The purpose of this study is to validate the first round HCV early dynamics discovery within a larger population.
Name: interferon alpha 2b
Description: Blood HCV RNA copies were assayed with Roche - COBAS® AmpliPrep/COBAS® TaqMan® HCV Test.
Measure: Absolute Blood HCV RNA Copies at designed time points Time: 0hr,24hr,1wk,2wk,4wk,6wk,12wk,24wk,48wk,72wkDescription: IL28 gene polymorphism,rs8099917,rs12979860,etc
Measure: IL-28B polymorphism Time: BaselineDescription: HCV NS5A is cloned into T vector and sequenced for evolutionary analysis.
Measure: HCV genotype Time: BaselineDescription: ALT AST are assayed to detect the hepatic function.
Measure: Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) and Aspartate transaminase (AST) Time: Baseline,4wk,12wk,24wk,48wkDescription: Fibrosis is analyzed with Fibroscan.
Measure: Fibrosis stage Time: Baseline,4wk,12wk,24wk,48wkDescription: The distribution and absolute count of the different types of blood cells are assayed.
Measure: Regular blood test Time: Baseline,4wk,12wk,24wk,48wkDescription: Electrocardiography is taken to avoid severe side effects.
Measure: Electrocardiography Time: Baseline,4wk,12wk,24wk,48wkDescription: Patients are asked whether they take alcohol or smoke cigarettes during the therapy period.
Measure: Alcohol ,smoking condition Time: Baseline,4wk,12wk,24wk,48wkDescription: Patients will be asked about their drug usage history.
Measure: Drug abuse history Time: BaselineCohort
There are 2 SNPs
IL28 gene polymorphism,rs8099917,rs12979860,etc.
IL28 gene polymorphism,rs8099917,rs12979860,etc.