The investigators enrolled 217 patients with acute STEMI undergoing primary PCI. The rs2305619 polymorphism was evaluated by real time PCR and plasma PTX3 concentration was assessed by human PTX3 ELISA kit.
Name: Long pentraxin 3
Description: Percentage
Measure: Incidence of microvascular obstruction Time: Immediate after pciDescription: Percentage
Measure: Incidence of mortality Time: 30 daysOther
There is one SNP
The 3q25 rs2305619 Polymorphism is Associated With Coronary Microvascular Obstruction Following Primary Angioplasty for Acute ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction.
The 3q25 rs2305619 Polymorphism Associates With Microvascular Obstruction in STEMI The investigators enrolled 217 patients with acute STEMI undergoing primary PCI.
The rs2305619 polymorphism was evaluated by real time PCR and plasma PTX3 concentration was assessed by human PTX3 ELISA kit.
The rs2305619 polymorphism was evaluated by real time PCR and plasma PTX3 concentration was assessed by human PTX3 ELISA kit.