Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
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Clinical Trials, and HPO
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There are 2 clinical trials
Background: Uveitis is a serious eye disease that can cause vision loss. Treatment sometimes causes serious side effects or does not work. Researchers want to learn more about uveitis and why some people develop it. Objective: To learn clinical and genetic factors that may make people develop uveitis and influence how they respond to treatment. Eligibility: People ages 8 and older who have uveitis, scleritis, inflammatory eye disease, or a disease related to eye inflammation INCLUSION CRITERIA FOR COVID-19 COHORT: Participants with COVID-19 will be eligible if they: 1. Have a diagnosis of COVID-19 confirmed by a nasaopharyngeal swab (or another confirmative test) within less than or equal to 3 days prior, with symptoms of any severity. 2. Are able to give verbal consent. 3. Are 16 years of age or older. EXCLUSION CRITERIA FOR COVID-19 COHORT: Participants with COVID-19 will not be eligible if they: 1. Use regular prescription eye drops on the day of sampling. 2. Current use of antiviral medications. Design: Participants will be screened with: Medical history Physical exam Eye exam Participation lasts up to 10 years. The clinic visit schedule varies depending on participants eye disease: Baseline visit with annual follow-ups Baseline visit, visits at months 3 and 6, and annual follow-ups Another schedule set by the researcher Depending on participants eye disease, tests during each visit could include: Fluorescein angiography or indocyanine green angiography: Dye is injected through a needle in the arm and flows through the blood vessels in the eye. A camera takes pictures of the eye. Electroretinography: Participants sit in the dark with their eyes patched. After 30 minutes, numbing drops and contact lenses are put in the eyes. Then, the retina is stimulated with flashing lights. Perimetry: Participants look into a bowl or lens and press a button when they see a light. Conjunctival or corneal biopsy, or skin biopsy: A small piece of tissue is removed. Anterior chamber tap: A needle enters the eye to remove fluid. Blood and urine tests Saliva, stool, hair, or tear samples Cotton swab of the inside of the cheek. During the study, participants may need immunosuppressive treatment, such as drugs or injections in or around the eyes depending on their disease.
Description: The intent is to collect data on a variety of phenotypic pararmeters and to store biospecimens in a manner that permits a broad array of potnential testing and experimentation in the future.
Measure: The clinical data and samples from this study will be used to test for interaction of key parameters of phenotype with genetic variants and other biomarkers identified from biospecimens. Time: ongoingDescription: Events include but are not limited to structural ocular complications, hospitalizations, osteoporosis, renal and hepatic side effects, infections and myelosuppression from conventional immunosuppressives and biologics.
Measure: Secondary outcomes will include the number and severity of systemic and ocular adverse events among participants who use systemic immunosuppression. Time: ongoingAcute and chronic inflammatory eye diseases are difficult to diagnose and maintain quiescent with therapy. Proposed study is aimed to find on the one hand, novel factors for recurrence of the disease or remission of inflammation and evaluation of the impact of lifestyle and known factors on the other. Each patient is treated in accordance to the best of medical knowledge and guidelines for each disease. This prospective cohort study will enroll uveitic patients to the steroid only group (SG), combined (steroid and adjuvant drug) group (CG) or bilogic therapy group (BTG). At baseline, patient data are recorded using patient-reported outcome measures and clinical assessments (ophthalomology) on disease activity (clinical scales), quality of life, and lifestyle together with registry data on comorbidity and medication. During follow-up evaluation of a successful treatment outcome response will be based on clinical scales and most frequently used primary endpoints; the major outcome of the analyses will be to detect differences in treatment outcome between patients in different treatment group.
Description: Total number of treatment success in each group
Measure: Treatment success Time: 1 yearDescription: Time to the next recurrence after the treatment regimen introduction
Measure: Recurrence time Time: 10 yearsDescription: Time and cause of severe visual loss
Measure: Severe visual loss Time: 10 yearsDescription: Visual Acuity will be performed with ETDRS charts different for right and left eye
Measure: ETDRS Visual Acuity Time: 10 yearsDescription: At each visit anterior chamber will be examined to assess anterior chamber cells (1mm x 1mm slit beam in height and width, when thrown at an angle of 45-60°). The recorded number of cells will be used to determine the grade according to the SUN criteria.
Measure: The SUN working group grading system for anterior chamber cells Time: 10 yearsDescription: At each visit anterior chamber will be examined to assess anterior chamber flare (1mm x 1mm slit beam in height and width, when thrown at an angle of 45-60°). The observed changes will be used to determine the grade according to the SUN criteria.
Measure: The SUN working group grading system for anterior chamber flare Time: 10 yearsDescription: Using AREDS system for classifying cataracts from photographs: AREDS Report No. 4 the lens opacity will be graded.
Measure: AREDS 2008 Clinical Lens Opacity Grading Procedure Time: 10 yearsDescription: At each visit vitreous will be examined to assess vitreous cells (1mm x 3mm slit beam in anterior vitreous). The recorded number of cells will be used to determine the grade according to the NIH criteria.
Measure: NIH grading system for vitreous cells Time: 10 yearsDescription: At each visit vitreous will be examined to assess vitreous haze. The recorded of clarity of posterior pole funduscopy will be used to determine the grade according to the NIH criteria.
Measure: NIH grading system for vitreous haze Time: 10 yearsDescription: OCT EDI recordings processed with developed by researchers methodology for image processing.
Measure: Submacular choroidal thickness Time: 10 yearsDescription: PCR-positive result of COVID-19 specific testing, no treatment required
Measure: COVID-19 confirmed infection asymptomatic patient Time: 1 yearDescription: PCR-positive result of COVID-19 specific testing, patient require treatment. The mode of treatment will be recorded into several groups: 1) antibiotics, 2) antivirals, 3) biologic treatment, 4) immunoglobulins, 5) steroids
Measure: COVID-19 confirmed infection Time: 1 yearDescription: COVID-19 related acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Situation in which patients need any of described below: 1) supportive oxygen therapy, 2) non-invasive ventilation, 3) invasive/ mechanical ventilation, 4) use of ECMO, 5) admission to intensive care unit, 6) dialysis
Measure: COVID-19 related acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) Time: 1 yearAlphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports