SNPMiner Trials by Shray Alag

SNPMiner SNPMiner Trials (Home Page)

Report for Clinical Trial NCT02092974

Developed by Shray Alag, 2020.
SNP Clinical Trial Gene

Mechanism of tDCS-induced Learning Enhancement - the Role of Serotonin

The aim of this study is to assess whether the application of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) enhances and prolongs the learning enhancement achieved by anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (atDCS). For this, young and older healthy subjects will be tested with a well established learning paradigm. Results of this study may help to support the application of atDCS also in patients, e.g. with dementia or mild cognitive impairment.

NCT02092974 Healthy Young and Older Adults

3 Interventions

Name: tDCS

Type: Procedure
Group Labels: 2

tDCS + SSRI tDCS + placebo

Name: Citalopram

Type: Drug
Group Labels: 2

sham-tDCS + SSRI tDCS + SSRI

Name: sham-tDCS + placebo

Type: Other
Group Labels: 1

sham-DCS + placebo

Primary Outcomes

Description: Recall score immediately after learning phase (=training of visual-spatial abilities) under tDC stimulation + SSRI application compared to learning under tDC stimulation + placebo.

Measure: Recall score after learning under tDC stimulation + SSRI compared to learning under tDC stimulation + placebo.

Time: immediately after end of learning phase (approx. 1 hour)

Secondary Outcomes

Description: Measurement of recall scores on the evening of the same day after the learning phase (+tDCS + SSRI), the morning of the day after and 1 week later in order to assess the prolongation of atDCS induced learning enhancement by the SSRI.

Measure: prolongation of the atDCS induced learning enhancement by SSRI

Time: 1 week

Description: Measurement of recall scores directly after learning phase after application of atDCS + placebo or sham-tDCS + SSRI vs. sham-tDCS + placebo.

Measure: Increase of learning enhancement by atDCS + placebo or sham-tDCS + SSRI vs. sham-tDCS + placebo

Time: immediately after learning phase (approx. 1 hour)

Description: Measurement of recall scores on the evening of the same day of learning phase, the morning of the day after and 1 week later under application of atDCS + placebo or sham-tDCS + SSRI vs. sham-tDCS + placebo, in order to assess prolongation of learning enhancement by SSRI.

Measure: prolongation of learning enhancement by atDCS + placebo or sham-tDCS + SSRI vs. sham-tDCS + placebo

Time: 1 week

Description: To assess predictors of SSRI-enhanced brain stimulation, genotyping of several learning related polymorphisms will be performed (i.e., APOE, BDNF, Val66Met, COMT, Val158Met, KIBRA, rs17070145, 5-Hydroxytryptamine transporter).

Measure: genotyping of learning related polymorphisms

Time: once

Purpose: Treatment

Allocation: Randomized

Crossover Assignment

There is one SNP


1 rs17070145

To assess predictors of SSRI-enhanced brain stimulation, genotyping of several learning related polymorphisms will be performed (i.e., APOE, BDNF, Val66Met, COMT, Val158Met, KIBRA, rs17070145, 5-Hydroxytryptamine transporter).. Inclusion Criteria: - right handedness - unobtrusive neuropsychological screening - ability to provide written informed consent - no pathological findings in head MRI - age: 18 to 35 years (young adults) or 50-80 years (older adults) - Highly effective contraception (Pearl Index < 1) or reliable abstinence from any heterosexual relationships in women of childbearing potential Exclusion Criteria: - severe internal or psychiatric disease (especially depression or suicidal thoughts) - epilepsy - cognitive impairment (< SD under age adjusted norm in neuropsychological testing) - concurrent taking of serotonin precursors (tryptophan, 5-HTP) or MAO inhibitors - concurrent taking of tramadol or triptans - concurrent taking of pimozide or linezolid - concurrent taking of other drugs prolonging the QT-interval - long-QT-syndrome - hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia - known intolerance of the study medication - claustrophobia or metallic implants, tattoos (MRI exclusion criteria) - pregnancy or lactation - participation in another drug-interventional clinical trial within the last month or during the entire study - probands that are placed in an institution due to official or judicial order - non-agreement to save and transmit pseudonymised study data within the clinical trial Inclusion Criteria: - right handedness - unobtrusive neuropsychological screening - ability to provide written informed consent - no pathological findings in head MRI - age: 18 to 35 years (young adults) or 50-80 years (older adults) - Highly effective contraception (Pearl Index < 1) or reliable abstinence from any heterosexual relationships in women of childbearing potential Exclusion Criteria: - severe internal or psychiatric disease (especially depression or suicidal thoughts) - epilepsy - cognitive impairment (< SD under age adjusted norm in neuropsychological testing) - concurrent taking of serotonin precursors (tryptophan, 5-HTP) or MAO inhibitors - concurrent taking of tramadol or triptans - concurrent taking of pimozide or linezolid - concurrent taking of other drugs prolonging the QT-interval - long-QT-syndrome - hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia - known intolerance of the study medication - claustrophobia or metallic implants, tattoos (MRI exclusion criteria) - pregnancy or lactation - participation in another drug-interventional clinical trial within the last month or during the entire study - probands that are placed in an institution due to official or judicial order - non-agreement to save and transmit pseudonymised study data within the clinical trial Healthy Young and Older Adults null

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