1. To study genotypic distribution of the TCF7L2 gene polymorphism in Diabetic nephropathy. 2. To assess level of AGEs and Insulin in patients with Diabetic nephropathy. 3. To study correlation between polymorphism of the TCF7L2 gene, AGEs, Insulin and clinical characteristics in patients with diabetic nephropathy
Description: find a link between genetic polymorphism of TCF7L2 and the risk of developing nephropathy in diabetic patients. Nephropathy is defined Albumin/creatinine ratio > 30 mg/gm creat.
Measure: value of the odds ratio associated with the relationship between a polymorphism TCF7L2 gene and the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy Time: one yearDescription: the prevalence of TCF7L2, in the diabetic patient, and compared to the values found in the general population. the TCF7L2 genes will be evaluated by PCR-RFLP
Measure: Number of patients with genotype TCF7L2 by PCR Time: 5 yearsCase-Control
There is one SNP
TCF7L2 rs7903146 polymorphism is more associated with T2DM which mediated by decreased insulin secretion associated with defects in insulin processing, reduced effects of glucagon-like peptide-1, increased hepatic glucose production and insulin resistance.