The main goal of the project is to test whether the TAS2R38 polymorphism affects the effectiveness of dietary intervention aimed at increasing the consumption of vegetables and citrus fruits.
Name: Intervention
Description: Change in frequency of vegatables intake within the group and between the groups; Block vegetables intake screener
Measure: Vegetables intake Time: Baseline, 8 weeksDescription: genotyping of polymorphism TAS2R38 gene (rsr713598, rs1726866, and rs10246939)
Measure: TAS2R38 polymorphism Time: baselineDescription: change in body mass (kg) within the group and between the groups
Measure: Body Mass (BM) Time: Baseline, 8 weeksDescription: change in FFM (kg) within the group and between the groups
Measure: Fat free mass (FFM) Time: Baseline, 8 weeksDescription: change in Fat Mass % within the group and between the groups
Measure: Fat Mass (FM) % Time: Baseline, 8 weeksDescription: Change in WC (cm) within the group and between the groups
Measure: Waist circumference (WC) Time: Baseline, 8 weeksDescription: Changes in TChol (mg/dl) within the group and between the groups
Measure: Total Cholesterol (TChol) Time: Baseline, 8 weeksDescription: Changes in LDL-Chol (mg/dl) within the group and between the groups
Measure: LDL Cholesterol(LDL-Chol) Time: Baseline, 8 weeksDescription: Changes in HDL-Chol (mg/dl) within the group and between the groups
Measure: HDL Cholesterol (HDL-Chol) Time: Baseline, 8 weeksDescription: Changes in TG (mg/dl) within groups and between groups
Measure: Triglycerides (TG) Time: Baseline, 8 weekDescription: Changes in GLU (mg/dl) within the group and between the groups
Measure: Glucose (GLU) Time: Baseline, 8 weeksDescription: Changes in INS (ulU/ml) within the group and between the groups
Measure: Insulin (INS) Time: Baseline, 8 weeksDescription: Changes in ALAT (U/l) within the group and between the groups
Measure: Alanine transaminase (ALAT) Time: Baseline, 8 weeksDescription: Changes in ASPAT (U/l) within the group and between the groups
Measure: aspartate aminotransferase (ASPAT) Time: Baseline, 8 weeksAllocation: N/A
Single Group Assignment
There are 2 SNPs
genotyping of polymorphism TAS2R38 gene (rsr713598, rs1726866, and rs10246939).
genotyping of polymorphism TAS2R38 gene (rsr713598, rs1726866, and rs10246939).