Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
Sections: Correlations,
Clinical Trials, and HPO
Navigate: Clinical Trials and HPO
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug9 | 0.9% saline Wiki | 0.50 |
drug3307 | Surgical procedures performed under general anesthesia Wiki | 0.50 |
drug939 | Covid-19 swab PCR test Wiki | 0.50 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D016491 | Peripheral Vascular Diseases NIH | 0.35 |
D006331 | Heart Diseases NIH | 0.30 |
D058729 | Peripheral Arterial Disease NIH | 0.29 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D000072657 | ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction NIH | 0.29 |
D009362 | Neoplasm Metastasis NIH | 0.25 |
D008103 | Liver Cirrhosis, NIH | 0.25 |
D051437 | Renal Insufficiency, NIH | 0.22 |
D007676 | Kidney Failure, Chronic NIH | 0.19 |
D003327 | Coronary Disease NIH | 0.19 |
D007238 | Infarction NIH | 0.16 |
D006333 | Heart Failure NIH | 0.16 |
D008175 | Lung Neoplasms NIH | 0.16 |
D029424 | Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive NIH | 0.14 |
D017563 | Lung Diseases, Interstitial NIH | 0.14 |
D002908 | Chronic Disease NIH | 0.14 |
D012120 | Respiration Disorders NIH | 0.13 |
D009203 | Myocardial Ischemia NIH | 0.12 |
D008171 | Lung Diseases, NIH | 0.11 |
D012140 | Respiratory Tract Diseases NIH | 0.11 |
D009369 | Neoplasms, NIH | 0.09 |
D018352 | Coronavirus Infections NIH | 0.02 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
HP:0001395 | Hepatic fibrosis HPO | 0.25 |
HP:0004950 | Peripheral arterial stenosis HPO | 0.22 |
HP:0000083 | Renal insufficiency HPO | 0.22 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
HP:0100526 | Neoplasm of the lung HPO | 0.19 |
HP:0001635 | Congestive heart failure HPO | 0.17 |
HP:0006510 | Chronic pulmonary obstruction HPO | 0.17 |
HP:0006515 | Interstitial pneumonitis HPO | 0.14 |
HP:0001658 | Myocardial infarction HPO | 0.13 |
HP:0002088 | Abnormal lung morphology HPO | 0.11 |
HP:0002664 | Neoplasm HPO | 0.10 |
Navigate: Correlations HPO
There are 4 clinical trials
The objective of this protocol is to test the effectiveness of a Jumpstart intervention on patient-centered outcomes for patients with chronic illness by ensuring that they receive care that is concordant with their goals over time, and across settings and providers. This study will examine the effect of the EHR-based intervention to improve quality of palliative care for patients over the age of 65 with chronic, life-limiting illness with a particular emphasis on Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD). The specific aims are: 1) to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel EHR-based (electronic health record) clinician Jumpstart guide, compared with usual care, for improving the quality of care; the primary outcome is documentation of a goals-of-care discussion during the hospitalization. Secondary outcomes focus on intensity of care: ICU use, ICU and hospital length of stay, costs of care during the hospitalization, and 30-day hospital readmissions; and 2) to conduct a mixed-methods evaluation of the implementation of the Jumpstart intervention, guided by the RE-AIM and CFIR frameworks for implementation science, incorporating quantitative assessments of effectiveness, implementation and maintenance and qualitative assessments of clinician perspectives on barriers and facilitators to future implementation and dissemination.
Description: The primary outcome is the proportion of patients who have a goals-of-care (GOC) discussion that has been documented in the EHR in the period between randomization and 30 days following randomization The proportion is the number of patients with GOC documentation over the number of patients in each study arm. Documentation of goals-of-care discussions will be evaluated using our NLP/ML methods. Study staff will manually review and compare findings using a randomly-selected sample of charts using our standard EHR abstraction methods; manual chart abstraction will be the gold standard.
Measure: EHR documentation of Goals of Care discussions Time: Assessed for the period between randomization and 30 days following randomizationDescription: Secondary outcomes include measures of intensity of care, including utilization metrics: Number of ICU admissions during the patient's (index) hospital stay will be collected from the EHR using our automated and validated methods.
Measure: Intensity of care/ICU use: ICU admissions Time: Assessed for the period between randomization and 30 days following randomizationDescription: Secondary outcomes include measures of intensity of care, including utilization metrics: Number of days the patient spent in the ICU during their (index) hospital stay will be collected from the EHR using our automated and validated methods.
Measure: Intensity of care/ICU use: ICU length of stay Time: Assessed for the period between randomization and 30 days following randomizationDescription: Secondary outcomes include measures of intensity of care, including utilization metrics: Number of days the patient spent in the hospital during that (index) hospital stay will be collected from the EHR using our automated and validated methods.
Measure: Intensity of care/Hospital use: Hospital length of stay Time: Assessed for the period between randomization and 30 days following randomizationDescription: Secondary outcomes include measures of intensity of care, including utilization metrics: Number of hospital readmissions between randomization and 30 days following randomization will be collected from the EHR using our automated and validated methods.
Measure: Intensity of care: Hospital Readmissions 30 days Time: Assessed for the period between randomization and 30 days following randomizationDescription: Secondary outcomes include measures of intensity of care, including utilization metrics: Number of ICU readmissions between randomization and 30 days following randomization will be collected from the EHR using our automated and validated methods.
Measure: Intensity of care: ICU Readmissions 30 days Time: Assessed for the period between randomization and 30 days following randomizationDescription: Costs for intervention vs. control will be reported in US dollars and identified from UW Medicine administrative financial databases. Costs will be reported for total hospital costs and disaggregated costs (direct-variable, direct fixed, indirect costs). Direct-variable costs will include supply and drug costs. Direct-fixed costs will include labor, clinical department administration, and overhead fees. Indirect costs represent services provided by cost centers not directly linked to patient care such as information technology and environmental services. Costs for ED (emergency department) days and ICU days will be similarly assessed.
Measure: Intensity of care: Healthcare costs Time: 1 and 3 months after randomizationDescription: From Washington State death certificates.
Measure: All-cause mortality at 1 year (safety outcome) Time: 1 year after randomizationDescription: Qualitative interviews after individual participation. Interviews will be guided by the RE-AIM and Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) to explore the factors associated with implementation (e.g., reach, maintenance, feasibility, inner and outer settings, individuals, and processes of care.) Individual constructs within these domains were chosen to fit this specific intervention and context.
Measure: Key Implementation Factors Time: 3 months after randomizationRUC-4 is a novel, promising and fast acting (5-15 minutes) αIIbβ3 receptor antagonist with a high-grade inhibition of platelet aggregation (≥80%) shortly after subcutaneous administration. This study is designed to extend the findings in CEL-01 to patients with ST-elevation myocardial Infarction (STEMI) presenting to the cardiac catheterization laboratory with planned coronary angioplasty.
Description: Inhibition of Platelet Aggregation
Measure: Platelet Inhibition Time: BaselineDescription: Inhibition of Platelet aggregation
Measure: Platelet Inhibition Time: 15 minutesDescription: Inhibition of Platelet aggregation
Measure: Platelet inhibition Time: 45 minutesDescription: Inhibition of Platelet aggregation
Measure: Platelet inhibition Time: 60 minutesDescription: Inhibition of Platelet aggregation
Measure: Platelet inhibition Time: 90 minutesDescription: Inhibition of Platelet aggregation
Measure: Platelet inhibition Time: 120 minutesDescription: Inhibition of Platelet aggregation
Measure: Platelet inhibition Time: 180 minutesDescription: concentration in blood (ng/mL)
Measure: RUC-4 Concentration Time: BaselineDescription: concentration in blood (ng/mL)
Measure: RUC-4 Concentration Time: 15 minutesDescription: concentration in blood (ng/mL)
Measure: RUC-4 Concentration Time: 45 minutesDescription: concentration in blood (ng/mL)
Measure: RUC-4 Concentration Time: 90 minutesDescription: concentration in blood (ng/mL)
Measure: RUC-4 Concentration Time: 120 minutesDescription: concentration in blood (ng/mL)
Measure: RUC-4 Concentration Time: 180 minutesDescription: Bleeding events, Injection site reactions,vital signs, ECG, laboratory results
Measure: Safety and Tolerability Time: BaselineDescription: Bleeding events, Injection site reactions,vital signs, ECG, laboratory results
Measure: Safety and Tolerability Time: Hospital dischargeThe purpose of this trial is to test the efficacy and safety of crizanlizumab in patients hospitalized with COVID-19.
Description: Level of soluble P-selectin in ng/ml.
Measure: Soluble P-selectin level Time: Day 3 after randomization or day of hospital discharge, whichever is earlierDescription: Level of soluble P-selectin in ng/ml.
Measure: Soluble P-selectin level Time: Day 7 after randomizationDescription: Level of soluble P-selectin in ng/ml.
Measure: Soluble P-selectin level Time: Day 14 after randomizationDescription: Level of D-dimer in mg/L.
Measure: D-dimer level Time: Day 7 after randomizationDescription: Level of D-dimer in mg/L.
Measure: D-dimer level Time: Day 14 after randomizationDescription: Level of VWF antigen (percentage).
Measure: VWF level Time: Day 7 after randomizationDescription: Level of VWF antigen in (percentage).
Measure: VWF level Time: Day 14 after randomizationDescription: Level of C-reactive protein (CRP) in mg/dL.
Measure: CRP level Time: Day 7 after randomizationDescription: Level of C-reactive protein (CRP) in mg/dL.
Measure: CRP level Time: Day 14 after randomizationDescription: Change in the clinical status over 14 days as measured by an ordinal scale that is the first assessment of the clinical status on a given study day. The scale is as follows: 0 = Uninfected; no viral RNA detected = Ambulatory; asymptomatic; viral RNA detected = Ambulatory; symptomatic; independent = Ambulatory; symptomatic; assistance needed = Hospitalized; no oxygen therapy = Hospitalized; oxygen by mask or nasal prongs = Hospitalized; oxygen by non-invasive ventilation (NIV) or high flow = Hospitalized; intubation and mechanical ventilation, partial pressure of oxygen / fraction of inspired oxygen (pO2/FIO2) ≥ 150 or oxygen saturation / FIO2 (SpO2/FIO2) ≥ 200 = Hospitalized; intubation and mechanical ventilation, pO2/FIO2 < 150 or SpO2/FIO2 < 200 or vasopressors = Hospitalized; intubation and mechanical ventilation, pO2/FIO2 < 150 or SpO2/FIO2 < 200 and vasopressors, dialysis, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) = Dead
Measure: Change in clinical status as assessed by the World Health Organization (WHO) Ordinal Scale for COVID-19 Trials Time: Daily up to day 14 after randomizationDescription: Time (days) to hospital discharge
Measure: Time to hospital discharge Time: Up to 30 days after randomizationDescription: Safety of crizanlizumab will by assessed by adverse events, serious adverse events, and suspected unexpected serious adverse reactions.
Measure: Safety of Crizanlizumab as assessed by adverse events Time: Up to day 14 after randomizationContactless and widely available health monitoring technologies are of growing interest in the context of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. Remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) is a well-studied technology that interprets variations in skin colour related to blood flow which, when analysed with complex mathematical algorithm, generates vital sign readings. This technology has been refined and embedded in a smartphone app designed to acquire heart rate, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation using a front-facing smartphone camera. Preliminary data comparing the accuracy of smartphone rPPG readings with conventional vital sign monitor readings are promising; however, less than 5% of the population studied in the app development phase had oxygen saturation levels below 95% making it impossible to ensure reliability in these populations. The goal of this study is to compare readings acquired using this rPPG app with the readings from hospital grade, Health Canada approved vital signs monitors used in healthcare settings with a focus on subject with low oxygen saturations. We will also study other sociodemographic and clinical features that may influence the accuracy of the readings. This will be achieved by recruiting consenting adults presenting to care in acute care settings and a designated COVID outpatient clinic. Vital signs will be acquired using the rPPG app and conventional hospital vital sign monitors simultaneously. Readings will be repeated within 2-5 minutes when time permits. Statistical analysis will be performed to analyze the findings and determine the accuracy and precision of the rPPG app readings. It is expected that the vital sign readings acquired with the rPPG app will be almost identical to those acquired using hospital-grade monitors for all subjects regardless of age, gender, skin colour, COVID status and relevant comorbidities.
Description: Accuracy of rPPG heart rate compared to conventional vital sign monitor heart rate readings. Comparison of each paired reading.
Measure: Accuracy of rPPG heart rate Time: immediate; paired readingDescription: Accuracy of rPPG oxygen saturation compared to conventional vital sign monitor oxygen saturation readings. Comparison of discrepancy within each paired reading set.
Measure: Accuracy of rPPG oxygen saturation Time: immediate; paired readingDescription: Accuracy of rPPG respiratory rate compared to manual counting of respiratory rate over 60 seconds. Comparison of discrepancy within each paired reading set.
Measure: Accuracy of rPPG respiratory rate Time: immediate; paired readingDescription: Comparison of rPPG heart rate results obtained on a given patient on serial readings within 2 minutes of each other.
Measure: Reproducibility of rPPG heart rate readings Time: 2-5 minutesDescription: Comparison of rPPG oxygen saturation results obtained on a given patient on serial readings within 2 minutes of each other.
Measure: Reproducibility of rPPG oxygen saturation readings Time: 2-5 minutesDescription: Comparison of rPPG respiratory rate results obtained on a given patient on serial readings within 2 minutes of each other.
Measure: Reproducibility of rPPG respiratory rate readings Time: 2-5 minutesDescription: Analysis of accuracy of rPPG vital sign readings when stratified by oxygen saturation per conventional monitors stratified as follows: 95-100%; 90-94%; 85-89%; Less than 85%
Measure: Accuracy of rPPG readings by oxygen saturation level Time: immediate; stratified analysisDescription: Analysis of accuracy of rPPG vital sign readings when stratified by skin colour per the Fitzpatrick scale
Measure: Accuracy of rPPG readings by skin colour Time: immediate; stratified analysisDescription: Analysis of accuracy of rPPG vital sign readings when stratified for gender
Measure: Accuracy of rPPG readings by gender Time: immediate; stratified analysisDescription: Analysis of accuracy of rPPG vital sign readings when stratified by age group
Measure: Accuracy of rPPG readings by age Time: immediate; stratified analysisDescription: Analysis of accuracy of rPPG vital sign readings when stratified for COVID, respiratory conditions, cardiac conditions and vascular conditions.
Measure: Accuracy of rPPG readings by comorbidity Time: immediate; stratified analysisAlphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports