Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
Sections: Correlations,
Clinical Trials, and HPO
Navigate: Clinical Trials and HPO
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug2242 | MMR vaccine Wiki | 0.50 |
drug1122 | Cytokines dosage Wiki | 0.50 |
drug1006 | Complement dosage Wiki | 0.50 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug130 | ARCT-021 Dose Regimen 2 Wiki | 0.50 |
drug2777 | PHQ-9 Depression Scale Wiki | 0.50 |
drug127 | ARCT-021 Dose 3 Wiki | 0.50 |
drug128 | ARCT-021 Dose 4 Wiki | 0.50 |
drug1589 | GAD-7 General anxiety disorder scale Wiki | 0.50 |
drug125 | ARCT-021 Dose 1 Wiki | 0.50 |
drug129 | ARCT-021 Dose Regimen 1 Wiki | 0.50 |
drug988 | Commercial membrane for Extracorporeal Blood Purification Therapy (EBPT) Wiki | 0.50 |
drug60 | 38-questions questionnaire Wiki | 0.50 |
drug126 | ARCT-021 Dose 2 Wiki | 0.50 |
drug2916 | Placebo Wiki | 0.02 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D009102 | Multiple Organ Failure NIH | 0.22 |
D014115 | Toxemia NIH | 0.22 |
D058186 | Acute Kidney Injury NIH | 0.19 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
HP:0001919 | Acute kidney injury HPO | 0.19 |
HP:0100806 | Sepsis HPO | 0.18 |
Navigate: Correlations HPO
There are 4 clinical trials
The study aims to investigate organ dysfunction and biomarkers in patients with suspected or verified COVID-19 during intensive care at Uppsala University Hospital.
Description: KDIGO AKI score
Measure: Acute Kidney Injury Time: During Intensive Care, an estimated average of 10 days.Description: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome yes/no
Measure: ARDS Time: During intensive care, an estimated average of 10 days.Description: Death within 30 days of ICU admission
Measure: 30 day mortality Time: 30 daysDescription: Death within 1 year of ICU admission
Measure: 1 year mortality Time: 1 yearDescription: Development of Chronic Kidney Disease
Measure: Chronic Kidney Disease Time: 60 days and 1 year after ICU admissionDescription: Sequential Organ Failure Score as a continuous variable
Measure: SOFA-score Time: During Intensive Care, an estimated average of 10 days.In patients infected by the SARS-Cov-2 Coronavirus a severely progressive disease requiring hospitalization in intensive care seems related to deregulation of cytokines with very high levels of IL-6, IL-2, IL-7, IL-10 and TNF-α. In order to elucidate the mechanism of this hyper inflammatory syndrome we will measure a panel of pro and anti inflammatory cytokines, as well as known markers of macrophage activation syndrome. To determine the role of activation of the complement cascade the most important complement factors and their activation markers will be measured. The changes of those parameters will be monitored after administration of an anti-IL6R antibody therapy.
Description: Interleukine 6, soluble IL6-R, complex IL6-IL6R concentration
Measure: IL6 concentration Time: Before anti-IL6R treatment (baseline)Description: Interleukine 6 soluble IL6-R, complex IL6-IL6R variation compared to baseline value
Measure: IL6 concentration change from baseline value Time: Twice a week from day 1 to day 14 post anti-IL6R administrationDescription: CH50, C3, C4, C3d, C5a, SC5b-9, C4a, MASP-2
Measure: Complement parameters Time: Before anti-IL6R treatment (baseline)Description: CH50, C3, C4, C3d, C5a, SC5b-9, C4a, MASP-2 variation compared to baseline values
Measure: Complement parameters change from baseline values Time: Twice a week from day 1 to day 14 post anti-IL6R administrationDescription: Concentration of TNFa, IFNg, IL1, IL7, IL10, IL12, IL17, IL18
Measure: Inflammatory cytokines baseline concentrations Time: Before anti-IL6R treatment (baseline)Description: Concentration of TNFa, IFNg, IL1, IL7, IL10, IL12, IL17, IL18 variation compared to baseline values
Measure: Inflammatory cytokines change from baseline values Time: Twice a week from day 1 to day 14 post anti-IL6R administrationDescription: sCD25, sCD163, sCD14, glycosylated ferritin
Measure: Concentration of markers of macrophage activation Time: Before anti-IL6R treatment (baseline)Description: sCD25, sCD163, sCD14, glycosylated ferritin variation compared to baseline values
Measure: Markers of macrophage activation change from baseline values Time: Twice a week from day 1 to day 14 post anti-IL6R administrationThe objective of this randomized clinical trial is to test whether administration of live attenuated MMR vaccine (measles mumps rubella; Merck) to eligible adults at highest risk for contracting COVID-19 (healthcare workers, first responders), can induce non-specific trained innate immune leukocytes that can prevent/dampen pathological inflammation and sepsis associated with COVID-19-infection, if exposed.
Description: peripheral blood monocytic MDSCs (M-MDSC) and/or granulocytic MDSCs (G-MDSC) determined by flow cytometry from whole blood samples as percentage/fold increase over baseline
Measure: Induction of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) Time: 14 days post-vaccinationDescription: peripheral blood monocytic MDSCs (M-MDSC) and/or granulocytic MDSCs (G-MDSC) determined by flow cytometry from whole blood samples as percentage/fold increase over baseline
Measure: Induction of MDSCs Time: 30 days post vaccinationDescription: peripheral blood monocytic MDSCs (M-MDSC) and/or granulocytic MDSCs (G-MDSC) determined by flow cytometry from whole blood samples as percentage/fold increase over baseline
Measure: Induction of MDSCs Time: 60 days post vaccinationDescription: peripheral blood monocytic MDSCs (M-MDSC) and/or granulocytic MDSCs (G-MDSC) determined by flow cytometry from whole blood samples as percentage/fold increase over baseline
Measure: Induction of MDSCs Time: 12 months post vaccinationDescription: COVID-19 antibodies (seropositive) or COVID-19 RNA+ as evidence of infection
Measure: COVID-19 infection positive Time: 14 days post-vaccinationDescription: COVID-19 antibodies (seropositive) or COVID-19 RNA+ as evidence of infection
Measure: COVID-19 infection positive Time: 30 days post-vaccinationDescription: COVID-19 antibodies (seropositive) or COVID-19 RNA+ as evidence of infection
Measure: COVID-19 infection positive Time: 60 days post-vaccinationDescription: COVID-19 antibodies (seropositive) or COVID-19 RNA+ as evidence of infection
Measure: COVID-19 infection positive Time: 12 months post-vaccinationDescription: Sepsis/lung inflammation, ICU/ventilator usage, in-patient health related co-morbidities and self-reporting mental status (such as general fatigue/stress level)
Measure: Health questionnaire Time: 14 days post-vaccinationDescription: Sepsis/lung inflammation, ICU/ventilator usage, in-patient health related co-morbidities and self-reporting mental status (such as general fatigue/stress level)
Measure: Health questionnaire Time: 30 days post-vaccinationDescription: Sepsis/lung inflammation, ICU/ventilator usage, in-patient health related co-morbidities and self-reporting mental status (such as general fatigue/stress level)
Measure: Health questionnaire Time: 60 days post-vaccinationDescription: Sepsis/lung inflammation, ICU/ventilator usage, in-patient health related co-morbidities and self-reporting mental status (such as general fatigue/stress level)
Measure: Health questionnaire Time: 3 months post-vaccinationDescription: Sepsis/lung inflammation, ICU/ventilator usage, in-patient health related co-morbidities and self-reporting mental status (such as general fatigue/stress level)
Measure: Health questionnaire Time: 4 months post-vaccinationDescription: Sepsis/lung inflammation, ICU/ventilator usage, in-patient health related co-morbidities and self-reporting mental status (such as general fatigue/stress level)
Measure: Health questionnaire Time: 5 months post-vaccinationDescription: Sepsis/lung inflammation, ICU/ventilator usage, in-patient health related co-morbidities and self-reporting mental status (such as general fatigue/stress level)
Measure: Health questionnaire Time: 6 months post-vaccinationDescription: Sepsis/lung inflammation, ICU/ventilator usage, in-patient health related co-morbidities and self-reporting mental status (such as general fatigue/stress level)
Measure: Health questionnaire Time: 7 months post-vaccinationDescription: Sepsis/lung inflammation, ICU/ventilator usage, in-patient health related co-morbidities and self-reporting mental status (such as general fatigue/stress level)
Measure: Health questionnaire Time: 8 months post-vaccinationDescription: Sepsis/lung inflammation, ICU/ventilator usage, in-patient health related co-morbidities and self-reporting mental status (such as general fatigue/stress level)
Measure: Health questionnaire Time: 9 months post-vaccinationDescription: Sepsis/lung inflammation, ICU/ventilator usage, in-patient health related co-morbidities and self-reporting mental status (such as general fatigue/stress level)
Measure: Health questionnaire Time: 10 months post-vaccinationDescription: Sepsis/lung inflammation, ICU/ventilator usage, in-patient health related co-morbidities and self-reporting mental status (such as general fatigue/stress level)
Measure: Health questionnaire Time: 11 months post-vaccinationDescription: Sepsis/lung inflammation, ICU/ventilator usage, in-patient health related co-morbidities and self-reporting mental status (such as general fatigue/stress level)
Measure: Health questionnaire Time: 12 months post-vaccinationWorldwide, the use of Extracorporeal Blood Purification (EBP) in everyday clinical practice is becoming increasingly common, particularly in critical care settings. The efficacy of most of these treatments on removal of inflammatory mediators is the main rationale behind the use of EBP in critically ill patients with multiorgan dysfunction. Nonetheless, there are still some doubts as to the clinical efficacy of bacterial toxins and cytokines removal and many clinical trials aiming at exploring the effect of EBP on long-term outcomes of septic patients have failed to demonstrate consistent results regarding 28 day- or hospital-mortality rates. The primary aim of this observational prospective web-based registry is to define the possible clusters of critically ill patients - treated with extracorporeal blood purification therapies worldwide - who are homogeneous regarding both clinical and treatment characteristics and seem to benefit the most from EBP.
Description: Define the possible clusters of critically ill patients - treated with extracorporeal blood purification therapies worldwide - that are homogeneous regarding both clinical and treatment characteristics thanks all the treatment and baseline clinical variables extracted from the patient Case Report Forms (CRFs).
Measure: Define the possible clusters of critically ill patients Time: 10 days after Extracorporeal Blood Purification Therapy (EBPT) initiationDescription: Define as ≥ 20% decrease in Vasoactive-Inotropic Score (VIS) at 48 hours with respect to baseline to assess the correlation between cluster membership and positive short-term outcome (i.e. an improvement in hemodynamic stability and inflammatory status).
Measure: To assess the correlation between cluster membership and positive short-term outcome. Time: 48 hours after EBPT initiationDescription: To assess the correlation between cluster membership and positive long-term outcome, defined as patient survival at ICU discharge.
Measure: To assess the correlation between cluster membership and positive long-term outcome. Time: 10 days after EBPT initiationDescription: To assess the correlation between positive short-term outcome and changes from baseline in clinical parameters and all treatment at 12 and 24 hours (as from the patient CRFs).
Measure: To assess the correlation between positive short-term outcome and changes from baseline. Time: 24 hours after EBPT initiationDescription: Timing of initiation of a specific Extracorporeal Blood Purification (EBT) treatment will be described.
Measure: To describe the clinical circumstances under which clinicians opt for specific techniques of extracorporeal blood purification therapy worldwide. Time: 10 days after EBPT initiationDescription: Absolute and relative frequencies of those clinical variables relevant to the application of a specific EBP treatment will be described.
Measure: To describe the clinical circumstances under which clinicians opt for specific techniques of extracorporeal blood purification therapy worldwide in terms of absolute and relative frequencies of clinical variables. Time: 10 days after EBPT initiationDescription: EBP utilization will be described in terms of cumulative incidence among all the enrolled patients from all participating centers
Measure: To describe EBP utilization rates in intensive care units worldwide. Time: 10 days after EBPT initiationDescription: EBP utilization will be described in terms of of yearly absolute frequencies and cumulative incidence among all the enrolled patients from all participating centers.
Measure: To describe EBP utilization rates in intensive care units worldwide in terms of absolute frequency Time: 10 days after EBPT initiationDescription: Utilization of Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy(CRRT), Intermittent Hemodialysis (IHD), and Hybrid Renal Replacement Therapies as well as of the different membranes will be described in terms of relative frequencies.
Measure: To describe EBP in terms of relative frequencies for treatment type in intensive care units worldwide. Time: 10 days after EBPT initiationDescription: For each EBP treatment will be described absolute and relative frequency of chosen anticoagulation strategy
Measure: To describe EBP in terms of technical characteristics in intensive care units worldwide. Time: 10 days after EBPT initiationDescription: For each EBP treatment will be described average flow rates (variables: blood flow rate, dialysate flow rate, replacement flow rate pre-filter, replacement flow rate post-filter, effluent flow rate, net ultrafiltration rate).
Measure: To describe EBP in terms of average flow rates in intensive care units worldwide. Time: 10 days after EBPT initiationAlphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports