The present study investigates relationship between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and its risk factors, such as genetic background and diseases, such as chronic kidney disease and diabetes mellitus.
Name: non-interventional study
Description: The association of hepatic steatosis with chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus and the the persence of these two will be assessed
Measure: Association of NFS (NAFLD fibrosis score) and HSI (hepatic steatosis index) with underlying conditions Time: 2 yearsDescription: The association of hepatic steatosis with genetic factors will be assessed. In case of patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 3 gene (PNPLA3) : rs738409, rs2281135, rs2294918 single nuclear polimorfism (SNP) will be examined
Measure: Association of genetical factors with NFS and HSI Time: 2 yearsDescription: The association of serum creatinine, eGFR, blood urea nitrogen, serum sodium, serum potassium, serum calcium with NFS and HSI will be assessed
Measure: Association of hepatic steatosis with renal function Time: 2 yearsDescription: Association of HbA1C, fructosamine, blood glucose, serum insulin, HOMAIR, serum uric acid with NFS and HSI
Measure: Association of glucose metabolism parameters with hepaic steatosis indices Time: 2 yearsDescription: Association of serum bilirubine, serum GOT, serum GPT, serum GGT, serum ALP, serum LDH, INR, serum total protein, serum albumin with NFS and HSI
Measure: Association of liver function and hepatic setatosis indices Time: 2 yearsDescription: Association of serum total cholesterol, serum HDL-cholesterol, serum LDL-cholesterol, serum triglyceride, serum carnitine with NFS and HSI
Measure: Association of serum lipid profile and hepatic setatosis indices Time: 2 yearsDescription: association of serum iron, serum transferrine, serum transferrine saturation, serum ferritine with NFS and HSI
Measure: Association of iron metabolism parameters with hepatic setatosis indices Time: 2 yearsDescription: Association of blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP with NFS and HSI
Measure: The relationship between blood count, sedimentation and inflammation with hepatic setatosis indices Time: 2 yearsDescription: association of urinary total protein, urinary albumin, urinary total protein/creatinine ratio, urinary albumin/creatinine ratio with NFS and HSI
Measure: Assotion of serum proteins with hepatic setatosis indices Time: 2 yearsDescription: Association of serum meta-Tyr, serum ortho-Tyr, urinary meta-Tyr, urinary ortho-Tyr, urinary meta-Tyr/creatinine ratio, urinary ortho-Tyr/creatinine ratio with NFS and HSI
Measure: Association of pathological tyrosine isoforms with hepatic setatosis indices Time: 2 yearsCase-Only
There are 3 SNPs
In case of patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 3 gene (PNPLA3) : rs738409, rs2281135, rs2294918 single nuclear polimorfism (SNP) will be examined.
In case of patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 3 gene (PNPLA3) : rs738409, rs2281135, rs2294918 single nuclear polimorfism (SNP) will be examined.
In case of patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 3 gene (PNPLA3) : rs738409, rs2281135, rs2294918 single nuclear polimorfism (SNP) will be examined.