There are 8 clinical trials
The investigators designed the following experiment to observe the pattern of administration in vitro, which can be completely excluded liver enzyme cytochrome P450 metabolism under the influence and observe the relevant P2Y12 receptor downstream signal changes, hope in the above experiments, that the human body directly for the difference between the existence of drug reactions exist.
The investigators ran a previous related plan within 2014 under the medical study project budget of the Taipei City hospital, which named "platelet reactivity as a post-percutaneous coronary stent implantation antiplatelet adjust the reference", it has been figured that responsibility under the P2Y12 receptor inhibitors were significantly different between the taiwanese and Caucasians (taiwanese revealed clopidogrel lower responsive, but stronger reaction to ticagrelor), although "low" response to clopidogrel between taiwanese (In fact, according to our experiments, 30 days after medication, the rate of HOTPR-High On- Treatment Platelet Reactivity; namely PRU≥208, the taiwanese and Caucasians are very close to each), but it has relative lower subacute stent thrombosis rate than the Caucasian at 30 days(This reaction is also known as the "Asian paradox" ), according to literature known abroad because of the high prevalence of CYP2C19 point gene deletion rate among the Asians (compare with Caucasians: ~ 65% vs ~ 30%); there also suggested other possible explanations: Caucasian factor V Leiden (G1691A) and prothrombin (G20210A) a higher proportion of mutations, on hemostatic factors (fibrinogen, d-dimer, and factor VIII) and plasma endothelial activation markers (such as von Willebrand factor, intercellular adhesion molecule 1, and E-selectin) existed differences between the races; in addition, a number of different indicators of inflammation, such as CRP. --- G1691A ---
Description: PRU(Platelet Rreactivity Unit) 24 hours after DAPT(Dual AntiPlatelet Therapy) Western blot after medication
Measure: PRU(Platelet Rreactivity Unit) 24 Hours After DAPT(Dual AntiPlatelet Therapy) Western Blot After Medication Time: 24 hoursRecurrent miscarriage is a pregnancy loss before 20 weeks of gestation. The recurrent pregnancy loss(RPL) usually occurring in the first trimester of gestation and its rate is quite high (15-20% even in full reproductive period) . In 2012, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine Practice Committee issued a statement that defined recurrent pregnancy loss as a disease distinct from infertility defined by two or more failed consecutive pregnancies.approximately 40% of couples will have an etiology identified that could be associated with their loss.
40% of couples will have an etiology identified that could be associated with their loss.Thrombophilia is the tendency to develop thromboses due to inherited defects in the coagulation system.Thrombophilia was identified as a major cause of RPL,Because pregnancy is a hypercoagulable state, thromboembolism is the leading cause of antepartum and postpartum maternal mortality .The four most common genetic markers for thrombophilia are; prothrombin gene mutation(FII, G20210A), methylene tetra hydrofolate reductase mutations (MTHFR ,C677T and A1298C), factor V Leiden (FVL, G1691A) , and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) . --- G20210A --- --- C677T --- --- A1298C --- --- G1691A ---
Description: using polymerase chain reaction Polymerase chain reaction
Measure: The study will compare the percentage of prothrombin gene and MTHFR gene polymorphisms in cases with recurrent miscarriage and healthy control group. Time: 2 daysAs an external validation test of the performance of the VeraCode Genotyping Test for Factor V and Factor II on the BeadXpress System, clinical trials will be conducted at three sites. This study will assess genotyping accuracy as compared to bidirectional sequencing and genotyping reproducibility across variables such as user, day, and site.
Detection of Factor V Leiden G1691A and Factor II (Prothrombin) G20210A Point Mutations in DNA As an external validation test of the performance of the VeraCode Genotyping Test for Factor V and Factor II on the BeadXpress System, clinical trials will be conducted at three sites. --- G1691A ---
There are several factor that can be related to Neonatal Thrombotic events. Among them hypercoagulability can be the cause of those events. Factor V Leiden (FVL) and Prothrombin mutation are the most common causes of hereditary thrombophilia. The incidence of in the arab population is known to be higher than the incidence in another western populations. The purpose of this study is to review retrospectively the thrombophilic risk factors that were found in a cohort of premature babies and term newborns treated and investigated at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and at the Pediatric Hematology Unit.
Also the three common genetic factors are analysed including Factor F Leiden (G1691A), Prothrombin Mutation (G20210A) and MTHFR polymorphism (C677T). --- G1691A ---
Description: Recruitment of all premature and term infants born at Emek Medical Center and suffer from thrombotic events.
Measure: The frequency of thrombophilic risk factors in preterms and infants Time: One yearThis study evaluated the effect of anticoagulant treatment on the live-birth rate in women with a history of at least two continuous unexplained miscarriages or thrombophilia. It also compared two methods of treatment with aspirin and aspirin plus heparin.
Inclusion Criteria: - unexplained recurrent miscarriage, - women had previous venous or arterial thromboembolism or who were heterozygous or homozygous for mutations for FV Leiden G1691A, prothrombin gene G20210A (FII G20210A), and methyltetrahydrofolate reductase C677T (MTHFR C677T) Exclusion Criteria: - abnormal karyotypes of both partners, - uterine and cervical anatomical disorders on pelvic ultrasonography or hysteroscopy, - abnormal ovaries and abnormal endocrine tests. --- G1691A ---
The purpose of this study is to determine whether the fixed-dose (prasugrel 10 mg/d vs. 5 mg/d) vs. phenotype (platlet function test by VerifyNow P2Y12 assay)-based prasugrel dose adjustment can match therapeutic zone of platelet reactivity in PCI-treated Asians with acute coronary syndrome
The convincing associations of arterial thrombosis to coagulation system and inflammation have been repeatedly demonstrated in multiple clinical trials: fibrinogen, factor V Leiden (G1691A) and prothrombin G20210A gene mutations, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) and so on. --- G1691A ---
Description: "Therapeutic zone" has been defined based on the previous clinical trials (85 ≤ VerifyNow P2Y12 Reaction Unit ≤ 208)
Measure: Proportion matching to the optimal therapeutic zone Time: 1 monthDescription: BARC Definition for bleeding: defined as type 1, 2, 3 (3a, 3b and 3c), and 5 (5a and 5b), according to the Bleeding Academic Research Consortium classification Type 1 (nuisance or superficial bleeding Type 2 (internal bleeding) Type 3a (TIMI minor bleeding) Type 3b (TIMI major bleeding) Type 3c (life threatening bleeding) Type 4 (CABG-related bleeding) Type 5a (probable fatal bleeding) Type 5b (definite fatal bleeding)
Measure: Prevalence of BARC bleeding Time: 1 monthDescription: "LPR" means "low on-treatment platelet reactivity", which can increase the risk of clinically serious bleeding
Measure: The cutoff of "LPR" in Asians Time: 1 monthDescription: Multiple clinical studies have shown that the cutoff of about 266 PRU is associated with the risk of ischemic event in Asians. LPR will be based on the data of the A-MATCh trial.
Measure: Proportion matching to Asian therapeutic zone of platelet reactivity Time: 1 monthDescription: MACE includes composite of CV death, non-fatal MI, stent thrombosis, stroke or ischemia-driven TVR
Measure: Composite of major adverse clinical events (MACE) Time: 1 monthProspective randomized study of patients with infertility candidates to Assisted ReproductiveTechniques (ART), screened for all inclusion and exclusion criteria, submitted to ART cycle with or without low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) administration. Aims of the study are to evaluate, primarily, pregnancy rate/embryo transfer, secondarily take home babies/embryo transfer, implantation rate, and the role of thrombophilic factors
All enrolled patients were previously screened for the presence or not of thrombophilic defects: protein C or protein S or AT deficiency, FV G1691A and FIIG20210A mutations, C677T MTHFR polymorphism,hyperhomocysteinemia, antiphospholipid antibodies. --- G1691A ---
Description: the investigators measured the pregnancy rate/embryo transfer using betaHcg dosage 12 days after embryo transfer
Measure: pregnancy rate/embryo transfer Time: 12-14 daysDescription: Live birth was defined as delivery of one or more live infants after 23 gestational weeks.
Measure: take home babies/embryo transfer Time: 38-40 weeks after embryo transferDescription: ultrasound was performed to evaluate implantation rate calculated as as number of gestational sacs divided by number of transferred embryos multiplied by 100
Measure: implantation rate Time: 3 weeksDescription: All enrolled patients were previously screened for the presence or not of thrombophilic defects: protein C or protein S or AT deficiency, FV G1691A and FIIG20210A mutations, C677T MTHFR polymorphism,hyperhomocysteinemia, antiphospholipid antibodies. The investigators excluded from the enrollment patients with severe thrombophilia: protein C, protein S, AT deficiency or homozygous FV Leiden and FIIG20210A mutations or double heterozygosity for FV Leiden and FIIG20120 mutations because in this patients the international guide lines suggest and recommend the use of antithrombotic prophylaxis
Measure: role of thrombophilia in interfering with pregnancy rate/take home baby/implantation rate Time: 12-14 days and 38-40 weeks and 3 weeksBackground & Aims: Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension (NCPH) represents a relatively infrequent group of conditions. This work aimed at determining causes of NCPH and evaluating the role of some clinical, laboratory, imaging and endoscopic parameters in prediction of variceal bleeding in an Egyptian cohort with NCPH. Methods: Sixty patients with non-cirrhotic portal hypertension and oesophageal varices were included. All underwent complete clinical evaluation, laboratory investigations, Color Doppler ultrasonography, platelet count/spleen diameter (mm) ratio and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Patients were classified into two groups according to variceal bleeding: (1) Group I: twenty six patients with history of bleeding or had an attack of bleeding during one year follow-up; and (2) Group II: thirty four patients without bleeding.
It was done only for patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome and extrahepatic portal vein thrombosis: anticardiolipin antibodies, lupus anticoagulant, antinuclear antibodies, protein C, S, antithrombin III, factor V Leiden G1691A mutation, prothrombin gene G20210A mutation, methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase C677T mutation by PCR, Janus tyrosine kinase-2 (JAK II) V617F mutation by PCR (to exclude myeloproliferative disorders) and flow cytometry for CD55 and CD59 (to exclude paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria); (4) Abdominal ultrasonography: for liver size, echogenicity, spleen size, portal vein diameter and ascites; (5) Color Doppler ultrasonographic study: was done in the morning after an overnight fasting using a color Doppler unit with a 3.5 MHz convex probe for confirmation of portal vein (PV) patency and diameter, mean PV flow velocity (mean PVV) (cm/sec), PV direction of flow, splenic vein patency and diameter, presence of portosystemic collaterals and patency of hepatic veins; (6) Platelet count/spleen diameter ratio: calculated as: platelet count/ maximum spleen bipolar diameter by ultrasound in mm; (7) Ultrasonography guided liver biopsy: for diagnosis of NCPH and exclusion of cirrhotic portal hypertension; and (8) Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy using the Pentax video endoscope EG 3440. --- G1691A ---