SNPMiner Trials by Shray Alag

SNPMiner SNPMiner Trials (Home Page)

Report for Clinical Trial NCT03884023

Developed by Shray Alag, 2020.
SNP Clinical Trial Gene

Effect of REST on Cognitive Function and Hippocampus in the Alzheimer Disease Continuum

The investigators assume that REST gene polymorphism affects REST protein concentration, and REST protein concentration in peripheral blood is related to cognitive function and hippocampus. In this current study, REST protein content and gene polymorphism will be obtained in peripheral blood in AD and normal control. The effect of REST gene polymorphism on REST protein concentration will be discovered.The relationship between REST protein concentration and cognitive function will be found, as well as the relationship between REST protein concentration and hippocampus.

NCT03884023 Alzheimer's Disease
MeSH:Alzheimer Disease
HPO:Alzheimer disease

Primary Outcomes

Description: Verifying the value of REST gene polymorphism as an early markers of Alzheimer's Disease

Measure: Rate of Gene polymorphism in rs2227902 and rs3796529.

Time: baseline

Description: Verifying the value of REST protein detection as an early markers of Alzheimer's Disease

Measure: Concentration of REST protein

Time: baseline

Time Perspective: Cross-Sectional


There are 2 SNPs


1 rs2227902

Rate of Gene polymorphism in rs2227902 and rs3796529.. Verifying the value of REST gene polymorphism as an early markers of Alzheimer's Disease.

2 rs3796529

Rate of Gene polymorphism in rs2227902 and rs3796529.. Verifying the value of REST gene polymorphism as an early markers of Alzheimer's Disease.

HPO Nodes