The correlation between Busulfan Pharmacokinetics in AML transplanted patients and their GST (A1,T1,M1 and P1), MDR-1 genetic profile. If a pre-genetic testing of those genes can be utilized as biomarkers of SOS and/or HGVHD. This study is not an interventional study it is only checking the GST gene and MDR-1 gene
Description: If individuals diagnosed with AML carrying the GSTP1 variant allele rs1695 (heterozygotes) are at risk of developing supra-therapeutic BU AUC due to lower BU clearance, and if combined polymorphisms in GSTM1 and ABCB1 (3435 or 2677) are associated with BU clearance rates and AUC.
Measure: If GST and ABCB1 genes modify busulfan pharmacokinetics in AML patients who will be transplanted Time: end of BMT transplantationThere is one SNP
If individuals diagnosed with AML carrying the GSTP1 variant allele rs1695 (heterozygotes) are at risk of developing supra-therapeutic BU AUC due to lower BU clearance, and if combined polymorphisms in GSTM1 and ABCB1 (3435 or 2677) are associated with BU clearance rates and AUC.. Inclusion Criteria: - Acute Myeloid Leukemia who are clinically selected for HSCT according to known protocols.