SNPMiner Trials by Shray Alag

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Report for Clinical Trial NCT02886013

Developed by Shray Alag, 2020.
SNP Clinical Trial Gene

FTO rs9939609 and PPARy rs1801282 Polymorphisms in Mexican Adolescents With Overweight and Obesity at High Risk for Developing Diabetes

Background and Aims: The presence of the FTO rs9939609 and PPARy rs1801282 polymorphisms suggests changes in energy metabolism; this variation may be responsible for the development of various diseases including obesity. The aim of this study was to identify the presence of these polymorphisms in Mexican adolescents with overweight and obesity at high risk for developing diabetes. Methods and Results: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study, where 71 healthy adolescents (average age of 16) were included. Anthropometric measurements, Body mass index, as well as the determination of glucose, insulin and HOMA index were calculated from all the patients. The FTO rs9939609 and PPARy rs1801282 polymorphisms were determined by real-time PCR.

NCT02886013 Metabolic Syndrome Insulin Resistance
MeSH:Metabolic Syndrome Insulin Resistance
HPO:Insulin resistance

Primary Outcomes

Description: The aim of this study was to identify the presence of these polymorphisms in Mexican adolescents with overweight and obesity at high risk for developing diabetes.

Measure: Prevalence of the FTO rs9939609 and PPARy rs1801282 polymorphisms.

Time: up to 24 months.

Time Perspective: Prospective

Ecologic or Community

There are 2 SNPs


1 rs1801282

FTO rs9939609 and PPARy rs1801282 Polymorphisms in Mexican Adolescents With Overweight and Obesity at High Risk for Developing Diabetes.

FTO rs9939609 and PPARy rs1801282 Polymorphisms in Mexican Adolescents Background and Aims: The presence of the FTO rs9939609 and PPARy rs1801282 polymorphisms suggests changes in energy metabolism; this variation may be responsible for the development of various diseases including obesity.

The FTO rs9939609 and PPARy rs1801282 polymorphisms were determined by real-time PCR.

Prevalence of the FTO rs9939609 and PPARy rs1801282 polymorphisms..

2 rs9939609

FTO rs9939609 and PPARy rs1801282 Polymorphisms in Mexican Adolescents With Overweight and Obesity at High Risk for Developing Diabetes.

FTO rs9939609 and PPARy rs1801282 Polymorphisms in Mexican Adolescents Background and Aims: The presence of the FTO rs9939609 and PPARy rs1801282 polymorphisms suggests changes in energy metabolism; this variation may be responsible for the development of various diseases including obesity.

The FTO rs9939609 and PPARy rs1801282 polymorphisms were determined by real-time PCR.

Prevalence of the FTO rs9939609 and PPARy rs1801282 polymorphisms..

HPO Nodes