SNPMiner Trials by Shray Alag

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Report for Clinical Trial NCT02618538

Developed by Shray Alag, 2020.
SNP Clinical Trial Gene

Predictive Value of Combined Criteria to Tailor Breast Cancer Screening and New Opportunities From Circulating Markers. The Andromeda Study.

Some women have a higher risk than others of developing breast cancer. Unhealthy lifestyles, high breast density, family history, obesity, the presence of biomarkers associated with early neoplastic changes (considered alone or in combination) are just some of main factors that can increase the risk of breast cancer. Women with a higher risk may need to undergo more intensive screening activities, which include more frequent inspections and the possibility of experiment different types of tests. Instead, low risk women could be screened at longer intervals in order to reduce the screening harms (false positive results, overdiagnosis, radiation exposure, discomfort caused by the test itself, etc.) The ANDROMEDA Study aims at creating the possibility to customize the screening paths through a combined analysis of the above mentioned risk factors. Women consenting to be involved in the study will be asked to provide information on their lifestyle habits and reproductive history. Furthermore a blood sample will be collected for further bio-molecular analysis purposes.

NCT02618538 Breast Cancer
MeSH:Breast Neoplasms
HPO:Breast carcinoma Neoplasm of the breast

Primary Outcomes

Description: The primary outcome measure is to estimate in a large cohort of women attending BC screening, the predictive positive values of different BC risk factors (alone or in combination) in order to identify appropriate risk-based stratifications for personalised screening.

Measure: PPV (Positive Predictive Value) of BC risk factors

Time: 2 years

Secondary Outcomes

Description: investigate whether selected circulating miRNAs previously found associated to BC risk are significantly altered in the plasma of cancer patients compared to matched healthy controls and if they satisfy pre-specified true- and false-positive rates that are considered minimally acceptable in the screening setting.

Measure: Circulating biomarkers association with breast cancer

Time: 2 years

Time Perspective: Cross-Sectional


There are 18 SNPs


1 rs1011970

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

2 rs1045485

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

3 rs10941679

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

4 rs10995190

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

5 rs11249433

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

6 rs13281615

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

7 rs13387042

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

8 rs2046210

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

9 rs2380205

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

10 rs2981582

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

11 rs3803662

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

12 rs3817198

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

13 rs4973768

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

14 rs614367

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

15 rs6504950

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

16 rs704010

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

17 rs889312

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

18 rs999737

The 18 breast cancer risk related SNPs are: rs11249433, rs1045485, rs13387042, rs4973768, rs10941679, rs889312, rs2046210, rs13281615, rs1011970, rs2981582, rs2380205, rs10995190, rs704010, rs3817198, rs614367, rs999737, rs3803662 and rs6504950.

HPO Nodes