIAT with Level of Suicidal thinking (0-5) on Columbia Scale (CSSRS) at baseline (over last week for SI, last 2 weeks for SB)
Measure: INPATIENT: CSSRS at baseline Time: 1-2 weeks pre-enrollmentDescription: Suicidal Ideation Item on CSSRS.
Measure: INPATIENT: CSSRS Frequency Item Time: Duration of Inpatient Stay (Daily Measures, up to 365 days)Description: Association of the SIAT with Duration of Suicidal Thinking (0-10) Today
Measure: INPATIENT: Duration of Suicidal Thinking Time: 24 hours pre-enrollmentDescription: The investigators will use some combination of the Frequency and Duration item (either simple addition or multiplication, or some other combination, taking into account as frequency increases the maximum duration must at some point decrease).
Measure: INPATIENT: CSSRS Frequency/Duration Item combination Time: Duration of Inpatient Stay (Daily Measures, up to 365 days)Description: Association of the SIAT with PHQ-9 score Item 9 (Frequency for last 2 weeks, including better off dead) for last 2 weeks
Measure: INPATIENT: PHQ-9 score Item 9 (0-3) Time: 2 weeks pre-enrollment (baseline)Description: Suicidal Ideation Item on CSSRS.
Measure: INPATIENT: CSSRS Controllability Item Time: Duration of Inpatient Stay (Daily Measures, up to 365 days)Description: Although this will be analyzed, it is not expected this will correlate as much with actigraphy or other predictors than other CSSRS items.
Measure: INPATIENT: CSSRS Deterrents Item Time: Duration of Inpatient Stay (Daily Measures, up to 365 days)Description: Although this will be analyzed, it is not expected this will correlate as much with actigraphy or other predictors than other CSSRS items.
Measure: INPATIENT: CSSRS Reasons Item Time: Duration of Inpatient Stay (Daily Measures, up to 365 days)Description: Suicidal behavior, only counting behaviors of a certain level of lethality.
Measure: POST-DISCHARGE FOLLOW-UP: Actual Suicidal Behavior with Lethality of 1+ on CSSRS Time: 12 months post-dischargeDescription: Association of the SIAT with Sheehan STS scale score for past 24 hours at baseline.
Measure: INPATIENT:Sheehan Tracking System Time: 24 hours pre-enrollment (baseline)Description: For analyses examining CHANGE in the Actigraph index, or CHANGE in the Actigraph index plus change in some of the other predictors, the investigators will examine an outcome involving Change in Suicidal Thinking (probably the measure most predictive in the earlier analyses of the level of the index/predictors and the severity/duration of suicidal thinking).
Measure: INPATIENT: Change in Severity or Duration of Suicidal Thinking or the Composite Measure Time: Inpatient (Daily Measures, Days 1 and 2 combined versus last 1, 2, or 3 days [longest period up to 3 days that does not overlap with days 1&2)Description: Suicidal behavior, only counting behaviors of a certain level of lethality.
Measure: POST-DISCHARGE FOLLOW-UP: Actual Suicidal Behavior with Lethality 2+ on CSSRS Time: 12 months (post-dischargeDescription: Association of the Sheehan STS scale score for the 24 hours prior to enrollment (baseline) with the Actigraph movement index (called to this point the Vulnerability Index, but we may invert and call it the Resiliency index), for days 1-3 of the study.
Measure: INPATIENT: Sheehan Tracking System Time: 24 hours pre-enrollment (baseline)Description: Association of the Sheehan STS scale score for the 24 hours prior to enrollment (baseline) with a modified (shorter time-frame) version of the Actigraph movement index (called to this point the Vulnerability Index, but we may invert the index and call the Resiliency Index), for day 1 of the study, day 1 and 2 of the study combined, or both.
Measure: INPATIENT: Sheehan Tracking System Time: 24 hours pre-enrollment (baseline)Description: Association of the Level of Suicidal thinking (0-5) on Columbia Scale (CSSRS) at baseline (over last week for SI, last 2 weeks for SB) with the Actigraph movement index (called to this point the Vulnerability Index, but we may invert the index and call it the Resliency index), for days 1-3 of the study.
Measure: INPATIENT: CSSRS at baseline Time: 1-2 weeks prior to enrollment (baseline)Description: Association of the Level of Suicidal thinking (0-5) on Columbia Scale (CSSRS) at baseline (over last week for SI, last 2 weeks for SB) with a modified (shorter time-frame) version of the Actigraph movement index (called to this point the Vulnerability Index, but we may invert and call the Resiliency Index, for day 1 of the study, day 1 and 2 of the study combined, or both.
Measure: INPATIENT: CSSRS at baseline Time: 1-2 weeks prior to enrollment (baseline)Description: Association of the Duration of Suicidal Thinking (0-10) Today item of the Thinking Diary at baseline with the Actigraph movement index (called to this point the Vulnerability Index, but we may invert the index and call it the Resiliency index), for days 1-3 of the study.
Measure: INPATIENT: Duration of Suicidal Thinking Time: Day of enrollment but for the hours prior to enrollment (baseline)Description: Association of the Duration of Suicidal Thinking (0-10) Today item of the Thinking Diary at baseline with a modified (shorter time-frame) version of the Actigraph movement index (called to this point the Vulnerability Index, but we may invert and call the Resiliency Index, for day 1 of the study, day 1 and 2 of the study combined, or both.
Measure: INPATIENT: Duration of Suicidal Thinking Time: Day of enrollment but for the hours prior to enrollment (baseline)Description: Association of the PHQ-9 score for Item 9 (Frequency over the last 2 weeks of thoughts of self-harm, or thoughts would be better off dead) with the Actigraph movement index (called to this point the Vulnerability Index, but we may invert the index and call it the Resiliency index), for days 1-3 of the study.
Measure: INPATIENT: PHQ-9 Item 9 Score (0-3) Time: 2 weeks prior to enrollment (baseline)Description: Association of the PHQ-9 score for Item 9 (Frequency over the last 2 weeks of thoughts of self-harm, or thoughts would be better off dead) with a modified (shorter time-frame) version of the Actigraph movement index (called to this point the Vulnerability Index, but we may invert and call the Resiliency Index, for day 1 of the study, day 1 and 2 of the study combined, or both.
Measure: INPATIENT: PHQ-9 Item 9 Score (0-3) Time: 2 weeks prior to enrollment (baseline)Description: We will derive the Pearson correlation coefficient between the S-IAT d score at Baseline and their reported Wish to be Dead that day at baseline (ie., not considering any data from the subsequent hospitalization). This is being performed as pilot analysis to support a grant application.
Measure: Wish to be Dead (0-10) scale at baseline Time: Baseline (that day)Description: We will derive the Pearson correlation coefficient between the Actigraphy Vulnerability Index (also known as the Resiliency Index if the scores are inverted) their reported Wish to be Dead that day at baseline (ie., not considering any data from the subsequent hospitalization). This is being performed as pilot analysis to support a grant application.
Measure: Wish to be Dead (0-10) scale at baseline Time: Baseline (that day)Mental health concerns have been on the rise since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has worsened risk factors for suicide, including job loss, anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Timely and easy access to mental health services is a dire need, and this study will test the efficacy and feasibility of a brief clinical intervention, Brief Skills for Safer Living (Brief-SfSL), at reducing suicide risk. The goal of this study is to investigate whether Brief-SfSL, delivered online, is a suitable, acceptable and effective method for reducing suicide risk and providing timely mental health services. The results from this study will provide vital insight into effective interventions for suicide risk that are accessible and can be widely distributed.
Description: Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation is a 21-item self-report scale that quantifies suicidal ideation. Items are scored 0 to 2 and yield a total score ranging from 0 to 38. Higher scores reflect greater severity of suicidal ideation.
Measure: Change in suicidal ideation using Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation Time: From baseline to 3 months; also administered at screening, 1 week and 1 monthDescription: The QIDS-SR is a 16-item validated self-report depression scale. Total scores range from 0 (none) to 27 (very severe).
Measure: Change in depression symptoms using the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms self-report scale (QIDS-SR) Time: From baseline to 3 months; also administered at 1 week and 1 monthDescription: The GAD-7 is a brief 7-item self-report scale measuring anxiety symptoms. Total scores range from 0 to 21, with higher scores reflecting more severe anxiety.
Measure: Change in anxiety symptoms using the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale (GAD-7) Time: From baseline to 3 months; also administered at 1 week and 1 monthDescription: The ACSS is a 20-item self-report instrument to assess the construct of acquired capability. Total scores range from 0 to 80, with higher scores reflecting greater acquired capability.
Measure: Change in Acquired Capability of Suicide Scale (ACSS) Time: From baseline to 3 months; also administered at 1 week and 1 monthDescription: The Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire is a 15-item self-report scale assessing connectedness to others and burdensomeness. Items are rated 1 to 7, with total scores ranging from 15 to 105. Higher scores reflect worse outcomes.
Measure: Change in Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire score Time: From baseline to 3 months; also administered at 1 week and 1 monthDescription: The DARS is a 26-item self-report scale measuring anhedonia across four domains. Items are scored on a 5-point Likert scale with lower total scores reflecting more severe anhedonia.
Measure: Change in Dimensional Anhedonia Rating Scale (DARS) score Time: From baseline to 3 months; also administered at 1 week and 1 monthDescription: The SDS is a brief 3-item self-report scale that probes work/school, social, and family/home functioning. Each item is scored from 0 to 10. Total scores range from 0 (unimpaired) to 30 (highly impaired).
Measure: Change in Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) score Time: From baseline to 3 months; also administered at 1 monthDescription: Use of healthcare services will be assessed through four questions enquiring about the frequency and description of health care professional visits, use of mental health services, hospital admissions, and emergency room visits in the preceding specified time frame (1-3 months).
Measure: Change in Treatment Utilization Time: From screening to 3 months; also administered at 1 monthDescription: Feasibility and Acceptability survey and interview created in-house with questions designed to collect quantitative and qualitative feedback from participants with respect to the feasibility and acceptability of the Brief-SfSL intervention.
Measure: Participant feedback on their experiences with specific aspects of the Brief-SfSL intervention Time: 3 monthsAlphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports