SNPMiner Trials by Shray Alag

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Report for Clinical Trial NCT01033045

Developed by Shray Alag, 2020.
SNP Clinical Trial Gene

Epidemiological Study to Evaluate the Management of Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C and Previous Treatment Failure

The purpose of this study is to describe the management of patients with chronic hepatitis C and previous treatment failure.

NCT01033045 Hepatitis C
MeSH:Hepatitis A Hepatitis C Hepatitis C, Chronic Hepatitis

Primary Outcomes

Measure: Describe the management of patients with chronic hepatitis C and previous treatment failure

Time: 6 years

Secondary Outcomes

Measure: To know the frequency of the causes for not responding to the previous treatment: lack of adherence to treatment, incomplete dose of antiviral treatment, insufficient treatment duration or treatment resistance.

Time: 6 years

Measure: To assess the percentage of patients with previous treatment failure who are not candidates for re-treatment and its causes.

Time: 6 years

Measure: To evaluate the implementation of current recommendations based on the cause of the previous therapeutic failure, in patients with chronic hepatitis C in whom a new course of the antiviral treatment is decided to be administered.

Time: 6 years

Measure: To know the causes of the dose modifications and withdrawal of treatment during the follow-up period in patients who start re-treatment.

Time: 6 years

Measure: To know the percentage of patients that achieve sustained viral response when implementing the recommendations based on the cause of the previous therapeutic failure.

Time: 6 years

Description: The rs12979860 polymorphism in the gene IL 28B that is located on chromosome 19 showed to be strongly associated with the development of sustained viral response (SVR) in patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with PEG-IFN-α/RBV. Patients with this polymorphism clear the virus more easily.

Measure: To determine the presence of the polymorphism rs12979860 in the gene IL 28B located on chromosome 19.

Time: 6

Measure: Compare the management of patients with chronic hepatitis C prior treatment failure before and after the appearance of new treatments.

Time: 3

Time Perspective: Prospective

There is one SNP


1 rs12979860

To determine the presence of the polymorphism rs12979860 in the gene IL 28B located on chromosome 19..

The rs12979860 polymorphism in the gene IL 28B that is located on chromosome 19 showed to be strongly associated with the development of sustained viral response (SVR) in patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with PEG-IFN-α/RBV.

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