The study focuses on the influence of polymorphism in the FTO genes rs9939609 and PPARᵧ Pro12Ala, oxidative stress and systemic inflammation on changes in body composition and rest metabolism induced by HIIT and continuous aerobic programs in obese or overweight individuals.
Name: High-intensity interval training
Name: Aerobic exercise moderate intensity
Name: Control Group
Description: The procedure used for analysis is done using a Dual Energy Radiological Absortiometry (DEXA) equipment. The measurement of the body fat and fat free mass percentage measure is obtained by means of a full body scan using the LUNAR PRODIGY DF + 14.319 Radiation (Madison, WI) brand device, following manufacturer's protocols. The body mass is evaluated by means of a balance (Sanny®, São Bernardo do Campo - São Paulo, Brazil), with the volunteer barefoot and in orthostatic position using a Toledo scale sensitive to 100 g. The stature is evaluated by a stadiometer with a tape calibrated at 0.1 of the same mark. Waist circumference and other body perimeters are measured with a 0.1 cm Anthropometric Tape (Sanny®, São Bernardo do Campo - São Paulo, Brazil). Weight and height data are used to calculate BMI using the equation adopted by the WHO: BMI = (Weight / (Stature) 2).
Measure: Body Composition. The changes are being evaluated. Time: Before the intervention protocol and 48 hours immediately after the last exercise session.Description: The metabolic rate was measured using a gas spirometry analyzer. After having fasted from 8:00 pm the previous day, the volunteers were referred to the laboratory shortly after the awakening and were invited to remain seated in a thermoneutral environment for 30 minutes. For the next 30 minutes, VO2, VCO2, VE and RER were monitored until variations of no more than 10% occurred when five-minute intervals were compared. Once this steady state was obtained, these variables were recorded for five minutes. The calculation of the resting metabolic rate is done according to Macdonald (1990).
Measure: Metabolic Rate of Rest. The changes are being evaluated. Time: Before the intervention protocol and 48 hours immediately after the last exercise session.Description: Collections of 10 ml of blood from the antecubital vein will be performed early in the morning, with fasting from 10 to 12 hours. The collections will be done 24 hours before, in the 6th week and after the intervention period. They will remain seated for 10 minutes for subsequent collection. Five milliliters of blood will be placed in EDTA-containing test tubes, protected from light and gently homogenized by inversion. The other 5ml will be placed in tubes without anticoagulants. They will then be centrifuged at 3,000 rpm for 10 min. The plasma or serum will be separated, placed in eppendorf tubes and refrigerated at -20 ° C until analysis. All analyzes will be carried out using a commercial kit of the Labtest brand (Minas Gerais-Brazil). The analyzes will be carried out on serum samples using commercial Labtest kits (Minas Gerais, Brazil), following the manufacturer's recommendations and on a Labmax 240 premium automatic analyzer (Lagoa Santa-MG, Brazil).
Measure: Lipid and Glycemic Profile. The changes are being evaluated. Time: The collections will be done 24 hours before, in the 6th week and 48 hours after the end of the intervention.Description: 10 ml of blood will be collected in the beginning of the morning, with fasting of 10 to 12 hours, being done 24 hours before, in the 6th week and after the intervention period. Five milliliters of blood will be placed in test tubes containing EDTA and protected from light and the other 5ml will be placed in tubes without anticoagulants and centrifuged at 3,000 rpm for 10 min. The plasma or serum will be separated, placed in eppendorf tubes and refrigerated at -20 ° C until analyzed by a commercial kit of the Labtest brand (Minas Gerais, Brazil). For this, 250 μl of sample will be added to KCl and incubated in a water bath (37 ° / 60 minutes). The mixture will be precipitated with 35% AA perchloric acid and centrifuged at 14,000 rpm for 10 minutes at 4 ° C. The supernatant will be transferred to eppendorfs and 400μl of 0.6% thiobarbituric acid is added and incubated at 95-100 ° C for 30minutes. The material will be read in a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 532nm.
Measure: Oxidative stress (Malondialdehyde). The changes are being evaluated. Time: The collections will be done 24 hours before, in the 6th week and 48 hours after the end of the intervention.Description: 10 ml of blood will be collected in the beginning of the morning, with fasting of 10 to 12 hours, being done 24 hours before, in the 6th week and after the intervention period. Five milliliters of blood will be placed in test tubes containing EDTA and protected from light and the other 5ml will be placed in tubes without anticoagulants and centrifuged at 3,000 rpm for 10 min. The plasma or serum will be separated, placed in eppendorf tubes and refrigerated at -20 ° C until analyzed by a commercial kit of the Labtest brand (Minas Gerais, Brazil). The evaluation of the total antioxidant capacity will be performed through DPPH. For analysis, 100 μl of plasma will be added to 3.9 ml of vortexed DPPH solution, set to stand for 30 minutes and then centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 15 minutes at 20 ° C. The supernatant will be used for spectrophotometer reading at 515 nm wavelength, using distilled white water. The result will be expressed as a percentage of antioxidant activity.
Measure: Oxidative stress (Total antioxidant capacity). The changes are being evaluated. Time: The collections will be done 24 hours before, in the 6th week and 48 hours after the end of the intervention.Description: 10 ml of blood will be collected in the beginning of the morning, with fasting of 10 to 12 hours, being done 24 hours before, in the 6th week and after the intervention period. Five milliliters of blood will be placed in test tubes containing EDTA and protected from light and the other 5ml will be placed in tubes without anticoagulants and centrifuged at 3,000 rpm for 10 min. The plasma or serum will be separated, placed in eppendorf tubes and refrigerated at -20 ° C until analyzed by a commercial kit of the Labtest brand (Minas Gerais, Brazil). The concentration of hs-CRP will be quantified by immunoturbidimetry in serum samples. Calibration will use the Calibra Calibrator from Labtest (Calibra Plus PCR-ultra - Ref-345). Absorbance will be obtained on the Labmax 240 premium automatic analyzer at 540 nm wavelength. The concentrations of hs-CRP will be determined by the commercial kit (Labtest, Minas Gerais, Brazil) according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Measure: Systemic Inflammation (Plasma ultra-sensitive C-reactive protein). The changes are being evaluated. Time: The collections will be done 24 hours before, in the 6th week and 48 hours after the end of the intervention.Description: 10 ml of blood will be collected in the beginning of the morning, with fasting of 10 to 12 hours, being done 24 hours before, in the 6th week and after the intervention period. Five milliliters of blood will be placed in test tubes containing EDTA and protected from light and the other 5ml will be placed in tubes without anticoagulants and centrifuged at 3,000 rpm for 10 min. The plasma or serum will be separated, placed in eppendorf tubes and refrigerated at -20 ° C until analyzed by a commercial kit of the Labtest brand (Minas Gerais, Brazil). The A1GPA concentration will be quantified by immunoturbidimetry using the commercial kit (Labtest, Minas Gerais, Brazil) as per manufacturer's instructions. Calibration will use the Calibra Calibrator from Labtest (Calibra Plus Protein - Ref-346). The absorbance will be obtained in the Labmax 240 premium automatic analyzer (Lagoa Santa-MG, Brazil), at wavelength 340nm.
Measure: Systemic Inflammation (Analysis of alpha-1-glycoprotein acid). The changes are being evaluated. Time: The collections will be done 24 hours before, in the 6th week and 48 hours after the end of the intervention.Description: Oral cell samples were collected through a mouthwash for 60 seconds of 5 ml of 3% sucrose solution. The resulting contents of the mouthwash were transferred to a 15 ml tube, which immediately afterwards was placed in a solution of TNE (17 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 50 mM NaCl and 7 mM EDTA), diluted to 66% alcohol and autoclaved distilled water.After this, the extraction and genotyping process followed the recommendations of Saiki et al. (1985)
Measure: DNA Extraction and Genotyping Time: The genetic collection will be made in the 6th week of the intervention.Allocation: Randomized
Parallel Assignment
There is one SNP
Influence of Genetic and Physiological in Weight Loss The study focuses on the influence of polymorphism in the FTO genes rs9939609 and PPARᵧ Pro12Ala, oxidative stress and systemic inflammation on changes in body composition and rest metabolism induced by HIIT and continuous aerobic programs in obese or overweight individuals.
Thus, the objective of the study is to analyze the influence of polymorphism in the genes FTO rs9939609 and PPARᵧ Pro12Ala, oxidative stress and systemic inflammation on changes in body composition and rest metabolism induced by continuous and continuous aerobic programs.