The aim of this study is to assess whether the application of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) enhances and prolongs the learning enhancement achieved by anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (atDCS). For this, young and older healthy subjects will be tested with a well established learning paradigm. Results of this study may help to support the application of atDCS also in patients, e.g. with dementia or mild cognitive impairment.
Name: tDCS
Name: Citalopram
Name: sham-tDCS + placebo
Description: Recall score immediately after learning phase (=training of visual-spatial abilities) under tDC stimulation + SSRI application compared to learning under tDC stimulation + placebo.
Measure: Recall score after learning under tDC stimulation + SSRI compared to learning under tDC stimulation + placebo. Time: immediately after end of learning phase (approx. 1 hour)Description: Measurement of recall scores on the evening of the same day after the learning phase (+tDCS + SSRI), the morning of the day after and 1 week later in order to assess the prolongation of atDCS induced learning enhancement by the SSRI.
Measure: prolongation of the atDCS induced learning enhancement by SSRI Time: 1 weekDescription: Measurement of recall scores directly after learning phase after application of atDCS + placebo or sham-tDCS + SSRI vs. sham-tDCS + placebo.
Measure: Increase of learning enhancement by atDCS + placebo or sham-tDCS + SSRI vs. sham-tDCS + placebo Time: immediately after learning phase (approx. 1 hour)Description: Measurement of recall scores on the evening of the same day of learning phase, the morning of the day after and 1 week later under application of atDCS + placebo or sham-tDCS + SSRI vs. sham-tDCS + placebo, in order to assess prolongation of learning enhancement by SSRI.
Measure: prolongation of learning enhancement by atDCS + placebo or sham-tDCS + SSRI vs. sham-tDCS + placebo Time: 1 weekDescription: To assess predictors of SSRI-enhanced brain stimulation, genotyping of several learning related polymorphisms will be performed (i.e., APOE, BDNF, Val66Met, COMT, Val158Met, KIBRA, rs17070145, 5-Hydroxytryptamine transporter).
Measure: genotyping of learning related polymorphisms Time: onceAllocation: Randomized
Crossover Assignment
There is one SNP
To assess predictors of SSRI-enhanced brain stimulation, genotyping of several learning related polymorphisms will be performed (i.e., APOE, BDNF, Val66Met, COMT, Val158Met, KIBRA, rs17070145, 5-Hydroxytryptamine transporter).. Inclusion Criteria: - right handedness - unobtrusive neuropsychological screening - ability to provide written informed consent - no pathological findings in head MRI - age: 18 to 35 years (young adults) or 50-80 years (older adults) - Highly effective contraception (Pearl Index < 1) or reliable abstinence from any heterosexual relationships in women of childbearing potential Exclusion Criteria: - severe internal or psychiatric disease (especially depression or suicidal thoughts) - epilepsy - cognitive impairment (< SD under age adjusted norm in neuropsychological testing) - concurrent taking of serotonin precursors (tryptophan, 5-HTP) or MAO inhibitors - concurrent taking of tramadol or triptans - concurrent taking of pimozide or linezolid - concurrent taking of other drugs prolonging the QT-interval - long-QT-syndrome - hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia - known intolerance of the study medication - claustrophobia or metallic implants, tattoos (MRI exclusion criteria) - pregnancy or lactation - participation in another drug-interventional clinical trial within the last month or during the entire study - probands that are placed in an institution due to official or judicial order - non-agreement to save and transmit pseudonymised study data within the clinical trial Inclusion Criteria: - right handedness - unobtrusive neuropsychological screening - ability to provide written informed consent - no pathological findings in head MRI - age: 18 to 35 years (young adults) or 50-80 years (older adults) - Highly effective contraception (Pearl Index < 1) or reliable abstinence from any heterosexual relationships in women of childbearing potential Exclusion Criteria: - severe internal or psychiatric disease (especially depression or suicidal thoughts) - epilepsy - cognitive impairment (< SD under age adjusted norm in neuropsychological testing) - concurrent taking of serotonin precursors (tryptophan, 5-HTP) or MAO inhibitors - concurrent taking of tramadol or triptans - concurrent taking of pimozide or linezolid - concurrent taking of other drugs prolonging the QT-interval - long-QT-syndrome - hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia - known intolerance of the study medication - claustrophobia or metallic implants, tattoos (MRI exclusion criteria) - pregnancy or lactation - participation in another drug-interventional clinical trial within the last month or during the entire study - probands that are placed in an institution due to official or judicial order - non-agreement to save and transmit pseudonymised study data within the clinical trial Healthy Young and Older Adults null