Atopic dermatitis (AD) and psoriasis (PS) are chronic, relapsing dermatological disorders with a high rate of psychiatric co-morbid pathology represented with depression. Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) belongs to the neurotrophin family and widely studied in pathophysiology of psychiatric and dermatological disorders. A biological stress response system by altered hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis as well hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis may contribute to dermatoses and psychiatric disorders development. Various factors including gender, genetic, psychological stress, socioeconomic factors also affect the course of dermatoses. A 10-week, case-control study evaluate clinical, psychological and biochemical parameters in AD and PS patients, and healthy control volunteers (HC) depending on gender and BDNF rs6265 gene polymorphism. All parameters are evaluated twice: at disease exacerbation (study baseline) and week 10. The following methods are conducted: assessment of dermatological status, using Scoring of Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD) and Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI); assessment of depression and anxiety according to DSM-V criteria and with Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) and with Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A); analysis of serum BDNF (ng/ml), cortisol (nmol/L), testosterone (ng/dL) and IgE levels (IU/ml, AD only); DNA extraction and genotyping of BDNF variants.The study will last during 4-5 months.
Description: Assessment of atopic dermatitis severity is conducted using Scoring of Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD) index. SCORAD index formula is: A/5 + 7B/2 + C. In this formula A is defined as the extent (0-100), B is defined as the intensity (0-18) and C is defined as the subjective symptoms (0-20). The maximum SCORAD score is 103. SCORAD <23 - mild AD; SCORAD from 23 to 63 - moderate AD; SCORAD> 63 - severe AD.
Measure: Assessment of change in the severity of atopic dermatitis after conventional treatment from study onset (baseline) at week 10 Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and at week 10Description: Assessment of the psoriasis severity is conducted using Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI). The patient's body is divided into four sections (head (H) (10% of a person's skin); arms (A) (20%); trunk (T) (30%); legs (L) (40%)). The percent of skin lesions of each area is assessed as follows: 0 (0% of involved area); 1 (< 10%); 2 (10-29%); 3 (30-49%); 4 (50-69%); 5 (70-89%); 6 (90-100%). Further, for each region, the intensity of 3 clinical signs is evaluated - redness, thickness and scaling and assessed as follows: 0 - no lesions,1 - easy, 2 - moderate, 3 - severe, 4 - very severe. The sum of all three severity parameters is calculated for each section, multiplied by the area score for that area and multiplied by weight of respective section (0.1 for head, 0.2 for arms, 0.3 for body, 0.4 for legs). PASI range is from 0 (no disease) to 72 (maximum disease). The severity of psoriasis is assessed as follows: PASI <20 - mild; PASI from 20 to 50 - moderate; PASI> 50 - severe
Measure: Assessment of change in the severity of psoriasis after conventional treatment from study onset (baseline) at week 10 Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and at week 10Description: Depression is assessed according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) -V criteria and with Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) using the following ranges: absence, ≤7; mild, 8-16; moderate, 17-27; severe, ≤28
Measure: Assessment of change in the severity of depression in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis patients after conventional treatment from study onset (baseline) at week 10 Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and week 10Description: Depression is assessed according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) -V criteria and with Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) using the following ranges: absence, ≤7; mild, 8-16; moderate, 17-27; severe, ≤28
Measure: Assessment of the severity of depression in healthy controls (HC) Time: At disease onset (study baseline)Description: Anxiety is assessed according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) -V criteria and with Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) using the following ranges: ≤17, easy; 18-24, moderate; over 25, medium-severe
Measure: Assessment of change in the severity of anxiety in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis patients after conventional treatment from study onset (baseline) at week 10 Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and week 10Description: Anxiety is assessed according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) -V criteria and with Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) using the following ranges: ≤17, easy; 18-24, moderate; over 25, medium-severe
Measure: Assessment of the severity of anxiety in HC Time: At disease onset (study baseline)Description: The total IgE levels are detected using solid-phase, chemiluminescent immunometric assay in an Immulite/Immulite 1000 (Siemens, Germany). Normal ranges are as follow: 0.000-100.0 IU/ml
Measure: Evaluation of changes in serum immunoglobulin E (IgE, IU/ml) levels from study onset (baseline) at week 10 in atopic dermatitis patients Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and week 10Description: The total IgE levels are detected using solid-phase, chemiluminescent immunometric assay in an Immulite/Immulite 1000 (Siemens, Germany). Normal ranges are as follow: 0.000-100.0 IU/ml
Measure: Analysis of serum IgE (IU/ml) levels in HC Time: At disease onset (study baseline)Description: Serum BDNF levels are analyzed using a solid-phase, sandwich, two-site, ELISA (Promega, US; G7610). No measurement scale is used
Measure: Evaluation of changes in serum Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF, ng/ml) levels from study onset (baseline) at week 10 in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis patients Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and week 10Description: Serum BDNF levels are analyzed using a solid-phase, sandwich, two-site, ELISA (Promega, US; G7610). No measurement scale is used
Measure: Analysis of serum BDNF (ng/ml) levels in HC Time: At disease onset (study baseline)Description: The total cortisol levels are detected using solid-phase, chemiluminescent immunometric assay in an Immulite/Immulite 1000 (Siemens, Germany). Normal ranges are as follow: 138-690 nmol/L
Measure: Evaluation of changes in cortisol (nmol/L) levels from study onset (baseline) at week 10 in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis patients Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and week 10Description: The total cortisol levels are detected using solid-phase, chemiluminescent immunometric assay in an Immulite/Immulite 1000 (Siemens, Germany). Normal ranges are as follow: 138-690 nmol/L
Measure: Analysis of serum cortisol (nmol/L) levels in HC Time: At disease onset (study baseline)Description: The total testosterone levels are detected using solid-phase, chemiluminescent immunometric assay in an Immulite/Immulite 1000 (Siemens, Germany). Normal ranges are as follow: men 20-49 years - 72 -853ng/dL; men≥50 years -129-767 ng/dL; women ovulating - 0.010-73.0 ng/dL; women postmenopausal - 0.010-43.0 ng/dL.
Measure: Evaluation of changes in testosterone (ng/dL) levels from study onset (baseline) at week 10 in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis patients Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and week 10Description: The total testosterone levels are detected using solid-phase, chemiluminescent immunometric assay in an Immulite/Immulite 1000 (Siemens, Germany). Normal ranges are as follow: men 20-49 years - 72 -853ng/dL; men≥50 years -129-767 ng/dL; women ovulating - 0.010-73.0 ng/dL; women postmenopausal - 0.010-43.0 ng/dL.
Measure: Analysis of serum testosterone (ng/dL) levels in HC Time: At disease onset (study baseline)Description: DNA extraction and genotyping the BDNF rs6265 (Val66Met) gene polymorphism in AD, PS and HC
Measure: DNA extraction in AD, PS and HC Time: At disease onset (study baseline)Description: EAD and IAD patients will be divided into subgroups in accordance with BDNF gene polymorphism and gender with following assessment of SCORAD scores compared with baseline after conventional treatment at week 10 in each group using unpaired t-test
Measure: Assessment and comparison (Unpaired t-test) of SCORAD scores in extrinsic atopic dermatitis (EAD, IgE level above the normal) and intrinsic atopic dermatitis (IAD, normal IgE level) patients compared with baseline after conventional treatment at week 10 Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and week 10Description: Psoriasis patients will be divided into subgroups in accordance with BDNF gene polymorphism and gender with following assessment of PASI scores compared with baseline after conventional treatment at week 10 in each group.
Measure: Assessment and comparison (Unpaired t-test) of PASI scores in psoriasis patients compared with baseline after conventional treatment at week 10 in accordance with BDNF gene polymorphism (Val/Val; Val/Met;Met/Met) and gender(males, females) Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and week 10Description: Unpaired, two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni means separation tests will be used for multiple comparisons of HAM-D scores in EAD, IAD and PS patients and HC divided into subgroups in accordance with BDNF gene polymorphism and gender at disease onset (baseline) and week 10. Comparisons will include assessment of HAM-D scores in all patients at baseline and week 10 compared with HC, and assessment of data changes at week 10 compared with baseline
Measure: Unpaired, two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni means separation tests for multiple comparisons of HAM-D scores in EAD, IAD, PS and HC Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and week 10Description: Unpaired, two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni means separation tests will be used for multiple comparisons of HAM-A scores in EAD, IAD and PS patients and HC divided into subgroups in accordance with BDNF gene polymorphism and gender at disease onset (baseline) and week 10. Comparisons will include assessment of HAM-A scores in all patients at baseline and week 10 compared with HC, and assessment of data changes at week 10 compared with baseline
Measure: Unpaired, two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni means separation tests for multiple comparisons of HAM-A scores in EAD, IAD,PS and HC Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and week 10Description: Unpaired, two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni means separation tests will be used for multiple comparisons of serum BDNF(ng/ml) levels in EAD, IAD and PS patients and HC divided into subgroups in accordance with BDNF gene polymorphism and gender at disease onset (baseline) and week 10. Comparisons will include assessment of serum BDNF levels in all patients at baseline and week 10 compared with HC, and assessment of data changes at week 10 compared with baseline
Measure: Unpaired, two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni means separation tests for multiple comparisons of serum BDNF (ng/ml) levels in EAD, IAD,PS and HC Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and at week 10Description: Unpaired, two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni means separation tests will be used for comparisons of serum cortisol (nmol/L) levels in EAD, IAD and PS patients and HC divided into subgroups in accordance with BDNF gene polymorphism and gender at disease onset (baseline) and week 10. Comparisons will include assessment of serum cortisol levels in all patients at baseline and week 10 compared with HC, and assessment of data changes at week 10 compared with baseline
Measure: Unpaired, two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni means separation tests for multiple comparisons of serum cortisol (nmol/L) levels in EAD, IAD,PS and HC Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and at week 10Description: Unpaired, two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni means separation tests will be used for multiple comparisons of serum testosterone (ng/dL) levels in EAD, IAD and PS patients and HC divided into subgroups in accordance with BDNF gene polymorphism and gender at disease onset (baseline) and week 10. Comparisons will include assessment of serum testosterone levels in all patients at baseline and week 10 compared with HC, and assessment of data changes at week 10 compared with baseline
Measure: Unpaired, two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni means separation tests for multiple comparisons of serum testosterone (ng/dL) levels in EAD, IAD,PS and HC Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and at week 10Description: Assessment of testosterone/cortisol ratio in EAD, IAD, PS patients and HC divided into BDNF rs6265 gene polymorphism (Val/Val; Val/Met; Met/Met) and gender (males, females) at study baseline and week 10
Measure: Assessment of testosterone/cortisol ratio in EAD, IAD, PS patients and HC in accordance with BDNF rs6265 gene polymorphism and gender Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and at week 10Description: Unpaired, two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni means separation tests will be used for multiple comparisons of testosterone/cortisol ratio in EAD, IAD and PS patients and HC divided into subgroups in accordance with BDNF gene polymorphism and gender at disease onset (baseline) and week 10. Comparisons will include assessment of testosterone/cortisol ratio in all patients at baseline and week 10 compared with HC, and assessment of data changes at week 10 compared with baseline
Measure: Unpaired, two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni means separation tests for multiple comparisons of testosterone/cortisol ratio in EAD, IAD, PS and HC Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and at week 10Description: Correlation analysis of dermatological, psychological and biochemical parameters in EAD, IAD and PS patients, and HC divided into groups in accordance with BDNF rs6265 gene polymorphism (Val/Val; Val/Met; Met/Met) and gender (males, femaes)
Measure: Correlation analysis of studied parameters in dermatological patients and HC Time: At disease onset (study baseline) and week 10Case-Control
There is one SNP
A 10-week, case-control study evaluate clinical, psychological and biochemical parameters in AD and PS patients, and healthy control volunteers (HC) depending on gender and BDNF rs6265 gene polymorphism.
DNA extraction and genotyping the BDNF rs6265 (Val66Met) gene polymorphism in AD, PS and HC.
Assessment of testosterone/cortisol ratio in EAD, IAD, PS patients and HC in accordance with BDNF rs6265 gene polymorphism and gender.
Assessment of testosterone/cortisol ratio in EAD, IAD, PS patients and HC divided into BDNF rs6265 gene polymorphism (Val/Val; Val/Met; Met/Met) and gender (males, females) at study baseline and week 10.
Correlation analysis of dermatological, psychological and biochemical parameters in EAD, IAD and PS patients, and HC divided into groups in accordance with BDNF rs6265 gene polymorphism (Val/Val; Val/Met; Met/Met) and gender (males, femaes).
This study evaluate clinical, psychological and biochemical parameters in AD and PS patients depending on gender and BDNF rs6265 gene polymorphism.