Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
Sections: Correlations,
Clinical Trials, and HPO
Navigate: Clinical Trials and HPO
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug318 | Assessment of work-related stress Wiki | 0.58 |
drug3035 | Saliva sample collection Wiki | 0.58 |
drug730 | Cardiac and electrodermal recordings Wiki | 0.58 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug314 | Assessment of behavioral response to emotional stimulation Wiki | 0.58 |
drug801 | Clevudine Wiki | 0.41 |
drug809 | Clinolipid Wiki | 0.41 |
drug3352 | TDR Wiki | 0.41 |
drug1717 | Intralipid Wiki | 0.41 |
drug2746 | Questionnaire forms Wiki | 0.41 |
drug3421 | Test PCR Wiki | 0.41 |
drug798 | Clazakizumab Wiki | 0.33 |
drug663 | COVID-19 pandemic Wiki | 0.29 |
drug802 | Clinical Examination Wiki | 0.29 |
drug803 | Clinical assessment Wiki | 0.29 |
drug2254 | Normal saline Wiki | 0.18 |
drug3034 | Saliva collection Wiki | 0.17 |
drug2741 | Questionnaire Wiki | 0.15 |
drug2505 | Placebo Wiki | 0.02 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D000077062 | Burnout, Psychological NIH | 0.45 |
D000073397 | Occupational Stress NIH | 0.24 |
D003863 | Depression, NIH | 0.05 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation |
Navigate: Correlations HPO
There are 6 clinical trials
We plan to perform an observational study to evaluate the prevalence of burnout, depression and medical errors in a designated exclusive Covid-19 patients hospital in Malaysia, during the Covid-19 pandemic. We also seek to assess the relationship between burnout and depression with medical errors. The population studied will be the anaesthesiology fraternity, who are at higher risk to the nature of their work at the frontlines of the pandemic.
Description: Assessment of burnout risk
Measure: Prevalence of burnout among anaesthesiology clinicians during Covid-19 Time: One monthDescription: Assessment of depression risk
Measure: Prevalence of depression risk among anaesthesiology clinicians during Covid-19 Time: One monthDescription: Assessment of medical errors
Measure: Prevalence of self-perceived medical errors among anaesthesiology clinicians during Covid-19 Time: One monthDescription: To find out if there exists a relationship between burnout, depression and medical errors
Measure: Association of burnout, depression and medical errors among anaesthesiology clinicians during Covid-19 Time: One monthThis study is aiming at investigating whether professional burnout in people involved in the mobile intensive care unit (in French: Element Mobile de Réanimation, EMR) in Mulhouse (France) can be predicted upstream by a low mindfulness level (as a protective factor) or by a dysregulation of stress pathways with a high level of perceived stress towards an emotional event (psychological index of allostatic load), i.e. an early and silent dysfunctional physiological response (measured by the electrophysiological and biological measurements of allostasis load and parasympathetic brake). It is part of a global approach aiming at identifying levers to prevent the allostatic load of occupational stress related to large-scale health crises.
Description: Professional burnout is measured at D21 by the Burnout Measure Short Version (BMS) questionnaire It is a 10-item questionnaire used to assess burnout regardless of the occupational category. Each item is rated from 0 to 6 ("never" to "always"). An average score (sum/10) below 2.4 indicates a very low degree of burnout exposure; a score between 2.5 and 3.4 indicates a low degree of burnout exposure; a score between 3.5 and 4.4 indicates the presence of burnout; a score between 4.5 and 5.4 indicates a high degree of burnout exposure; a score above 5.5 indicates a very high degree of burnout exposure.
Measure: Professional burnout Time: 21 days after enrollment (Day 21)Description: Mindfulness level is assessed at D0 thanks to the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory. It is a 14 item scale. Each item is rated from 1 to 4 ("almost never" to "almost always"). The total score is between 14 and 56. The mean value in a population of young adults under 36 years of age is 38.5 (+/- 5.1 standard deviation).
Measure: Mindfulness level Time: Day 1Description: Perceived stress level is assessed with the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). It is a 14 item scale. Each item is rated from 0 to 5 ("never" to "very often"). The total score ranges from 0 to 56 with higher scores indicating greater perceived stress.
Measure: Perceived stress level following the emotional stimulation Time: Day 1Description: Parasympathetic flexibility is assessed through dynamic electro-physiological analysis of cardiac and electrodermal conductance recordings. Physiological and cognitive reserve of emotional regulation is assessed through the analysis of the spectral power of the 0.1 Hz frequency band at emotional recall.
Measure: Parasympathetic flexibility evolution during emotional recall Time: Day 1Description: The activity of the sympathetic tone is assessed by the measurement of the resting state salivary Chromogranin A. Physiological and cognitive reserve of emotional regulation is assessed through the analysis of the spectral power of the 0.1 Hz frequency band at emotional recall. The activity of the sympathetic tone is assessed by the measurement of the resting salivary Chromogranin A.
Measure: Sympathetic tone at rest Time: Day 1Description: Corticotropic activation at rest is assessed through the DHEA/cortisol level ratio
Measure: Corticotropic activation at rest Time: Day 1Description: The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD-s32) is used to assess mood disorders in the general non-psychiatric population. It is used to discriminate between anxiety and depression. Scores greater than 11 are indicative of charcaterized anxiety/depression.
Measure: Mood disorders (anxiety / depression) Time: Day 1Description: Post-traumatic disorder is assessed with the PCL-5. It is a 20-item self-administered questionnaire representing DSM-5 PTSD diagnosis symptoms rated by the subject on a scale from 0 ("not at all") to 4 ("extremely") during the past month. Scores range from 0 to 80. A score greater than of 33 evokes the presence of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Measure: Post-traumatic stress disorder Time: Day 1Description: Sleep quality is assesses thanks to the Leeds Sleep Evaluation questionnaire (LEEDS). It consists of ten visual analogue scales assessing four aspects of sleep: (i) quality of falling asleep and degree of drowsiness, (ii) quality of sleep, (iii) quality of wakefulness, and (iv) quality of post-wakefulness and performance.
Measure: Sleep quality Time: Day 1The investigators plan to perform an observational study to evaluate the prevalence of burnout, depression and medical errors in a designated exclusive Covid-19 patients hospital in Malaysia, during the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, the relationship between burnout and depression with medical errors will be assessed. The population studied will be the nurses working in the Intensive Care Unit, who are at higher risk due to the nature of their work at the frontlines of the pandemic.
Description: Prevalence of burnout risk
Measure: Prevalence of burnout among ICU nurses during Covid-19 Time: 2 monthsDescription: Prevalence of depression risk
Measure: Prevalence of depression among ICU nurses during Covid-19 Time: 2 monthsDescription: Prevalence of self perceived medical errors
Measure: Prevalence of self-perceived medical errors among ICU nurses during Covid-19 Time: 2 monthsDescription: To find out if there exists a relationship between burnout, depression and medical errors
Measure: Association of burnout, depression and medical errors among anaesthesiology clinicians during Covid-19 Time: 2 monthsThe Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic is unprecedented in its scale of infection and the response required to decrease the mortality rates. Disturbingly, the European and United States experience demonstrates that health care systems in industrialized countries are at risk of becoming overwhelmed. Physicians are already at risk of burnout under normal working conditions, and in particular, when responding to crisis situations. During the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak, healthcare workers experienced high rates of psychological distress that lasted years. However, there may be protective factors that may decrease the rate or severity of psychological distress and burnout. This study seeks to investigate the rates of physician burnout assessed at multiple time points during the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, this study seeks to determine the factors that may increase or decrease burnout and psychological distress in such a setting. This study will be a national longitudinal survey of physicians in Canada. It will include all physicians that currently hold a license to practice in Canada (whether in training or a full license). Consenting participants will complete an initial survey gathering information about their type of practice, health conditions, preparations the COVID-19 pandemic, burnout, and psychological distress. Every month, participants will be asked to complete a follow-up survey, describing their stressors, coping strategies, burnout, and psychological distress. The investigators will analyze and report the initial results to help provincial and national organizations support our physicians and mitigate burnout during this pandemic. The results of the follow up surveys will be analyzed and reported following the pandemic. These findings will help keep our physician workforce healthy under normal working conditions and during future crises.
Description: Measured by the Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey (MBI-GS) short form. The MBI-SF has three subscales (exhaustion, cynicism, efficacy). Each subscale is scored from 0-6 indicating the frequency of work-related feelings. A higher score in both exhaustion and cynicism indicate burnout is more likely; whereas, higher scores in efficacy indicate burnout is less likely.
Measure: Burnout Time: Start of survey until there is a sustained period of no new cases in their province (1 month without a new case)Description: Measured by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). The HADS scores both symptoms of depression and anxiety using 14-item measure (7 item with possible scores 0-21 each). Higher scores suggest that depression and/or anxiety are more likely.
Measure: Psychological Distress Time: Start of survey until there is a sustained period of no new cases in their province (1 month without a new case)Description: Measured by the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Checklist for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) (PCL-5). Symptoms suggestive of PTSD are scored using a 20-item measure with possible scores ranging from 0-80. Higher scores are more suggestive of PTSD.
Measure: Post-traumatic stress symptoms Time: One year following the end of the survey (no new cases in their province, 1 month without a new case)Description: Measured by the Post-traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI-SF). The PTGI-SF is a 10-item measure with possible scores ranging from 0-50. Higher scores suggest that post-traumatic growth is more likely.
Measure: Post-traumatic growth Time: One year following the end of the survey (no new cases in their province, 1 month without a new case)This is a cross-sectional survey which will be distributed online between surgeons. The survey was proposed by a consensus of consultants of surgery and revised by an improvement consultant. It consists of a semi-structured questionnaire that is provided in English language. The survey will be conducted online through an online survey development cloud-based software (SurveyMonkey®; San Mateo, CA, USA). Participants will be aware of the nature of the survey and informed that they will be listed as co-authors. Collected data will be confidential and anonymous. The first sector of the questionnaire includes trainee demographics and baseline characteristics. Then the questionnaire aims to compare the trainee experience before and after the pandemic with focus on research activities, clinical, and surgical practice.
Description: A questionnaire designed based on the literature review to assess Burnout
Measure: Change in Burnout before COVID-19 and during COVID-19 Time: 1 year before COVID-19 versus during the COVID-19 pandemic (Mrach-June 2020)Description: A questionnaire designed based on the literature review to assess Job satisfaction
Measure: Change in Job satisfaction before COVID-19 and during COVID-19 Time: 1 year before COVID-19 versus during the COVID-19 pandemic (Mrach-June 2020)Stress is underpinned by a biological reaction of the organism allowing the production of energy to respond to a change in the environment (or stressor). Stress reaction is expressed in behavioural, cognitive, emotional and physiological terms. This biological response is non-specific because it is the same regardless of the stressor. Its evolution over time has been conceptualised by Hans Selye (1956) in the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) which comprises three successive phases. (i) The first phase, known as the alarm phase, corresponds to the activation of all biological mechanisms according to a trend regulation, allowing a rapid response to the stressor. (ii) The second phase of resistance which adjusts the stress response to the intensity of the perceived aggression according to a constant regulation. (iii) When the aggression disappears, a recovery phase dominated by the return of the parasympathetic brake allows a return to homeostasis (eustress). The "primum movens" of all pathologies is therefore the inability of the individual to adapt his stress response in duration and/or intensity to the course of the phases of the GAS (distress). The perception of not being in control of the situation contributes to the perceived stress and constitutes a well-established risk of distress. It is a risk factor for the emergence of burnout. It induces a biological cost called allostatic cost. Allostasis is a concept that characterizes the process of restoring homeostasis in the presence of a physiological challenge. The term "allostasis" means "achieving stability through change", and refers in part to the process of increasing sympathetic activity and corticotropic axis to promote adaptation and restore homeostasis. Allostasis works well when allostasis systems are initiated when needed and turned off when they are no longer required. Restoring homeostasis involves effective functioning of the parasympathetic system. However, when the allostasis systems remain active, such as during chronic stress, they can cause tissue burnout and accelerate pathophysiological processes. The perception of uncontrollability depends on the stress situation, the psychological and physiological characteristics of the subject and his or her technical skills in responding to the stressors of the situation. In particular, subjects with a high level of mindfulness are more accepting of uncontrollability and less likely to activate the stress response. The COVID-19 pandemic situation is a situation characterized by many uncertainties about the individual, family and work environment and the risk of COVID infection. Healthcare workers, like the military, are high-risk occupations that are particularly exposed to these uncertainties in the course of their work and continue to work in an uncertain situation. These professionals are described as a population at risk of occupational/operational burnout that the level of burnout operationalises. This ancillary study in a population of civilian and military non-healthcare workers will complement the study conducted among military health care workers. It will make it possible to isolate the specificity of each profession (civilian or military, healthcare personnel or not) with regard to the risk of burnout in the COVID context. The objective of this project is to evaluate the impact of the perception of non-control in the operational burnout of experts in their field of practice and to study the psychological and physiological mechanisms mediating the relationship between the subject's characteristics, perceived non-control and burnout.
Description: Professional burnout is measured at D21 by the Burnout Measure Short Version (BMS) questionnaire It is a 10-item questionnaire used to assess burnout regardless of the occupational category. Each item is rated from 0 to 6 ("never" to "always"). An average score (sum/10) below 2.4 indicates a very low degree of burnout exposure; a score between 2.5 and 3.4 indicates a low degree of burnout exposure; a score between 3.5 and 4.4 indicates the presence of burnout; a score between 4.5 and 5.4 indicates a high degree of burnout exposure; a score above 5.5 indicates a very high degree of burnout exposure.
Measure: Professional burnout Time: 21 days after enrollment (Day 21)Description: Mindfulness level is assessed at D0 thanks to the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory. It is a 14 item scale. Each item is rated from 1 to 4 ("almost never" to "almost always"). The total score is between 14 and 56. The mean value in a population of young adults under 36 years of age is 38.5 (+/- 5.1 standard deviation).
Measure: Mindfulness level Time: Day 1Description: Perceived stress level is assessed with the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). It is a 14 item scale. Each item is rated from 0 to 5 ("never" to "very often"). The total score ranges from 0 to 56 with higher scores indicating greater perceived stress.
Measure: Perceived stress level following the emotional stimulation Time: Day 1Description: Parasympathetic flexibility is assessed through dynamic electro-physiological analysis of cardiac and electrodermal conductance recordings. Physiological and cognitive reserve of emotional regulation is assessed through the analysis of the spectral power of the 0.1 Hz frequency band at emotional recall.
Measure: Parasympathetic flexibility evolution during emotional recall Time: Day 1Description: The activity of the sympathetic tone is assessed by the measurement of the resting state salivary Chromogranin A. Physiological and cognitive reserve of emotional regulation is assessed through the analysis of the spectral power of the 0.1 Hz frequency band at emotional recall. The activity of the sympathetic tone is assessed by the measurement of the resting salivary Chromogranin A
Measure: Sympathetic tone at rest Time: Day 1Description: Corticotropic activation at rest is assessed through the DHEA/cortisol level ratio
Measure: Corticotropic activation at rest Time: Day 1Description: The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD-s32) is used to assess mood disorders in the general non-psychiatric population. It is used to discriminate between anxiety and depression. Scores greater than 11 are indicative of characterized anxiety/depression.
Measure: Mood disorders (anxiety / depression) Time: Day 1Description: Post-traumatic disorder is assessed with the PTSD Checklist (PCL-5). It is a 20-item self-administered questionnaire representing Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosis symptoms rated by the subject on a scale from 0 ("not at all") to 4 ("extremely") during the past month. Scores range from 0 to 80. A score greater than of 33 evokes the presence of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Measure: Post-traumatic stress disorder Time: Day 1Description: Sleep quality is assesses thanks to the Leeds Sleep Evaluation questionnaire (LEEDS). It consists of ten visual analogue scales assessing four aspects of sleep: (i) quality of falling asleep and degree of drowsiness, (ii) quality of sleep, (iii) quality of wakefulness, and (iv) quality of post-wakefulness and performance.
Measure: Sleep quality Time: Day 1Alphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports