SNPMiner Trials by Shray Alag

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Report for Clinical Trial NCT02886845

Developed by Shray Alag, 2020.
SNP Clinical Trial Gene

Study of Two Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Chinese Breast Cancers

The purpose of this study is to determine the frequency of two Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) by sanger-sequencing in Breast Cancers and healthy controls .

NCT02886845 rs185670819 and rs183489969

1 Interventions

Name: rs183489969,rs185670819

Description: compare the frequency of two germline mutations in breast cancers and controls
Type: Genetic
Group Labels: 2

Chinese Breast Cancers healthy controls

Primary Outcomes

Measure: Genotyping of 2 SNPs ( rs185670819 and rs183489969) in Chinese breast cancer patients and age-matched healthy control women .

Time: January of 2019

Secondary Outcomes

Measure: Both of the 2 SNPs' minor allele frequency or affected ratio shows statistically significant differences between case and control groups

Time: June of 2019

Time Perspective: Prospective

Case Control

There are 2 SNPs


1 rs183489969

Genotyping of 2 SNPs ( rs185670819 and rs183489969) in Chinese breast cancer patients and age-matched healthy control women .. null.

Inclusion Criteria: - Woman aged superior to 18 years old Inform consent signed Woman without breast cancer and family history of cancer Exclusion Criteria: - No inform consent signed Patient under guardianship, curatorship Psychosocial disorder Inclusion Criteria: - Woman aged superior to 18 years old Inform consent signed Woman without breast cancer and family history of cancer Exclusion Criteria: - No inform consent signed Patient under guardianship, curatorship Psychosocial disorder rs185670819 and rs183489969 Since the 1990s breast cancers incidence of china has increased more than twice as fast as global rates.

2 rs185670819

Genotyping of 2 SNPs ( rs185670819 and rs183489969) in Chinese breast cancer patients and age-matched healthy control women .. null.

Inclusion Criteria: - Woman aged superior to 18 years old Inform consent signed Woman without breast cancer and family history of cancer Exclusion Criteria: - No inform consent signed Patient under guardianship, curatorship Psychosocial disorder Inclusion Criteria: - Woman aged superior to 18 years old Inform consent signed Woman without breast cancer and family history of cancer Exclusion Criteria: - No inform consent signed Patient under guardianship, curatorship Psychosocial disorder rs185670819 and rs183489969 Since the 1990s breast cancers incidence of china has increased more than twice as fast as global rates.

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