SNPMiner Trials by Shray Alag

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Report for Clinical Trial NCT04332302

Developed by Shray Alag, 2020.
SNP Clinical Trial Gene

Effects of an Exercise Program on Physical Functionality and Frailty in Type 2 Diabetic Older Adults. Role of Circulating Concentration of PDEF and Differential Genes

Diabetes is a disease with a high impact in the population older than 65 years old. Some indications suggest that diabetes in the old age aggravate the negative effects of ageing, as the loss of muscle mass and strength, bringing the patients to a situation of vulnerability and elevated risk of disability and death known as "frailty syndrome". Recently, scientists have observed that if older population train with musculation machines emphasising the muscular power, it is possible to have an impact on a disminution of frailty and restoring the physical functionality. This project deeps in the physiological and molecular mechanisms that underlie to improvements in the frail diabetic patients.

NCT04332302 Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 Frailty
MeSH:Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 Frailty
HPO:Type II diabetes mellitus

1 Interventions

Name: Power resistance training

Description: Participants will take part in an intervention of 12 weeks duration in which they will train with musculation machines.
Type: Other
Group Labels: 1

Power training group

Primary Outcomes

Description: Percentage

Measure: Change from Baseline Glycosylated Hemoglobin (Hemoglobin A1c) at 12 weeks

Time: 0 and 12 weeks.

Description: Percentage

Measure: Change from Baseline Homeostasis Model Assessment - Beta cells (HOMA2-B) at 12 weeks

Time: 0 and 12 weeks.

Description: Percentage

Measure: Change from Baseline Homeostasis Model Assessment - Insuline Resistance (HOMA2-IR) at 12 weeks

Time: 0 and 12 weeks.

Description: Level of frailty assessed by Fried Criteria. Intermediate or prefrail: 1 or 2 criteria present. Positive for frailty phenotype: ≥3 criteria present.

Measure: Change from Baseline Fried frailty score at 6 and 12 weeks

Time: 0, 6 and 12 weeks.

Description: Level of functional capacity assessed by the test SPPB. Scores 0-3: Very low physical function; Scores 4-6: Low physical function; Scores 7-9: Moderate physical function; Scores 10-12: High physical function

Measure: Change from Baseline Functional capacity at 6 and 12 weeks

Time: 0, 6 and 12 weeks.

Description: Level of disability assessed by the Barthel test. A participant scoring 0 points would be dependent in all assessed activities of daily living, whereas a score of 100 would reflect independence in these activities.

Measure: Change from Baseline Disability at 6 and 12 weeks

Time: 0, 6 and 12 weeks.

Description: Level of functional mobility assessed by the Lawton test. A scale from 0 to 8, expressing higher scores better levels of independence.

Measure: Functional mobility at 6 and 12 weeks

Time: 0, 6 and 12 weeks.

Description: Watts.

Measure: Change from Baseline Muscular power at 6 and 12 weeks

Time: 0, 6 and 12 weeks.

Description: Load (kg).

Measure: Change from Baseline Levels of strength at 6 and 12 weeks

Time: 0, 6 and 12 weeks.

Description: g/cm3

Measure: Change from Baseline Bone Mineral Density at 12 weeks

Time: 0 and 12 weeks.

Description: Circulating level of PDEF assessed by Western Blot.

Measure: Change from Baseline Pigment Epitelium Derived Factor (PEDF) at 12 weeks

Time: 0 and 12 weeks.

Description: Assessed by Real-time PCR.

Measure: Genotyping of TCF7L2 (rs7903146)

Time: 0 week.

Description: Assessed by Real-time PCR.

Measure: Genotyping of TM6SF2 (rs10401969)

Time: 0 week.

Description: Assessed by Real-time PCR.

Measure: Genotyping of HLA (rs2854275)

Time: 0 week.

Secondary Outcomes

Description: Kg by square meters.

Measure: Change from Baseline Body Mass Index at 6 and 12 weeks

Time: 0, 6 and 12 weeks.

Description: Meters.

Measure: Change from Baseline Waist circumference at 6 and 12 weeks

Time: 0, 6 and 12 weeks.

Description: mmHg.

Measure: Change from Baseline Blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) at 6 and 12 weeks

Time: 0, 6 and 12 weeks.

Description: mg/dL.

Measure: Change from Baseline Concentration of Triglycerides at 12 weeks

Time: 0 and 12 weeks.

Description: mg/dL.

Measure: Change from Baseline Concentration of Total Cholesterol at 12 weeks

Time: 0 and 12 weeks.

Description: mg/dL.

Measure: Change from Baseline Concentration of HDL Cholesterol at 12 weeks

Time: 0 and 12 weeks.

Description: mg/dL.

Measure: Change from Baseline Concentration of LDL Cholesterol at 12 weeks

Time: 0 and 12 weeks.

Description: Level of quality of life assessed by the test EuroQoL index, EQ-5D-5L. The score is the time trade-off (TTO). Scale from 11111 to 55555 being the higher the best health related quality of life.

Measure: Change from Baseline Subjective level of quality of life at 12 weeks

Time: 0 and 12 weeks.

Description: Accelerometry, counts/min.

Measure: Change from Baseline Physical activity at 12 weeks

Time: 0 and 12 weeks.

Description: Level of balance assessed in a force platform. Newtons.

Measure: Change from Baseline Balance at 12 weeks

Time: 0 and 12 weeks.

Purpose: Treatment

Allocation: Non-Randomized

Parallel Assignment

There are 3 SNPs


1 rs10401969

Assessed by Real-time PCR.. Genotyping of TM6SF2 (rs10401969).

2 rs2854275

Assessed by Real-time PCR.. Genotyping of HLA (rs2854275).

3 rs7903146

Circulating level of PDEF assessed by Western Blot.. Genotyping of TCF7L2 (rs7903146).

HPO Nodes