There is substantial research on the effects of physical exercise on cognitive functions. However, less attention has been paid on the requirements of training intensity and length to enhance cognitive abilities in the elderly. To the investigators knowledge no studies have evaluated the effects of extensive endurance exercise training on cognitive functions by studying elderly marathon runners and bicyclists. On the basis of the scientific literature published so far it is not known whether the beneficial impact of endurance exercise training depends on the intensity of training. The investigators therefore designed a cohort study with adequate power in order to evaluate the effects of intensive endurance exercise training on cognition. This trial, an Austrian prospective cohort study in cognitive function of elderly marathon-runners (APSOEM) is being conducted and will compare neuropsychological performance outcomes of elderly marathon runners or bicyclists with controls matched concerning age, education years, occupation, and verbal intelligence.
Description: Hypothesis will be tested at the second follow-up examinations.
Measure: the Proportion of Subjects, Who Will Develop Mild Cognitive Impairment Time: 10 yearsDescription: The following self rating scales were used: WHO-5 Quality of Life Assessment (Braeher, E., Muehlan, H., Albani, C., & Schmidt, S. (2007). Testing and standardization of the German version of the EUROHIS-QOL and WHO-5 quality-of life-indices. Diagnostica, 53(2), 83-96.). Range: 0 - 25, higher scores indicate better quality of life.
Measure: Self Rating by Questionnaires Time: Baseline and 5 yearsCohort
There are 2 SNPs
For this, pre-designed TaqMan SNP-Genotyping assays to distinguish the ApoE ε4 allele from ε2 and ε3 at amino acid position 112 (ApoE rs429358, Assay ID C_3084793_20, Applied Biosystems) and the ApoE ε2 allele from ε3 and ε4 at amino acid position 158 (rs7412, Assay ID C_904973_10, Applied Biosystems) were purchased.
For this, pre-designed TaqMan SNP-Genotyping assays to distinguish the ApoE ε4 allele from ε2 and ε3 at amino acid position 112 (ApoE rs429358, Assay ID C_3084793_20, Applied Biosystems) and the ApoE ε2 allele from ε3 and ε4 at amino acid position 158 (rs7412, Assay ID C_904973_10, Applied Biosystems) were purchased.