CovidResearchTrials by Shray Alag

CovidResearchTrials Covid 19 Research using Clinical Trials (Home Page)

Non-Heated VestWiki

Developed by Shray Alag
Clinical Trial MeSH HPO Drug Gene SNP Protein Mutation

Correlated Drug Terms (1)

Name (Synonyms) Correlation
drug1231 Heated Vest Wiki 1.00

Correlated MeSH Terms (2)

Name (Synonyms) Correlation
D013119 Spinal Cord Injuries NIH 0.45
D014947 Wounds and Injuries NIH 0.19

Correlated HPO Terms (0)

Name (Synonyms) Correlation

There is one clinical trial.

Clinical Trials

1 Developing a Feedback-Controlled Heated Vest to Address Thermoregulatory Dysfunction in Persons With Spinal Cord Injury

Persons with higher levels of spinal cord injury (above the 2nd thoracic vertebrae; tetraplegia) are unable to maintain normal core body temperature (Tcore) when exposed to cool environments. In persons with tetraplegia, even limited exposure to cool temperatures may cause Tcore to approach hypothermic values and impair cognitive performance. Conversely, an increase in Tcore from subnormal to normal range may improve cognitive performance. Prior work has shown that cool seasonal temperatures have an adverse effect on personal comfort and the ability to perform vital daily activities of self-care in persons with tetraplegia. Interventions that address the vulnerability to hypothermia are limited. A self-regulating heated vest designed specifically for persons with tetraplegia is a novel and promising strategy to address this problem. By more effectively maintaining Tcore, the vest can decrease the adverse impact of cool temperatures on comfort, quality of life, and performance of vital daily tasks for Veterans with tetraplegia during the cooler seasons.

NCT03662308 Spinal Cord Injuries Device: Heated Vest Device: Non-Heated Vest
MeSH:Spinal Cord Injuries Wounds and Injuries

Primary Outcomes

Description: Tcore will be continuously monitored throughout baseline and thermal challenge periods (with heated & non-heated vests) by a TX-2 Rectal probe and Iso-Thermex Multichannel Thermometer (Columbus Instruments, Columbus, OH). The probe will be placed 10 cm beyond the anal sphincter.

Measure: Change in Core Body Temperature (Tcore)

Time: Visits 2 & 3 (subjects with tetraplegia only): Continuously throughout baseline & Thermal Challenge (2 hrs) periods. The change in Tcore from baseline to the end of Thermal Challenge will be determined.

Description: The cognitive battery will be administered once at BL and once after Thermal Challenge in persons with tetraplegia only (Visits 2 & 3). Testing conditions will be identical, quiet, and distraction-free. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV): Subjects will be asked to repeat 2-9 numbers forward, backward and in ascending order to assess attention, processing speed, and working memory. Each assessment requires 10 min.

Measure: Change in Cognitive Performance: WAIS-IV

Time: Visits 2 & 3 (subjects with tetraplegia only): At the end baseline (at 15 min) & end of Thermal Challenge (at 120 min) periods. The change in cognitive performance from baseline to the end of Thermal Challenge will be determined.

Description: Delayed Recall section of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA): Subjects will be asked to repeat 5 simple words immediately and then recall them after a 5-minute delay to assess working memory. Each assessment requires 6 min.

Measure: Change in Cognitive Performance: Delayed Recall

Time: Visits 2 & 3 (subjects with tetraplegia only): At the end baseline (at 15 min) & end of Thermal Challenge (at 120 min) periods. The change in cognitive performance from baseline to the end of Thermal Challenge will be determined.

Description: Stroop Color and Word: Subjects will be asked to read words of colors, colors of fonts to assess attention and processing speed; color of fonts of words which describe conflicting colors to assess response inhibition (executive functioning). Subjects will practice each of the assessments for approximately 10 seconds prior to the actual test to ensure understanding of the instructions. Each assessment requires 4 min.

Measure: Change in Cognitive Performance: Stroop

Time: Visits 2 & 3 (subjects with tetraplegia only): At the end baseline (at 15 min) & end of Thermal Challenge (at 120 min) periods. The change in cognitive performance from baseline to the end of Thermal Challenge will be determined.

Secondary Outcomes

Description: Thermal Comfort will be measured every 10 minutes throughout BL and thermal challenge periods by the Zhang 6-point thermal comfort scale: +3 (very comfortable), +2 (comfortable), +1 (just comfortable), -1 (just uncomfortable), -2 (uncomfortable), and -3 (very uncomfortable). A greater frequency of +1, +2, and +3 scores are considered more desirable than -1, -2, and -3 scores during the Thermal Challenge. Each assessment requires only the time needed for the subject to respond (typically less than 10 seconds).

Measure: Change in Thermal Comfort (TC)

Time: Visits 1, 2, & 3 (all subjects): During baseline & every 10 minutes throughout Thermal Challenge (2 hrs). The change in TC from baseline to the end of Thermal Challenge will be determined.

Other Outcomes

Description: Skin thermocouples (TX-4 Skin Surface probes, Columbus Instruments, Columbus, OH) will be taped to 12 sites on the anterior trunk. Tsk data will be collected continuously throughout the baseline (BL) and Thermal Challenge periods. All areas under the vest will have skin temperatures less than or equal to 39 degrees C.

Measure: Change in Skin Temperature (Tsk) under the heated vest

Time: Visits 2 & 3 (all subjects): Continuously throughout baseline (15 min) & Thermal Challenge (2 hrs) periods. The change in Tsk from baseline to the end of Thermal Challenge will be determined.

Description: Thermal sensation will be measured on the Zhang 9-point Thermal Sensation scale: +4 (very hot), +3 (hot), +2 (warm), +1 (slightly warm), 0 (neutral), -1 (slightly cool), -2 (cool), -3 (cold), and -4 (very cold). TS should be no greater than "warm" this would include identification of "hot spots". Each assessment requires only the time needed for the subject to respond (typically less than 10 seconds).

Measure: Change in Thermal Sensation (TS)

Time: Visit 1 (able-bodied subjects only): During baseline & every 10 minutes throughout Thermal Challenge (2 hrs). The change in TS from baseline to the end of Thermal Challenge will be determined.

No related HPO nodes (Using clinical trials)