SNPMiner Trials by Shray Alag

SNPMiner SNPMiner Trials (Home Page)

Report for Clinical Trial NCT01107158

Developed by Shray Alag, 2020.
SNP Clinical Trial Gene

The Role of Two Nuclear Receptors for Oxysterols as a Molecular Cause of Uterine Dystocia: LXR Alpha and LXR Beta

Despite the fact that a link between cholesterol and the myometrium has been clearly established, no study investigating aspects of cholesterol metabolism and uterine dystocia currently exists. This study is a pilot study whose aim is to test the hypothesis that an association between uterine dystocia and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the genes coding for the LXRs.

NCT01107158 Uterine Inertia Dystocia
MeSH:Dystocia Uterine Inertia

1 Interventions

Name: Whole blood sampling

Description: Whole blood sampling for SNP polymorphism analysis
Type: Biological
Group Labels: 2

Group 1 Group 2

Primary Outcomes

Description: The polymorphisms of interest are the following SNPs: rs3758673, rs3758674, rs12221497, rs11039155, rs2279238, rs7120118, rs35463555, rs1052533, rs2248949, rs41432149, rs1405655, rs4802703.

Measure: The multi-loci genotype of the target DNA sequence.

Time: Day 1

Time Perspective: Cross-Sectional

Case Control

There are 12 SNPs


1 rs1052533

The polymorphisms of interest are the following SNPs: rs3758673, rs3758674, rs12221497, rs11039155, rs2279238, rs7120118, rs35463555, rs1052533, rs2248949, rs41432149, rs1405655, rs4802703.. Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Uterine Inertia Dystocia Dystocia Uterine Inertia null

2 rs11039155

The polymorphisms of interest are the following SNPs: rs3758673, rs3758674, rs12221497, rs11039155, rs2279238, rs7120118, rs35463555, rs1052533, rs2248949, rs41432149, rs1405655, rs4802703.. Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Uterine Inertia Dystocia Dystocia Uterine Inertia null

3 rs12221497

The polymorphisms of interest are the following SNPs: rs3758673, rs3758674, rs12221497, rs11039155, rs2279238, rs7120118, rs35463555, rs1052533, rs2248949, rs41432149, rs1405655, rs4802703.. Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Uterine Inertia Dystocia Dystocia Uterine Inertia null

4 rs1405655

The polymorphisms of interest are the following SNPs: rs3758673, rs3758674, rs12221497, rs11039155, rs2279238, rs7120118, rs35463555, rs1052533, rs2248949, rs41432149, rs1405655, rs4802703.. Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Uterine Inertia Dystocia Dystocia Uterine Inertia null

5 rs2248949

The polymorphisms of interest are the following SNPs: rs3758673, rs3758674, rs12221497, rs11039155, rs2279238, rs7120118, rs35463555, rs1052533, rs2248949, rs41432149, rs1405655, rs4802703.. Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Uterine Inertia Dystocia Dystocia Uterine Inertia null

6 rs2279238

The polymorphisms of interest are the following SNPs: rs3758673, rs3758674, rs12221497, rs11039155, rs2279238, rs7120118, rs35463555, rs1052533, rs2248949, rs41432149, rs1405655, rs4802703.. Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Uterine Inertia Dystocia Dystocia Uterine Inertia null

7 rs35463555

The polymorphisms of interest are the following SNPs: rs3758673, rs3758674, rs12221497, rs11039155, rs2279238, rs7120118, rs35463555, rs1052533, rs2248949, rs41432149, rs1405655, rs4802703.. Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Uterine Inertia Dystocia Dystocia Uterine Inertia null

8 rs3758673

The polymorphisms of interest are the following SNPs: rs3758673, rs3758674, rs12221497, rs11039155, rs2279238, rs7120118, rs35463555, rs1052533, rs2248949, rs41432149, rs1405655, rs4802703.. Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Uterine Inertia Dystocia Dystocia Uterine Inertia null

9 rs3758674

The polymorphisms of interest are the following SNPs: rs3758673, rs3758674, rs12221497, rs11039155, rs2279238, rs7120118, rs35463555, rs1052533, rs2248949, rs41432149, rs1405655, rs4802703.. Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Uterine Inertia Dystocia Dystocia Uterine Inertia null

10 rs41432149

The polymorphisms of interest are the following SNPs: rs3758673, rs3758674, rs12221497, rs11039155, rs2279238, rs7120118, rs35463555, rs1052533, rs2248949, rs41432149, rs1405655, rs4802703.. Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Uterine Inertia Dystocia Dystocia Uterine Inertia null

11 rs4802703

The polymorphisms of interest are the following SNPs: rs3758673, rs3758674, rs12221497, rs11039155, rs2279238, rs7120118, rs35463555, rs1052533, rs2248949, rs41432149, rs1405655, rs4802703.. Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Uterine Inertia Dystocia Dystocia Uterine Inertia null

12 rs7120118

The polymorphisms of interest are the following SNPs: rs3758673, rs3758674, rs12221497, rs11039155, rs2279238, rs7120118, rs35463555, rs1052533, rs2248949, rs41432149, rs1405655, rs4802703.. Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Inclusion Criteria: - Patients undergoing C-section for a dystocia: 2 to 3 hours of stagnation in labor progress are observed (ie no increasing dilation, and uterine contractions less that 3-5 per 10 minutes) in spite of measures taken to overcome dystocia (oxytocin injection and artificial breaking of waters) - the child is alive - the child does not have apriori known malformations that could interfere with a vaginal birth - foetus in cephalic position - full term pregnancy (>= 37 weeks of amenorrhea) - single birth - patient has signed consent - patient is affiliated with a social security system Exclusion Criteria: - vaginal birth - programmed C-section - C-section is chosen because the fetus has a cardia rhythm problem, and there is no stagnation in the labor process - multiple pregnancy - the child is in a breech position - premature birth (<37 weeks amenorrhea) - in utero fetal death - fetal malformation known before birth that could interfere with a vaginal birth - non french-speaking patient (impossible to correctly inform the patient) - patient under guardianship Uterine Inertia Dystocia Dystocia Uterine Inertia null

HPO Nodes