SNPMiner Trials by Shray Alag

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Report for Clinical Trial NCT03869411

Developed by Shray Alag, 2020.
SNP Clinical Trial Gene

Effects of Exercise Intervention and Confounding Factors on Type II Diabetic Muscles

The aim of the first year of this three-year plan is to analyze and compare the muscle quality of lower limb muscle (microcirculation, muscle performance and mechanical characteristics) and maximal aerobic exercise capacity in treadmill exercise tests for diabetic and non-diabetic cases. The hypotheses are:1) the muscle quality of lower limb muscle and maximal aerobic exercise capacity are different between participate with diabetic and non-diabetic, 2) the effect of the three-month aerobic exercise intervention or home exercise on the characteristics of the muscle quality are different , and 3) intrinsic factors (such as age, BMI, and HDL) and characteristics of specific FTO genes are influenced the training outcomes.

NCT03869411 Diabetes and Healthy Control FTO Gene Expression Aerobic Exercise Intervention or Home Exercise Pre-training and Post-training

1 Interventions

Name: supervised aerobic exercise or home-based aerobic exercise

Description: The aerobic exercise and home exercise programs are consisted of 50 minutes per time, 3 times per weeks and totally 3 months. The aerobic exercise group will perform the exercise program under one physical therapy and one aerobic dance teacher supervised. The home exercise group will do the exercise program based on ACSM's aerobic exercise recommend, and will used the home exercise record form to make sure their cooperation.
Type: Behavioral
Group Labels: 3

aerobic exercise group health control group home exercise group

Primary Outcomes

Description: elastography was used, units on kPa

Measure: index of muscle stiffness

Time: Change from Baseline muscle quality at 3 months

Description: Dynamometer was used to measure muscle strength, units on kilograms

Measure: muscle strength of knee extensor and plantarflexor

Time: Change from Baseline functional performance at 3 months

Description: B mode sonography was used, units on mm/s

Measure: Relative sliding of muscles

Time: Change from Baseline muscle quality at 3 months

Description: Near-infrared spectroscopy was used to measure oxygen saturation on muscle, units on percentage

Measure: muscle microcirculation

Time: Change from Baseline muscle quality at 3 months

Description: Bruce treadmill protocol was used in the maximal exercise testing, maximum rate of oxygen consumption record as ml/kg/min

Measure: maximum rate of oxygen consumption

Time: Baseline

Secondary Outcomes

Description: rs9939609 SNP analysis, record as TT or TA or AA type

Measure: characteristics of specific FTO genes

Time: Baseline

Description: self report the ability of walking one-fourth of a mile, record as degree of difficulty: none, some difficulty, much difficulty, inability

Measure: physical activity level

Time: Change from Baseline functional performance at 3 months

Description: weight and height will be combined to report BMI in kg/m^2

Measure: BMI

Time: Change from Baseline functional performance at 3 months

Description: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), unit on percentage

Measure: blood glucose level

Time: Change from Baseline functional performance at 3 months

Description: total cholesterol, units on mg/dL

Measure: blood cholesterol

Time: Change from Baseline functional performance at 3 months

Purpose: Treatment

Allocation: Non-Randomized

Parallel Assignment

There is one SNP


1 rs9939609

rs9939609 SNP analysis, record as TT or TA or AA type.

HPO Nodes