Excess weight is a major risk factor underlying leading causes of death globally, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. Among participants assigned to the same lifestyle intervention arms in prior weight loss randomized controlled trials, large inter-individual differences in weight loss success have been observed, ranging from >50lbs of weight loss to >10lbs of weight gain. Both genetic and non-genetic factors underlying differential adherence and weight loss success are poorly understood.
Name: Lower carbohydrate diet
Name: Higher fiber diet
Name: Physical activity focused
Allocation: Randomized
Parallel Assignment
There is one SNP
Primary aims include: a.) to confirm whether AG/GG individuals at MTIF3 rs1885988 lose more weight on lifestyle interventions; and b.) to test the performance of a randomized controlled trial vs. self-selection study design in terms of weight loss, drop-outs, and adherence.