There are 3 clinical trials
one-centered, open, prospective, non-randomized, controlled clinical study will be aimed at creating remote monitoring system for patients' condition and the development of methodological approaches and its usage for conducting patients, who had myocardial infraction and who has a very high risk of developing an unfavorable outcome.
At the end of a 12 month observation with the registration of unfavorable cardiovascular occasions (death from cardiovascular reasons, nonfatal myocardial infraction, cerebral stroke, necessity for repeated revascularization of the coronary arteries) based on the analysis of non-genetic and genetic factors (polymorphism of genes Thr174Met and Met235Thr in gene angiotensinogen, Arg389Gly and Ser49Gly in gene adrenoceptor beta 1, Ser447Ter in gene lipoprotein lipase and Leu28Pro in gene apolipoprotein E, Trp212Ter and G681A in gene cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily C member 19) factors of unfavorable prognosis will be identified and considering which group of patients requires the use of remote monitoring system will be formed. --- Thr174Met --- --- Met235Thr --- --- Arg389Gly --- --- Ser49Gly ---
Description: the number of deaths from cardiovascular causes
Measure: cardiovascular mortality Time: 12 monthsDescription: incidence of acute myocardial infarction
Measure: acute myocardial infarction Time: 12 monthsDescription: incidence of cerebral stroke
Measure: cerebral stroke Time: 12 monthsDescription: frequency of repeated revascularization of coronary arteries
Measure: revascularization Time: 12 monthsDescription: frequency of hospitalization about the progression of coronary heart disease
Measure: hospitalization Time: 12 monthsAdvances in medical care have increased the proportion of elderly Americans and enabled them to remain more physically active. This has resulted in an unprecedented increase in the number of geriatric patients admitted to trauma centers. The elderly constitute 23% of trauma center admissions, but 36% of all trauma deaths. This disproportionately high mortality is attributable to a higher prevalence of pre-existing conditions, particularly, cardiac disease. Multi-system injuries result in critical cardiac stress. Although beta-blockade has been shown to decrease morbidity and mortality in patients at risk for myocardial infarction after elective surgery, their use in trauma patients with potential underlying cardiac disease has not been previously studied. We hypothesize that routine administration of beta-blockers after resuscitation will reduce morbidity and mortality in elderly trauma patients with, or at risk for, underlying cardiac disease. This study is a randomized, prospective clinical trial. One cohort will receive routine trauma intensive care, and the other, the same care plus beta-blockade after completion of resuscitation. The primary outcome will be mortality. Secondary outcomes include MI, length of stay, organ dysfunction, cardiac, and other complications. Changes in outcome may not be due to reduction in myocardial oxygen demand and heart rate. Laboratory studies demonstrate that circulating inflammatory cytokines contribute to cardiac risk in trauma patients, and their production is influenced by adrenergic stimulation. We will measure circulating IL-6, TNF alpha, IL-1beta, and measure NF-kB and p38 MAP kinase activation in peripheral blood leukocytes, and determine the effect of beta-blockade on the production of these inflammatory markers. Finally, the wide variation in patient response to beta-blockers is attributed to genetic variability in the adrenergic receptor. Therefore, we will identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPS) within the beta-adrenergic receptor, and determine their effects on mortality and response to beta-blockade. This study will provide the first randomized, prospective trial designed to reduce morbidity and mortality in elderly trauma patients at risk for cardiac disease. The laboratory and genetic component will provide additional insights that may explain treatment effects, lead to new therapeutic strategies, and have the potential to lead to additional areas of investigation.
3. Sequencing of Beta-Adrenergic Receptor Genotype: The Ser49Gly and Arg399Gly SNP's of the adrenergic receptor will be amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). --- Ser49Gly ---
This is an open-label, placebo run-in study to investigate the genetic and biomedical predictors of blood pressure response to bisoprolol. After informed consent is obtained, subjects will be withdrawn from previous antihypertensive therapy and given placebo for at least 2 weeks. Compliance will be assessed using pill counting, and any subject will a compliance less than 80% during the placebo run-in period will be excluded from the study. Bisoprolol 2.5 mg will be given once daily for 6 weeks. At baseline and after 6 weeks on bisoprolol 2.5 mg the clinic sitting blood pressure, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure (if the patient is willing to do this), clinical characteristics and biochemical profile will be measured. Central aortic blood pressure will be measured with the A-PULSE device at baseline and after 6 weeks treatment. After completing 6 weeks treatment with bisoprolol 2.5 mg daily, the patient will continue treatment with bisoprolol for a total of 24 weeks unless there is any adverse event that requires discontinuation of bisoprolol.
Influence of the two common polymorphisms in the beta1-adrenoceptor (ADRB1) gene on changes in sitting clinic blood pressure after 6 weeks treatment with bisoprolol 2.5 mg daily.. Subjects will be divided according to the Gly389Arg and Ser49Gly polymorphisms in ADRB1 gene and the clinic blood pressure changes at 6 weeks compared between these groups.. Change of blood pressure from baseline to 6 weeks by clinic sitting blood pressure according to other genotypes.. Patients will be divided into groups according to genotypes of the Fok+/Fok- polymorphism in the G-protein alpha subunit (GNAS) gene and the T393C polymorphism in the G-protein alpha subunit 1 (GNAS1) gene, and changes in blood pressure after 6 weeks treatment compared.. Change of blood pressure from baseline to 24 weeks by clinic sitting blood pressure according to other genotypes.. Patients will be divided into groups according to genotypes of the Fok+/Fok- polymorphism in the G-protein alpha subunit (GNAS) gene and the T393C polymorphism in the G-protein alpha subunit 1 (GNAS1) gene, and changes in blood pressure after 24 weeks treatment compared.. Influence of the two common polymorphisms in the beta1-adrenoceptor (ADRB1) gene on changes in ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) after 6 weeks treatment with bisoprolol 2.5 mg daily.. Subjects will be divided according to the Gly389Arg and Ser49Gly polymorphisms in the ADRB1 gene and the ambulatory blood pressure changes at 6 weeks compared between these groups.. Inclusion Criteria: - Patients with essential hypertension - For uncomplicated hypertensive patients on no antihypertensive treatment, sitting clinic systolic blood pressure of 140-169 mmHg and / or a sitting clinic diastolic blood pressure of 90-109 mmHg. --- Gly389Arg --- --- Ser49Gly ---
Influence of the two common polymorphisms in the beta1-adrenoceptor (ADRB1) gene on changes in sitting clinic blood pressure after 6 weeks treatment with bisoprolol 2.5 mg daily.. Subjects will be divided according to the Gly389Arg and Ser49Gly polymorphisms in ADRB1 gene and the clinic blood pressure changes at 6 weeks compared between these groups.. Change of blood pressure from baseline to 6 weeks by clinic sitting blood pressure according to other genotypes.. Patients will be divided into groups according to genotypes of the Fok+/Fok- polymorphism in the G-protein alpha subunit (GNAS) gene and the T393C polymorphism in the G-protein alpha subunit 1 (GNAS1) gene, and changes in blood pressure after 6 weeks treatment compared.. Change of blood pressure from baseline to 24 weeks by clinic sitting blood pressure according to other genotypes.. Patients will be divided into groups according to genotypes of the Fok+/Fok- polymorphism in the G-protein alpha subunit (GNAS) gene and the T393C polymorphism in the G-protein alpha subunit 1 (GNAS1) gene, and changes in blood pressure after 24 weeks treatment compared.. Influence of the two common polymorphisms in the beta1-adrenoceptor (ADRB1) gene on changes in ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) after 6 weeks treatment with bisoprolol 2.5 mg daily.. Subjects will be divided according to the Gly389Arg and Ser49Gly polymorphisms in the ADRB1 gene and the ambulatory blood pressure changes at 6 weeks compared between these groups.. Inclusion Criteria: - Patients with essential hypertension - For uncomplicated hypertensive patients on no antihypertensive treatment, sitting clinic systolic blood pressure of 140-169 mmHg and / or a sitting clinic diastolic blood pressure of 90-109 mmHg. --- Gly389Arg --- --- Ser49Gly --- --- T393C --- --- T393C --- --- Gly389Arg --- --- Ser49Gly ---
Description: Subjects will be divided according to the Gly389Arg and Ser49Gly polymorphisms in ADRB1 gene and the clinic blood pressure changes at 6 weeks compared between these groups.
Measure: Influence of the two common polymorphisms in the beta1-adrenoceptor (ADRB1) gene on changes in sitting clinic blood pressure after 6 weeks treatment with bisoprolol 2.5 mg daily. Time: 6 weeksDescription: Patients will be divided into groups according to genotypes of the Fok+/Fok- polymorphism in the G-protein alpha subunit (GNAS) gene and the T393C polymorphism in the G-protein alpha subunit 1 (GNAS1) gene, and changes in blood pressure after 6 weeks treatment compared.
Measure: Change of blood pressure from baseline to 6 weeks by clinic sitting blood pressure according to other genotypes. Time: 6 weeksDescription: Patients will be divided into groups according to genotypes of the Fok+/Fok- polymorphism in the G-protein alpha subunit (GNAS) gene and the T393C polymorphism in the G-protein alpha subunit 1 (GNAS1) gene, and changes in blood pressure after 24 weeks treatment compared.
Measure: Change of blood pressure from baseline to 24 weeks by clinic sitting blood pressure according to other genotypes. Time: 24 weeksDescription: Subjects will be divided according to the Gly389Arg and Ser49Gly polymorphisms in the ADRB1 gene and the ambulatory blood pressure changes at 6 weeks compared between these groups.
Measure: Influence of the two common polymorphisms in the beta1-adrenoceptor (ADRB1) gene on changes in ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) after 6 weeks treatment with bisoprolol 2.5 mg daily. Time: 6 weeks