Developed by Shray Alag, The Harker School
Sections: Correlations,
Clinical Trials, and HPO
Navigate: Clinical Trials and HPO
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
drug3971 | modification of the planned therapeutic management Wiki | 0.71 |
drug3216 | Standard communication email Wiki | 0.71 |
drug3156 | Social comparison Intervention Wiki | 0.71 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
D014594 | Uterine Neoplasms NIH | 0.71 |
D002690 | Chlamydia Infections NIH | 0.71 |
D014625 | Vaginal Neoplasms NIH | 0.71 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
HP:0030079 | Cervix cancer HPO | 1.00 |
HP:0100650 | Vaginal neoplasm HPO | 0.71 |
HP:0030416 | Vulvar neoplasm HPO | 0.71 |
Name (Synonyms) | Correlation | |
HP:0010784 | Uterine neoplasm HPO | 0.71 |
HP:0100615 | Ovarian neoplasm HPO | 0.50 |
HP:0100834 | Neoplasm of the large intestine HPO | 0.50 |
HP:0003002 | Breast carcinoma HPO | 0.32 |
HP:0002664 | Neoplasm HPO | 0.14 |
Navigate: Correlations HPO
There are 2 clinical trials
As part of UCLA Health's commitment to developing a premier integrated health system built on a foundation of physician-led, team-based primary care, the Department of Medicine (DOM) recently implemented a new performance based incentive plan called the Primary Care Clinical Excellence (PCCE) Incentive Plan. This incentive plan was developed to motivate providers to improve health maintenance screening rates. The UCLA Health DOM Quality team is leading the implementation and evaluation of this new incentive plan across our primary care network. In addition, the DOM Quality team has partnered with the UCLA Anderson School of Management to study the most efficacious ways to frame and communicate performance based incentives. Understanding the factors that motivate physicians to deliver the highest quality primary care will provide pivotal insights into the successful implementation of performance based programs nationwide. The investigators believe that physicians who receive communication built on behavioral principles will demonstrate more motivation towards and success at meeting national primary care screening guidelines.
Description: For each patient who visits a given PCP in our sample from November 5, 2019 to March 3, 2020, we will consider all Focus Quality Measures open at his/her first visit to the PCP, and calculate the percent of these measures ordered within 7 days following his/her first visit. Focus Quality Measures include: Diabetes HGB A1C, Diabetes Eye Exam, Diabetes Foot Exam, Diabetes Nephropathy Monitoring, Colon Cancer Screening, Breast Cancer screening, Cervical Cancer Screening, chlamydia screening, and HPV depending on primary care specialty. These Focus Measures are based on the USPSTF primary care recommendations. [Note: The original intent was to run the study over an eight month period - from November 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 - but was cut short due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our revised time frame includes (1) four full cycles (months) of the intervention (11/05/2019-03/03/2020) and four months prior to the experiment as a baseline period]
Measure: Aggregate Focus Quality Measure order rates at the first visit Time: 9 monthsDescription: For each patient who visits a given PCP in our sample from November 5, 2019 to March 3, 2020, we will consider all Focus Quality Measures that are open between November 5, 2019 and March 3, 2020. We will calculate the percentage of these measures completed between November 5, 2019 and March 10, 2020 as well as the percentage completed between November 5, 2019 and July 3, 2020.
Measure: Aggregate Focus Quality Measure completion rates measured at the patient level Time: 13 monthsDescription: For each patient who visits a given PCP in our sample from November 5, 2019 to March 3, 2020, for each Focus Quality Measure open at his/her first visit to the PCP, we will assess whether the open measure is ordered within 7 days following his/her first visit.
Measure: Individual Focus Quality Measure order status at the first visit Time: 9 monthsDescription: For each patient who visits a given PCP in our sample from November 5, 2019 to March 3, 2020, for each Focus Quality Measure open between November 5, 2019 to March 3, 2020, we will assess whether the measure is completed (1) between November 5, 2019 and March 10, 2020 as well as (2) between November 5, 2019 and July 3, 2020.
Measure: Individual Focus Quality Measure completion status at the patient level Time: 13 monthsDescription: As measured by aggregate order rates for Complementary Health Maintenance Measures within seven days after each patient's first visit. Complementary Measures (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening, Osteoporosis Screening, Hepatitis C Screening, HIV Screening, Pneumococcal Vaccination, Tetanus Vaccination, Tdap Vaccination During Pregnancy, Shingles Vaccination, Meningitis Vaccination, Measles Mumps Rubella Vaccination, Polio Vaccination, Hepatitis A Vaccination, Hepatitis B vaccination, Pneumococcal Vaccination for Patients with Diabetes, Statin for Primary ASCVD Prevention, Aspirin for Secondary ASCVD Prevention, and Annual Wellness Visit) are based on USPSTF primary care recommendations regarding disease management, infectious disease screening, and standard vaccinations.
Measure: Complementary Health Maintenance order rate at the first visit Time: 9 monthsDescription: As measured by patient level aggregate performance Complementary Health Maintenance Measures (1) between November 5, 2019 and March 10, 2020 as well as (2) between November 5, 2019 and July 3, 2020.
Measure: Complementary Health Maintenance completion rate at the patient level Time: 13 monthsDescription: Physicians will be surveyed to evaluate their level of burnout throughout the study period.
Measure: Physician Burnout Time: 9 monthsDescription: Physicians will be surveyed for their satisfaction throughout the study period.
Measure: Physician Satisfaction Time: 9 monthsDescription: Physicians will be surveyed regarding their provider experience throughout the study period.
Measure: Physician Experience Time: 1 yearDescription: Payment of performance based financial incentive to physicians throughout the study period.
Measure: Physician Incentive Payouts Time: 1 yearDescription: Physician performance in patient satisfaction surveys throughout the study period.
Measure: Patient Satisfaction Time: 1 yearDescription: Physician performance in professional participation will be based on provider/physician surveys throughout the study period.
Measure: Profesional Participation Time: 1 yearDescription: For each patient who visits a given PCP in our sample from November 5, 2019 to March 3, 2020, we will consider all Focus Quality Measures that are open between November 5, 2019 and March 3, 2020, and calculate the percentage of these measures ordered between November 5, 2019 and March 10, 2020.
Measure: Aggregate Focus Quality Measure order rates measured at the patient level Time: 9 monthsDescription: HM order rate is determined by the aggregate order rate of measures within the primary care Health Maintenance module of EPIC EHR ("Focus Quality Measures") and other Quality Measures that are not in the Health Maintenance module ("Complementary Measures"). Both the Focus Quality Measures and Complementary Measures are based on USPSTF primary care recommendations regarding disease management, infectious disease screening, cancer screening, and standard vaccinations.
Measure: Aggregate Health Maintenance (HM) order rates measured at the patient level Time: 9 monthsDescription: HM completion rate is determined by the aggregate completion rate of variables within the primary care Health Maintenance module of EPIC EHR ("Focus Quality Measures") and other Quality Measures that are not in the Health Maintenance module ("Complementary Measures").
Measure: Aggregate Health Maintenance (HM) completion rates measured at the patient level Time: 13 monthsDescription: For each patient who visits a given PCP in our sample from November 5, 2019 to March 3, 2020, for each Focus Quality Measure open between November 5, 2019 to March 3, 2020, we will assess whether the measure is ordered between November 5, 2019 and March 10, 2020.
Measure: Individual Focus Quality Measure order status at the patient level Time: 9 monthsDescription: For each primary care physician, we assign patients to their panel using an attribution model. This model assigns patients to a physician if they have been seen by that physician within the last 3 years. Additional patient attribution logic includes: 1) the physician with a preventive/wellness visit in the prior 1 year is attributed first, 2) if there is no preventive/wellness visit in the prior 1 year, the physician with the largest number of visits is attributed, and 3) if there is a tie in either the preventive/wellness visit or number of visit scenario, the physician with the most recent visit is attributed. Once patients are assigned using the above attribution model, patients who have at least one visit with their attributed physician from November 5, 2019 to March 3, 2020 will be included in our evaluation.
Measure: The proportion of patients in the panel who visited a given physician Time: 6 monthsDescription: For each physician, we will identify the number of new patients they have from November 5, 2019 to March 3, 2020.
Measure: New Patients Time: 6 monthsDescription: For each patient who visits a given PCP in our sample from November 5, 2019 to March 3, 2020, we will measure the total number of times he/she visits the PCP from November 5, 2019 to March 3, 2020.
Measure: Number of Visits Time: 6 monthsDescription: For each patient who visits a given PCP in our sample from November 5, 2019 to March 3, 2020, we will measure the number of open measures he/she has at the first visit as well as the total number of open measures he/she has from November 5, 2019 to March 3, 2020.
Measure: Number of Open Tests Time: 6 monthsThe current infection with the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) is an exceptional health situation which requires an adaptation of our management practices in gynecological oncology. Data from the literature suggest that infection with Coronavirus is serious in subjects with cancer with a risk of severe form 5 times higher than that of the population without cancer and a risk of death multiplied by 8. In addition, the risk of infection would be 3 times greater in case of cancer. Faced with the COVID-19 epidemic, the investigator must organize themselves to ensure continuity in the treatment of patients with gynecological cancer but also adapt our practices in the management (CPR, teleconsultation, adaptation of treatment or even postponement of treatment). The objective of the High Council of Public Health is to be able to ensure adequate oncological care avoiding any potential loss of chance concerning the care of cancer: people affected must, despite the pandemic, have care allowing the same level of curability (localized cancers) or the same life expectancy (advanced cancers). This must be done by limiting as much as possible the impact on the organization of the service, the organization of patient follow-up and the psychological impact that these possible modifications could have. The hypotheses of our study are that the exceptional health situation linked to this pandemic leads to a change in the care of patients with gynecological cancer associated with a psychological impact and increased anxiety of patients during their care. Despite the extent of the pandemic, very little existing data makes it possible to define recommendations with a sufficient level of evidence.
Description: modification of the planned therapeutic management
Measure: percentage of patients with a change in the planned therapeutic management (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy) Time: Day OAlphabetical listing of all HPO terms. Navigate: Correlations Clinical Trials
Data processed on September 26, 2020.
An HTML report was created for each of the unique drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms associated with COVID-19 clinical trials. Each report contains a list of either the drug, the MeSH terms, or the HPO terms. All of the terms in a category are displayed on the left-hand side of the report to enable easy navigation, and the reports contain a list of correlated drugs, MeSH, and HPO terms. Further, all reports contain the details of the clinical trials in which the term is referenced. Every clinical trial report shows the mapped HPO and MeSH terms, which are also hyperlinked. Related HPO terms, with their associated genes, protein mutations, and SNPs are also referenced in the report.
Drug Reports MeSH Reports HPO Reports